| Hymn to St. Cecilia Choral SSATB SSATB A Cappella Boosey and Hawkes
(SSATB with Solos a cappella). By Benjamin Britten (1913-1976). For Choral (SSAT...(+)
(SSATB with Solos a cappella). By Benjamin Britten (1913-1976). For Choral (SSATB). BH Large Choral. 48 pages. Boosey and Hawkes #M051481666. Published by Boosey and Hawkes
$10.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Great Peace March, The Choral SSAA SSAA, Piano Subito Music
SSAA & Piano SKU: SU.YR4309 For SSAA & Piano. Composed by Holly Ne...(+)
SSAA & Piano SKU: SU.YR4309 For SSAA & Piano. Composed by Holly Near. Vocal/Choral, Secular Choral. Accompanied by piano, Women’s Chorus. Choral Octavo. Subito Music Corporation #YR4309. Published by Subito Music Corporation (SU.YR4309). Arranged by Anne AlbrittonSSAA & piano Composed: 2000 Published by: Barton Rhodes Press Minimum order quantity: 8 copies. To order quantities fewer than 8, please email customer service at sales@subitomusic.com. $2.50 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Kunterbund Liederkarren (kunterbund 3) Schott
(GEH) SKU: HL.49023822 Composed by Kunterbund. Edited by Martin Ketels. T...(+)
(GEH) SKU: HL.49023822 Composed by Kunterbund. Edited by Martin Ketels. This edition: Saddle stitching. Sheet music. Kunter-bund-edition. Melody line (with chords). 96 pages. Schott Music #BUND 71017. Published by Schott Music (HL.49023822). ISBN 9783795756505. 5.75x8.25x0.14 inches. German. Der Liederkarren greift auf, was uberall gesungen wird: die beliebtesten Melodien der Jugendgruppen und Schulklassen, die popularsten Songs vieler Musikgruppen und Gitarrenkurse, die bekanntesten Lieder der Burgerinitiativen und anderer engagierter Gruppen und Liedermacher. $14.99 - See more - Buy online | | |
| 53 Early Grade Solos Pno Piano solo Schirmer
By Various. Piano Collection. Size 9x12 inches. 112 pages. Published by G Schirm...(+)
By Various. Piano Collection. Size 9x12 inches. 112 pages. Published by G Schirmer, Inc.
(1)$16.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| The Steinway Preludes Piano solo [Score] Subito Music
Piano SKU: SU.32020080 For Piano. Composed by Dorothy Hindman. Key...(+)
Piano SKU: SU.32020080 For Piano. Composed by Dorothy Hindman. Keyboard, Piano/Harpsichord. Score. Subito Music Corporation #32020080. Published by Subito Music Corporation (SU.32020080). The New York Classical Review says, These five short pieces in the manner of Debussy have exquisite craft,... with dazzling fingerwork... The fifteen-minute Steinway Preludes - Sparkling, Pearly, Velvety, Brittle and Thunderous - range from intermediate to advanced difficulty.Piano Duration: 15' Composed: 2004 Published by: Distributed Composer. $20.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Keyboard Cousins Piano solo [Score] Subito Music
Piano SKU: SU.95010680 For Piano. Composed by Judith Lang Zaimont....(+)
Piano SKU: SU.95010680 For Piano. Composed by Judith Lang Zaimont. Score. Subito Music Corporation #95010680. Published by Subito Music Corporation (SU.95010680). Throughout our wonderful spectrum of sounds every instrument speaks in its own unique voice - in a special manner, with a special accent. Keyboard Cousins asks the developing pianist to adopt a few of these other voices using controlled varieties of touch. —Judith Lang Zaimont The Harpsichord A Harpsichord's sounds are short and a bit brittle. So use a detached touch, and no pedal. The Guitar A Guitar's tones linger, and the instrument responds to flexing tempos. Watch for the detached, moving inner line, shared from hand to hand, while the top and bottom anchor points sustain. And note the given direction for certain arpeggios, and where the tempo loosens (especially a long ending ritard). The Harp A Harp's exuberance flourishes across its wide range. Its arabesques build up resonance over time, so watch how the pedaling matches the phrasing. Though the meter twice switches from triple to duple, there are the same steady 2 beats in every bar.Keyboard Cousins is included in Piano Premieres, Volume 1 (Cat.# 96010590), New music for developing pianists. Piano Duration: ca. 5' Composed: 2020 Published by: Subito Music Publishing. $10.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Maple Leaf Overture Concert band [Score] - Intermediate Anglo Music
Concert Band/Harmonie - Grade 4 SKU: BT.AMP-322-140 Composed by Philip Sp...(+)
Concert Band/Harmonie - Grade 4 SKU: BT.AMP-322-140 Composed by Philip Sparke. Anglo Music Midway Series. Score Only. Composed 2011. 24 pages. Anglo Music Press #AMP 322-140. Published by Anglo Music Press (BT.AMP-322-140). 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch. Named after the leaf displayed on Canada’s flag, Maple Leaf Overture was composed specifically to open a Canadian school’s symphonic band tour of England. A short fanfare during the overture smoothly transitions to a jazzy, syncopated section. The main theme is first played by the horns and saxophones, and then by the entire ensemble. This lively theme then alternates with a slower second theme, building momentum before a brisk coda culminates in a rousing finale!
Maple Leaf Overture gaat natuurlijk over het bekendste herkenningsteken van Canada: het blad van de esdoorn, in de vlag. Sparke componeerde dit openingswerk speciaal voor een Canadees schoolorkest uit Calgary, voor hun tour door Groot-Brittannië.Een korte fanfare gaat in deze ouverture naadloos over in een jazzachtig, syncopisch vivo. Eerst nemen de hoorns en saxofoons het hoofdthema voor hun rekening. Daarna speelt het hele orkest dit thema. Spanning ontstaatwanneer het snelle hoofdthema een langzaam tweede deel afwisselt. Daarna keert het snelle hoofdthema weer terug. Een snel coda beëindigt de ouverture. Maple Leaf Overture: feestelijk en sprankelend!
Maple Leaf Overture trägt das kanadische Wahrzeichen, das Ahornblatt im Titel. Eine kurze Fanfare geht in dieser Ouvertüre nahtlos in eine jazzig synkopiertes Vivo über. Das Hauptthema dürfen erst die Hörner und Saxophone vorstellen, dann spielt das gesamte Blasorchester. Es entsteht Spannung durch den Wechsel zwischen dem schnellen Hauptthema, einem langsameren zweiten Thema und zurück, bevor eine schnellere Coda das Werk beendet.
Maple Leaf Overture porte l’emblème du Canada (la feuille d’érable) jusque dans son titre… Ce morceau, composé par Philip Sparke, a été joué par l’Orchestre Symphonique du Lycée de Calgary dans le cadre de sa tournée en Angleterre. La pièce s’ouvre avec une fanfare maestoso, puis un passage en tempo vivo introduit peu peu des rythmes syncopés de style jazzy. Un motif plus doux nous conduira progressivement vers un apogée où le thème central réapparaît. Le morceau se termine par une brève référence la fanfare d’ouverture, suivie d’une rapide coda.
Maple Leaf Overture, il cui titolo riporta all’emblema della bandiera canadese (la foglia di acero), è un brano commissionato a Philip Sparke dall’Orchestra Sinfonica di un liceo di Calgary che l’ha eseguita in occasione di una serie di concerti tenutisi in Inghilterra. Il brano apre con una fanfara maestosa che alterna fraseggi affidati alle varie sezioni della banda. Questa successione omogenea in un tempo vivo introduce progressivamente ritmi sincopati in stile jazz. Un tema principale, all’inizio eseguito dai corni e dai sassofoni, sar in seguito ripreso da tutto l’organico. Segue un motivo più dolce che si intercala progressivamente verso un’apoteosi nella qualeviene riproposto il tema principale. Il brano si conclude con un breve richiamo alla fanfara di apertura, seguita da una rapida coda. $38.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| The Legend of Celobrium Concert band [Score and Parts] - Intermediate Anglo Music
Concert Band/Harmonie - Grade 4 SKU: BT.AMP-202-010 Composed by Philip Sp...(+)
Concert Band/Harmonie - Grade 4 SKU: BT.AMP-202-010 Composed by Philip Sparke. Anglo Music Midway Series. Concert Piece. Set (Score & Parts). Composed 2007. Anglo Music Press #AMP 202-010. Published by Anglo Music Press (BT.AMP-202-010). 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch. This piece is about a medieval legend, The Treasure of Zolverknapp, thatis associated with the region around the village Zolver in Luxembourg.It tells the tale of hidden treasure, brave knights, fierce battles, silverand jewels and a devil?s curse! All of these combine to make The Legendof Celobrium a legendary concert work.
The Legend of Celobrium is geschreven in opdracht van de Harmonie de Soleuvre uit Luxemburg, ter gelegenheid van het honderdjarig bestaan in 2007. Celobrium was de Romeinse naam voor Soleuvre (Zolwer in het Luxemburgs, Zolverin het Duits). Het werk beschrijft een beroemde sage die al eeuwen bekend is in de regio. Een muzikaal verhaal boordevol avontuur!
Dieses Stück handelt von einer mittelalterlichen Sage aus der Region um das Dorf Zolver (lateinisch Celobrium) in Luxemburg. Sie erzählt von einem Silberschatz in einer alten Burg. Raubritter, Krieg, Flucht, Silber und Juwelen, der Teufel und ein Fluch, der heute noch jene trifft, die versuchen, den Schatz zu heben, machen The Legend of Celobrium zu einem spannenden Konzertwerk.
The Legend of Celobrium (“La légende de Celobriumâ€) est une œuvre de commande pour l’Orchestre d’Harmonie de Soleuvre au Luxembourg l’occasion de la célébration de son centenaire, en 2007.Celobrium est le nom donné par les Romains la ville de Soleuvre (Zolwer en luxembourgeois ou Zolver en allemand). La composition raconte une célèbre légende liée la région depuis des siècles : la légende du Trésor du Zolwerknapp.Le Zolwerknapp (signifiant littéralement « bouton de Soleuvre ») est un des points les plus élevés du Luxembourg. Jadis, il abritait le ch teau d’Alexandre, un noble chevalier descendant du prestigieux Ordre médiéval des Templiers, qui y vivaitavec sa famille et son armée. Non loin du Zolwerknapp, près de Belvaux, vivait au sommet d’une colline boisée, un puissant voleur du nom de Tara. Les deux hommes étaient constamment en conflit, chacun voulant régner sur les terres alentours. Tara finit par remporter le conflit et consentit une seule concession. Il autorisa l’épouse d’Alexandre quitter les lieux avec son ne et emporter avec elle tous les biens précieux que l’ ne pouvait porter. Il lui accorda le droit de s’installer en lieu s r aussi loin que l’ ne pouvait la mener. Magnanime, elle choisit d’emmener son mari avec elle, consciente que sa fuite serait ainsi ralentie. Avant de partir, elle jeta son or et ses précieux joyaux dans un puits profond du ch teau.Le voyage fut long et difficile. force de ténacité, ils réussirent se mettre en sécurité au sommet d’une colline avoisinante. Ils s’y installèrent et érigèrent un nouveau ch teau, le ch teau de Differdange.Les siècles passèrent et le ch teau du Zolwerknapp n’était plus qu’un amas de ruines. Jamais personne n’avait osé y chercher le trésor qui sommeillait dans les profondeurs du puits. Mais un jour, le prêtre local réussit persuader sept hommes braves de descendre au fond de l’obscur goulot pour récupérer l’or. Pour ce faire, il leur donna une corde et leur conseilla de garder le silence une fois le fond atteint. Les sept. $221.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Off on a Comet Wilhelm Hansen
SKU: HL.50605426 For Alto Recorder, Kannel, Harpsichord, Synth/Theremi...(+)
SKU: HL.50605426 For Alto Recorder, Kannel, Harpsichord, Synth/Theremin. Composed by Britta Bystrom. Instrumental. Softcover. Edition Wilhelm Hansen #WH33455. Published by Edition Wilhelm Hansen (HL.50605426). ISBN 9788759844496. UPC: 196288115724. $65.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Sinnenas spektakel Piano, Vocal and Guitar Gehrmans Musikforlag
Piano, vocal, guitar SKU: GH.GE-12051 En musikbok om vara sinnen. ...(+)
Piano, vocal, guitar SKU: GH.GE-12051 En musikbok om vara sinnen. Composed by Ensemble Yria. Fall ut dina vingar och flyg ivag i en balansdans! Onska en frukt som smakar bra, ut och sniffa med din luktmackapar och klia loss fran topp till ta! Educational. Book & CD. With Language: Swedish. Melody, lyrics and chords. Gehrmans Musikforlag #GE 12051. Published by Gehrmans Musikforlag (GH.GE-12051). ISBN 978-91-7748-329-8. Valkomna med pa ett Sinnenas Spektakel! I denna musikbok bjuder vannerna Keniso och Sinsabell in till ett fargsprakande och fartfyllt musikaventyr som uppmanar till kreativa upptag med samtliga sinnen pa spann. Materialet riktar sig framst till barn i forskolealder och de lagre skol-aren och har en tydlig forankring i laroplanen. Nyskrivna latar varvas med aktivitetstips och fakta som vacker forundran och nyfikenhet kring vara sinnen. Titta, lyssna, smaka, lukta och kann pa bade fantasi och verklighet i en utforskande miljo. Med boken foljer en CD med alla sangerna och sing--along--spar.
Sinnenas Spektakel ar ett rytmikpedagogiskt helhetskoncept skapat av Ensemble Yria. Ensemblen bestar av Britta Forslund, Sara Ohlzon, Karin Westberg och Madeleine Wittmark, som alla ar verksamma musiker och rytmiklarare utbildade vid Kungl. Musikhogskolan i Stockholm. $43.21 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| The Legend of Celobrium Concert band [Score] - Intermediate Anglo Music
Concert Band/Harmonie - Grade 4 SKU: BT.AMP-202-140 Composed by Philip Sp...(+)
Concert Band/Harmonie - Grade 4 SKU: BT.AMP-202-140 Composed by Philip Sparke. Anglo Music Midway Series. Concert Piece. Score Only. Composed 2007. 60 pages. Anglo Music Press #AMP 202-140. Published by Anglo Music Press (BT.AMP-202-140). 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch. This piece is about a medieval legend, The Treasure of Zolverknapp, thatis associated with the region around the village Zolver in Luxembourg.It tells the tale of hidden treasure, brave knights, fierce battles, silverand jewels and a devil?s curse! All of these combine to make The Legendof Celobrium a legendary concert work.
The Legend of Celobrium is geschreven in opdracht van de Harmonie de Soleuvre uit Luxemburg, ter gelegenheid van het honderdjarig bestaan in 2007. Celobrium was de Romeinse naam voor Soleuvre (Zolwer in het Luxemburgs, Zolverin het Duits). Het werk beschrijft een beroemde sage die al eeuwen bekend is in de regio. Een muzikaal verhaal boordevol avontuur!
Dieses Stück handelt von einer mittelalterlichen Sage aus der Region um das Dorf Zolver (lateinisch Celobrium) in Luxemburg. Sie erzählt von einem Silberschatz in einer alten Burg. Raubritter, Krieg, Flucht, Silber und Juwelen, der Teufel und ein Fluch, der heute noch jene trifft, die versuchen, den Schatz zu heben, machen The Legend of Celobrium zu einem spannenden Konzertwerk.
The Legend of Celobrium (“La légende de Celobriumâ€) est une œuvre de commande pour l’Orchestre d’Harmonie de Soleuvre au Luxembourg l’occasion de la célébration de son centenaire, en 2007.Celobrium est le nom donné par les Romains la ville de Soleuvre (Zolwer en luxembourgeois ou Zolver en allemand). La composition raconte une célèbre légende liée la région depuis des siècles : la légende du Trésor du Zolwerknapp.Le Zolwerknapp (signifiant littéralement « bouton de Soleuvre ») est un des points les plus élevés du Luxembourg. Jadis, il abritait le ch teau d’Alexandre, un noble chevalier descendant du prestigieux Ordre médiéval des Templiers, qui y vivaitavec sa famille et son armée. Non loin du Zolwerknapp, près de Belvaux, vivait au sommet d’une colline boisée, un puissant voleur du nom de Tara. Les deux hommes étaient constamment en conflit, chacun voulant régner sur les terres alentours. Tara finit par remporter le conflit et consentit une seule concession. Il autorisa l’épouse d’Alexandre quitter les lieux avec son ne et emporter avec elle tous les biens précieux que l’ ne pouvait porter. Il lui accorda le droit de s’installer en lieu s r aussi loin que l’ ne pouvait la mener. Magnanime, elle choisit d’emmener son mari avec elle, consciente que sa fuite serait ainsi ralentie. Avant de partir, elle jeta son or et ses précieux joyaux dans un puits profond du ch teau.Le voyage fut long et difficile. force de ténacité, ils réussirent se mettre en sécurité au sommet d’une colline avoisinante. Ils s’y installèrent et érigèrent un nouveau ch teau, le ch teau de Differdange.Les siècles passèrent et le ch teau du Zolwerknapp n’était plus qu’un amas de ruines. Jamais personne n’avait osé y chercher le trésor qui sommeillait dans les profondeurs du puits. Mais un jour, le prêtre local réussit persuader sept hommes braves de descendre au fond de l’obscur goulot pour récupérer l’or. Pour ce faire, il leur donna une corde et leur conseilla de garder le silence une fois le fond atteint. Les sept. $47.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Maple Leaf Overture Concert band [Score and Parts] - Intermediate Anglo Music
Concert Band/Harmonie - Grade 4 SKU: BT.AMP-322-010 Composed by Philip Sp...(+)
Concert Band/Harmonie - Grade 4 SKU: BT.AMP-322-010 Composed by Philip Sparke. Anglo Music Midway Series. Set (Score & Parts). Composed 2011. Anglo Music Press #AMP 322-010. Published by Anglo Music Press (BT.AMP-322-010). 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch. Named after the leaf displayed on Canada’s flag, Maple Leaf Overture was composed specifically to open a Canadian school’s symphonic band tour of England. A short fanfare during the overture smoothly transitions to a jazzy, syncopated section. The main theme is first played by the horns and saxophones, and then by the entire ensemble. This lively theme then alternates with a slower second theme, building momentum before a brisk coda culminates in a rousing finale!
Maple Leaf Overture gaat natuurlijk over het bekendste herkenningsteken van Canada: het blad van de esdoorn, in de vlag. Sparke componeerde dit openingswerk speciaal voor een Canadees schoolorkest uit Calgary, voor hun tour door Groot-Brittannië.Een korte fanfare gaat in deze ouverture naadloos over in een jazzachtig, syncopisch vivo. Eerst nemen de hoorns en saxofoons het hoofdthema voor hun rekening. Daarna speelt het hele orkest dit thema. Spanning ontstaatwanneer het snelle hoofdthema een langzaam tweede deel afwisselt. Daarna keert het snelle hoofdthema weer terug. Een snel coda beëindigt de ouverture. Maple Leaf Overture: feestelijk en sprankelend!
Maple Leaf Overture trägt das kanadische Wahrzeichen, das Ahornblatt im Titel. Eine kurze Fanfare geht in dieser Ouvertüre nahtlos in eine jazzig synkopiertes Vivo über. Das Hauptthema dürfen erst die Hörner und Saxophone vorstellen, dann spielt das gesamte Blasorchester. Es entsteht Spannung durch den Wechsel zwischen dem schnellen Hauptthema, einem langsameren zweiten Thema und zurück, bevor eine schnellere Coda das Werk beendet.
Maple Leaf Overture porte l’emblème du Canada (la feuille d’érable) jusque dans son titre… Ce morceau, composé par Philip Sparke, a été joué par l’Orchestre Symphonique du Lycée de Calgary dans le cadre de sa tournée en Angleterre. La pièce s’ouvre avec une fanfare maestoso, puis un passage en tempo vivo introduit peu peu des rythmes syncopés de style jazzy. Un motif plus doux nous conduira progressivement vers un apogée où le thème central réapparaît. Le morceau se termine par une brève référence la fanfare d’ouverture, suivie d’une rapide coda.
Maple Leaf Overture, il cui titolo riporta all’emblema della bandiera canadese (la foglia di acero), è un brano commissionato a Philip Sparke dall’Orchestra Sinfonica di un liceo di Calgary che l’ha eseguita in occasione di una serie di concerti tenutisi in Inghilterra. Il brano apre con una fanfara maestosa che alterna fraseggi affidati alle varie sezioni della banda. Questa successione omogenea in un tempo vivo introduce progressivamente ritmi sincopati in stile jazz. Un tema principale, all’inizio eseguito dai corni e dai sassofoni, sar in seguito ripreso da tutto l’organico. Segue un motivo più dolce che si intercala progressivamente verso un’apoteosi nella qualeviene riproposto il tema principale. Il brano si conclude con un breve richiamo alla fanfara di apertura, seguita da una rapida coda. $140.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Cornish Pastiche. Clarinet & Piano Clarinet and Piano Clifton Edition
Clarinet and Piano SKU: ST.C129 Composed by Mark Tanner. Wind & brass mus...(+)
Clarinet and Piano SKU: ST.C129 Composed by Mark Tanner. Wind & brass music. Clifton Edition #C129. Published by Clifton Edition (ST.C129). ISBN 9790570811298. As I sit myself down to write this brief foreword, I ask myself can there be music more stirring than these old Cornish folk melodies? Though not Cornish myself (I confess to being born a little further up the road, in Bristol), I feel I have spent sufficient time in these 'ere parts to resonate with the sturdy brass band tradition that continues to permeate this incomparably beautiful, rugged county. One can almost detect a French 'accent' when listening to the piano music of Debussy, and likewise, speaking as a lapsed brass player, there is undoubtedly something of the Cornish twang about Trelawny when played on a cornet or euphonium. Then again, one gets a different, yet entirely convincing effect upon hearing these melodies rendered on woodwind instruments; hence, with a little gamesmanship on my part, I am pleased to see my collection of these fifteen delectable ditties come to fruition in the form of arrangements for treble clef brass instruments (in B flat and E flat), trombone and tuba (bass clef), horn in F, flute, clarinet and bassoon. While many will find themselves humming the likes of Going up Camborne Hill, Lamorna or The Helston Furry Dance even before they have turned to the first page - for these are indelibly intertwined with Cornish culture – I wonder if I might draw your attention to The Cornish Squire, The Pool of Pilate and Cold Blows the Wind Today Sweetheart, which are quite simply sublime melodies, perhaps needing that extra bit of help in bringing them to mind nowadays. In the best tradition of musical hand-me-downs, Cornish folk music works equally ideally sung and played, and only by doing so on a regular basis can such traditions hope to continue forward with vigour and authority. A legitimate way of achieving this is to revitalise the harmonic scheme of these ancient tunes and bring them up to date for a modern audience; after all, it was such an approach that fuelled the imagination of Benjamin Britten and Ralph Vaughan Williams in decades past, while skilfully paying homage to the underlying charm and, for want of a better word, simplicity, of the original music. But this is only a start – for without an energetic response from younger generations, Cornish folk music is destined to wither on the vine in much the same way as is happening with the Cornish dialect. So, put your instrument to your lips and proceed, not with caution, but with enthusiasm and a smile, for your great grandparents (and perhaps even their grandparents) would surely raise a glass if they could hear you doing your bit to ensure the survival of this splendid heritage. Timeless Cornish melodies, cooked up for hungry clarinet players Grades 1–4 Former Spartan Press Cat. No.: SP1218. $24.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| Cornish Pastiche. Bassoon & Piano Bassoon, Piano (duet) Clifton Edition
Bassoon and Piano SKU: ST.C130 Composed by Mark Tanner. Wind & brass musi...(+)
Bassoon and Piano SKU: ST.C130 Composed by Mark Tanner. Wind & brass music. Clifton Edition #C130. Published by Clifton Edition (ST.C130). ISBN 9790570811304. As I sit myself down to write this brief foreword, I ask myself can there be music more stirring than these old Cornish folk melodies? Though not Cornish myself (I confess to being born a little further up the road, in Bristol), I feel I have spent sufficient time in these 'ere parts to resonate with the sturdy brass band tradition that continues to permeate this incomparably beautiful, rugged county. One can almost detect a French 'accent' when listening to the piano music of Debussy, and likewise, speaking as a lapsed brass player, there is undoubtedly something of the Cornish twang about Trelawny when played on a cornet or euphonium. Then again, one gets a different, yet entirely convincing effect upon hearing these melodies rendered on woodwind instruments; hence, with a little gamesmanship on my part, I am pleased to see my collection of these fifteen delectable ditties come to fruition in the form of arrangements for treble clef brass instruments (in B flat and E flat), trombone and tuba (bass clef), horn in F, flute, clarinet and bassoon. While many will find themselves humming the likes of Going up Camborne Hill, Lamorna or The Helston Furry Dance even before they have turned to the first page - for these are indelibly intertwined with Cornish culture – I wonder if I might draw your attention to The Cornish Squire, The Pool of Pilate and Cold Blows the Wind Today Sweetheart, which are quite simply sublime melodies, perhaps needing that extra bit of help in bringing them to mind nowadays. In the best tradition of musical hand-me-downs, Cornish folk music works equally ideally sung and played, and only by doing so on a regular basis can such traditions hope to continue forward with vigour and authority. A legitimate way of achieving this is to revitalise the harmonic scheme of these ancient tunes and bring them up to date for a modern audience; after all, it was such an approach that fuelled the imagination of Benjamin Britten and Ralph Vaughan Williams in decades past, while skilfully paying homage to the underlying charm and, for want of a better word, simplicity, of the original music. But this is only a start – for without an energetic response from younger generations, Cornish folk music is destined to wither on the vine in much the same way as is happening with the Cornish dialect. So, put your instrument to your lips and proceed, not with caution, but with enthusiasm and a smile, for your great grandparents (and perhaps even their grandparents) would surely raise a glass if they could hear you doing your bit to ensure the survival of this splendid heritage. Timeless Cornish melodies, cooked up for hungry clarinet players Grades 1–4 Former Spartan Press Cat. No.: SP1219. $24.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
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