| Hit the Keys! Cocktail Lounge
Piano, Vocal and Guitar Alfred Publishing
(Piano/Vocal/Guitar). For Guitar; Keyboard; Piano; Voice. This edition: Piano/Vo...(+)
(Piano/Vocal/Guitar). For Guitar; Keyboard; Piano; Voice. This edition: Piano/Vocal/Guitar. Book; P/V/C Mixed Folio; Piano/Vocal/Chords. Hit the Keys!. Jazz. 256 pages. Published by Alfred Music Publishing
$29.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| 101 Songs For Easy Guitar - Book 7 Guitar Music Sales | | |
| Evolution: Five States of Change Concert band [Score] - Intermediate Anglo Music
Brass Band - Grade 5 SKU: HL.44010989 Brass Band - Score Only. Com...(+)
Brass Band - Grade 5 SKU: HL.44010989 Brass Band - Score Only. Composed by Philip Sparke. Anglo Music Concert Band. Concert Piece. Score Only. Composed 2011. Anglo Music Press #AMP338130. Published by Anglo Music Press (HL.44010989). UPC: 884088637446. 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch. Evolution was commissioned by Kunstfactor for the 4th section of the Dutch National Brass Band Championships (NBK) 2011. It is dedicated to Jappie Dijkstra and the Music Information Centre (MUI), Arnhem, Holland, in acknowledgement of their outstanding work in developing brass band repertoire. The composer writes:-The idea for the piece came when I was reading an article about a branch of Chinese philosophy which is abbreviated as Wu Xing, which has no exact translation but can mean, for example, five elements, five phases or five states of change. It is central to all elements of Chinese thought, including science, philosophy, medicine and astrology, and in simpleterms tries to create various cyclic relationships between five elements in all walks of life. An example is: Earth - Metal - Water - Wood - Fire - (Earth) etc. where (in one cycle) earth bears metal, metal changes to liquid (water) when heated, water helps trees grow, wood burns to create fire, fire produces ash (earth) and the cycle continues.I was particularly interested in the cycle of emotions: Meditation - Sorrow - Fear - Anger - Joy - (Meditation) etc. and thought this cyclic principle would provide an effective emotional journey for a piece of music. So Evolution has five equal sections which loosely characterise this emotional cycle. I have tried to make the music grow organically, with minimal repetition, and each movement evolves from the musical elements at the end of the previous one, with the opening material appearing, transformed, at the end of the piece to complete the cycle.
Evolution is geschreven in opdracht van Kunstfactor voor de 4e divisie van de NBK (Nederlandse Brassband Kampioenschappen) 2011. Het werk is opgedragen aan Jappie Dijkstra en het MUI (Muziekuitleen- en Informatiecentrum) te Arnhem, als waardering voor hun inspanningen met betrekking tot de ontwikkeling van het brassbandrepertoire.De componist schrijft:Het idee voor Evolution kwam in mij op toen ik een artikel las over een tak binnen de Chinese filosofie waarvan de naam wordt afgekort tot Wu Xing - waar geen exacte vertaling voor is, maar wat zoveel betekent als vijf elementen, vijf fasen of vijf stadia van verandering. Het gaat om een wezenlijk onderdeel van allecomponenten binnen het Chinese gedachtegoed, inclusief de wetenschap, filosofie, geneeskunst en astrologie. Simpel gezegd draait het om het creeren van diverse cyclische verbanden tussen vijf elementen die in ieders leven een rol spelen. Een voorbeeld: Aarde - Metaal - Water - Hout - Vuur - (Aarde) enz. In deze cyclus bevat aarde metaal; metaal verandert in vloeistof (water) door verhitting; water helpt bomen te groeien; hout dat brandt creeert vuur; en vuur produceert as (aarde). Zo blijft de cyclus voortgaan. Zelf was ik vooral geinteresseerd in de cyclus van emoties: Meditatie - Verdriet - Angst - Boosheid - Vreugde - (Meditatie) enz. De gedachte aan dit cyclische principe leverde een reis door een muzikale wereld van emoties op. Evolution bestaat uit vijf delen die betrekking hebben op de emotionele cyclus. Ik heb geprobeerd de muziek op natuurlijke wijze te laten ontstaan, met zo weinig mogelijk herhalingen. Elk deel vloeit voort uit de muzikale elementen uit het slot van het voorgaande deel. Het openingsmateriaal komt, in getransformeerde gedaante, terug aan het einde van het werk, waarmee de cyclus wordt afgerond.
Evolution wurde von Kunstfactor fur die vierte Abteilung der Hollandischen Nationalen Brass-Band-Meisterschaft (NBK) 2011 in Auftrag gegeben. Die Widmung gilt Jappie Dijkstra und dem Musik-Informationszentrum (MUI) in Arnhem (Holland), in Anerkennung ihrer ausserordentlichen Bemuhungen um die Entwicklung des Brass-Band-Repertoires.Der Komponist uber sein Werk:Die Idee zu diesem Stuck kam mir beim Lesen eines Artikels uber eine Richtung der chinesischen Philosophie, die abgekurzt Wu Xing heisst, was nicht wortlich ubersetzt werden kann, aber so viel wie funf Elemente, funf Phasen oder funf Stadien der Verwandlung bedeutet. Dieses Prinzip nimmt eine zentrale Positionim gesamten chinesischen Gedankengut ein, sei es in der Wissenschaft, Medizin oder Astrologie. Einfach ausgedruckt, werden damit in allen Lebensbereichen verschiedene zyklische Beziehungen zwischen funf Elementen hergestellt.Zum Beispiel: Erde - Metall - Wasser - Holz - Feuer - (Erde) - usw. In diesem Zyklus enthalt die Erde Metall, das sich bei Erhitzung verflussigt (Wasser); Wasser lasst Baume wachsen, deren Holz verbrennt (Feuer) und zu Asche wird (Erde), womit der Kreislauf von neuem beginnt.Mich interessierte besonders der Kreislauf von Gefuhlen: Meditation - Trauer - Angst - Arger - Freude - (Meditation) usw. Ich dachte mir, dass dieser Kreislauf eine wirkungsvolle emotionale Reise durch ein Musikstuck darstellen konnte. Folglich besteht Evolution aus funf gleichen Abschnitten, die diesen Kreislauf der Gefuhle grob nachzeichnen. Ich habe versucht, die Musik organisch wachsen zu lassen mit moglichst wenig Wiederholungen. Jeder Satz entwickelt sich aus den Elementen vom Ende des vorhergehenden Satzes und das Material der Eroffnung vollendet am Schluss des Werkes den Kreis.
Evolution est une commande de l'institut Kunstfactor pour la 4e division des Championnats neerlandais de Brass Band en 2011. Cette oeuvre est dediee a Jappie Dijkstra et au Music Information Centre (MUI) d'Arnhem, aux Pays-Bas, en hommage a leur role exceptionnel dans le developpement du repertoire pour Brass Band. Le compositeur ecrit :L'idee de cette composition m'est venue alors que je lisais un article sur un aspect de la philosophie chinoise, connu sous l'abreviation de Wu Xing, qu'il est impossible de traduire litteralement mais qui peut signifier, par exemple, cinq elements, cinq phases ou cinq etats de changement. Toute chose dans l'univers est le fruitd'un cycle de creation (ou d'engendrement) et de domination (ou controle). Ce concept est essentiel a tous les elements de la pensee chinoise, y compris les sciences, la philosophie, la medecine et l'astrologie et, en termes simples, il represente les multiples rapports cycliques qui existent entre cinq elements lies a l'univers et a toute chose dans l'univers, donc a l'homme.Evoquons le cycle de la creation : Terre - Metal - Eau - Bois - Feu - (Terre) etc. la terre contient des mineraux, source de metal, le metal peut etre fondu et se liquefie, l'eau arrose et fait pousser les arbres, le bois brule et produit du feu, le feu produit des cendres, une sorte de terre, dans une dynamique cyclique perpetuelle.Parmi tous les cycles existants, celui des emotions eveilla particulierement mon interet : Meditation - Chagrin - Peur - Colere - Joie - (Meditation) etc. et je me suis dit que ce principe cyclique pourrait etre a la source d'un puissant et emotionnel voyage musical. Evolution se compose donc de cinq parties egales qui refletent assez librement ce cycle des emotions. J'ai essaye de faire en sorte que la musique se developpe de maniere fluide et naturelle, avec un minimum de repetitions. Chaque mouvement s'ouvre a partir des elements musicaux qui parachevent le mouvement precedent, tandis que le motif premier reapparait. $49.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Evolution: Five States of Change Concert band [Score and Parts] - Intermediate Anglo Music
Brass Band - Grade 5 SKU: HL.44010988 Brass Band - Score and Parts...(+)
Brass Band - Grade 5 SKU: HL.44010988 Brass Band - Score and Parts. Composed by Philip Sparke. Anglo Music Concert Band. Concert Piece. Set (Score & Parts). Composed 2011. Anglo Music Press #AMP338030. Published by Anglo Music Press (HL.44010988). UPC: 884088637439. 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch. Evolution was commissioned by Kunstfactor for the 4th section of the Dutch National Brass Band Championships (NBK) 2011. It is dedicated to Jappie Dijkstra and the Music Information Centre (MUI), Arnhem, Holland, in acknowledgement of their outstanding work in developing brass band repertoire. The composer writes:-The idea for the piece came when I was reading an article about a branch of Chinese philosophy which is abbreviated as Wu Xing, which has no exact translation but can mean, for example, five elements, five phases or five states of change. It is central to all elements of Chinese thought, including science, philosophy, medicine and astrology, and in simpleterms tries to create various cyclic relationships between five elements in all walks of life. An example is: Earth - Metal - Water - Wood - Fire - (Earth) etc. where (in one cycle) earth bears metal, metal changes to liquid (water) when heated, water helps trees grow, wood burns to create fire, fire produces ash (earth) and the cycle continues.I was particularly interested in the cycle of emotions: Meditation - Sorrow - Fear - Anger - Joy - (Meditation) etc. and thought this cyclic principle would provide an effective emotional journey for a piece of music. So Evolution has five equal sections which loosely characterise this emotional cycle. I have tried to make the music grow organically, with minimal repetition, and each movement evolves from the musical elements at the end of the previous one, with the opening material appearing, transformed, at the end of the piece to complete the cycle.
Evolution is geschreven in opdracht van Kunstfactor voor de 4e divisie van de NBK (Nederlandse Brassband Kampioenschappen) 2011. Het werk is opgedragen aan Jappie Dijkstra en het MUI (Muziekuitleen- en Informatiecentrum) te Arnhem, als waardering voor hun inspanningen met betrekking tot de ontwikkeling van het brassbandrepertoire.De componist schrijft:Het idee voor Evolution kwam in mij op toen ik een artikel las over een tak binnen de Chinese filosofie waarvan de naam wordt afgekort tot Wu Xing - waar geen exacte vertaling voor is, maar wat zoveel betekent als vijf elementen, vijf fasen of vijf stadia van verandering. Het gaat om een wezenlijk onderdeel van allecomponenten binnen het Chinese gedachtegoed, inclusief de wetenschap, filosofie, geneeskunst en astrologie. Simpel gezegd draait het om het creeren van diverse cyclische verbanden tussen vijf elementen die in ieders leven een rol spelen. Een voorbeeld: Aarde - Metaal - Water - Hout - Vuur - (Aarde) enz. In deze cyclus bevat aarde metaal; metaal verandert in vloeistof (water) door verhitting; water helpt bomen te groeien; hout dat brandt creeert vuur; en vuur produceert as (aarde). Zo blijft de cyclus voortgaan. Zelf was ik vooral geinteresseerd in de cyclus van emoties: Meditatie - Verdriet - Angst - Boosheid - Vreugde - (Meditatie) enz. De gedachte aan dit cyclische principe leverde een reis door een muzikale wereld van emoties op. Evolution bestaat uit vijf delen die betrekking hebben op de emotionele cyclus. Ik heb geprobeerd de muziek op natuurlijke wijze te laten ontstaan, met zo weinig mogelijk herhalingen. Elk deel vloeit voort uit de muzikale elementen uit het slot van het voorgaande deel. Het openingsmateriaal komt, in getransformeerde gedaante, terug aan het einde van het werk, waarmee de cyclus wordt afgerond.
Evolution wurde von Kunstfactor fur die vierte Abteilung der Hollandischen Nationalen Brass-Band-Meisterschaft (NBK) 2011 in Auftrag gegeben. Die Widmung gilt Jappie Dijkstra und dem Musik-Informationszentrum (MUI) in Arnhem (Holland), in Anerkennung ihrer ausserordentlichen Bemuhungen um die Entwicklung des Brass-Band-Repertoires.Der Komponist uber sein Werk:Die Idee zu diesem Stuck kam mir beim Lesen eines Artikels uber eine Richtung der chinesischen Philosophie, die abgekurzt Wu Xing heisst, was nicht wortlich ubersetzt werden kann, aber so viel wie funf Elemente, funf Phasen oder funf Stadien der Verwandlung bedeutet. Dieses Prinzip nimmt eine zentrale Positionim gesamten chinesischen Gedankengut ein, sei es in der Wissenschaft, Medizin oder Astrologie. Einfach ausgedruckt, werden damit in allen Lebensbereichen verschiedene zyklische Beziehungen zwischen funf Elementen hergestellt.Zum Beispiel: Erde - Metall - Wasser - Holz - Feuer - (Erde) - usw. In diesem Zyklus enthalt die Erde Metall, das sich bei Erhitzung verflussigt (Wasser); Wasser lasst Baume wachsen, deren Holz verbrennt (Feuer) und zu Asche wird (Erde), womit der Kreislauf von neuem beginnt.Mich interessierte besonders der Kreislauf von Gefuhlen: Meditation - Trauer - Angst - Arger - Freude - (Meditation) usw. Ich dachte mir, dass dieser Kreislauf eine wirkungsvolle emotionale Reise durch ein Musikstuck darstellen konnte. Folglich besteht Evolution aus funf gleichen Abschnitten, die diesen Kreislauf der Gefuhle grob nachzeichnen. Ich habe versucht, die Musik organisch wachsen zu lassen mit moglichst wenig Wiederholungen. Jeder Satz entwickelt sich aus den Elementen vom Ende des vorhergehenden Satzes und das Material der Eroffnung vollendet am Schluss des Werkes den Kreis.
Evolution est une commande de l'institut Kunstfactor pour la 4e division des Championnats neerlandais de Brass Band en 2011. Cette oeuvre est dediee a Jappie Dijkstra et au Music Information Centre (MUI) d'Arnhem, aux Pays-Bas, en hommage a leur role exceptionnel dans le developpement du repertoire pour Brass Band. Le compositeur ecrit :L'idee de cette composition m'est venue alors que je lisais un article sur un aspect de la philosophie chinoise, connu sous l'abreviation de Wu Xing, qu'il est impossible de traduire litteralement mais qui peut signifier, par exemple, cinq elements, cinq phases ou cinq etats de changement. Toute chose dans l'univers est le fruitd'un cycle de creation (ou d'engendrement) et de domination (ou controle). Ce concept est essentiel a tous les elements de la pensee chinoise, y compris les sciences, la philosophie, la medecine et l'astrologie et, en termes simples, il represente les multiples rapports cycliques qui existent entre cinq elements lies a l'univers et a toute chose dans l'univers, donc a l'homme.Evoquons le cycle de la creation : Terre - Metal - Eau - Bois - Feu - (Terre) etc. la terre contient des mineraux, source de metal, le metal peut etre fondu et se liquefie, l'eau arrose et fait pousser les arbres, le bois brule et produit du feu, le feu produit des cendres, une sorte de terre, dans une dynamique cyclique perpetuelle.Parmi tous les cycles existants, celui des emotions eveilla particulierement mon interet : Meditation - Chagrin - Peur - Colere - Joie - (Meditation) etc. et je me suis dit que ce principe cyclique pourrait etre a la source d'un puissant et emotionnel voyage musical. Evolution se compose donc de cinq parties egales qui refletent assez librement ce cycle des emotions. J'ai essaye de faire en sorte que la musique se developpe de maniere fluide et naturelle, avec un minimum de repetitions. Chaque mouvement s'ouvre a partir des elements musicaux qui parachevent le mouvement precedent, tandis que le motif premier reapparait. $123.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| 100 More Pop Solos For Flute Music Sales | | |
| 100 More Pop Solos For Clarinet Clarinet Music Sales | | |
| 100 More Pop Solos For Saxophone Music Sales | | |
| Succeeding With The Masters, Student Activity Book, Classical Era, Volume Two Piano solo [Activity Books] FJH
By Helen Marlais With Kristen Avila. For Piano. Succeeding with the Masters. Boo...(+)
By Helen Marlais With Kristen Avila. For Piano. Succeeding with the Masters. Book. Published by The FJH Music Company Inc.
$7.50 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Succeeding with the Masters, Teacher's Handbook, Classical Era, Volume Two Piano solo [Teacher Editions] FJH
By Helen Marlais With Kristen Avila. For Piano. Succeeding with the Masters. Boo...(+)
By Helen Marlais With Kristen Avila. For Piano. Succeeding with the Masters. Book. Published by The FJH Music Company Inc.
$8.50 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| A Walk in the Woods Flute and Piano - Easy GIA Publications
Piano, flute - Early intermediate SKU: GI.G-8296 Seven Meditations for...(+)
Piano, flute - Early intermediate SKU: GI.G-8296 Seven Meditations for Flute and Piano. Composed by Kathleen Basi. Sacred. 36 pages. GIA Publications #8296. Published by GIA Publications (GI.G-8296). UPC: 785147829690. This work was born out of family stories about walking in the woods that were passed down from one generation to the next. The subtext of these stories is a connection with God’s creation: a world full of beauty and wonder. This is where Kathleen Basi found the inspiration for her collection. A Walk in the Woods is filled with an assortment of pieces for piano and flute that call to mind images from nature. Each are suitable for use as preludes, postludes, or anywhere you need a quiet, meditative moment. CONTENTS: Stanislaus • Mockingbird • Dance of the Sycamores • Clouds on the Mountain • Winter Walk • Starlit • Lluvia Colores.  . $25.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Traditional Music of the British Isles for Electric Guitar Guitar Electric guitar [Sheet music + Audio access] - Intermediate Mel Bay
Electric guitar - Intermediate SKU: MB.30522M Celtic Rock Solos. C...(+)
Electric guitar - Intermediate SKU: MB.30522M Celtic Rock Solos. Composed by Philip John Berthoud. British, Saddle-stitched, World. Rock and Blues. Book and online audio. 52 pages. Mel Bay Publications, Inc #30522M. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc (MB.30522M). ISBN 9781513464237. 8.75 x 11.75 inches. Ideal for the intermediate-level guitarist, these 17 traditional tunes from the UK plus one from France are arranged to be played with your electric guitar plugged-in. The transformation that occurs in switching from acoustic to electric instruments adds an unmistakable Celtic rock element to the authorâ??s companion recording. The tunes are all played twice through on the recording and transcribed note-for-note in the book. The recording features backup from both electric bass and a second electric guitar, often played with a slide and a little â??dirtâ? thrown into the mix. Skillful bodhrán and djembe playing on many of the tracks adds to the dynamic nature of the recording. Many of these tunes can be played in lower positions but a few venture as high as the 14th fret. Playing one note at a time within a narrow range, if you donâ??t read particularly well now, working through these tunes will help you improve and gain confidence as a sight reader. Written in standard notation and guitar tablature. Includes access to online audio. $14.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| 52 Sacred Songs You Like to Sing
Piano, Voice [Sheet music] - Intermediate Schirmer
Voice and Piano. By Various. Vocal Collection. Size 9x12 inches. 240 pages. Publ...(+)
Voice and Piano. By Various. Vocal Collection. Size 9x12 inches. 240 pages. Published by Schirmer.
(3)$22.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Twenty Services For The Church Organist
Organ Hal Leonard | | |
| The Art of Song (Grades 4-5) Medium voice, Piano Peters
By Various. For Medium-high Voice and Piano. Level: ABRSM Grades 4-5. Published ...(+)
By Various. For Medium-high Voice and Piano. Level: ABRSM Grades 4-5. Published by Edition Peters.
$17.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Descent: Sequoia from Touching the Infinite Sky Choral TTBB [Octavo] - Intermediate Schirmer
Composed by Gwyneth W. Walker (1947-). 21st Century, Secular, Americana, Crea...(+)
Composed by Gwyneth W. Walker (1947-). 21st Century, Secular, Americana, Creation/Nature. Octavo. Published by E.C. Schirmer Publishing (EC.8517).
$2.85 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Choir Builders for Growing Voices 2 Choral [Sheet music + CD] Hal Leonard
(24 MORE Vocal Exercises for Warm-Up and Workout). By Rollo Dilworth. For Choral...(+)
(24 MORE Vocal Exercises for Warm-Up and Workout). By Rollo Dilworth. For Choral (Book and CD pak). Music Express Books. 40 pages. Published by Hal Leonard
$21.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Walking in the Air Choral 3-part SAB Hal Leonard
Choral (SAB Choir) SKU: HL.324478 From The Snowman. Composed by Ho...(+)
Choral (SAB Choir) SKU: HL.324478 From The Snowman. Composed by Howard Blake. Arranged by John Leavitt. Pop Choral Series. Concert, Holiday, Secular Christmas, Tv, Winter. Octavo. Duration 270 seconds. Published by Hal Leonard (HL.324478). UPC: 888680984984. 6.75x10.5x0.029 inches. Raymond Briggs' 1978 children's picture book about a snowman come to life was made into a celebrated half-hour animated film in 1982. For the sequence in which the snowman flies with a boy named James to the North Pole, Howard Blake composed this haunting, minor-chord driven theme, layered with images of nature, mountains, forests and streams. Don't miss your chance to program this beautiful song with the accompanying string and percussion parts. $2.50 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Walking in the Air Choral CD Hal Leonard
Choral (ShowTrax CD) SKU: HL.324482 From The Snowman. Composed by ...(+)
Choral (ShowTrax CD) SKU: HL.324482 From The Snowman. Composed by Howard Blake. Arranged by John Leavitt. Pop Choral Series. Concert, Holiday, Secular Christmas, Tv, Winter. CD. Duration 270 seconds. Published by Hal Leonard (HL.324482). UPC: 888680985011. 5.0x5.0x0.15 inches. Raymond Briggs' 1978 children's picture book about a snowman come to life was made into a celebrated half-hour animated film in 1982. For the sequence in which the snowman flies with a boy named James to the North Pole, Howard Blake composed this haunting, minor-chord driven theme, layered with images of nature, mountains, forests and streams. Don't miss your chance to program this beautiful song with the accompanying string and percussion parts. $49.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| The Best of Yanni Guitar notes and tablatures Hal Leonard
Performed by Yanni. Finger Style Guitar (For acoustic guitar). With notes and ta...(+)
Performed by Yanni. Finger Style Guitar (For acoustic guitar). With notes and tablature. Size 9x12 inches. 80 pages. Published by Hal Leonard.
$12.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Scat Omnibook Hal Leonard
(for Vocalists and C Instruments). By Various. For Vocal, C Instruments. Jazz Tr...(+)
(for Vocalists and C Instruments). By Various. For Vocal, C Instruments. Jazz Transcriptions. Softcover. Published by Hal Leonard
$29.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Scat Omnibook Vocal (with Chords Symbols) Hal Leonard
(for Vocalists and B-Flat Instruments). By Various. For Vocal, B-Flat Instrument...(+)
(for Vocalists and B-Flat Instruments). By Various. For Vocal, B-Flat Instruments (B Flat Trebl). Jazz Transcriptions. Softcover. Published by Hal Leonard
$19.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| When spring comes walking Choral SSAATTBB SSAATTBB A Cappella Oxford University Press
Composed by Bob Chilcott. Sacred choral - mixed voices. Sacred. Vocal score. 1...(+)
Composed by Bob Chilcott.
Sacred choral - mixed voices.
Sacred. Vocal score. 12
pages. Duration 4'. Oxford
University Press
#9780193528185. Published by
Oxford University Press
$3.65 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Shadowplay (full set) Concert band [Score and Parts] Opus III Wind Orchestra Publications
Composed by Bob Buckley. Opus III Wind Orchestra series. Audio recording availab...(+)
Composed by Bob Buckley. Opus III Wind Orchestra series. Audio recording available separately (item CL.WFR375). Score and set of parts. Composed 2012. Duration 6 minutes, 12 seconds. Published by Opus III Wind Orchestra Publications
$98.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| 50 Hymn Preludes for the Bass Coupler Organist Vol. 2 Organ Jackman Music Corporation
Arranged by Brent Jorgensen. Christian, Contemporary Christian, Gospel, In...(+)
Arranged by Brent Jorgensen.
Christian, Contemporary
Christian, Gospel,
Inspirational. Jackman Music
Corporation #01965. Published
by Jackman Music Corporation
$16.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| David Bennett Cohen Teaches Blues Piano, Volume 1 - A Hands-On Course in Traditional Blues Piano Piano solo [Sheet music + Audio access] - Intermediate Homespun
Homespun Tapes. Play Along. Softcover Audio Online. 24 pages. Published by Homes...(+)
Homespun Tapes. Play Along. Softcover Audio Online. 24 pages. Published by Homespun
$22.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
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