SKU: AP.20292US
ISBN 9783947998289. UPC: 038081558240. English.
Jost Nickel'S BEGINNER BOOK is perfect if you want to start or restart playing the drums and like to work PRACTICALLY. We've cut out long theory explanations and replaced them with helpful tips on HOW TO SET UP your drumset, and the techniques you need to play complete grooves right away. Step by step, you'll learn the corresponding music notation and you can listen to all exercises thanks to the ONLINE audio examples recorded by Jost himself. With gradually increasing levels of difficulty you will; practice FILLS in different note values; play DUETS with a friend, your teacher or the corresponding ONLINE AUDIO TRACKS; and internalize various important PLAYING TECHNIQUES, such as GHOST NOTES, CROSS STICK, and RIMSHOTS. As you progress, you will naturally train your COORDINATION and TIMING, learn important standard patterns and develop an understanding of musical structures. The BEGINNER BOOK is well rounded off with Jost's tips for effective practicing and several playlists with song examples for different playing techniques. I wrote this book for newcomers and those who want to start again. I am confident that it is extremely suitable for use in lessons because of its practical approach and the playing technique needed to play the first rhythms is explained quickly and is intuitive for the most part. The challenge is rather to coordinate the different limbs, Jost states.
SKU: HL.14047097
ISBN 9788850716951. Italian.
SKU: BT.DHP-1053798-400
ISBN 9789043122436. 9x12 inches. Dutch.
In Play â??em Right komen rock, jazz en latin aan bod, met uitleg over - en voorbeelden van - de verschillende stijlkenmerken. De partijen zijn zo geschreven dat een eigen interpretatie steeds mogelijk is, en dat is heel belangrijkvoor de muzikale ontwikkeling van de leerling. Deze uitgave bevordert de kennis, creativiteit en muzikaliteit van iedere drummer. De bijgevoegde cd, met voorbeeldtracks en meespeelversies van alle songs, is daarbij een geweldighulpmiddel.Dieses Buch will Drummer mit ein paar Jahren Spielerfahrung herausfordern, verschiedene Stile zu erproben und ihnen damit eine breitere Basis verschaffen - so dass Schlagzeug spielen zu Musik machen wird. Mit Einführungen in die verschiedenen Stile, Hörvorschlägen, Schlagzeugstimmen und technischen Ã?bungen geht dieses Buch abwechslungsreich und effektiv an diese Aufgabe heran. Viel Wert wird dabei auf eigene Interpretation, Kreativität und Musikalität gelegt. Die beiliegende Mitspiel-CD ist eine wertvolle Unterstützung zur Entwicklung des Drummers.Una pubblicazione che rappresenta una sfida per tutti i percussionisti con allâ??attivo alcuni anni dâ??esperienza. Playâ??em Right - Play Along for Drums copre una vasta paletta di stili musicali consentendo, grazie ad introduzioni sui vari generi ed esercizi tecnici, di avere un approccio efficace e gratificante. Molta importanza è data alla creativit , allâ??interpretazione e alla musicalit .
SKU: HL.14044041