ISBN 9781491161449. UPC: 680160920037.
On November 5th, 2017, a mass shooting took place at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. Twenty-six innocent people lost their lives that day, including an unborn child. Overture to a Small Town is dedicated to these victims and the loved ones they left behind. From the biggest cities to the smallest towns, the senseless bloodshed must end. Despite the darkness of this tragedy, it is my intent through this music to portray a sense of hope, dignity, and innocence deserved by all America's cities and towns. The opening moments of this piece should be treated delicately, ensuring that the brass section moves together in one unified voice, and that the crotales evoke distant flickers of light. Similarly, in mm. 120-127, articulations in the flutes, trumpets and mallets should be strong enough to be heard, but without being aggressive. The textural layering in mm. 48-53 should be executed with machine-like precision of both rhythm and articulation. This passage should evoke the sound of many voices rising together. There should be a great contrast between the opening Piano dynamic and the final Forte dynamic. In mm. 65-69, both mallet percussionists may play the indicated notes in any octave they choose. Both players should move rapidly between notes in any order. This passage should sound fluid and ethereal. In mm. 69-73: If there is no English Horn available to the ensemble, the Trumpet should play this passage solo. If there is an English Horn, both instruments should play the passage together. This impressionistic composition about these vanished structures, although written for more advanced ensembles, has only one flute, clarinet, trumpet, horn and trombone part. As a result, smaller bands can play this composition without having to look for a flex-band arrangement. Use this to develop the essential skills of syncopation and counting while also offering the security of only having one part for each instrument voice. An exciting contrasting selection for bands looking for a harmonically interesting composition, this also works well as a contest selection.  .On November 5th, 2017, a mass shooting took place at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. Twenty-six innocent people lost their lives that day, including an unborn child. Overture to a Small Town is dedicated to these victims and the loved ones they left behind. From the biggest cities to the smallest towns, the senseless bloodshed must end. Despite the darkness of this tragedy, it is my intent through this music to portray a sense of hope, dignity, and innocence deserved by all America’s cities and towns.  The opening moments of this piece should be treated delicately, ensuring that the brass section moves together in one unified voice, and that the crotales evoke distant flickers of light. Similarly, in mm. 120-127, articulations in the flutes, trumpets and mallets should be strong enough to be heard, but without being aggressive.  The textural layering in mm. 48-53 should be executed with machine-like precision of both rhythm and articulation. This passage should evoke the sound of many voices rising together. There should be a great contrast between the opening Piano dynamic and the final Forte dynamic.  In mm. 65-69, both mallet percussionists may play the indicated notes in any octave they choose. Both players should move rapidly between notes in any order. This passage should sound fluid and ethereal.  In mm. 69-73: If there is no English Horn available to the ensemble, the Trumpet should play this passage solo. If there is an English Horn, both instruments should play the passage together.This impressionistic composition about these vanished structures, although written for more advanced ensembles, has only one flute, clarinet, trumpet, horn and trombone part. As a result, smaller bands can play this composition without having to look for a flex-band arrangement. Use this to develop the essential skills of syncopation and counting while also offering the security of only having one part for each instrument voice. An exciting contrasting selection for bands looking for a harmonically interesting composition, this also works well as a contest selection. .
SKU: BT.DHP-1196090-070
ISBN 9789043157674. English-German-French-Dutch.
Cinema has always aimed to do one thing above all else: arouse emotions. Yet however exciting, entertaining or fascinating a story might be, its full impact is really only felt with the help of the right music. While most original soundtracks demand a large orchestra, a much smaller ensemble is sufficient: Anthony Gröger has taken ten of the all-time most beautiful film scores and created stunning arrangements for string quartet. In keeping with the Pops for String Quartet series, this volume also includes an optional third violin part in case a viola is not available. This is an indispensable collection for any occasion!Van oudsher is de film bovenal bedoeld geweest om emotie op te roepen. Maar hoe spannend, vermakelijk of boeiend een verhaal ook is, pas met de ondersteuning van de juiste muziek komt het volledig tot zijn recht. Hoewel de meeste originele soundtracks een orkest met een grote bezetting vereisen, voldoet in dit geval een kleiner ensemble. Anthony Gröger heeft tien van de mooiste filmmuziektitels verzameld en er prachtige arrangementen voor strijkkwartet van gemaakt. Net als bij de andere uitgaven in de serie Pops for String Quartet bevat ook deze bundel een optionele derde vioolpartij, voor het geval er geen altviool beschikbaar is. Een fraaie collectie met nummers voordiverse gelegenheden! Seit jeher möchte Kino vor allem eines: Emotionen wecken. Doch wie spannend, lustig, interessant eine Story auch immer sein mag erst mit Hilfe der passenden Filmmusik kann sie ihre volle Wirkung entfalten. Während die meisten Soundtracks im Original ein groß besetztes Orchester erfordern, genügt hier bereits eine viel kleinere Besetzung: Anthony Gröger hat sich zehn der schönsten Filmmusik-Titel aller Zeiten vorgenommen und wirkungsvoll für Streichquartett bearbeitet. Eine unverzichtbare Sammlung für Anlässe jeder Art, bei denen ein Streichquartett gefragt ist. Wie in der Serie Pops for String Quartet üblich, enthält das Set auch eine optionale dritteViolinstimme für den Fall, dass keine Bratsche zur Verfügung steht. Le cinéma a toujours cherché, par-dessus tout, éveiller des émotions. Cependant, aussi passionnante, émouvante ou envo tante que soit une histoire, son impact n’est ressenti pleinement que si elle est accompagnée d’une musique appropriée. Bien que la plupart des bandes sonores exigent un grand orchestre, un ensemble beaucoup plus modeste suffit. Anthony Gröger a pris dix des plus belles musiques de films de tous les temps et produit de splendides arrangements pour quatuor cordes. Comme les autres volumes de la série Pops for String Quartet, le présent ouvrage comprend une troisième partie facultative pour violon au cas où un alto ne serait pas disponible. Voiciune collection indispensable pour toutes les occasions !
SKU: CL.011-2073-00
Immediately following a lush opening this piece bursts into a melodically and rhythmically exciting allegro. The middle section develops a melody typical of Spears’ best writing. An excellent contest choice.
About C.L. Barnhouse Command Series
The Barnhouse Command Series includes works at grade levels 2, 2.5, and 3. This series is designed for middle school and junior high school bands, as well as high school bands of smaller instrumentation or limited experience. Command Series publications have a slightly larger instrumentation than the Rising Band Series, and are typically of larger scope, duration, and musical content.
SKU: BT.1221-05-010-MS
9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
Bryan Adams is one of the most successful rock singers of modern times with his raspy voice and his ability to sing rock songs as skilfully as expressive ballads contributed to his fame. Wolfgang Wössner, a great fan of Bryan Adams, has made a selection of the most appealing and successful songs by the Canadian singer and arranged them to form a medley for concert band. The medley includes the following titles: Everything I Do, I Do it for You from the movie Robin Hood, The Best of Me, Please Forgive Me and Summer of ’69. This mixture of ballads and rock songs will ensure everyone will leave your concert humming one of their favourite Bryan Adams hits.De Canadese rockzanger Bryan Adams is vooral bekend om zijn rauwe stemgeluid en zijn talent om zowel stevige rock als gevoelige ballads te brengen. Wolfgang Wössner, een grote fan van Bryan Adams, maakte een keuze uit de beste songsen verwerkte ze in een grootse medley voor harmonieorkest, met de nadruk op de mix van ballads en rocksongs. Met Everything I Do, I Do it for You, The Best of Me, Please Forgive Me en Summer of ’69.Bryan Adams zählt zu den erfolgreichsten Rocksängern unserer Zeit. Vor allem seine raue Stimme und sein Talent sowohl harte Rocksongs als auch gefühlvolle Balladen gleichermaßen gekonnt zu interpretieren, machten ihn so berühmt und beliebt. Wolfgang Wössner, ein großer Fan von Bryan Adams, hat die schönsten und erfolgreichsten Songs des Kanadiers ausgesucht und in einem großen Medley für Blasorchester arrangiert. Eine gelungene Mischung aus Balladen und Rocksongs!Au milieu des années 1980, Bryan Adams connaît un immense succès avec des ballades rock telles qu’Everything I do, I Do It for You (Robin des Bois) qui s’est vendue plus de huit millions d’exemplaires travers le monde. Ses albums ont tous été classés dans les hit-parades internationaux et ses prestations scéniques restent des modèles du genre. Wolfgang Wössner a rassemblé les plus grands succès du chanteur canadien pour réaliser ce superbe arrangement pour Orchestre d’Harmonie Bryan Adams - The Best of Me rassemble les quatre titres suivants : Everything I do, I Do It for You (Robin des Bois), The Best of Me, Please Forgive Me et Summer of ’69.Nato nel 1959 in Canada, Bryan Adams è uno dei cantanti rock più famosi dei nostri tempi. La sua voce rauca, accompagnata al talento di interpretare heavy rock accanto ad espressive ballate, ha contribuito alla sua fama. Wolfgang Wössner, grande fan di Bryan Adams, ha selezionato alcune delle più belle canzoni dell’artista canadese arrangiandole per banda. Questo medley include i titoli seguenti: Everything I do, I Do it for You dal film Robin Hood, The Best of Me, Please Forgive Me e Summer of ’69.
SKU: CL.011-3635-00
A lush ballad that is an emotional tribute to fatherhood this richly scored work is suitable for both middle school and high school level bands. Featuring colorful woodwind and brass melodic lines, Love and Peace is unique in that it is a ballad that utilizes your entire percussion section! This piece contains many soaring countermelodies in the middle voices, and builds into a powerful proclamation of sonority and beauty. Perfect for festivals or concert programs.
SKU: CL.011-3384-00
This beautiful tone poem is a tribute to the thousands of military men and women who put their lives on the line every day in service to their country. Very playable, yet strikingly poignant and effective, it’s also a perfect tool for teaching your young musicians the art of lyrical performance. Of Courage and Valor has winner written all over it!
The Voice on the Mountain was written for Mike Veak, a band director who dedicated 30 years of his life to teaching instrumental music in Lincoln, Nebraska. Nolan Schmit begins the piece with a flute solo representing a solitary voice on a mountain. The voice begins to build in strength and intensity as it travels down the mountain, is heard by others and is communicated to distant lands. This is a musical metaphor for a teacher - a solitary voice - who impacts generations of students. This is really a tribute to all band directors. A dramatic setting with an explosive ending.
About Standard of Excellence in Concert
The Standard of Excellence In Concert series presents exceptional arrangements, transcriptions, and original concert and festival pieces for beginning and intermediate band. Each selection is correlated to a specific page in the Standard of Excellence Band Method, reinforcing and expanding skills and concepts introduced in the method up to that point. Exciting parts with extensive cross-cueing are presented for every player. Accessible ranges, appropriate rhythmic challenges, and creative percussion section writing enhance the pedagogical value of the series.Sold individually, each In Concert selection includes a full Conductor Score and enough student parts for large symphonic bands. Each student part also includes correlated Warm-Up Studies. The Conductor Score comes complete with rehearsal suggestions, a composer biography, program notes, a rehearsal piano part, several ready-to-duplicate worksheets and a duplicable written quiz.
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