SKU: PR.144407530
ISBN 9781491136614. UPC: 680160687992.
A violinist herself, Lauren Bernofsky has described SONATA FOR SOLO VIOLIN as drawn from autobiographical inspiration, including gestures from Bachâ??s beloved Partita in E Major. Bernofsky opens with a Preludio movement whose references to Bach may be disguised, but they are surely lurking. The second movement is lusciously contrapuntal with the idiomatic finesse of a violinist composing for her own instrument, while musically journaling the emotional pain of living through 2020. The third and final movement is aptly marked â??white-hot,â? and the music certainly is.My SONATA FOR SOLO VIOLIN was commissioned by violinist Megan Healy as part of The Maud Powell Project, which celebrated the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment. The project included the creation of five new works for solo violin inspired by and dedicated to the memory of pioneering American violinist Maud Powell (1867-1920). Healy premiered the sonata on May 8, 2021 at PianoForte Studios in Chicago.Among the works Powell most frequently performed in her recitals was the â??Preludioâ? movement from Bachâ??s E major Partita, and I decided to refer to that music in my own first movement, also titled â??Preludio.â? The beginning subtly reflects Bachâ??s opening three-note motive, wherein the music dips down a semitone and then comes back up. This melodic material returns throughout the movement in various forms. I also refer to Bachâ??s sixteenth-note dominated texture, and the gesture in the third measure, which outlines a perfect fifth and then fills it in with notes that alternate between a scale and a pedal tone. The corresponding passage in my piece occurs in the same place, measure 3. Apart from these references to Bach, my sonata is much more modern sounding, especially in its chromatic character.I was still thinking of Bachâ??s solo violin writing while composing the second movement, particularly the polyphonic nature of the slow movements, where the melodic interest moves around between the voices. Emotionally, I wanted my movement to reflect the acute sadness I had been experiencing over the political and social situation in the United States as I wrote the piece. I realized that this is a historically noteworthy time in U.S. history, marked not only by political unrest, but also by a challenge to the very values that I consider essential to what makes a person fundamentally human. I wanted to create a record of that pain in my music.The final movement is marked â??White-hot.â? It is imbued with a relentless, passionate intensity. Wanting again to reflect aspects of our own time, I included glissandi that refer to rock music, specifically the â??fall-offsâ? I frequently hear played by electric guitarists. I borrowed from another (completely different) musical tradition as well, one that is near-and-dear to my heart: Klezmer. Klezmer (Eastern European Jewish folk music) is characterized in part by scales colored by augmented seconds, and is often performed by solo instrumentalists who improvise embellishments like quick grace notes. The second, more lyrical theme in this movement is my nod to Klezmer style.While this piece is an homage to Maud Powell, I also think of it as my own musical autobiography, as it combines some of my favorite aspects of music, and is played on my own instrument.
SKU: BT.DHP-1196148-404
ISBN 9789043157230. English-German-French-Dutch.
Since the revival of Klezmer in the 1990s, the style has enjoyed a continued popularity. Hey Klezmorim! presents 16 new pieces of music from the pen of Joachim Johow, inspired by traditional Yiddish music. This edition is especially aimed at violinists who wish to be accompanied on the piano. It therefore also contains easy-to-play piano accompaniment parts while play-along recordings are available online. Additional demo recordings that encourage you to develop your own personal Klezmer playing style should help you to enjoy this unmistakable and diverse music!Sinds de revival van klezmer in de jaren negentig is deze muziekstijl onophoudelijk populair gebleven. Hey Klezmorim! presenteert zestien fraaie nieuwe muziekstukken van de hand van Joachim Johow, die zich heeft laten inspireren door traditionele Jiddische muziek. Deze uitgave is bedoeld voor violisten die graag op de piano worden begeleid. Ze bevat eenvoudig speelbare pianobegeleidingen, en online zijn ook meespeelopnamen beschikbaar, plus demo-opnamen die de muzikant een idee geven van de samenklank én hem of haar aanmoedigen een eigen klezmerspeelstijl te ontwikkelen. Een bundel vol afwisselende muziek die veel speelvreugde zal opleveren!Seit seinem Revival in den 90er-Jahren des vergangenen Jahrhunderts erfreut sich der Klezmer-Musikstil einer ungebrochenen Beliebtheit. Hey Klezmorim! präsentiert 16 neue Musikstücke aus der Feder von Joachim Johow, die an die traditionelle jiddische Musik anknüpfen. Die Ausgabe wendet sich besonders an Geiger, die sich gerne am Klavier begleiten lassen möchten, und enthält daher gut spielbare Klavierbegleitungen als Notentext sowie in online verfügbaren Play-along-Aufnahmen. Zusätzliche Demo-Aufnahmen sollen dazu anregen, einen eigenen, persönlichen Klezmer-Spielstil zu entwickeln. Viel Freude mit dieser unverwechselbaren, abwechslungsreichen Musik!La musique klezmer jouit d’une popularité sans faille depuis son renouveau dans les années 90. Hey Klezmorim! présente 16 nouveaux morceaux de la plume de Joachim Johow, inspirés de la musique traditionnelle yiddish. Cette édition s’adresse tout particulièrement aux violonistes désireux de jouer avec un accompagnement de piano. De ce fait, elle comprend des accompagnements de piano faciles jouer, la fois sous forme de partitions et sous forme d’enregistrements en ligne. D’autres enregistrements de démonstration sont également disponibles sur le site, afin d’encourager les musiciens développer leur style personnel de klezmer. Nous vous souhaitons beaucoup de plaisir jouer cette musique aux accents variés, unique en son genre !
SKU: BA.BA04539-01
ISBN 9790006450206. 33 x 26 cm inches.
Urtext der Neuen Mozart Ausgabe.
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