| San Pedro de Alcântara Concert band - Intermediate Molenaar Edition
Concert Band - Grade 5 SKU: ML.013780090 Composed by Valdemar Gomes. Full...(+)
Concert Band - Grade 5 SKU: ML.013780090 Composed by Valdemar Gomes. Full set. Molenaar Edition #013780090. Published by Molenaar Edition (ML.013780090). The Spanish war galleon with 64 cannons, built in Cuba between 1770 and 1771 for an English shipowner in the service of the King of Spain left Peru for Cadiz in 1784 with a huge cargo of copper, gold, silver and other valuables on board. There were also more than 400 people on board, including passengers, crew and Inca prisoners after a revolt. The Atlantic crossing went smoothly, passing Portugal to take advantage of favourable winds. The shipwreck off Peniche was the result of human error, apparently due to French maps with dramatic errors in the position of the islands of Berlengas and neighbouring islets. On 2 February 1786, the sea was calm and the night clear, but they hit the rock formation Papoa and the hull immediately broke in two. The bottom sank quickly, while the deck remained afloat for some time. 128 people lost their lives, including many Indians who were trapped in the basement. This shipwreck is considered one of the most important in maritime history.
What the composer wants to convey, and what can be felt as one listens, is first of all the sound of power, of hope, of the glory of conquest, of the splendour of wealth. This is followed by the perception of the maritime environment, the harmony with the softness of the ocean, the gliding of the hull in the foam of the sea on sunny, blue days. But along with this tranquillity, you soon hear a rhythmic chain that makes you feel a representation of the hustle and bustle, of the busy crew, of the hard work of a sailor, of the desperation of an exotic people imprisoned in a dark, damp cellar. A distinct rhythm that reminds us of the salero of Andalusia, with its Arab influences and its people, the soothing of the resignation of others who are forced to submit. Then we clearly hear a crescendo that makes us imagine the agony of the collision that precedes the shipwreck. The breaking of the hull, the water flooding everything, the despair, the clash of bodies on the rocks, the tragedy to come. Before the grand finale, in which the return of musical softness reminds us that the story is over. The supremacy of nature over human greed. The waves, though gentle, sweep the wreckage, the lives and the treasures of the New World to the bottom of the sea.
Het Spaans oorlogsgaljoen met 64 kanonnen, gebouwd in Cuba tussen 1770 en 1771 voor een Engelse reder in dienst van de koning van Spanje vertrok in 1784 vanuit Peru naar Cádiz met een enorme lading koper, goud, zilver en andere kostbaarheden aan boord. Er waren ook meer dan 400 mensen aan boord, waaronder passagiers, bemanning en Inca gevangenen na een opstand. De oversteek van de Atlantische Oceaan verliep vlot, waarbij Portugal werd gepasseerd om te profiteren van gunstige winden. De schipbreuk bij Peniche was het resultaat van een menselijke fout, blijkbaar te wijten aan Franse kaarten met dramatische fouten in de positie van de eilanden Berlengas en naburige eilandjes. Op 2 februari 1786 was de zee kalm en de nacht helder, maar ze raakten de rotsformatie Papoa en de romp brak onmiddellijk in tweeën. De bodem zonk snel, terwijl het dek nog enige tijd bleef drijven. 128 mensen verloren het leven, waaronder veel indianen die vastzaten in de kelder. Dit scheepswrak wordt beschouwd als een van de belangrijkste in de maritieme geschiedenis.
Wat de componist wil overbrengen, en wat men kan voelen als men luistert, is allereerst het geluid van macht, van hoop, van de glorie van verovering, van de pracht van rijkdom. Dit wordt gevolgd door de perceptie van de maritieme omgeving, de harmonie met de zachtheid van de oceaan, het glijden van de romp in het schuim van de zee op zonnige, blauwe dagen. Maar samen met deze rust hoor je al snel een ritmische ketting die je een voorstelling geeft van de drukte, van de drukke bemanning, van het harde werk van een zeeman, van de wanhoop van een exotisch volk dat gevangen zit in een donkere, vochtige kelder. Een duidelijk ritme dat ons doet denken aan de salero van Andalusië, met zijn Arabische invloeden en zijn mensen, het sussen van de berusting van anderen die gedwongen worden zich te onderwerpen. Dan horen we duidelijk een crescendo dat ons de lijdensweg doet voorstellen van de aanvaring die voorafgaat aan de schipbreuk. Het breken van de romp, het water dat alles overspoelt, de wanhoop, het botsen van lichamen op de rotsen, de tragedie die komen gaat. Vóór de grote finale, waarin de terugkeer van de muzikale zachtheid ons eraan herinnert dat het verhaal voorbij is. De overmacht van de natuur over de hebzucht van de mens. De golven, hoewel zacht, vegen het wrak, de levens en de schatten van de Nieuwe Wereld naar de bodem van de zee.
Le galion de guerre espagnol de 64 canons, construit à Cuba entre 1770 et 1771 pour un armateur anglais au service du roi d'Espagne, a quitté le Pérou pour Cadix en 1784 avec à son bord une énorme cargaison de cuivre, d'or, d'argent et d'autres objets de valeur. Il y avait également plus de 400 personnes à bord, dont des passagers, des membres d'équipage et des prisonniers incas à la suite d'une révolte. La traversée de l'Atlantique s'est déroulée sans encombre, en passant par le Portugal pour profiter des vents favorables. Le naufrage au large de Peniche est le résultat d'une erreur humaine, apparemment due à des cartes françaises comportant des erreurs dramatiques dans la position des îles de Berlengas et des îlots voisins. Le 2 février 1786, alors que la mer est calme et la nuit claire, le navire heurte la formation rocheuse de Papoa et la coque se brise immédiatement en deux. Le fond coule rapidement, tandis que le pont reste à flot pendant un certain temps. 128 personnes ont perdu la vie, dont de nombreux Indiens qui étaient coincés dans les sous-sols. Ce naufrage est considéré comme l'un des plus importants de l'histoire maritime.
Ce que le compositeur veut transmettre, et ce que l'on ressent à l'écoute, c'est d'abord le son de la puissance, de l'espoir, de la gloire de la conquête, de la splendeur de la richesse. C'est ensuite la perception de l'environnement maritime, l'harmonie avec la douceur de l'océan, le glissement de la coque dans l'écume de la mer par des journées bleues et ensoleillées. Mais à côté de cette tranquillité, on entend bientôt une chaîne rythmique qui nous fait ressentir une représentation de l'agitation, de l'équipage affairé, du dur labeur d'un marin, du désespoir d'un peuple exotique emprisonné dans une cave sombre et humide. Un rythme distinct qui nous rappelle le salero d'Andalousie, avec ses influences arabes et son peuple, l'apaisement de la résignation des autres qui sont obligés de se soumettre. Puis on entend clairement un crescendo qui nous fait imaginer l'agonie de la collision qui précède le naufrage. La rupture de la coque, l'eau qui envahit tout, le désespoir, le choc des corps sur les rochers, la tragédie à venir. Avant le grand final, où le retour de la douceur musicale nous rappelle que l'histoire est terminée. La suprématie de la nature sur la cupidité humaine. Les vagues, bien que douces, emportent les épaves, les vies et les trésors du Nouveau Monde au fond de la mer.
Die spanische Kriegsgaleone mit 64 Kanonen, die zwischen 1770 und 1771 auf Kuba für einen englischen Reeder im Dienste des spanischen Königs gebaut wurde, verließ Peru 1784 in Richtung Cádiz mit einer riesigen Ladung Kupfer, Gold, Silber und anderen Wertgegenständen an Bord. An Bord befanden sich auch mehr als 400 Menschen, darunter Passagiere, Besatzungsmitglieder und Inka-Gefangene nach einem Aufstand. Die Atlantiküberquerung verlief reibungslos, wobei Portugal passiert wurde, um die günstigen Winde zu nutzen. Der Schiffbruch vor Peniche war das Ergebnis menschlichen Versagens, das offenbar auf französische Karten zurückzuführen war, die in Bezug auf die Position der Inseln Berlengas und der benachbarten Eilande dramatische Fehler enthielten. Am 2. Februar 1786 stießen sie bei ruhiger See und klarer Nacht auf die Felsformation Papoa und der Rumpf brach sofort entzwei. Der Boden sank schnell, während das Deck noch einige Zeit über Wasser blieb. 128 Menschen kamen ums Leben, darunter viele Indianer, die im Keller eingeschlossen waren. Dieses Schiffswrack gilt als eines der bedeutendsten
Was der Komponist vermitteln will und was man beim Zuhören spürt, ist zunächst der Klang der Macht, der Hoffnung, des Ruhms der Eroberung, des Glanzes des Reichtums. Es folgt die Wahrnehmung der maritimen Umgebung, die Harmonie mit der Sanftheit des Meeres, das Gleiten des Schiffsrumpfes im Schaum des Meeres an sonnigen, blauen Tagen. Doch neben dieser Ruhe hört man bald eine rhythmische Kette, die die Hektik, die geschäftige Mannschaft, die harte Arbeit eines Seemanns, die Verzweiflung eines exotischen Volkes, das in einem dunklen, feuchten Keller gefangen ist, wiedergibt. Ein ausgeprägter Rhythmus, der an den Salero Andalusiens erinnert, mit seinen arabischen Einflüssen und seinen Menschen, der die Resignation der anderen besänftigt, die gezwungen sind, sich zu fügen. Dann hören wir deutlich ein Crescendo, das uns die Qualen des Zusammenstoßes, der dem Schiffbruch vorausgeht, erahnen lässt. Das Zerbrechen des Rumpfes, das Wasser, das alles überflutet, die Verzweiflung, das Aufeinanderprallen der Körper auf den Felsen, die bevorstehende Tragödie. Vor dem großen Finale, in dem die Rückkehr der musikalischen Sanftheit uns daran erinnert, dass die Geschichte zu Ende ist. Die Vorherrschaft der Natur über die menschliche Gier. Die Wellen, so sanft sie auch sein mögen, spülen die Trümmer, das Leben und die Schätze der Neuen Welt auf den Grund des Meeres. $209.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| 101 EASY UKULELE SOLOS Ukulele - Intermediate Mel Bay
Country. Book and online audio. 100 pages. Mel Bay Publications, Inc #30975M. ...(+)
Country. Book and online
audio. 100 pages. Mel Bay
Publications, Inc #30975M.
Published by Mel Bay
Publications, Inc
$19.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| The Big Book Of Jazz Piano, Vocal and Guitar [Sheet music] - Intermediate Hal Leonard
For voice, piano and guitar chords. Format: piano/vocal/chords songbook. With vo...(+)
For voice, piano and guitar chords. Format: piano/vocal/chords songbook. With vocal melody, piano accompaniment, lyrics, chord names and guitar chord diagrams. Jazz. 312 pages. 9x12 inches. Published by Hal Leonard.
$24.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Singer's Library of Musical Theatre, Volume 2 Mezzo-Soprano voice [Sheet music + CD] Alfred Publishing
(Mezzo Soprano/Alto Voice). Edited by Lisa DeSpain. For Voice (Alto voice (Mezzo...(+)
(Mezzo Soprano/Alto Voice). Edited by Lisa DeSpain. For Voice (Alto voice (Mezzo)). Vocal Collection. Singer's Library of Musical Theatre. Broadway. Book and CD. 224 pages
$29.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Da Pacem Domine-SATB A Cap
Choral SATB SATB A Cappella [Vocal Score] Universal Edition
Composed by Arvo Part (1935-). World Premiere: in St. Gerold / Austria by the Hi...(+)
Composed by Arvo Part (1935-). World Premiere: in St. Gerold / Austria by the Hilliard Ensemble. Sacred. Vocal score. With Standard notation. Composed 2004/2006. Duration 5 minutes. Universal Edition #UE32941. Published by Universal Edition
(1)$6.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Youth Album for Piano Piano solo [Sheet music] - Easy AMA Verlag
by Manfred Schmitz. For Piano. solos. AMA Verlag. Contemporary. Level: Beginning...(+)
by Manfred Schmitz. For Piano. solos. AMA Verlag. Contemporary. Level: Beginning-Intermediate. Book. Size 9x12. 216 pages. Published by AMA Verlag.
$22.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Der beleidigte Papagei Piano solo [Sheet music + CD] Breitkopf & Härtel
11 Miniaturen. Composed by Claus Kuhnl. Edition Breitkopf. In these eleven s...(+)
11 Miniaturen. Composed by
Claus Kuhnl. Edition
In these eleven short piano
pieces, the composer follows
the cue of such modern-day
masters as Olivier Messiaen,
Karlheinz Stockhausen, Helmut
Lachenmann and Nicolaus A.
Pedagogical. Breitkopf and
Haertel #EB-9175. Published
by Breitkopf and Haertel
$28.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 3 to 4 weeks | | |
| 76 Disney Songs for the Harp (Folk Harp) Harp Hal Leonard
Arranged by Sylvia Woods. Harp. Size 8.5x11 inches. 173 pages. Published by Hal ...(+)
Arranged by Sylvia Woods. Harp. Size 8.5x11 inches. 173 pages. Published by Hal Leonard.
$39.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| World Carols For Choirs Choral SATB SATB [Vocal Score] Oxford University Press
By Bob Chilcott and Knight. For Choral Collection: Mixed Choir. Published by Oxf...(+)
By Bob Chilcott and Knight. For Choral Collection: Mixed Choir. Published by Oxford University Press.
$28.50 - See more - Buy online | | |
| A Celtic Christmas String Orchestra [Score and Parts] - Intermediate Kjos Music Company
By Bob Mathews. (String Orchestra). orchestra. Level: Grade 3. Music book. Publi...(+)
By Bob Mathews. (String Orchestra). orchestra. Level: Grade 3. Music book. Published by Neil A. Kjos Music Company.
$35.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| A Celtic Christmas - Score String Orchestra - Intermediate Kjos Music Company
By Bob Mathews. (String Orchestra). orchestra. Level: Grade 3. Music book. Publi...(+)
By Bob Mathews. (String Orchestra). orchestra. Level: Grade 3. Music book. Published by Neil A. Kjos Music Company.
$5.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Joyeuse Marche Concert band [Score and Parts] - Intermediate G and M Brand Music Publishers
Concert band (Piccolo, Flute 1, Flute 2, Oboe 1/2, Eb Clarinet, Bb Clarinet 1, B...(+)
Concert band (Piccolo, Flute 1, Flute 2, Oboe 1/2, Eb Clarinet, Bb Clarinet 1, Bb Clarinet 2, Bb Clarinet 3, Eb Alto Clarinet, Bb Bass Clarinet, Bassoon 1/2, Alto Saxophone 1/2, Tenor Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone, Bb Cornet 1, Bb Cornet 2, Bb Cornet 3, Bb Trumpet 1/2,) - grade 4.5 SKU: CN.R10240 Composed by Geoffrey Brand. Arranged by Geoffrey Brand. Band Music. Score and parts. Duration 3:30. Published by G & M Brand Music Publishers (CN.R10240). Joyeuse Marche (originally called Marche Francaise) was written in 1888. It exudes Chabrier's rhythmical exuberance, spontaneity and wit, bringing pleasure and joy to performers and listeners alike. Truly a march which lives up to its title.
In spite of displaying remarkable musical gifts Chabrier (1841-1894) was sent by his father to study law and in due course, having taken a law degree, went to work in his native French Ministry of the Interior, stay there for eighteen years. During the whole of this time he was developing his real interests in music and painting, including composing operettas and music for the piano. Following a holiday in Spain in 1883, Chabrier wrote a rhapsody for orchestra based on Spanish tunes he had heard. This became Espana; it achieved immediate acclaim and is still his most performed work. Joyeuse Marche (originally called Marche Francaise) was written in 1888. It exudes Chabrier's rhythmical exuberance, spontaneity and wit, bringing pleasure and joy to performers and listeners alike. Truly a march which lives up to its title. $80.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 3 to 4 weeks | | |
| Joyeuse Marche Concert band [Score] - Intermediate G and M Brand Music Publishers
Concert band (Piccolo, Flute 1, Flute 2, Oboe 1/2, Eb Clarinet, Bb Clarinet 1, B...(+)
Concert band (Piccolo, Flute 1, Flute 2, Oboe 1/2, Eb Clarinet, Bb Clarinet 1, Bb Clarinet 2, Bb Clarinet 3, Eb Alto Clarinet, Bb Bass Clarinet, Bassoon 1/2, Alto Saxophone 1/2, Tenor Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone, Bb Cornet 1, Bb Cornet 2, Bb Cornet 3, Bb Trumpet 1/2,) - grade 4.5 SKU: CN.S11240 Composed by Geoffrey Brand. Arranged by Geoffrey Brand. Band Music. Score only. Duration 3:30. Published by G & M Brand Music Publishers (CN.S11240). Joyeuse Marche (originally called Marche Francaise) was written in 1888. It exudes Chabrier's rhythmical exuberance, spontaneity and wit, bringing pleasure and joy to performers and listeners alike. Truly a march which lives up to its title.
In spite of displaying remarkable musical gifts Chabrier (1841-1894) was sent by his father to study law and in due course, having taken a law degree, went to work in his native French Ministry of the Interior, stay there for eighteen years. During the whole of this time he was developing his real interests in music and painting, including composing operettas and music for the piano. Following a holiday in Spain in 1883, Chabrier wrote a rhapsody for orchestra based on Spanish tunes he had heard. This became Espana; it achieved immediate acclaim and is still his most performed work. Joyeuse Marche (originally called Marche Francaise) was written in 1888. It exudes Chabrier's rhythmical exuberance, spontaneity and wit, bringing pleasure and joy to performers and listeners alike. Truly a march which lives up to its title. $10.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 3 to 4 weeks | | |
| Gloria from Missa Brevis Pro Pace Choral SATB SATB divisi, A Cappella [Octavo] Alliance Music Publications | | |
| Ensenese A Tocar La Guitarra Guitar notes and tablatures Santorella Publications
Ensenese A Tocar La Guitarra composed by Bob Hartz. For guitar. This edition: Pa...(+)
Ensenese A Tocar La Guitarra composed by Bob Hartz. For guitar. This edition: Paperback. Instructional. Method. Book. Text Language: Spanish; Standard notation and tablature. 96 pages. Published by Santorella Publications
$14.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Singer's Library of Musical Theatre, Volume 2 Low voice [Sheet music + CD] Alfred Publishing
(Baritone/Bass Voice). Edited by Lisa DeSpain. For Voice (Bass voice). Vocal Col...(+)
(Baritone/Bass Voice). Edited by Lisa DeSpain. For Voice (Bass voice). Vocal Collection. Singer's Library of Musical Theatre. Broadway. Book and CD. 188 pages
$29.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Canarios [Score] - Easy Carl Fischer
Orchestra Cello, Contrabass, Piano, Viola, Violin 1, Violin 2, Violin 3 - Grade ...(+)
Orchestra Cello, Contrabass, Piano, Viola, Violin 1, Violin 2, Violin 3 - Grade 3 SKU: CF.CAS114F Suite from Española. Composed by Gaspar Sanz. Arranged by Deborah Baker Monday. Concert String Orchestra (CAS). Full score. With Standard notation. 12 pages. Carl Fischer Music #CAS114F. Published by Carl Fischer Music (CF.CAS114F). ISBN 9781491151709. UPC: 680160909209. 9 x 12 inches. Canarios is a movement taken from the Suite Espanola for guitar by Gaspar Sanz, a leading composer of Spanish Baroque music.? Deborah Baker Monday presents this delightful arrangement in D major which engages all sections of the ensemble in the interplay between 6/8 and 3/4.? The rich and resonant texture makes this piece a great concert or festival selection.
Gaspar Sanz lived from ca.16401710. He was a leading composer of music from the Baroque period in Spain, but it is his guitar music which has given him the most attention. He wrote three collections of pieces as an Instruction for guitar and they include about 90 pieces which are part of the guitar repertory. The Suite Espanola has become popular as a performance piece in the modern guitar world. It contains numerous movements of which Canarios is one of the most popular. Many guitar concerts include a selection of these wonderful dance movements: 1 Espanoletas - Gallarda y villano
- Danza de las hachas
- Rujero y paradetas
- Zarabanda al ayre espanol
- Passacalle de la cavalleria de Napoles
- Folias
- La Minona de Cataluna
- Canarios
Canarios is written in 6/8 and explores the unique relation to 3/4 and how the accents can be manipulated so cleverly. It is a brilliant piece which can enrich your classroom with many teaching points. Gaspar Sanz lived from ca.1640a1710. He was a leading composer of music from the Baroque period in Spain, but it is his guitar music which has given him the most attention. He wrote three collections of pieces as an Instruction for guitar and they include about 90 pieces which are part of the guitar repertory. The Suite Espanola has become popular as a performance piece in the modern guitar world. It contains numerous movements of which Canarios is one of the most popular. Many guitar concerts include a selection of these wonderful dance movements: A A 1 EspaA+-oletas - Gallarda y villano
- Danza de las hachas
- Rujero y paradetas
- Zarabanda al ayre espaA+-ol
- Passacalle de la cavalleria de Napoles
- Folias
- La MiA+-ona de CataluA+-a
- Canarios
Canarios is written in 6/8 and explores the unique relation to 3/4 and how the accents can be manipulated so cleverly. It is a brilliant piece which can enrich your classroom with many teaching points. Gaspar Sanz lived from ca.1640a1710. He was a leading composer of music from the Baroque period in Spain, but it is his guitar music which has given him the most attention. He wrote three collections of pieces as an Instruction for guitar and they include about 90 pieces which are part of the guitar repertory. The Suite Espanola has become popular as a performance piece in the modern guitar world. It contains numerous movements of which Canarios is one of the most popular. Many guitar concerts include a selection of these wonderful dance movements: A A 1 EspaA+-oletas - Gallarda y villano
- Danza de las hachas
- Rujero y paradetas
- Zarabanda al ayre espaA+-ol
- Passacalle de la cavalleria de Napoles
- Folias
- La MiA+-ona de CataluA+-a
- Canarios
Canarios is written in 6/8 and explores the unique relation to 3/4 and how the accents can be manipulated so cleverly. It is a brilliant piece which can enrich your classroom with many teaching points. Gaspar Sanz lived from ca.1640-1710. He was a leading composer of music from the Baroque period in Spain, but it is his guitar music which has given him the most attention. He wrote three collections of pieces as an Instruction for guitar and they include about 90 pieces which are part of the guitar repertory. The Suite Espanola has become popular as a performance piece in the modern guitar world. It contains numerous movements of which Canarios is one of the most popular. Many guitar concerts include a selection of these wonderful dance movements: 1 Espanoletas - Gallarda y villano
- Danza de las hachas
- Rujero y paradetas
- Zarabanda al ayre espanol
- Passacalle de la cavalleria de Napoles
- Folias
- La Minona de Cataluna
- Canarios
Canarios is written in 6/8 and explores the unique relation to 3/4 and how the accents can be manipulated so cleverly. It is a brilliant piece which can enrich your classroom with many teaching points. Gaspar Sanz lived from ca.1640-1710. He was a leading composer of music from the Baroque period in Spain, but it is his guitar music which has given him the most attention. He wrote three collections of pieces as an Instruction for guitar and they include about 90 pieces which are part of the guitar repertory. The Suite Espanola has become popular as a performance piece in the modern guitar world. It contains numerous movements of which Canarios is one of the most popular. Many guitar concerts include a selection of these wonderful dance movements: 1 Espanoletas Gallarda y villano Danza de las hachas Rujero y paradetas Zarabanda al ayre espanol Passacalle de la cavalleria de Napoles Folias La Minona de Cataluna Canarios Canarios is written in 6/8 and explores the unique relation to 3/4 and how the accents can be manipulated so cleverly. It is a brilliant piece which can enrich your classroom with many teaching points. Gaspar Sanz lived from ca.1640–1710. He was a leading composer of music from the Baroque period in Spain, but it is his guitar music which has given him the most attention. He wrote three collections of pieces as an Instruction for guitar and they include about 90 pieces which are part of the guitar repertory.The Suite Espanola has become popular as a performance piece in the modern guitar world. It contains numerous movements of which Canarios is one of the most popular. Many guitar concerts include a selection of these wonderful dance movements:  1 Españoletas Gallarda y villano Danza de las hachas Rujero y paradetas Zarabanda al ayre español Passacalle de la cavalleria de Napoles Folias La Miñona de Cataluña Canarios Canarios is written in 6/8 and explores the unique relation to 3/4 and how the accents can be manipulated so cleverly. It is a brilliant piece which can enrich your classroom with many teaching points. About Carl Fischer Concert String Orchestra Series This series of pieces (Grade 3 and higher) is designed for advancing ensembles. The pieces in this series are characterized by: - Expanded use of rhythms, ranges and keys but technical demands are still carefully considered
- More comprehensive bowing techniques
- Viola T.C. included
- Careful selection of keys and degree of difficulty for advancing musicians
$9.50 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| 80 Years Of Popular Music - The Seventies Piano, Vocal and Guitar [Sheet music] - Intermediate Alfred Publishing
Edited by Carol Cuellar. Songbook for voice, piano and guitar (chords only). 257...(+)
Edited by Carol Cuellar. Songbook for voice, piano and guitar (chords only). 257 pages. Published by Alfred Publishing.
$18.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Brabantia Aeterna Concert band [Score] - Intermediate Gobelin Music Publications
Concert Band/Harmonie - Grade 5 SKU: BT.GOB-000901-140 Composed by Jan Bo...(+)
Concert Band/Harmonie - Grade 5 SKU: BT.GOB-000901-140 Composed by Jan Bosveld. Score Only. Gobelin Music Publications #GOB 000901-140. Published by Gobelin Music Publications (BT.GOB-000901-140). In 2006 Brabant will be celebrating it’s 900th anniversary. On May 13th 1106 the count Van Leuven was appointed duke of Brabant. This was the birth of the duchy of Brabant. For centuries this duchy, situated in the heart of the Netherlands, was the primary of the seventeen provinces in the Lowlands. Brabant formed with it’s capital cities Brussels, Leuven, Antwerp and ‘s-Hertogenbosch the focal point for politics, culture and economy. The revolution against Spain (1566-1648) caused a fracture between the North and South. The old duchy was divided into a Dutch and Belgian part. Even though each had their own historical background, the bond forged in the past was partially keptalive. To this day we still have a duke of Brabant. Brabantia Aeterna takes you on a musical journey through 900 years of Brabant history. A fascinating journey portraying war and peace, love and grief, prosperity and adversity, development and deterioration. Listen to how monks chanted, bells tolled and churches were built. Or take the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries with their bustling markets, builders of cities or the bleating of countless sheep across the heather. The plague, tribulations, soldiers and political bickering in the following centuries. Hear how the industrialisation of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries provided prosperity for the region and how to this day the following saying still applies: ‘the road to Brabant leads to a warmer world’ Brabantia Aeterna was commissioned by the Brabantse Bond van Muziekverenigingen (Brabant Music Society) in honour of its fifth anniversary.
In 2006 bestaat Brabant 900 jaar. Op 13 mei 1106 kreeg de graaf van Leuven de titel van hertog van Brabant. Hiermee was het hertogdom Brabant geboren. Eeuwenlang was dit hertogdom, gelegen in het hart van de Nederlanden, het eerstein rang van de zeventien gewesten van de Lage Landen. Brabant vormde met zijn hoofdsteden Brussel, Leuven, Antwerpen en 's-Hertogenbosch het brandpunt van bestuur, cultuur en economie. De Opstand tegen Spanje (1566-1648) brachtechter een scheuring tussen Noord en Zuid teweeg. Het oude hertogdom viel uiteen in een Nederlands en een Belgisch deel. Hoewel ieder zijn eigen weg in de geschiedenis ging, zou de band die in het verleden was gesmeed gedeeltelijkblijven bestaan. Vandaag de dag hebben we nog steeds een hertog van Brabant. Brabantia Aeterna neemt u mee op een muzikale reis door 900 jaar Brabant. Het is een boeiende tocht langs oorlog en vrede, lief en leed, voorspoed entegenslag, bloei en verval. Luister hoe vroeger de monikken zongen, de klokken luidden en kerken werden gebouwd. Of neem de dertiende en veertiende eeuw met zijn drukke marktgeluiden, de bouwers van steden of het geblaat van tallozeschapen op de heide. De pest, rampen, soldaten en politiek gekrakeel in de daarop volgende eeuwen. Hoor hoe de industrialisatie in de negentiende en twintigste eeuw zorgde voor nieuwe welvaart in de regio en hoe vandaag de dagnog steeds geldt: 'Op weg naar Brabant wordt de wereld warmer.' Brabantia Aeterna is geschreven in opdracht van de Brabantse Bond van Muziekverenigingen ter gelegenheid van haar vijfjarig bestaan. $59.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| Brabantia Aeterna Concert band [Score and Parts] - Intermediate Gobelin Music Publications
Concert Band/Harmonie - Grade 5 SKU: BT.GOB-000901-010 Composed by Jan Bo...(+)
Concert Band/Harmonie - Grade 5 SKU: BT.GOB-000901-010 Composed by Jan Bosveld. Set (Score & Parts). Gobelin Music Publications #GOB 000901-010. Published by Gobelin Music Publications (BT.GOB-000901-010). In 2006 Brabant will be celebrating it’s 900th anniversary. On May 13th 1106 the count Van Leuven was appointed duke of Brabant. This was the birth of the duchy of Brabant. For centuries this duchy, situated in the heart of the Netherlands, was the primary of the seventeen provinces in the Lowlands. Brabant formed with it’s capital cities Brussels, Leuven, Antwerp and ‘s-Hertogenbosch the focal point for politics, culture and economy. The revolution against Spain (1566-1648) caused a fracture between the North and South. The old duchy was divided into a Dutch and Belgian part. Even though each had their own historical background, the bond forged in the past was partially keptalive. To this day we still have a duke of Brabant. Brabantia Aeterna takes you on a musical journey through 900 years of Brabant history. A fascinating journey portraying war and peace, love and grief, prosperity and adversity, development and deterioration. Listen to how monks chanted, bells tolled and churches were built. Or take the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries with their bustling markets, builders of cities or the bleating of countless sheep across the heather. The plague, tribulations, soldiers and political bickering in the following centuries. Hear how the industrialisation of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries provided prosperity for the region and how to this day the following saying still applies: ‘the road to Brabant leads to a warmer world’ Brabantia Aeterna was commissioned by the Brabantse Bond van Muziekverenigingen (Brabant Music Society) in honour of its fifth anniversary.
In 2006 bestaat Brabant 900 jaar. Op 13 mei 1106 kreeg de graaf van Leuven de titel van hertog van Brabant. Hiermee was het hertogdom Brabant geboren. Eeuwenlang was dit hertogdom, gelegen in het hart van de Nederlanden, het eerstein rang van de zeventien gewesten van de Lage Landen. Brabant vormde met zijn hoofdsteden Brussel, Leuven, Antwerpen en 's-Hertogenbosch het brandpunt van bestuur, cultuur en economie. De Opstand tegen Spanje (1566-1648) brachtechter een scheuring tussen Noord en Zuid teweeg. Het oude hertogdom viel uiteen in een Nederlands en een Belgisch deel. Hoewel ieder zijn eigen weg in de geschiedenis ging, zou de band die in het verleden was gesmeed gedeeltelijkblijven bestaan. Vandaag de dag hebben we nog steeds een hertog van Brabant. Brabantia Aeterna neemt u mee op een muzikale reis door 900 jaar Brabant. Het is een boeiende tocht langs oorlog en vrede, lief en leed, voorspoed entegenslag, bloei en verval. Luister hoe vroeger de monikken zongen, de klokken luidden en kerken werden gebouwd. Of neem de dertiende en veertiende eeuw met zijn drukke marktgeluiden, de bouwers van steden of het geblaat van tallozeschapen op de heide. De pest, rampen, soldaten en politiek gekrakeel in de daarop volgende eeuwen. Hoor hoe de industrialisatie in de negentiende en twintigste eeuw zorgde voor nieuwe welvaart in de regio en hoe vandaag de dagnog steeds geldt: 'Op weg naar Brabant wordt de wereld warmer.' Brabantia Aeterna is geschreven in opdracht van de Brabantse Bond van Muziekverenigingen ter gelegenheid van haar vijfjarig bestaan. $322.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| Broadway Songs Piano, Vocal and Guitar [Sheet music] Hal Leonard
Songbook for voice, piano and guitar chords. 352 pages. Published by Hal Leonard...(+)
Songbook for voice, piano and guitar chords. 352 pages. Published by Hal Leonard.
$14.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
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