| ARKA - 3 Rituale (Full Score) Low voice, Piano [Score] Peters
Orchestra solo oboe, solo pipa, timpani 4 Pauken, 1 Spieler, percussion, (Crotal...(+)
Orchestra solo oboe, solo pipa, timpani 4 Pauken, 1 Spieler, percussion, (Crotali, Glockenspiel, gr, Trommel, vibraphonerafon - 1 Spieler), strings (7, 1) SKU: PE.EP14445 Composed by Bernd Franke. Full Scores. Edition Peters. Score. 52 pages. Duration 00:20:00. Edition Peters #98-EP14445. Published by Edition Peters (PE.EP14445). ISBN 9790014135041. 297 x 420 mm inches. German. ARKA stammt aus dem Sanskrit und bedeutet so viel wie Strahl, Blitz, Sonne, Licht, aber auch Lied, Feuer und Hymnus, und entwickelt in meiner Vorstellung sehr viele unterschiedliche Assoziationsfelder. In ARKA stecken auch die Worter arc (beten) und ka (Wasser), und es kann auch ubersetzt werden mit: ,,Das Wasser stromt aus dem heraus, der mehr weiss. Mein neues Werk fur Pipa, Oboe, Pauke, Schlagzeug und Orchester entstand im Auftrag der Kammerakademie Neuss und auf Anregung des Oboisten Christian Wetzel. Es entstanden drei Rituale mit zum Teil szenischen Elementen fur die Solisten und das Orchester. Inspirationsquelle in der Vorbeschaftigung waren zwei Quellen und Bucher. Das Daodejing von Laozi in der hervorragenden Neuubersetzung von Viktor Kalinke, eine der wichtigsten Quellen chinesischen Denkens und der Philosophie dieser grossen Kulturtradition und die chinesische Tradition der 5-Elementelehre und der Wandlungsphasen. Als zweites Buch hat mich ,,Die Glut von Roberto Calasso inspiriert, ein Buch uber die indischen Veden in Verbindung mit den Ursprungen des Buddhismus und den damit verbunden Ritualen. In den letzten 20 Jahren habe ich mich intensiv mit ostasiatischer Musik, Kunst und Philosophie beschaftigt und habe das auch durch langere Studienreisen und kompositorische Projekte vertiefen konnen. U.a. wurde 2012 mein Chorwerk PRAN in Kolkata in Indien uraufgefuhrt (Goethe-Institut), ebenfalls 2012 ,,in between VI fur Sho und Sheng in Tokyo und 2013 ,,Mirror and Circle fur Pipa, Cello und chinesisches Orchester in Taipeh/Taiwan (Auftragswerk der taiwanesischen Regierung). Mit der chinesischen Pipa-Virtuosin Ya Dong arbeite ich seit 2000 zusammen und habe fur sie mehrfach komponiert (Urauffuhrungen u.a. in Hannover/EXPO 2000, Rottweil 2001, Taipeh 2013, Magdeburg 2016). Auch mit Christian Wetzel arbeite ich seit uber 20 Jahren zusammen und habe ebenfalls haufig fur ihn komponiert (UA u.a. in Bonn 1999, Hannover/EXPO 2000, Rottweil 2001, Darmstadt 2004 und etliche weitere Projekte). Jedes dieser drei Rituale hat eine Lange von ca. 6-7 Minuten und stellt unterschiedliche Qualitaten und Besonderheiten der beiden Soloinstrumente heraus, immer in Verbindung mit der Interaktion zwischen Soli und Orchester. Die Besetzung war fur mich ausserst reizvoll, da beide Instrumente in dieser Kombination noch nie so erklungen sind. Die Pipa ist ein ungemein modernes und ungewohnliches Instrument, reich an Farben und vor allem an perkussiven Effekten. Das Tonmaterial wurde zum grossten Teil aus den Namen der beiden Solisten gewonnen und ergibt interessanter zwei gespiegelte Viertonmotive. In der asiatischen Kultur spielen der Spiegel und der Kreis eine wichtige Rolle, und so werden die Tone, Rhythmen und Formen eingewoben in diese drei Rituale, welche am Ende des dritten Satzes wieder kreisformig an den Anfang des ersten Rituals anknupfen. Ein von den Streichern und der Pauke erzeugtes Gerausch, verbunden mit dem Rhythmus der grossen Trommel, welcher einen Herzschlag symbolisieren soll. Die drei Untertitel der Rituale Himmel, Erde und (atmospharischer) Raum spielen im vedischen und chinesischen Denken eine grosse Rolle und war fur mich beim Komponieren ebenfalls eine sehr starke Inspirationsquelle. In vielen meiner Kompositionen gibt es Raumeffekte, Annaherungen an das Publikum, das Verschieben von Perspektiven, die Dekonstruktion und das Hinterfragen der ublichen Konzertsituation, so u.a in meinem Beuys-Zyklus oder in den Zyklen ,,CUT und ,,in between. In ARKA geht es mir besonders um die Interaktion zwischen westlichem und ostlichem Denken, um das gegenseitige Durchdringen dieser auf den ersten Blick so unterschiedlichen Denk- und Lebensweisen, um eine Verschmelzung scheinbarer Gegensatze - um Annaherung! Bernd Franke. Leipzig, 11.10.2019 W01476|C|Y 0.0000 Sheet Music _x000D_ 9780193556799 Y 23.50 X556799 357665 9780193556799 MISC C 1 432 8030 0.00 Oxford Solo Songs: Christmas 14 songs with piano PAPER 14 9780193556799 A-B CAROLS CHRISTMAS MISC MISCELLANEOUS OXFORD PIANO SOLO SONGS SONGS: VOICE WITH AB 00:00:0 Low voice & piano Low voice book + downloadable backing tracks 311x232 72 NEW NONE 29/07/2021 P 355580 9780193556799 - Young: A babe is born
- Rutter: Angels' Carol
- McDowall: Before the paling of the stars
- Rutter: Candlelight Carol
- Rutter: I sing of a maiden
- Chilcott: Mid-winter
- Todd: My Lord has Come
- Bullard: Scots Nativity
- Quartel: Snow Angel
- Todd: Softly
- Chilcott: Sweet was the song
- Chilcott: The Shepherd's Carol
- Quartel: This endris night
- McGlade: What child is this?
for low voice and piano This beautiful collection of 14 songs for low voice offers Christmas settings by some of Oxford's best-loved composers. Suitable for solo singers and unison choirs alike, each song is presented with piano accompaniment, and high-quality, downloadable backing tracks are included on a companion website. With a wonderful selection of pieces, including favourites such as Bob Chilcott's 'The Shepherd's Carol' and John Rutter's 'Candlelight Carol', this is the perfect collection for use in carol services and Christmas concerts or for enjoying at home. Also available in a volume for high voice and piano. - 14 songs for solo voice
- Well-loved composers, including John Rutter and Bob Chilcott
- Wide selection of Christmas texts
- Accessible accompaniments
- Includes backing tracks downloadable from a Companion Website
- Available in volumes for high and low voice
MISC|AU|Y 0.0000 Paperback _x000D_ EP73308R Y 0.00 73308R P73308R 1 ORCHA 8000 0.00 Hover A (LARGE) BEAMISH EP73308R GP:ORCHESTRAL HOVER ONLY RENTAL SALLY WORKS NONE ORCHA P 303000 EP73308R 0.0000 Sheet Music _x000D_ EP14437A Y 22.95 14437A P14437A FRANKE, BERND C 9790014137199 52A1 8000 0.00 AGNI A 9790014137199 AGNI BASS BERND CLARINET EP14437A FRANKE PHOTOPRINTS W01476 English / German 00:12:0 Instrumental Score 232 x 303 mm Bass clarinet 20 DETNT NEW PR43 23/04/2021 P 303006 AGNI is the Hindu god of fire; the elemental and transformative force inherent in everything: Every flame, every fire, every light, every warmth is AGNI. AGNI is omnipresent, establishing everything and ending everything. AGNI is often depicted with seven tongues which represent different aspects of his being. These include: creating, sustaining, cleansing, purifying, priestly, martial, devastating, destructive, and consuming. Derived from Franke's concerto of the same name, this solo work for bass clarinet compositionally traces the transformative processes initiated by the divine fire. The solo takes seven pieces from the concerto, presenting vivid character pieces exploring the creative possibilities and wide tonal range offered by the bass clarinet. This version of AGNI for bass clarinet solo was premiered on 4 December 2020 in Leipzig by Volker Hemken, the principal bass clarinetist of the Gewandhausorchester Leipzig. EP14437a convinces with its excellent and clear notation, making the piece a new standard for bass clarinet. W01476|C|Y 0.0000 Sheet Music _x000D_ EP68686 Y 165.00 68686 P68686 LEWIS C 9790300761299 97 8000 0.00 Ikons A 9790300761299 CONTEMPORARY ENSEMBLE EP68686 GEORGE IKONS LEWIS PHOTOPRINTS SMALL W06652 English 00:14:0 Conductor Score & Parts 303 x 232 mm Fl (A-fl in F).Cl.Bsn (Cbsn).Tbn.Perc.Vln.Vlc.Cb 132 NEW PR43 USTNT 21/04/2021 P 303006 Ikons, commissioned by the Vancouver Cultural Olympiad 2010, exists in two forms. This 14-minute acoustic version, premiered by the Turning Point Ensemble, calls for an octet of live musicians to execute complex rhythms and quarter-tone harmonies. The interactive, electronic version, created with visual artist Eric Metcalfe and designed to be presented separately, incorporates samples from this acoustic version into a sculptural environment of seven pyramidal structures that respond sonically to the viewer. W06652|C|Y 0.0000 Sheet Music _x000D_ EP73531 Y 31.95 73531 P73531 PANUFNIK, ROXANNA C 9790577020976 61 8000 0.00 Sonnets without Words A 9790577020976 EP73531 HORN PANUFNIK PHOTOPRINTS PIANO ROXANNA SHAKESPEARE SONNETS W03578 WILLIAM WITHOUT WORDS English Score & Instrumental Parts 232 x 303 mm Horn and piano 28 NEW PR43 UKTNT 21/04/2021 P 303006 Roxanna Panufnik's Sonnets without Words is a contemporary piece for Horn in F and piano. Written for horn player Ben Goldscheider, Panufnik has reimagined the lyrical vocal lines from three of her previous settings of Shakespeare's sonnets (Mine eye, Music to hear and Sweet Love Remember'd for voice and piano) into a purely instrumental work. Score and horn part. - Contemporary work for Horn in F and piano
- Settings of Sheakespeare's Sonnets 8, 24 & 29 in instrumental form
W03578|C|Y W06737|LY|N 0.0000 Sheet Music _x000D_ EP73571 Y 15.95 73571 P73571 MCNEFF, STEPHEN C 9790577021317 20 8000 0.00 Trig for Solo Cello A 9790577021317 (SOLO) CELLO EP73571 MCNEFF PHOTOPRINTS SOLO STEPHEN TRIG W03150 English 00:07:0 Instrumental Score 232 x 303 mm Solo Violoncello 8 NEW PR43 UKTNT 21/04/2021 P 303006 Stephen McNeff's Trig is a short 7-minute contemporary work for solo cello, written to celebrate the bicentennial of the Royal Academy of Music in 2022 and in memorium cellist Mike Edwards 1948-2010. Trig was premiered by Henry Hargreaves on 19 March 2021, livestreamed from the Royal Academy of Music. - Contemporary piece for solo cello
- Written for the Royal Academy of Music's bicentennial
W03150|C|Y 0.0000 Sheet Music _x000D_ EP14528 Y 34.95 14528 P14528 SAUNDERS, REBECCA C 9790014136796 3 8000 0.00 to an utterance - study A 9790014136796 (SOLO) AN EP14528 PHOTOPRINTS PIANO REBECCA SAUNDERS STUDY TO UTTERANCE W04191 English Instrumental Score 420 x 297 mm Piano Solo 16 DETNT NEW PR43 21/04/2021 P 303006 to an utterance - study was commissioned by Klangforum Wien for the premiere commercial audio recording on a portrait CD in 2020 and first performed by Joonas Ahonen at the Berlin Philharmonie on 4th September 2020 at the Musikfest Berlin. W04191|C|Y 0.0000 Sheet Music _x000D_ EP71880 Y 75.00 71880 P71880 PANUFNIK, ROXANNA C 9790577008332 82 8000 0.00 Spirit Moves for Brass Quintet A 9790577008332 BRASS ENSEMBLE EP71880 MOVES PANUFNIK PHOTOPRINTS QUINTET ROXANNA SPIRIT W03578 English 00:15:0 Score & Instrumental Parts 232 x 303 mm Trumpet 1 in B flat (doubling Piccolo Trumpet), Trumpet 2 in B flat (doubling Flugel Horn), Horn in F, Trombone, Tuba 84 NEW PR43 UKTNT 21/04/2021 P 303006 Roxanna Panufnik's Spirit Moves, for brass quintet, was commissioned by the Fine Arts Brass Ensemble. This 15-minute piece is scored for two trumpets in Bb (one doubling piccolo trumpet and the other doubling flugel horn), horn in F, trombone and tuba. This brass quintet is so called because the outer movements are highly spirited and the central one is spiritual. This product consists of score and parts. W03578|C|Y 0.0000 Sheet Music _x000D_ EP73585 Y 4.00 73585 P73585 369282 WILLIAMS, RODERICK C 9790577021591 1 151 8000 0.00 Eriskay Love Lilt A 9790577021591 (SECULAR) CHORAL EP73585 ERISKAY HALSTAN-USA LILT LOVE RODERICK TRADITIONAL W05152 WILLIAMS WORKS English 00:03:0 190 x 272 mm SATB (divisi) and piano 16 NEW PR30 UKTNT 20/05/2021 P 377788 A gently flowing 3-minute arrangement by Roderick Williams for SATB (with divisi) with piano accompaniment that captures the beauty of this famous traditional Hebridean love song. The song text uses both old dialect and English, each verse ending with the words, 'Sad am I without thee'. - Commissioned by The Sixteen choir and recorded on their 2021 album 'Goodnight Beloved'
- Roderick Williams is a composer/arranger and also a world-renowned baritone
- The arrangement is described by Williams as 'having a little nod to Ravel and Grieg'
W05152|C|Y W04819|LY|N 0.0000 Sheet Music _x000D_ 9780193556782 Y 23.50 X556782 357665 9780193556782 MISC C 1 432 8030 0.00 Oxford Solo Songs: Christmas 14 songs with piano PAPER 14 9780193556782 A-B CAROLS CHRISTMAS MISC MISCELLANEOUS OXFORD PIANO SOLO SONGS SONGS: VOICE WITH AB 00:00:0 High voice & piano High voice book + downloadable backing tracks 311x232 72 NEW NONE 29/07/2021 P 355580 9780193556782 - Young: A babe is born
- Rutter: Angels' Carol
- McDowall: Before the paling of the stars
- Rutter: Candlelight Carol
- Rutter: I sing of a maiden
- Chilcott: Mid-winter
- Todd: My Lord has Come
- Bullard: Scots Nativity
- Quartel: Snow Angel
- Todd: Softly
- Chilcott: Sweet was the song
- Chilcott: The Shepherd's Carol
- Quartel: This endris night
- McGlade: What child is this?
for high voice and piano This beautiful collection of 14 songs for high voice offers Christmas settings by some of Oxford's best-loved composers. Suitable for solo singers and unison choirs alike, each song is presented with piano accompaniment, and high-quality, downloadable backing tracks are included on a companion website. With a wonderful selection of pieces, including favourites such as Bob Chilcott's 'The Shepherd's Carol' and John Rutter's 'Candlelight Carol', this is the perfect collection for use in carol services and Christmas concerts or for enjoying at home. Also available in a volume for low voice and piano. - 14 songs for solo high voice
- Well-loved composers, including John Rutter and Bob Chilcott
- Wide selection of sacred and secular Christmas texts
- Accessible accompaniments
- Includes backing tracks downloadable from a Companion Website
- Available in volumes for high and low solo voice
MISC|AU|Y 0.0000 Paperback _x000D_ 9780193559066 Y 4.25 X559066 357665 9780193559066 YOUNG C 1 444 8030 0.00 O splendour of God's glory bright PAPER 9780193559066 BRIGHT CHORAL GLORY GOD'S MIXED OF OXFORD SACRED SPLENDOUR TOBY VOICES W06576 YOUNG C 00:03:30 SATB & organ Vocal score 254x178 SATB 20 NONE P 355580 9780193559066 for SATB and organ This energetic setting of words by St Ambrose of Milan is a real showstopper. With pop-influences and a sparkling organ part, Young effortlessly fuses modern and traditional sound worlds, while changes in key and metre build up to an invigorating finish. Perfect for accomplished choirs looking for something different. W06576|C|Y 0.0000 Paperback _x000D_ 9780193554399 Y 2.60 X554399 357665 9780193554399 LASSUS, ORLANDO DE C 1 445 8030 0.00 Oculus non vidit PAPER 9780193554399 CHORAL DE KEANE LASSUS MARK NON OCULUS ORLANDO OXFORD SACRED UPPER VIDIT VOICES W02750 B 00:01:30 SA unaccompanied Vocal score 254x178 Upper Voices - 3 parts or more 4 NONE 10/06/2021 P 355580 9780193554399 for SA unaccompanied This simple, charming two-part motet features long melismatic phrases that reflect the text (1 Corinthians 2: 9), such as the rising melodic line over three bars on the word 'ascended' (ascendit).
W02750|C|Y W06960|E|N 0.0000 Paperback _x000D_ 9780193954298 Y 3.35 X954298 357665 9780193954298 TALLIS, THOMAS C 1 448 8030 0.00 Honor, virtus et potestas PAPER 9780193954298 CANTICLES DUNKLEY ET HONOR OXFORD POTESTAS SALLY SERVICES TALLIS THOMAS VIRTUS W04705 C 00:06:0 SAATB unaccompanied Vocal score MSER00020 SATB 12 NONE 28/05/2021 P 355580 9780193954298 for SAATB unaccompanied. This glorious musical depiction of the honour, strength, power and authority of the Holy Trinity by Thomas Tallis is the third issue in the CMS's series of great English Responds from the 16th century, edited by Sally Dunkley. Scored for SAATB, it can be performed either as a motet or as a full Responsory with plainsong alternating with polyphony. W04705|C|Y W01184|E|N 0.0000 Paperback _x000D_ EP73527 Y 6.95 73527 P73527 BEAMISH, SALLY C 9790577020891 50 8000 0.00 The Parting Glass A 9790577020891 (SOLO) BEAMISH CLARINET EP73527 GLASS PARTING PHOTOPRINTS SALLY W00306 English Score 232 x 303 mm Clarinet 4 NEW PR43 UKTNT 12/12/2020 P 303006 Based on a traditional Scottish/Irish 'farewell' song, this short piece is one of six works written to express my love of Scotland. After living there for nearly half my life, and raising a family, I moved back to England in 2018, and remarried in 2019. Of course, there were many different emotions attached to the move south: especially the joy and excitement of new beginnings, and reconnection with friends from my youth. But this piece expresses the wrench I experienced after a last family meal in Glasgow, and the realisation of all I was about to leave behind. I have taken the melody of the original song, and expanded it, exploring the detail of its patterns, so that it becomes a timeless meditation. The six pieces in the 'farewell' series are for 6 violas, string quintet, string quartet, trio, violin and clarinet duo, and solo clarinet. The Parting Glass was composed in 2020 during the coronavirus lockdown, which intensified the feeling of separation from my Scottish family, as well as from other musicians. It was commissioned by Vittorio Ceccanti for the ContempoArtEnsemble. W00306|C|Y 0.0000 Sheet Music _x000D_ EP73516 Y 6.95 73516 P73516 BEAMISH, SALLY C 9790577020747 20 8000 0.00 Maple A 9790577020747 (SOLO) BEAMISH CELLO EP73516 MAPLE PHOTOPRINTS SALLY W00306 English 00:06:0 Score 232 x 303 mm Contemporary cello solo 8 NEW PR43 UKTNT 12/12/2020 P 303006 Seed; Spinning Seed; Roots, shoots; Leaves ; Flowers; Tree ; Autumn ; Cello Maple arose from a commission to write a work for solo cello, to be performed alongside readings from artist John Newling's collection of letters entitled 'Dear Nature'; a poetic manifestation of our relationship with the natural world. The piece is in eight short sections, to be interspersed with readings of groups of the poems. It may also be performed as a single movement. It begins with a seed - the seed of a maple tree, as it hangs on the mature tree, ready to drop. The seeds are like propellers, sometimes travelling more than a mile before landing on the ground. Maple follows the growth of the tree to maturity - which in reality would take at least a hundred years. 'Roots, shoots' grows downwards and upwards from a pedal note, and the dance-like 'Flowers' is followed by the stately 'Tree', and then the warm, cascading 'Autumn'. Maple is very often the wood of choice for the back of a stringed instrument, and the last section uses open strings to explore the full resonance of the cello. The piece starts with a 'seed' of only five notes, which grows into different configurations. It is intended to be played in an improvisatory style. Maple was co-commissioned by Brighton Festival, Ars et Terra Festival with SACEM and Ditchling Arts and Crafts Museum, to be performed by Margarita Balanas as part of the Brighton Festival's 'Dear Nature' project. W00306|C|Y 0.0000 Sheet Music _x000D_ EP73508 Y 39.95 73508 P73508 DILLON, JAMES C 9790577020648 3 8000 0.00 echo the angelus A 9790577020648 (SOLO) ANGELUS DILLON ECHO EP73508 JAMES PHOTOPRINTS PIANO W01097 English 00:25:0 Score 232 x 303 mm Piano Solo 44 NEW PR43 UKTNT 12/01/2021 P 303006 First performed by Noriko Kawai for Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, in a broadcast from the Radio Theatre, BBC Broadcasting House, November 2020. Full of beautifully crafted, delicate tintinnabulations - Richard Morrison, The Times This product is Printed on Demand and may take several weeks to fulfill. Please order from your favorite retailer. $90.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Reflections Piano solo Theodore Presser Co.
Scott Joplin Reconsidered. Composed by Scott Joplin (1868-1917). Edited by L...(+)
Scott Joplin Reconsidered.
Composed by Scott Joplin
(1868-1917). Edited by Lara
Downes. Collection. Theodore
Presser Company #440-40028.
Published by Theodore Presser
$21.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Ein Spanier fur Elise ( CD) 1 Piano, 4 hands [Sheet music + CD] Breitkopf & Härtel
By Michael Proksch. For Piano, 4-hands. This edition: Piano, 4-hands. Edition Br...(+)
By Michael Proksch. For Piano, 4-hands. This edition: Piano, 4-hands. Edition Breitkopf. Attached. 48 pages. Published by Breitkopf and Haertel (German import).
$31.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 3 to 4 weeks | | |
| Nordanvind Concert band - Intermediate Carl Fischer
Band concert band - Grade 4.5 SKU: CF.SPS71 Composed by Carl Strommen. Se...(+)
Band concert band - Grade 4.5 SKU: CF.SPS71 Composed by Carl Strommen. Set of Score and Parts. With Standard notation. 2+16+4+8+8+8+4+4+2+4+4+4+4+6+6+6+4+4+4+4+6+6+6+6+4+8+3+2+12+2+4+28 pages. Duration 6 minutes, 26 seconds. Carl Fischer Music #SPS71. Published by Carl Fischer Music (CF.SPS71). ISBN 9781491143544. UPC: 680160901043. Key: G minor. Nordanvind is a tour de force symphonic rhapsody that is built on three Scandinavian folk songs. Composer Carl Strommen has composed these Viking-influenced melodies into a concert setting that brings out all of the history of the Scandinavian people. The piece is at times bold and aggressive, at other times beautiful. Carl employs all of the instrumental colors of the concert band to create a new work for more advanced ensembles. Modern Scandinavians are descendants of the Vikings, an adventuresome people who were known for their love of the sea, their naval prowess, and as fierce fighters . The Scandinavian Vikings were warriors from Denmark, Norway, and Sweden who traded, raided and settled in various parts of Europe, Russia, the North Atlantic islands, and the northeastern coast of North America .Starting around 1850, over one million Swedes left their homeland for the United States in search of religious freedom and open farm land . Augustana College was founded in 1860 by graduates of Swedish universities and is located on the Mississippi River in Rock Island, Illinois . Home of the “Vikings,†Augustana College is the oldest Swedish- American institution of higher learning in the United States . This powerful and lively piece takes inspiration from Swedish history and from Swedish folk songs and hymns .Havsdrake (Dragon of the Sea)The Nordanvind or “North Wind†blows a cold wind during a journey of a group of courageous Viking rowers . The “Dragon-ship†or long ships designed for raiding and war was a sophisticated, fast ship able to navigate in very shallow water . To musically portray these magnificent seafaring vessels, the director is encouraged to use an Ocean Drum (or a rain stick) during the introduction . Wind players may consider blowing air through their instruments to suggest the North wind . Adding men’s voices to accompany the haunting low brass and percussive “rower†sounds can be helpful in creating the dark and ominous portrayal of Viking adventurers .Slangpolska efter Byss - KalleIn Sweden, a “polska†is a partner dance where the dancers spin each other (släng in Swedish “to sling or tossâ€) . Slangpolska efter Byss - Kalle is attributed to Byss-Kalle, who was a notable Swedish folk musician, specifically a nyckelharpa player . Slangpolska efter Byss - Kalle is a traditional “polska†dance song most often played on the Nyckelharpa or keyed fiddle and is commonly heard in pubs and at festive events throughout Sweden . Approximately 10,000 nyckelharpa players live in Sweden today, and the Swedish and the American Nyckelharpa Associations are dedicated to this Swedish National instrument . The director is encouraged to share video and audio examples of the nyckelharpa playing the original Slangpolska efter Byss - Kalle .Tryggare Kan Ingen Vara (Children of the Heavenly Father)Tryggare Kan Ingen Vara Is a traditional Swedish melody, possibly of German roots, and was believed to be arranged as a hymn by the Swedish hymn writer, Karolina Wilhelmina Sandell-Berg (1832–1903) . As a daughter of a Swedish Lutheran minister, she began writing poems as a teenager and is said to have written over 1,700 different texts . There are two different accounts as to the inspiration for this hymn . The first story is that Lina (as she was called) wrote the hymn to honor her father and to say thank you to him for raising her and protecting her . A second belief is of her witnessing the tragic death of her father . She and her father were on a boat, when a wave threw her father overboard . It was said that the profound effect of watching her father drown is what caused Lina to write the text to this hymn . Although this is a treasured song to people of Swedish descent everywhere, it speaks to all people about a father tending and nourishing his children, and protecting them from evil .SPS71FThe Augustana College Concert BandFounded in 1874, the Augustana Band program is one of the oldest continuously active collegiate band programs in the country . The Concert Band is one of two bands on campus and was formed more than thirty years ago . The Concert Band attracts students of every skill level and from a wide variety of majors . Students in the ensemble play a large part in choosing their music for performance, which include works from the standard repertoire, orchestral transcriptions, and the latest compositions from leading composers .Rick Jaeschke began his musical career as a clarinet player in the 1st US Army Band . He received a Bachelor of Music degree from Susquehanna University, a Masters of Music from James Madison University, and a doctorate from Columbia University in New York . He was also fortunate to study conducting with Donald Hunsburger and with Frederick Fennell .Dr . Jaeschke taught band and choir at Great Mills High School in Southern Maryland, and for fifteen years, he was the district Music Supervisor in Armonk, New York, where he taught high school concert and jazz bands, beginning band, and music technology . During that time, the music program flourished, and the high school band consistently received Gold Medals in the New York State Festivals, as well as in national, and international festivals . As a clarinet and saxophone player, Dr . Jaeschke performed in the New York metropolitan area with the Rockland Symphony Orchestra, the Putnam Symphony Orchestra, Fine Arts Symphony Orchestra, and served as the concert master for the Hudson Valley Wind Symphony .For several years, Dr . Jaeschke served as the Fine Arts Coordinator for the District 204 schools in Naperville, IL, a district selected as One of the Best 100 Schools in America for Music . Currently, Dr . Jaeschke is an Associate Professor at Augustana College where he teaches music and music education courses, and directs the Concert Band . He has served on various educational boards, is a National edTPA scorer, and has presented at state, national and international music conferences . He lives with his family in Bettendorf Iowa, and enjoys any opportunity to explore the open water in his sea kayak . $125.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Great Smoky Mountains [Score] Theodore Presser Co.
Band Bass Clarinet, Bassoon 1, Bassoon 2, Clarinet, Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2, Clar...(+)
Band Bass Clarinet, Bassoon 1, Bassoon 2, Clarinet, Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2, Clarinet 3, Contrabass Clarinet, Contrabassoon, Double Bass, English Horn, Euphonium, Flute 1, Flute 2, Horn 1, Horn 2, Horn 3, Horn 4, Oboe 1, Oboe 2, Percussion 1 and more. SKU: PR.16500102F Mvt. 2 from Symphony No. 6 (Three Places in the East). Composed by Dan Welcher. Full score. 52 pages. Theodore Presser Company #165-00102F. Published by Theodore Presser Company (PR.16500102F). ISBN 9781491131749. UPC: 680160680276. Ever since the success of my series of wind ensemble works Places in the West, I've been wanting to write a companion piece for national parks on the other side of the north American continent. The earlier work, consisting of GLACIER, THE YELLOWSTONE FIRES, ARCHES, and ZION, spanned some twenty years of my composing life, and since the pieces called for differing groups of instruments, and were in slightly different styles from each other, I never considered them to be connected except in their subject matter. In their depiction of both the scenery and the human history within these wondrous places, they had a common goal: awaking the listener to the fragile beauty that is in them; and calling attention to the ever more crucial need for preservation and protection of these wild places, unique in all the world. With this new work, commissioned by a consortium of college and conservatory wind ensembles led by the University of Georgia, I decided to build upon that same model---but to solidify the process. The result, consisting of three movements (each named for a different national park in the eastern US), is a bona-fide symphony. While the three pieces could be performed separately, they share a musical theme---and also a common style and instrumentation. It is a true symphony, in that the first movement is long and expository, the second is a rather tightly structured scherzo-with-trio, and the finale is a true culmination of the whole. The first movement, Everglades, was the original inspiration for the entire symphony. Conceived over the course of two trips to that astonishing place (which the native Americans called River of Grass, the subtitle of this movement), this movement not only conveys a sense of the humid, lush, and even frightening scenery there---but also an overview of the entire settling-of- Florida experience. It contains not one, but two native American chants, and also presents a view of the staggering influence of modern man on this fragile part of the world. Beginning with a slow unfolding marked Heavy, humid, the music soon presents a gentle, lyrical theme in the solo alto saxophone. This theme, which goes through three expansive phrases with breaks in between, will appear in all three movements of the symphony. After the mood has been established, the music opens up to a rich, warm setting of a Cherokee morning song, with the simple happiness that this part of Florida must have had prior to the nineteenth century. This music, enveloping and comforting, gradually gives way to a more frenetic, driven section representative of the intrusion of the white man. Since Florida was populated and developed largely due to the introduction of a train system, there's a suggestion of the mechanized iron horse driving straight into the heartland. At that point, the native Americans become considerably less gentle, and a second chant seems to stand in the way of the intruder; a kind of warning song. The second part of this movement shows us the great swampy center of the peninsula, with its wildlife both in and out of the water. A new theme appears, sad but noble, suggesting that this land is precious and must be protected by all the people who inhabit it. At length, the morning song reappears in all its splendor, until the sunset---with one last iteration of the warning song in the solo piccolo. Functioning as a scherzo, the second movement, Great Smoky Mountains, describes not just that huge park itself, but one brave soul's attempt to climb a mountain there. It begins with three iterations of the UR-theme (which began the first movement as well), but this time as up-tempo brass fanfares in octaves. Each time it begins again, the theme is a little slower and less confident than the previous time---almost as though the hiker were becoming aware of the daunting mountain before him. But then, a steady, quick-pulsed ostinato appears, in a constantly shifting meter system of 2/4- 3/4 in alteration, and the hike has begun. Over this, a slower new melody appears, as the trek up the mountain progresses. It's a big mountain, and the ascent seems to take quite awhile, with little breaks in the hiker's stride, until at length he simply must stop and rest. An oboe solo, over several free cadenza-like measures, allows us (and our friend the hiker) to catch our breath, and also to view in the distance the rocky peak before us. The goal is somehow even more daunting than at first, being closer and thus more frighteningly steep. When we do push off again, it's at a slower pace, and with more careful attention to our footholds as we trek over broken rocks. Tantalizing little views of the valley at every switchback make our determination even stronger. Finally, we burst through a stand of pines and----we're at the summit! The immensity of the view is overwhelming, and ultimately humbling. A brief coda, while we sit dazed on the rocks, ends the movement in a feeling of triumph. The final movement, Acadia, is also about a trip. In the summer of 2014, I took a sailing trip with a dear friend from North Haven, Maine, to the southern coast of Mt. Desert Island in Acadia National Park. The experience left me both exuberant and exhausted, with an appreciation for the ocean that I hadn't had previously. The approach to Acadia National Park by water, too, was thrilling: like the difference between climbing a mountain on foot with riding up on a ski-lift, I felt I'd earned the right to be there. The music for this movement is entirely based on the opening UR-theme. There's a sense of the water and the mysterious, quiet deep from the very beginning, with seagulls and bell buoys setting the scene. As we leave the harbor, the theme (in a canon between solo euphonium and tuba) almost seems as if large subaquatic animals are observing our departure. There are three themes (call them A, B and C) in this seafaring journey---but they are all based on the UR theme, in its original form with octaves displaced, in an upside-down form, and in a backwards version as well. (The ocean, while appearing to be unchanging, is always changing.) We move out into the main channel (A), passing several islands (B), until we reach the long draw that parallels the coastline called Eggemoggin Reach, and a sudden burst of new speed (C). Things suddenly stop, as if the wind had died, and we have a vision: is that really Mt. Desert Island we can see off the port bow, vaguely in the distance? A chorale of saxophones seems to suggest that. We push off anew as the chorale ends, and go through all three themes again---but in different instrumentations, and different keys. At the final tack-turn, there it is, for real: Mt. Desert Island, big as life. We've made it. As we pull into the harbor, where we'll secure the boat for the night, there's a feeling of achievement. Our whale and dolphin friends return, and we end our journey with gratitude and celebration. I am profoundly grateful to Jaclyn Hartenberger, Professor of Conducting at the University of Georgia, for leading the consortium which provided the commissioning of this work. $36.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| 4'33 (Cage Centennial Edition) Piano solo Peters
By John Cage (1912-1992). For for any instrument or combination of instruments. ...(+)
By John Cage (1912-1992). For for any instrument or combination of instruments. Modern. Sheet Music. Composed 1952. Duration 4 minutes 33 seconds. Published by Edition Peters
$17.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Resignation Concert band - Intermediate Carl Fischer
Band Bass Clarinet, Bassoon 1, Bassoon 2, Bells, Chimes, Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2,...(+)
Band Bass Clarinet, Bassoon 1, Bassoon 2, Bells, Chimes, Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2, Clarinet 3, Contrabass Clarinet, Euphonium, Euphonium T.C., Flute 1, Flute 2, Horn 1, Horn 2, Mallet Percussion 1, Mallet Percussion 2, Oboe, Percussion 1, Percussion 2 and more. - Grade 4 SKU: CF.SPS82 Composed by Ed Kiefer. Symphonic Band (SPS). Set of Score and Parts. With Standard notation. 4+4+2+4+8+8+2+1+2+2+2+2+2+2+3+6+6+9+2+2+3+3+3+3+4+1+1+1+1+1+16+2 pages. Duration 2 minutes, 58 seconds. Carl Fischer Music #SPS82. Published by Carl Fischer Music (CF.SPS82). ISBN 9781491152591. UPC: 680160910090. Key: Bb major. Resignation was composed in memory of one of Ed Kiefer's best friends. Evoking the struggle of coming to grips with the loss of a dear friend, the piece is based on the hymn, My Shepherd Will Supply My Need. It is dramatic, heartfelt, and overwhelmingly beautiful. As Hans Christian Andersen once said, When words fail, music speaks.. Dr. David S. Kirby Commission Consortium Phillip Riggs, Commission CoordinatorNorthwest District Bandmasters AssociationRodney Workman, Past-Chair Andrew Jimeson, ChairWestern North Carolina Bandmasters AssociationAllen Klaes, ChairNorth Carolina School of Science and MathPhillip Riggs, DirectorA.C. Reynolds High School BandSean Smith, DirectorSouth Caldwell High School BandJason Childers, DirectorJay M. Robinson Symphonic BandAndrew Carter, DirectorApex High School BandDaniel Jarvis, DirectorPanther Creek High School BandDavid Robinson, DirectorEastern Randolph High School BandCarolina Perez, DirectorStanley County Concert Band/Pfeiffer University Concert BandCarmella Hedrick, Tim Hedrick and Frank Poolos, DirectorsLenoir Rhyne University Wind SymphonyDr. Daniel Kiser, ConductorDr. Christopher NegrelliNumerous colleagues, fellow teachers, and former studentsProgram NotesThere is no possible way I could compose a piece of music worthy of the memory of my close friend, Dr. David Kirby, who died very suddenly at an early age. Neither could I write a piece that could come close to reflecting his kind spirit, wit, personality or talent. In fact, it was almost impossible for me to write anything at all. My own grief and the stages of my grief kept getting in the way. I ended up with a setting of the hymn-tune, Resignation. Resigned. To the fact that he is no longer with us. I know he is in a better place, but we are not. We miss him very much. And so, My Shepherd Will Supply My Need seems to speak to those of us he left behind. I apologize if this piece does not reflect your special feelings for him or help you celebrate his moving on. Unfortunately, I could only put down what I have come to accept and hope in some way it may speak to any of you that knew him or to others of you who have also lost a close friend. My Shepherd Will Supply My Need. That is my hope and my hope for you.Although technically very easy, this composition requires a maturity of musicianship to be performed properly. The Bb contrabass clarinet part is integral to the composition, but there are cues in the tuba part if you need them.  Make sure you bring horns to the fore at m. 53 and the low brass at m. 59 so the melody can be heard without effort. Exaggerate dynamics to bring more emotion to the piece. Be careful not to diminuendo too soon near the end or it will be difficult to diminish even further at the very end, where the lone clarinetist holds over a couple of measures, fading into nothing. I hope your students will enjoy this piece and take from it a greater appreciation for the way making music can express feelings. $110.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| A Summer with Elise 1 Piano, 4 hands [Score] Breitkopf & Härtel
33 Pieces for Piano Duet. Composed by Michael Proksch. Music pedagogy. Editi...(+)
33 Pieces for Piano Duet.
Composed by Michael Proksch.
Music pedagogy. Edition
Breitkopf. Score. Breitkopf
and Haertel #EB 9404.
Published by Breitkopf and
$38.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 3 to 4 weeks | | |
| The Drummer's Fake Book Drums [Fake Book] Hal Leonard
Easy-to-Use Drum Charts with Kit Legends and Lyric Cues. Composed by Various. ...(+)
Easy-to-Use Drum Charts with
Kit Legends and Lyric Cues.
Composed by Various. Drum
Book. Pop. Softcover. 336
pages. Published by Hal
$39.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Jarba, Mare Jarba Choral SATB Carl Fischer
Choral SATB choir SKU: CF.CM9700 Composed by Hungarian Folk. Arranged by ...(+)
Choral SATB choir SKU: CF.CM9700 Composed by Hungarian Folk. Arranged by Stacy Garrop. 20 pages. Duration 4:44. Carl Fischer Music #CM9700. Published by Carl Fischer Music (CF.CM9700). ISBN 9781491160008. UPC: 680160918607. Key: A minor. Hungarian. Hungarian Folk. In 2014, Chanticleer commissioned me to make a new arrangement of the Hungarian-Romani folk song Jarba, Mare Jarba for their 2014 touring program. Passed down orally through the Romani communities, this beautiful folk song, with text in a language called Beas (beh-osh), speaks of a deep longing to visit one's homeland, a place where the singer can never return. Chanticleer consists of twelve men whose vocal ranges span from low bass to high soprano, equivalent to the range of a mixed choir of women and men. I composed slow sections of original material to represent the singers' longing to return home; these are interspersed with the folk song's traditional fast sections. The incorporated shouts and calls in the score are typically found in the performance of Central European folk songs. I hope you enjoy singing this new version of Jarba, Mare Jarba that contains all of the vigor and excitement of the Chanticleer version. PERFORMANCE NOTES All spoken sounds (indicated by x noteheads) should be performed by individuals. Feel free to elaborate with more sounds of your own in the tradition of Eastern European folk music. If the piece is memorized, feel free to experiment with clapping on the off-beats of m. 93 to the end. TEXT Transliteration Jarba, mare jarba mas duce a casa, da nu pot ca am jurat, Jarba, mare jarba mas duce a casa, da nu pot ca am jurat. Mare jarba, verde jarba nu me pot duce a casa. Jarba, mare jarba mas duce a casa, da nu pot ca am jurat. O mers mama de pe sat, O lasat coliba goala, Infrunzitu, ingurzitu da plina de saracie, da plina de saracie. Mare jarba, verde jarba nu me pot duce a casa. Jarba, mare jarba mas duce a casa, da nu pot ca am jurat. Translation Green grass, tall grass, I would like to go home, but I cannot, because I have sworn not to. Tall grass, green grass - oh, that I cannot go home! My mother has left the village; she left the hut empty, Adorned with leaves but full of poverty. Tall grass, green grass - oh, that I cannot go home! Tall grass, green grass - I would like to go home. but I cannot, because I have sworn not to. Stacy Garrop's music is centered on dramatic and lyrical storytelling. The sharing of stories is a defining element of our humanity; we strive to share with others the experiences and concepts that we find compelling. She shares stories by taking audiences on sonic journeys - some simple and beautiful, while others are complicated and dark - depending on the needs and dramatic shape of the story. Garrop served as the first Emerging Opera Composer of Chicago Opera Theater's Vanguard Program. She also held a 3-year composer-in-residence position with the Champaign-Urbana Symphony Orchestra, funded by New Music USA and the League of American Orchestras. She has received numerous awards and grants including an Arts and Letters Award in Music from the American Academy of Arts and Letters, Fromm Music Foundation Grant, Barlow Prize, and three Barlow Endowment commissions, along with prizes from competitions sponsored by the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Civic Orchestra of Chicago, Omaha Symphony, New England Philharmonic, Boston Choral Ensemble, Utah Arts Festival, and Pittsburgh New Music Ensemble. She is a Cedille Records artist; her works are commercially available on more than ten additional labels. Her catalog covers a wide range, with works for orchestra, opera, oratorio, wind ensemble, choir, art song, various sized chamber ensembles, and works for solo instruments. Notable commissions include My Dearest Ruth for soprano and piano with text by Martin Ginsburg, the husband of the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, The Transformation of Jane Doe for Chicago Opera Theater, The Battle for the Ballot for the Cabrillo Festival Orchestra, Goddess Triptych for the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra, Glorious Mahalia for the Kronos Quartet, Give Me Hunger for Chanticleer, Rites for the Afterlife for the Akropolis and Calefax Reed Quintets, and Terra Nostra: an oratorio about our planet, commissioned by the San Francisco Choral Society and Piedmont East Bay Children's Chorus. Garrop previously served as composer-in-residence with the Albany Symphony and Skaneateles Festival, and as well as on faculty of the Fresh Inc Festival (2012-2017). She taught composition and orchestration full-time at Roosevelt University 2000-2016) before leaving to launch her freelance career. She earned degrees in music composition at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor (B.M.), University of Chicago (M.A.), and Indiana University-Bloomington (D.M.). In 2014, Chanticleer commissioned me to make a new arrangement of the Hungarian-Romani folk song Jarba, Mare Jarba for their 2014 touring program. Passed down orally through the Romani communities, this beautiful folk song, with text in a language called Beas (beh-osh), speaks of a deep longing to visit one’s homeland, a place where the singer can never return. Chanticleer consists of twelve men whose vocal ranges span from low bass to high soprano, equivalent to the range of a mixed choir of women and men. I composed slow sections of original material to represent the singers’ longing to return home; these are interspersed with the folk song’s traditional fast sections. The incorporated shouts and calls in the score are typically found in the performance of Central European folk songs. I hope you enjoy singing this new version of Jarba, Mare Jarba that contains all of the vigor and excitement of the Chanticleer version.PERFORMANCE NOTESAll spoken sounds (indicated by x noteheads) should be performed by individuals. Feel free to elaborate with more sounds of your own in the tradition of Eastern European folk music.If the piece is memorized, feel free to experiment with clapping on the off-beats of m. 93 to the end.TEXTTransliterationJarba, mare jarba mas duce a casa, da nu pot ca am jurat, Jarba, mare jarba mas duce a casa, da nu pot ca am jurat. Mare jarba, verde jarba nu me pot duce a casa.Jarba, mare jarba mas duce a casa, da nu pot ca am jurat.O mers mama de pe sat, O lasat coliba goala,Infrunzitu, ingurzitu da plina de saracie, da plina de saracie. Mare jarba, verde jarba nu me pot duce a casa.Jarba, mare jarba mas duce a casa, da nu pot ca am jurat.TranslationGreen grass, tall grass, I would like to go home, but I cannot, because I have sworn not to.Tall grass, green grass – oh, that I cannot go home!My mother has left the village; she left the hut empty, Adorned with leaves but full of poverty.Tall grass, green grass – oh, that I cannot go home! Tall grass, green grass – I would like to go home.but I cannot, because I have sworn not to.Stacy Garrop’s music is centered on dramatic and lyrical storytelling. The sharing of stories is a defining element of our humanity; we strive to share with others the experiences and concepts that we find compelling. She shares stories by taking audiences on sonic journeys – some simple and beautiful, while others are complicated and dark – depending on the needs and dramatic shape of the story.Garrop served as the first Emerging Opera Composer of Chicago Opera Theater’s Vanguard Program. She also held a 3-year composer-in-residence position with the Champaign-Urbana Symphony Orchestra, funded by New Music USA and the League of American Orchestras. She has received numerous awards and grants including an Arts and Letters Award in Music from the American Academy of Arts and Letters, Fromm Music Foundation Grant, Barlow Prize, and three Barlow Endowment commissions, along with prizes from competitions sponsored by the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Civic Orchestra of Chicago, Omaha Symphony, New England Philharmonic, Boston Choral Ensemble, Utah Arts Festival, and Pittsburgh New Music Ensemble. She is a Cedille Records artist; her works are commercially available on more than ten additional labels.Her catalog covers a wide range, with works for orchestra, opera, oratorio, wind ensemble, choir, art song, various sized chamber ensembles, and works for solo instruments. Notable commissions include My Dearest Ruth for soprano and piano with text by Martin Ginsburg, the husband of the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, The Transformation of Jane Doe for Chicago Opera Theater, The Battle for the Ballot for the Cabrillo Festival Orchestra, Goddess Triptych for the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra, Glorious Mahalia for the Kronos Quartet, Give Me Hunger for Chanticleer, Rites for the Afterlife for the Akropolis and Calefax Reed Quintets, and Terra Nostra: an oratorio about our planet, commissioned by the San Francisco Choral Society and Piedmont East Bay Children’s Chorus.Garrop previously served as composer-in-residence with the Albany Symphony and Skaneateles Festival, and as well as on faculty of the Fresh Inc Festival (2012-2017). She taught composition and orchestration full-time at Roosevelt University 2000-2016) before leaving to launch her freelance career. She earned degrees in music composition at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor (B.M.), University of Chicago (M.A.), and Indiana University-Bloomington (D.M.).ÂÂ. $3.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Spring in Dresden Theodore Presser Co.
Orchestra Bass Drum, Bassoon 1, Bassoon 2, Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2, Contrabass, F...(+)
Orchestra Bass Drum, Bassoon 1, Bassoon 2, Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2, Contrabass, Flute 1, Flute 2, Harp, Horn 1, Horn 2, Horn 3, Horn 4, Marimba, Oboe 1, Oboe 2, Percussion 1, Percussion 2, Percussion 3, Snare Drum, Suspended Cymbal, Tam-tam, Trombone 1 and more. SKU: PR.11641963L Composed by Chen Yi. Large Score. 58 pages. Duration 20 minutes. Theodore Presser Company #116-41963L. Published by Theodore Presser Company (PR.11641963L). UPC: 680160684489. The violin concerto is commissioned by Friends of Dresden Music Foundation for American soloist Mira Wang and the New York Philharmonic and Staatskapelle Dresden as an American commemoration of the reconstruction of the Dresden Frauenkirche, 60 years after its destruction in World War II by American and British Forces. The world premiere is given at the Semperoper in Dresden, Germany, on October 9, 10 & 11, 2005, conducted by Ivan Fischer. Full of excitement and inner power, the musical image is vivid, energetic, sometimes lyrical and sometimes dramatic. The major angular thematic material (a three note motive) consists of big leaps in interval (a perfect fourth downward and then a minor seventh upward, first introduced by the violin solo in measures 27-29). Except for the cadenzas which stand at the middle (Rehearsal E, measure 127) and the two ends of the piece as a frame, the virtuosic violin solo line is always accompanied by the ever moving and growing textures in the background. The rests between long and short phrases symbolize the space in Chinese paintings. The Beijing Opera reciting tune, and the fingerings to produce sliding tones in the performance of the Chinese fiddle erhu are also borrowed in the writing and the performing of the western instruments. The musical imagination of the violin concerto came from an ancient Chinese poem with the same title, written by Du Fu (712-770) in Tang Dynasty. Happy Rain on a Spring Night by Du Fu (712-770 in Tang Dynasty) Happy rain comes in time, When spring is in its prime. With night breeze it will fall, And quietly moisten all. Clouds darken wild roads, Light brightens a little boat. Saturated at dawn, With flowers blooming the town. (English translation by Chen Yi from the original poem in Chinese) The following is the poem in its original Chinese form, and the detailed introduction on the structural plan of the violin concerto Spring in Dresden. It's like the welcome rain on a quiet spring night that nurtures the budding seeds, our new society is pushing us forward to the new future. The music reflects the scenes and the expression according to the meaning of the poem when it's being unfolded line by line. Although the tempo is set 63 quarter notes per minute throughout (played vividly, never slow down), the tension is being built up from the quiet background in the beginning, to the sustained climax towards the end. The musical image in Rehearsal A and B (measures 39-80) represents the first four lines of the poem. The wind instruments response to the rustling of fast moving notes on muted string triplets, decorated by occasional strokes produced by metallic string sound and high woodwind gestures. The music in Rehearsal C and D (measures 81-126) represents the next two lines of the poem. It's so dark, a little light in the boat is shimmering on the lake... The breathy sound and key slaps on the flutes create a mysterious atmosphere, in a dialogue with other instruments. The cello glissandi recite the poem in the tone of Mandarin, echoed by the string harmonics. The music in Rehearsal F, G and H (m 129-202) is a toccata, starting in the orchestra (led by the marimba), which builds up a big shape, to reach the climax in m. 157 (Rehearsal G, the location of the Golden Section, according to the length of the music without cadenzas), and keeps the vivid scene towards the coda (from Rehearsal I, m. 203), which stands on the energetic peak until the clear cutoff on measure 239, followed by the short, yet powerful solo conclusion with the lingering echo produced by the high string harmonics. On the top, there is a recall of the three note motive in the sound of wonderland, touched by the motor-on vibraphone meaningfully. The music is written for 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets (in Bb), 2 bassoons, 4 French horns (in F), 2 trumpets (in Bb), 3 trombones, tuba, harp, 3 percussion players (Perc. 1: xylophone; Perc. 2: suspended cymbal, Japanese high woodblock, snare drum, bass drum and vibraphone; Perc. 3: marimba and tam-tam), solo violin, and strings. Duration is about 20 minutes. The violin concerto is commissioned by Friends of Dresden Music Foundation for American soloist Mira Wang and the New York Philharmonic and Staatskapelle Dresden as an American commemoration of the reconstruction of the Dresden Frauenkirche, 60 years after its destruction in World War II by American and British Forces. The world premiere is given at the Semperoper in Dresden, Germany, on October 9, 10 & 11, 2005, conducted by Ivan Fischer.Full of excitement and inner power, the musical image is vivid, energetic, sometimeslyrical and sometimes dramatic. The major angular thematic material (a three notemotive) consists of big leaps in interval (a perfect fourth downward and then a minorseventh upward, first introduced by the violin solo in measures 27-29). Except for thecadenzas which stand at the middle (Rehearsal E, measure 127) and the two ends of the piece as a frame, the virtuosic violin solo line is always accompanied by the ever moving and growing textures in the background. The rests between long and short phrases symbolize the space in Chinese paintings. The Beijing Opera reciting tune, and the fingerings to produce sliding tones in the performance of the Chinese fiddle erhu are also borrowed in the writing and the performing of the western instruments.The musical imagination of the violin concerto came from an ancient Chinese poem with the same title, written by Du Fu (712-770) in Tang Dynasty.Happy Rain on a Spring Nightby Du Fu (712-770 in Tang Dynasty)Happy rain comes in time,When spring is in its prime.With night breeze it will fall,And quietly moisten all.Clouds darken wild roads,Light brightens a little boat.Saturated at dawn,With flowers blooming the town.(English translation by Chen Yi from the original poem in Chinese)The following is the poem in its original Chinese form, and the detailed introduction onthe structural plan of the violin concerto Spring in Dresden.It’s like the welcome rain on a quiet spring night that nurtures the budding seeds, our newsociety is pushing us forward to the new future. The music reflects the scenes and theexpression according to the meaning of the poem when it’s being unfolded line by line.Although the tempo is set 63 quarter notes per minute throughout (played vividly, neverslow down), the tension is being built up from the quiet background in the beginning, tothe sustained climax towards the end. The musical image in Rehearsal A and B (measures39-80) represents the first four lines of the poem. The wind instruments response to therustling of fast moving notes on muted string triplets, decorated by occasional strokesproduced by metallic string sound and high woodwind gestures. The music in RehearsalC and D (measures 81-126) represents the next two lines of the poem. It's so dark, a littlelight in the boat is shimmering on the lake... The breathy sound and key slaps on theflutes create a mysterious atmosphere, in a dialogue with other instruments. The celloglissandi recite the poem in the tone of Mandarin, echoed by the string harmonics. Themusic in Rehearsal F, G and H (m 129-202) is a toccata, starting in the orchestra (led bythe marimba), which builds up a big shape, to reach the climax in m. 157 (Rehearsal G,the location of the Golden Section, according to the length of the music withoutcadenzas), and keeps the vivid scene towards the coda (from Rehearsal I, m. 203), whichstands on the energetic peak until the clear cutoff on measure 239, followed by the short,yet powerful solo conclusion with the lingering echo produced by the high stringharmonics. On the top, there is a recall of the three note motive in the sound ofwonderland, touched by the motor-on vibraphone meaningfully.The music is written for 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets (in Bb), 2 bassoons, 4 French horns (in F), 2 trumpets (in Bb), 3 trombones, tuba, harp, 3 percussion players (Perc. 1:xylophone; Perc. 2: suspended cymbal, Japanese high woodblock, snare drum, bass drum and vibraphone; Perc. 3: marimba and tam-tam), solo violin, and strings.Duration is about 20 minutes. $55.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Suzuki Violin School, Volume 4 (Violin Part) Violin [Sheet music + CD] Alfred Publishing
Violin Part. Composed by Dr. Shinichi Suzuki. This edition: International. ...(+)
Violin Part. Composed by Dr.
Shinichi Suzuki. This edition:
Method/Instruction; String -
Violin (Suzuki); Suzuki.
Suzuki Violin School. Book and
CD. 32 pages. Alfred Music
#00-50106. Published by Alfred
$24.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Suzuki Violin School, Volume 4 (Asian Edition) Violin [Sheet music + CD] Alfred Publishing
Asian Edition. By piano accompaniment performed by Kuang-Hao Huang, violin ...(+)
Asian Edition. By piano
accompaniment performed by
Kuang-Hao Huang, violin
performed by Augustin
Hadelich, and Dr. Shinichi
Suzuki. This edition:
International. MakeMusic
Cloud; Method/Instruction;
String - Violin (Suzuki);
Suzuki. Suzuki Violin School.
Book and CD. 32 pages. Alfred
Music #00-50633. Published by
Alfred Music
$9.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Sonata (Spirit of the Hudson) Flute and Piano Theodore Presser Co.
Chamber Music Bass Flute, Piano SKU: PR.114418900 Composed by Daniel Dorf...(+)
Chamber Music Bass Flute, Piano SKU: PR.114418900 Composed by Daniel Dorff. Set of Score and Parts. 24+8 pages. Duration 14 minutes. Theodore Presser Company #114-41890. Published by Theodore Presser Company (PR.114418900). ISBN 9781491129517. UPC: 680160668632. A welcome addition to the bass flute repertoire, Dorff’s 14-minute sonata is designed as two pairs of slow-fast movements. While composed as a complete 4-movement sonata, either half may be performed alone as a 7-minute recital work. The movement titles are: I. Sprawling, burbling; II. Sparkling, glistening; III. Under Winter; and IV. Spring Spirits. When Peter Sheridan commissioned me to write a piece for bass flute and piano, his only requests were a sonata-like multi-movement work, and some kind of reference to New York, where we both grew up. Just the thought of a bass flute, with its broad and mighty airstream, already reminded me of the mighty Hudson River: from the dense woods of upstate New York, through the beautiful landscapes of New Paltz and Poughkeepsie, down through the celebrated Manhattan waterway.As I daydreamed how to build a sonata inspired by the Hudson, I thought of its deep primal nature carved by the Ice Age, and the life within the river and on its shores long before humans arrived. I thought of how the river’s magnetism drew Native Americans who honored and built their lives around it. I thought of beautiful trees and wildlife, the annual cycles of ecosystems, and the natural symbiosis between the river itself, the life within, and the life on land spawned by the river’s resources.I wondered what if Thoreau had sat by the Hudson rather than by Walden Pond; I wondered what if Hesse had set Siddhartha in the Hudson Valley with this river as his metaphor for the flow of life and time.I wondered whether the sonata should flow from north to south, or have chronological references. I wondered if I should allude to the many poets and painters who have drawn inspiration from the mighty Hudson. Every thought led to the river’s essence, its own spirit and life — flowing through raw nature, from skinny trickles to mightiness spawning cities; supporting subtle life, and becoming a central commons for human societies.The subtitle Spirit of the Hudson brings it all together.* * *The sonata is built in 4 movements, with formal inspiration from the Baroque: A slow Mvt. 1 “Sprawling, burbling†leads directly to the rapid Mvt. 2 “Sparkling, glistening,†followed by another slow-fast pair: Mvt. 3 “Under Winter†which leads directly into Mvt. 4 “Spring Spirits.†In addition to performances of the complete sonata, either pair of movements may be performed on its own for a shorter concert segment.SONATA (SPIRIT OF THE HUDSON) was premiered at the International Low Flutes Festival in April 2018 by its commissioner, bass flutist Peter Sheridan, with Hyeeun Hahm as pianist. $21.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Barcarolles for a Sinking City [Score] Theodore Presser Co.
Orchestra Bass Clarinet, Bassoon 1, Bassoon 2, Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2, Contrabas...(+)
Orchestra Bass Clarinet, Bassoon 1, Bassoon 2, Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2, Contrabass, Contrabassoon, English Horn, Flute 1, Flute 2, Harp, Horn 1, Horn 2, Horn 3, Horn 4, Oboe 1, Oboe 2, Percussion 1, Percussion 2, Percussion 3, Percussion 4, Piccolo and more. SKU: PR.11641139S Composed by Lowell Liebermann. Full score. Duration 15 minutes. Theodore Presser Company #116-41139S. Published by Theodore Presser Company (PR.11641139S). UPC: 680160682119. Barcarolles for a Sinking City was inspired by the city of Venice, a place that has long held the fascination of artists, writers and composers, and which I have been lucky enough to visit on several occasions. Sadly it seems that future generations may not be so lucky: in addition to the city's slow sinking and recently discovered tilting, studies predict that if global warming and the resultant rise of ocean levels is unabated, the entire city (as well as many other coastal cities around the globe) will be under water by 2100. I. Funeral Gondola The late, cryptic piano works of Franz Liszt made a profound impression on me as a young composer, among them two works he entitled La Lugubre Gondola (usually translated as The Funeral Gondola ) which were said to be a premonition of Wagner's death in Venice, his coffin transported through the canals in a black gondola. These late pieces of Liszt acquired even greater significance to me after I spent two summers in Bayreuth under the patronage of Friedelind Wagner, the granddaughter of Wagner and great-granddaughter of Liszt. This movement is a meditation on Wagner, Liszt, Venice and its own evanescence. II. Barcarolle/Quodlibet The Quodlibet (Latin for what pleases) is a musical form dating back to the 15th century where many disparate melodies are juxtaposed. Popular in the Renaissance, sacred and secular melodies were combined, often to comical effect due to the resultant incongruity of the words. The form was considered the ultimate test of a composer's mastery of counterpoint. The most famous Quodlibet is without doubt the final Variation of Bach's Goldberg Variations. As a form the Quodlibet is less common in more recent music, although examples can be found in the works of Kurt Weill and David Del Tredici. My own Barcarolle/Quodlibet was inspired by the (perhaps apocryphal) story of the funeral where musicians were asked to play a Bach Choral, but due to miscommunication played instead the Bacarolle from The Tales of Hoffmann. Here, the Bach Choral Allen Menschen mussen sterben (All Men Must Die) is heard in the strings pizzicato, with a tempo indication In slow motion. The alto line of the Bach suggests a phrase from Beethoven's Ninth Symphony (Alle Menchen werden Bruder) heard in the muted trombone. Before long, the famous tune from Offenbach's opera is heard, followed by quotations from iconic Barcarolles by Chopin, Mendelssohn and Faure, as well as two Venetian popular songs and more Beethoven. III. Barcarola/Ostinato/Carillon An ostinato is a repeated musical figure, and carillon is Italian for music box. This movement references the obsolete genre of salon pieces that imitated music boxes: such works by composers like Liadov and Gretchaninov used to be a mainstay of pianists' encore repertoire. This movement is however much darker in conception than those pleasant trifles. Utilizing the full battery of percussion, the carefully notated temporal slowing of the ostinato becomes overwhelmed by a poignant chorale melody before this box is snapped shut. IV. Barcarolle Oubliee (Forgotten Barcarolle) Marked limpido (still) the final movement begins with the sound of rain produced by a percussion instrument called (appropriately) a rain stick. Halting phrases in the harp coalesce into the accompaniment for a plangent melody heard in the clarinet. The central Adagio of this movement leads to a shattering climax, before the opening phrases return and dissipate into nothingness. $48.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Barcarolles for a Sinking City Theodore Presser Co.
Orchestra Bass Clarinet, Bassoon 1, Bassoon 2, Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2, Contrabas...(+)
Orchestra Bass Clarinet, Bassoon 1, Bassoon 2, Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2, Contrabass, Contrabassoon, English Horn, Flute 1, Flute 2, Harp, Horn 1, Horn 2, Horn 3, Horn 4, Oboe 1, Oboe 2, Percussion 1, Percussion 2, Percussion 3, Percussion 4, Piccolo and more. SKU: PR.11641139L Composed by Lowell Liebermann. Large Score. Duration 15 minutes. Theodore Presser Company #116-41139L. Published by Theodore Presser Company (PR.11641139L). UPC: 680160682126. Barcarolles for a Sinking City was inspired by the city of Venice, a place that has long held the fascination of artists, writers and composers, and which I have been lucky enough to visit on several occasions. Sadly it seems that future generations may not be so lucky: in addition to the city's slow sinking and recently discovered tilting, studies predict that if global warming and the resultant rise of ocean levels is unabated, the entire city (as well as many other coastal cities around the globe) will be under water by 2100. I. Funeral Gondola The late, cryptic piano works of Franz Liszt made a profound impression on me as a young composer, among them two works he entitled La Lugubre Gondola (usually translated as The Funeral Gondola ) which were said to be a premonition of Wagner's death in Venice, his coffin transported through the canals in a black gondola. These late pieces of Liszt acquired even greater significance to me after I spent two summers in Bayreuth under the patronage of Friedelind Wagner, the granddaughter of Wagner and great-granddaughter of Liszt. This movement is a meditation on Wagner, Liszt, Venice and its own evanescence. II. Barcarolle/Quodlibet The Quodlibet (Latin for what pleases) is a musical form dating back to the 15th century where many disparate melodies are juxtaposed. Popular in the Renaissance, sacred and secular melodies were combined, often to comical effect due to the resultant incongruity of the words. The form was considered the ultimate test of a composer's mastery of counterpoint. The most famous Quodlibet is without doubt the final Variation of Bach's Goldberg Variations. As a form the Quodlibet is less common in more recent music, although examples can be found in the works of Kurt Weill and David Del Tredici. My own Barcarolle/Quodlibet was inspired by the (perhaps apocryphal) story of the funeral where musicians were asked to play a Bach Choral, but due to miscommunication played instead the Bacarolle from The Tales of Hoffmann. Here, the Bach Choral Allen Menschen mussen sterben (All Men Must Die) is heard in the strings pizzicato, with a tempo indication In slow motion. The alto line of the Bach suggests a phrase from Beethoven's Ninth Symphony (Alle Menchen werden Bruder) heard in the muted trombone. Before long, the famous tune from Offenbach's opera is heard, followed by quotations from iconic Barcarolles by Chopin, Mendelssohn and Faure, as well as two Venetian popular songs and more Beethoven. III. Barcarola/Ostinato/Carillon An ostinato is a repeated musical figure, and carillon is Italian for music box. This movement references the obsolete genre of salon pieces that imitated music boxes: such works by composers like Liadov and Gretchaninov used to be a mainstay of pianists' encore repertoire. This movement is however much darker in conception than those pleasant trifles. Utilizing the full battery of percussion, the carefully notated temporal slowing of the ostinato becomes overwhelmed by a poignant chorale melody before this box is snapped shut. IV. Barcarolle Oubliee (Forgotten Barcarolle) Marked limpido (still) the final movement begins with the sound of rain produced by a percussion instrument called (appropriately) a rain stick. Halting phrases in the harp coalesce into the accompaniment for a plangent melody heard in the clarinet. The central Adagio of this movement leads to a shattering climax, before the opening phrases return and dissipate into nothingness. $90.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| The Bassist's Fake Book Bass guitar Hal Leonard
250 Songs. By Various. Bass. Blues, Pop, Rock. Softcover. 500 pages. Published...(+)
250 Songs. By Various. Bass.
Blues, Pop, Rock. Softcover.
500 pages. Published by Hal
$49.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Percussion Sonata No. 3 Maverick 4 Percussions Theodore Presser Co.
For Percussion Quartet. Composed by Peter Schickele. Contemporary. Set of perfor...(+)
For Percussion Quartet. Composed by Peter Schickele. Contemporary. Set of performance scores. With Standard notation. Composed February 8 2015. 76 pages. Duration 13 minutes. Theodore Presser Company #164-00294. Published by Theodore Presser Company
$28.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Acadian Dreams Flute and Piano Theodore Presser Co.
Composed by Adrienne Albert. Set of Score and Parts. 12 4 pages. Duration 6 mi...(+)
Composed by Adrienne Albert.
Set of Score and Parts. 12 4
pages. Duration 6 minutes.
Theodore Presser Company #114-
42266. Published by Theodore
Presser Company
$18.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Level Up! 2 Snare Drums (duet) [Sheet music + Audio access] - Easy Tapspace Publications
Snare drum duet - Easy, Intermediate Composed by Chelsea Tinsler Jones. Books ...(+)
Snare drum duet - Easy,
Composed by Chelsea Tinsler
Jones. Books and Education. 15
Sequential Duets for the
Developing Snare Drummer.
Score. Tapspace Publications
#TSPB-50. Published by
Tapspace Publications
$22.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
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