SKU: FG.55011-770-9
ISBN 9790550117709.
The material for Jyrki Linjama's Allerheiligentag cycle is a Finnish folk chorale for All Saints' Day (no. 146 in the Finnish Hymn Book). The first work in the cycle is a string trio (2007), the second a piece for orchestra (2009), and the fourth and fifth are solo works for viola da gamba (2018) and Sonata for violin solo (2019). The composer tells: The choice of topic and material was originally influenced by the place where the string trio would be premiered – the old church on the island of Seili (Själö) in the Turku archipelago. The bleak history of the mental hospital on the island invited images of suffering and death. I got so attached to the fine, bleak melody that this series of works began to emerge. Lasting 17 minutes, the sonata for solo violin has three movements, all of them embracing the folk choral material and Béla Bartók’s influence in different ways. It was premiered by Kaija Saarikettu at the Kaustinen Chamber Music Festival in 2020.
SKU: BT.GOB-001149-140
9x12 inches. English-Dutch.
The title Whistle for a Penny can have different meanings, but brings especially to mind the difficult relationship between art and money… After a short introduction, the main theme is heard. This theme is an excellent tune to whistle, by the way. After lots of variation in the instrumentation, as well as contrasting melodies and themes, the finale sees a return to the opening bars of the composition. Kunst en geld? Helaas gaat dat niet altijd even goed samen...En dat is waar deze titel naar verwijst. Maar ook naar het feit dat uw publiek met dit werk uitstekend kan meefluiten! Na een korte inleiding horen we het hoofdthema; hétmoment om mee te doen! Na veel afwisseling in de instrumentatie, contrasterende melodieën en thema’s keren we terug naar de inleidende maten.Der Titel Whistle for a Penny (‘Pfeife für einen Pfennig’) kann auf verschiedene Weise gedeutet werden, ist aber auch sicherlich ein Verweis auf das problematische Verhältnis zwischen Kunst und Geld...Nach einer kurzen Einleitung erklingt in diesem Konzertmarsch das Hauptthema, das man ausgezeichnet mitpfeifen kann. Nach viel Abwechslung in der Instrumentation sowie kontrastierenden Melodien und Themen kehrt der Schluss zu den einleitenden Takten zurück.Eine runde Sache!Une courte introduction précède l’entrée du thème principal. Celui-ci est un air que l’on peut siffler facilement (whistle signifiant siffler“ ou sifflement“ en anglais, tandis que pennywhistle est un fl teau).La mélodie suivante est exécutée par le registre grave de l’orchestre, puis le thème principal revient dans diverses instrumentations. Dans le trio, nous entendons un thème lyrique qui précède un tutti. La marche s’achève avec une coda qui rappelle allègrement les premières mesures de la pièce.Una breve introduzione precede il tema principale, un’aria che si può fischiare facilmente (whistle significa appunto fischiare, mentre il pennywhistle è una specie di flauto). La melodia che segue è affidata al registro grave dell’orchestra che anticipa la riesposizione del tema iniziale in diverse strumentazioni. Nel trio, sentiamo un tema lirico che precede un tutti. La marcia termina con una coda che riprende allegramente le prime misure del brano.
SKU: PE.EP14618
ISBN 9790014139056. German.
Kanonische Sonate by Kit Armstrong is an 11-minute work for Oboe, Violin and Piano, inspired by the music of Johann Sebastian Bach. As the title suggests, it is based on the canon, a structure Bach often used and which is particularly impressive in his vocal music. Commissioned by the German festival Bachwoche Ansbach, it was premiered on 1 August 2021 by Viola Wilmsen (oboe), Franziska Hölscher (violin) and Kit Armstrong (piano). Score and parts are available for sale as part of the Peters Contemporary Chamber Series.
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SKU: CL.012-2472-00
Showcase your finest trumpet players with this exciting David Shaffer opus. Written as a solo trio with band accompaniment, the simplicity of the band parts will make this piece just plain fun to prepare for and a sure smash at your next concert.
SKU: BT.GOB-000841-020
The Dutch composer Harrie Janssen composed Adventures of the Beaume to mark the 50th anniversary of his parents wedding. The composer of the march his memories of the family home, and in particular the occupation of his parents. The Janssen family earned a living as inland carriers. Beaume was the name of the ship of his parents. The first part of the march describes the adventures they experienced before the lock, to reach the port of Antwerp. To get here was by the law of the strongest and brutal. The father of the composer had in this much support from the oldest daughter of the family. The themes in the trio reflect the carefree youth,the pleasant atmosphere and the warmth and dedication in Janssen's home. De Nederlands componist Harrie Janssen schreef 'Adventures of the Beaumé' ter gelegenheid van het 50 jarig huwelijksjubileum van zijn ouders. De componist heeft met de mars zijn herinneringen aan het ouderlijk huis, en metname aan het beroep van zijn ouders weergegeven. De familie Janssen verdiende de kost als binnenvaart schippers. 'Beaumé' was de naam van het vrachtschip van zijn ouders. Het eerste deel van de mars beschrijft de avonturendie ze meemaakten voor de sluis, om de haven van Antwerpen te bereiken. Om hier door te komen gold het recht van de sterkste en brutaalste. De vader van de componist had hierin veel steun van de oudste dochter van het gezin.De thema's in het trio weerspiegelen de onbekommerde jeugd, de plezierige sfeer en de warmte en toewijding in huize Janssen.
SKU: BR.EB-8531
Eckart Schloifer, solo violist of the Saarland Radio Orchestra and co-founder of the 'trio basso', is an uncontested authority on viola composition today:
ISBN 9790004178232. 9 x 12 inches. German / English.
The series Studies for Playing Contemporary Music for ... offers a collection of short contemporary pieces for the resp. Solo instrument. The series addresses musicians who are particularly interested in contemporary music and seek ways of becoming familiar with this domain. Many pieces were written especially for these collections. The editors have especially stressed that the contributions should, on the one hand, correspond to the personality of the composer and, on the other hand, treat definite technical and musical problems. Meanwhile, several have made it into the repertoire of solo literature. Other pieces have been drawn from larger works. Particular on the notation of the respective pieces are contained in the comments. There the instructions of the editor for the instrumental realization as well as, if necessary, the composers' own explanations are given.Eckart Schloifer, solo violist of the Saarland Radio Orchestra and co-founder of the 'trio basso', is an uncontested authority on viola composition today.
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