SKU: CL.012-4870-00
First Responders is a bold and gallant contemporary march set in traditional format paying tribute to the brave men and women who provide the first assistance to those in need during natural disasters and numerous tragedies that are part of daily life. The chimes (alarm bells) are prevalent throughout the piece, calling all first responders to action. The catchy melodic strains are passed around to various instruments, giving all the winds a chance to shine in this snappy march. Very unique and appealing!
SKU: HL.48183396
UPC: 888680962418. 10.5x13.5x0.28 inches.
“In three books, Lucien Thévet (1914-2007), a virtuoso Horn player of his day, provides detailed and progressive studies and exercises for the Horn. The third volume of Complete Method of Horn is essential to all Horn players seeking to improve their technique on the instrument. Thévet's book focuses on elements including transposition, accidentals, adapting to a Horn with four valves, placing of sounds, scales and exercises for agility of the fingers,among other musical aspects. Moreover, Complete Method of Horn also contains plenty of studies. With notes in French, English, German and Spanish this Thévet book is versatile and crucial to the progress of any Horn player.â€.
ISBN 9781787600324. French.
A comprehensive step-by-step course specifically designed to suit the needs of all children beginning the piano. Features a fun family of characters to illustrate each lesson. Worksheets are included to encourage the revision and reinforcement of new information and concepts. Clear and simple layouts and accompaniments make learning fun and encourage parent participation.Une méthode complète soigneusement créée pour accompagner pas à pas tous les enfants approchant le piano pour la première fois. Enrichi d'une famille de personnages et d'illustrations qui vous aideront à apprendre efficacement tout ce qui est enseigné. Des pages d'exercices sont insérées, un outil d'évaluation efficace et le renforcement de tous les concepts appris dans les leçons. La structure linéaire rend la participation des parents simple et également amusante grâce à la présence de nombreux accompagnements des exemples présents dans le livre.
SKU: HL.48024663
ISBN 9783793142171. UPC: 888680951511. 9.0x12.0x2.92 inches.
Jacques Offenbach's more than 100 stage works are an endless treasure trove of vocal highlights with highly different musical moods and lyrical themes. To mark the 200th birthday of the great composer in 2019, which is at the same time the year of the 20th anniversary of the Offenbach Edition Keck OEK, the editor and Offenbach expert Jean-Christophe Keck has assembled a selection of arias. The four-part collection arranged according to voice category shows a rather unknown, romantic side of Offenbach. Apart from rediscovered works and first editions, however, the collection is not complete without some of his unrivalled hits. Among the characters figuring in the soprano volume are not only title figures like the Beautiful Helen, the Grand Duchess of Gerolstein or the Princess of Trébizonde but also figures from more serious operas: Armgard from Les Fées du Rhin or Elsbeth from Fantasio. The volume presents stage works, including excerpts from Barkouf, Les Bergers or Le Roi Carotte, that are accessible for performances only as of recently. Romantic Offenbach is aimed at fully trained and budding professionals as well as at Offenbach fans of every shade and colour, providing repertoire pieces for recitals, studies or private music-making.
SKU: RU.30050FS
9 x 12 inches.
The RBC Mariachi Series is a storied catalog full of wonderful melodies and timeless tunes by legendary musicians and arrangers Juan Ortiz and Jamie Martin Vela. The Mariachi catalog is a wonderful resource for any level of Mariachi Ensemble, with charts that span easy to advanced difficulty levels. Complete sets come with vocal sheet music as well as lyric sheets for ease of performance and rehearsal, while others come with alternate parts in Trumpet and Violin to make each piece more accessible.
SKU: BT.AMP-465-120
These 30 Original Chorales and Warm-Ups have been designed to develop the most important aspects of band playing, by providing material that can be used at the start of a rehearsal to test balance, dynamics, tuning, flexibility and articulation. Band directors are encouraged to adapt them to address the specific needs and challenges of their ensembles. Dynamics and tempo indications are not given and should be chosen by the director as required. All the chorales are strictly four-part. This multi-purpose collection is an essential purchase for every ambitious band! 30 Original Chorales and Warm-Ups is ontwikkeld om belangrijke vaardigheden van het spelen in een blaasorkest te ontwikkelen door middel van materiaal dat kan worden gebruikt om bij de start van een repetitie aan de balans, dynamiek, zuiverheid, flexibiliteit en articulatie te werken. Dirigenten kunnen de koralen en warming-ups naar wens aanpassen door zich te richten op specifieke muzikale aspecten. Er worden geen aanwijzingen voor dynamiek en tempo gegeven, die bepaalt de dirigent naar eigen inzicht. Alle koralen zijn vierstemmig. Een veelzijdig toepasbare bundel die onmisbaar is voor elk ambitieus blaasorkest!Die 30 Original Chorales and Warm-Ups wurden konzipiert, um die wichtigsten Aspekte des Blasorchesterspiels zu erarbeiten. Mithilfe des umfangreichen Materials kann man zu Beginn einer Probe Balance, Dynamik, Stimmung, Flexibilität und Artikulation üben. Orchesterleiter können das Material an die Bedürfnisse ihres jeweiligen Orchesters anpassen, indem sie sich auf bestimmte musikalische Herausforderung konzentrieren. Es gibt keine Angaben zu Dynamik und Tempo, da dies vom Orchesterleiter entsprechend gewählt werden soll. Die Choräle sind alle vierstimmig. Eine vielseitige Sammlung, die unverzichtbar für jedes anspruchsvolle Orchester ist!30 Original Chorales and Warm-Ups a été conçu pour développer les aspects importants du jeu d’ensemble en offrant des morceaux qui permettent d’évaluer la balance, les nuances, l’intonation, la flexibilité et l’articulation. Idéal pour l’usage lors du début d’une répétition, tous les chorals sont quatre voix. Ce recueil usages multiples est indispensable chaque orchestre ambitieux !
SKU: CL.012-4870-01
SKU: BR.EB-8142
ISBN 9790004175255. 9 x 12 inches.
The Sonata op. 12 is the largest of Sibeliuss piano works. Sibelius may have composed it in the summer of 1893. The second movement comes from a work originally planned for male choir to a text from the Finnisch national epic Kalevala. Something of its character my still have shaped the final outcome, with its restless opening bars, sparkling writing in the pianos high register, the calming homophonic passages, and soothing arpeggio writing. The first public performance took place on April 17, 1895, in the Solennity Hall of Helsinki University. The first edition was published by Breitkopf & Hartel in 1906. Over and beyond the excellent music text, this volumes contains an extensive preface by Sibelius expert Kari Kilpelainen.
ISBN 9790215304383. 9 x 12 inches.
«Come è possibile conciliare il divertimento con l?apprendimento? Le esigenze degli allievi con quelle degli insegnanti?»In altre parole: «Come si può definire un percorso didattico che sia nello stesso tempo divertente, perché i bambini possano divertirsi a suonare fin dall?inizio; facile, cioè strutturato in modo tale da poter essere usato veramente da tutti, indipendentemente dalle doti musicali naturali o dal tempo disponibile per lo studio; efficace, per superare i classici ostacoli dei principianti (difficoltà di lettura e di comprensione melodico-ritmica dello spartito; difficoltà di collegare ciò che si legge e si conosce all?esecuzione) e per sviluppare quelle prime basi del linguaggio musicale (intonazione, senso ritmico, comprensione armonica, fraseggio), che permetteranno in seguito di affrontare i repertori desiderati?»Queste sono le classiche domande, che molti insegnanti si pongono. La risposta, che nasce dalla mia ventennale esperienza di insegnante di chitarra in scuole di musica comunali e private, è: «Partendo dalla realtà dell?allievo e lasciandosi guidare dalle sue esigenze musicali in continua evoluzione». Coerentemente con questo postulato, ho iniziato un?attenta osservazione dei miei allievi allo scopo di capire ciò di cui avevano bisogno per cominciare a suonare la chitarra e cercando di intuire, decodificare e concretizzare in musica i loro segnali. Il metodo di ricerca e i risultati ottenuti sono descritti dettagliatamente nelle Note per l?insegnante.
Duet For Solo Cello 'for Cello and dramatic cellist' by Andy Pape . The title of this piece may seem to proffer conflicting musical terms: however the performance involves a Cellist absorbed in the composed material. The emphasis is on the theatrical although the musical content requires an accurate interpretation. Vocal sounds, removal of clothing, and a serious dose of acting is required.
SKU: HL.49018921
ISBN 9790001169677.
The content and formal structure of the two-movement Poem have been subjectively borrowed from the poem Steps [Stufen] by Hermann Hesse. The frequently appearing short motifs in both parts of the work are based in 'magic formulaic style' on the parable of the Glass Bead Game which in the ring for the game with coloured beads becomes a game with symbols.Magic and dreams, a sense of departure and grievance and valediction and transfiguration are the moods which follow one another, frequently in rapid succession - fundamentally the thirst for life and the yearning for sorrow and consummation.
The composer writes about his work: The piece was written for the 2006 Spring Festival. The wording of the commission requested me to try to express what a Mozart opera means to our era. It was as a banner rather than as an internal motto that I used this one sentence: Die Strahlen der Sonne vertreiben die Nacht, zernichten der Heuchler erschlichene Macht. ( The rays of the sun expel the night and annihilate the power of the Deceiver ). At that time and in our day too, only as his last utterance in the final act can Sarastro announce this to the people gathered around him. Das Stück wurde für das Frühlingsfestival 2006 komponiert. Der Auftrag lautete, ich solle versuchen zu formulieren, was eine Mozart-Oper für unsere Zeit bedeutet. Eher als Transparent als ein inneres Motto nutzte ich den Satz: ’Die Strahlen der Sonne vertrieben die Nacht...’ Sarastro kann den um ihn Versammelten diesen Satz damals wie auch heute nur als letzten Satz des letzten Aktes verkünden.†(Dániel Dinyés).