SKU: HL.14025548
SKU: HL.14013963
6.75x9.75x0.048 inches.
For SATB Choir A Cappella.
SKU: HL.49035234
9.0x12.0x0.175 inches.
SKU: HL.48189475
UPC: 888680882051. 8.5x12.0x0.231 inches.
Reibel Hugo Plein Ciel Mixed Choir Satb A Cappella Choral.
SKU: BT.DHP-1114738-140
9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
The Intermezzo from the Romantic opera Notre Dame, based on Victor Hugo’s novel The Hunchback of Notre Dame, is in fact Franz Schmidt’s best-known work. The charm of this lovely composition lies in its Hungarian and Romantic influences. Wil van der Beek’s sensitive arrangement does justice to this great work, putting Franz Schmidt’s masterpiece back in the spotlight once more! Het Intermezzouit de romantische opera Notre Dame is waarschijnlijk wel het beroemdste werk van Franz Schmidt. Het is gebaseerd op Notre Dame de Paris (De klokkenluider van de Notre Dame), een roman van Victor Hugo. De herkomstvan de componist is goed te herleiden, want deze lieflijke compositie kent zowel romantische als ook Hongaarse invloeden. Wil van der Beek plaatst met zijn geslaagde bewerking deze Oostenrijks-Hongaarse componist weer even terugin de spotlights.Das Intermezzo aus der romantischen Oper Notre Dame, die auf Victor Hugos Roman Notre Dame de Paris (Der Glöckner von Notre Dame) basiert, ist wohl das berühmteste Werk von Franz Schmidt. Der Reiz dieser lieblichen Komposition weist ganz eindeutig sowohl ungarische als auch romantische Einflüsse auf. Wil van der Beek holt diesen zu Unrecht etwas in Vergessenheit geratenen ungarisch-österreichischen Komponisten mit seiner gelungenen Bearbeitung wieder ins Rampenlicht zurück.L’Intermezzo, de l’opéra romantique Notre-Dame, qui s’inspire du roman Notre-Dame de Paris de Victor Hugo, est sans doute l’oeuvre la plus prestigieuse de Franz Schmidt, compositeur austro-hongrois peu connu. Wil van der Beek a réalisé un magnifique arrangement de cette pièce quelque peu oubliée, tout en conservant l’expressivité et le romantisme de l’oeuvre originale. L’Intermezzo dell’opera romantica Notre Dame, a sua volta ispirata dal romanzo Notre Dame de Paris di Victor Hugo, è senza dubbio l’opera più prestigiosa di Franz Schmidt, compositore austro-ungherese poco conosciuto. Wil van der Beek ha realizzato uno splendido arrangiamento di questo pezzo caduto nell’oblio, conservando l’espressivit e il romanticismo di questa melodiosa composizione.
SKU: BT.DHP-1114738-010
SKU: CA.925600
ISBN M-007-24918-2. Key: D major. German. Text: Morike, Eduard.
Hugo Wolf set a total of 53 songs by Eduard Morike, all in the year 1888. The composer wrote in a letter: Once you have heard this song, it can only inspire one wish - to die. In the artistic-metaphysical milieu of the late 19th century this was regarded as the highest ideal, especially for Hugo Wolf, who believed in the body as a wretched piano case from which the soul can only break free like harmonies dying away. And yet Fussreise (Journey on Foot) begins as a simple, happy, elated song of travel, revolving around the key of D major over an ostinato piano rhythm. Old Adam believes he senses the bliss of paradise in this, but he continues to be caught in the tension between earthly suffering and eternal longing, as the rest of Hugo Wolf's setting clearly shows: it remains a pious hope that a whole life would be such a morning journey bathed in gentle perspiration. These art songs were originally composed not for chamber choir, but for solo voice and piano. Denis Rouger has carefully adapted them to suit the requirements and expressive possibilities offered by a larger ensemble, without losing the any of the qualities of the original in the process. Each part in the choir has a melodic line drawn from the harmonic and rhythmic framework. In the process, the variety and refinement of the choral language combines with an enormous flexibility in form and expression, as French melodies or German art song demand from a soloist and pianist. The songs have been recorded by the figure humaine chamber choir on the CD Kennst du das Land ... (Carus 83.495).
SKU: M7.DOHR-20405
ISBN 9790202044056.
Hugo Wolf ist vor allem durch seine über 300 Liedschöpfungen bekannt, in denen er - von Schumann ausgehend - der begleitenden Klavierstimme eine geradezu sinfonisch ausgearbeitete poetische Interpretation des Textgedankens übertrug. Das Scherzo [Zwischenspiel aus der Oper Der Corregidor HWW 158] fungiert als Zwischenspiel im zweiten Akt der Komischen Oper Der Corregidor, der einzigen Oper Hugo Wolfs, die 1896 in Mannheim ihre Uraufführung erfuhr. Seine unbefangene Frische macht es zu einem Bravourstück, dem eine wachsende Verbreitung und Bekanntheit nur zu wünschen ist. Als Liedkomponist zeigt sich Hugo Wolf in seiner schlicht-bezaubernden Berceuse [1880, HWW 65]. Dieses kleine, ursprünglich für Klavier geschriebene Werk hat nicht nur zahlreiche Bearbeitungen erfahren, sondern ist auch unter zahlreichen Titeln veröffentlicht worden. Die Orgeltranskription rechnet für das Zwischenspiel mit einer dreimanualigen Orgel mit ausgebautem Schwellwerk. (Otto Depenheuer).
SKU: GH.CG-3421
ISBN 9790070009416. 185 x 262 mm inches. Text: Traditional.
Svensk folkvisa i bearbetning for blandad kor av Hugo Alfven.
SKU: BR.EB-9259
World premiere: Stockholm (Festival O/MODERNT), June 19, 2017
ISBN 9790004185599. 9 x 12 inches.
When Hugo Ticciati asked me to write a new piece for his quartet, I was immediately enthusiastic about this project. I love how Hugo and his O/MODERNT String Quartet unite old and new music in a completely natural way. So, I was absolutely excited about Hugo`s idea of having my piece based on two of my idols, Bach and Beethoven, deconstructing the one and constructing the other. With all my respect for these great composers I gave to the piece a very personal inner part consisting of my own music that influenced and inspired the other parts. For the whole piece I felt very close to Beethoven, who said: To make a fugue is not art, which [is something] I have made dozens of times in my study. But the imagination will assert its rights and must come today, in light of the old traditional form, to another truly poetic element. De/Con is a travel into different centuries with different sound-languages. For me, it was like having a wonderful constructive discussion with Johann Sebastian Bach and Ludwig van Beethoven, each of us trying to speak our own language, approaching the others step by step. The piece could be defined as a Love Letter to two of the greatest composers ever. De/Con could be preceded by (parts of) Johann Sebastian Bach's Die Kunst der Fuge (The Art of the Fugue) and succeeded by Ludwig van Beethoven's Grosse Fuge (Great Fugue). Ideally, then, all parts should be played attacca. It could, but it hasn't to be played with these two pieces. (Manuela Kerer)World premiere: Stockholm (Festival O/MODERNT), June 19, 2017.
SKU: BR.EB-9260
ISBN 9790004185605. 9 x 12 inches.
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