SKU: CF.W2686
ISBN 9781491150948. UPC: 680160908448. 9x12 inches.
This new edition of Jean Baptiste Arban's Fourteen Characteristic Studies for Trumpet in Bb, edited by Thomas Hooten and Jennifer Marotta, was specifically written to provide the student with suitable material with which to test his powers of endurance, according to Arban himself.The following fourteen studies have been specifically written to provide the student withsuitable material with which to test his powers of endurance. In taking up these studies, he willdoubtless be fatigued, especially at the outset, by those numbers requiring an unusual length ofbreath. However, through careful study and experience he will learn to overcome the difficultiesand will acquire the resources which will enable him to master this particular phase of playingwith ease. As a means to this end, attention is drawn to cantabile passages in particular, whichshould be played with the utmost expression, yet at the same time with as much modified toneas possible. On the cornet, as with the voice, clear tones may be obtained by widening thelips and veiled tones by contracting them. This happy circumstance allows the performer anopportunity to rest while still continuing to play, and at the same time enables him to introduceeffective contrasts into the execution. It should be noted that by little artifices of this kind, andby skillfully conserving his resources, the player will reach the end of the longest and mostfatiguing pieces, not only without difficulty, but even with a reserve of strength and power,which, when brought to bear on the final measures of a performance, never fails to impress anaudience.At this point my task as professor (using the written instead of the spoken word) will end.There are things which appear clear enough when stated verbally but which when written downon paper cause confusion, seem obscure, and even sometimes appear trivial.There are other things of such an elevated and subtle nature that neither speech nor wordcan clearly explain them. They are felt, they are conceived, but they are not to be explained;and yet these things constitute the elevated style, the grand ecole, which it is my ambition toestablish for the cornet, just as they already exist for singing and for the various kinds of otherinstruments.Those of my readers who are ambitious and who want to attain this high level of perfection,should above all things, always try to hear good music well interpreted. They must seek out,among singers and instrumentalists, the most illustrious models, and by doing this purifytheir taste, develop their sentiments, and bring themselves as near as possible to that which isbeautiful. Perhaps then the innate spark which may someday be destined to demonstrate theirown talent, will reveal itself and render them worthy of being, in their turn, cited and imitatedin the future.
SKU: HL.50605827
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SKU: BT.9781472923639
ISBN 9781472923639. English.
A fantastic collection of 14 classical showstoppers arranged for beginner to intermediate players. Bringing together well-known classics in varied styles from the Baroque period to the twentieth century, this versatile repertoire book includes aninspirational CD and duet parts: everything needed to givea great performance.Anyone can take centre stage and stand in the spotlight with Abracadabra Performance Pieces.This brand new book is the latest addition to the best-selling Abracadabra series, offering approachable longer arrangements with fantastic backing tracks ideal for concert performances or simply for more musical fun. The 14 pieces showcase anarray of classical favourites, from Purcell and Handel to Bizet and Bartok, and are suitable for beginner to intermediate players (Grade 1 3).The CD contains specially recorded performances and supportive backing tracks that are guaranteed to bring extra sparkle to any performance. Four pieces also include a duet part for teachers or fellow players.
SKU: HL.48182940
UPC: 888680907860. 9.0x12.0x0.069 inches.
Guillaume Balay (1871-1943) served in the French military as a prolific Cornet player, having won first place in the 1894 Cornet Award competition at the National Academy of Music in Paris. His compositions were popular in the Cornet and brass repertoire at the time, including his Competition Piece for Cornet with Piano accompaniment. This Balay work remains within the brass repertoire to this day and is suitable for advanced level players as an audition or competition piece as indicated by the title, as well as a performance work. Competition Piece contains use of cadenza passages, variation in time signature, semiquaver flourishes, articulations, complex rhythms and chromaticism, amongst other aspects. This quirky piece by Balay provides the advanced Cornet player with a fun, alternative work which will show off their technical ability..
SKU: BT.DHP-1135445-400
ISBN 9789043137706. 9x12 inches. English.
Now solo instrumentalists can play play along with 14 intermediate-level tunes from Musicals like The Sound of Music, Mary Poppins and Beauty and the Beast.These books include CDs with orchestral accompaniment tracks.ABC (THRILLER - The Musical)Always Look on the Bright Side (SPAMALOT)Beauty And The Beast (BEAUTY AND THE BEAST)Belle (BEAUTY AND THE BEAST)Circle of Life (THE LION KING)Defying Gravity (WICKED)Good Morning Baltimore (HAIRSPRAY)I Just Cant Wait To Be King (THE LION KING)My Favourite Things (THE SOUND OF MUSIC)One Short Day (WICKED)Sixteen Going On Seventeen (THE SOUND OF MUSIC)Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (MARY POPPINS)That Face (THE PRODUCERS)We Are The Champions (WE WILL ROCK YOU)Wem BEST OF FILM & TV gefällt, wird auch Freude an BEST OF MUSICAL haben. Die 14 mittelschweren Solostücke aus bekannten Musicals können zur Orchesterbegleitung der CD gespielt werden. Das macht richtig Laune! Inhalt: ABC (THRILLER - The Musical)Always Look on the Bright Side (SPAMALOT)Beauty And The Beast (BEAUTY AND THE BEAST)Belle (BEAUTY AND THE BEAST)Circle of Life (THE LION KING)Defying Gravity (WICKED)Good Morning Baltimore (HAIRSPRAY)I Just Cant Wait To Be King (THE LION KING)My Favourite Things (THE SOUND OF MUSIC)One Short Day (WICKED)Sixteen Going On Seventeen (THE SOUND OF MUSIC)Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (MARY POPPINS)That Face (THE PRODUCERS)We Are The Champions (WE WILL ROCK YOU)
SKU: BT.DHP-1196100-404
ISBN 9789043156806. German.
Musicals sind im Grunde genommen das, was früher Operetten waren: eine spannende Bühnenshow mit viel Musik, die bei Gro� und Klein für beste Unterhaltung sorgt! Viele Melodien aus den beliebtesten Musicals unserer Tage sindbereits selbst zu Klassikern geworden. In BläserKlasse Solo Musical lernen Schüler einige davon kennen: 14 der schönsten Titel aus internationalen Musical-Erfolgen sind hier versammelt.
Die Ausgabe ist alsSolo-Mitspielheft konzipiert und steht für mehrere BläserKlassen-Instrumente in eigens dafür eingerichteten Arrangements zur Verfügung. Schüler, die nach der bewährten BläserKlassen-Methode Essential Elements lernen, werdenauch hiermit bestens zurechtkommen, da zu jedem einzelnen Song genau angegeben ist, ab welcher Lektion der Methode er sich eignet. Die stilechten Begleitungen, die online im MP3-Format abgerufen werden können, lassen so richtigSpielspa� aufkommen.
SKU: M7.VOGG-622
ISBN 9783802406225. German.
Rüdiger Baldauf ist einer der bekanntesten Trompeter Deutschlands, nicht zuletzt durch seine Arbeit mit den Heavytones, der Band von Stefan Raab's Tonight show TV Total. Er studierte Musik und hat unter anderem mit James Brown, Liza Minelli, Seal, Michael Bublé, Maceo Parker, Joe Zawinul, Shirley Bassey und Udo Jürgens gespielt. Von 1999 bis 2002 war er Mitglied im United Jazz & Rock Ensemble, und er gehört seit 1992 dem Paul Kuhn Orchester an. Er ist ständiger Gastmusiker in deutschen Rundfunk Big Bands, insbesondere der WDR Big Band Köln. Von 1989 bis 1999 war er Dozent für Jazz-Trompete an der Musikhochschule Köln. Er unterrichtet bei Trompeter- und Big Band-Seminaren und Workshops. Sein erstes Album 'Own Style' erschien 2010 und erhielt international hervorragende Kritiken. Hier ist jetzt endlich das Play-Along! Aber lassen wir ihn selbst zu Wort kommen: 'Nachdem meine CD erschienen war, wuchs in mir der Wunsch, eine Play-Along-taugliche Version meines Albums nur für Trompeter zu konzipieren. Damit auch rein klassisch orientierte Trompeter und die Jazz-unerfahrenen Spieler einen Zugang zur Improvisation finden, habe ich einen exemplarischen Chorus für jedes Stück aufgenommen und aufgeschrieben. Die aufgeschriebenen Soli sollen euch als Anregung zur eigenen Improvisation dienen. Auf der CD ,Own style' befinden sich dieselben Titel zum Teil in anderen Versionen. Ich habe alle Soli für diesen Band neu aufgenommen, ohne Effekte und Dämpfer, damit ihr den puren Trompetensound hören könnt und bessere Vergleichsmöglichkeiten mit eurem eigenen Sound habt. Ich wünsche allen Trompetern viel Spass mit diesem Band und hoffe, dass auch euch dieses Heft dazu verhilft, euren ,Own style' zu finden.' (Zweisprachige Ausgabe in Deutsch und Englisch).
SKU: BT.PB1279
Ballade irlandaise - Bluesette - Bye Bye Blackbird - Faits pour s'aimer (Desafinado) - Les Feuilles mortes - Isn't she Lovely - Le Jazz et la java - Loverman - Muppet Show Theme - Nobody Knows - Saint Louis Blues - Le Sud - Syracuse - Un soir de pluie - When the Saints go Marching in.
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