8.5 x 11 inches.
30 energetic pieces to get your audience motivated, and their toes tapping. All four parts share the interesting melodic bits, and the relentless rhythms that provide the energy to forge ahead. You will enjoy sharing some old favorites, like Mendelssohn's Wedding March, Wagner's Bridal March, and for you Alfred Hitchcock fans, Gounod's Funeral March of a Marionette. This collection also includes works by Sousa, Frederick II, Joplin, Mozart, Schubert, etc.
SKU: BT.DHP-1064079-020
9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
The Golden Age is a programmatic composition in four movements. I Overture For the Netherlands, the seventeenth century was a period of great flourishing in the fields of economy, culture and politics; thus it is called the Golden Age. Overseas trade boomed, and the Dutch East India Company (known as the VOC by the Dutch) was founded and expanded to become a powerful -and, at the time - modern enterprise. II ¡Adiós españoles!(Farewell, Spaniards!) In 1567, the Spanish army invaded, led by the Duke of Alva. There was a fierce resistance against the Spanish tyranny; toward the end of the sixteenth century, the Dutch proclaimed theRepublic. However, the Spanish continued the war. Only with the Treaty of Münster in 1648 did the Dutch get their much sought-after independence. This was also the end of the Eighty Years’ War. III Rembrandt’s Night WatchThe field of culture, particularly literature, painting, sculpture, architecture, the art of printing, and cartography developed fast. It was in the Golden Age that the celebrated painter Rembrandt van Rijn created his famous Night Watch. IV The Admiral Overseas trade entailed the colonization of large areas in Asia, from where precious products that yielded lots of money were brought in. Surrounding countries were also involved in such practices. Colonizers poached on each other’s territories in the literal and figurative sense - in this context the Anglo-Dutch Sea Wars are legendary. The fourth movement starts with the English patriotic song Rule Britannia, after which the Dutch Admiral Michiel de Ruyter makes the English change their tune; one can even hear the roaring of cannons. When the smoke of battle has cleared, a small fragment of a Dutch song about Michiel de Ruyter appears, followed by a fitting closing. The Golden Age is een programmatische compositie in vier delen. Overtureverklankt de Gouden Eeuw, voor Nederland een periode van grote bloei. Dan volgt ¡Adiós españoles! over het einde van de Tachtigjarige Oorlog.Rembrandt’s Night Watch beschrijft de ontwikkeling op cultureel gebied: in de Gouden Eeuw schilderde Rembrandt van Rijn zijn beroemde Nachtwacht. Deel vier, The Admiral, begint met Rule Britannia,waarna de Nederlandse admiraal Michiel de Ruyter de Engelsen een toontje lager laat zingen, er is zelfs kanongebulder te horen. Dan klinkt een fragment van het Nederlandse liedje dat aan Michiel de Ruyter is gewijd, waarna een passendslot volgt.The Golden Age ist eine programmatische Komposition in vier Sätzen über das so genannte “Goldene Zeitalter“ in der Geschichte der Niederlande. In dieser Periode erlebte das Land eine Blütezeit des (Übersee-)Handels, der Kultur und Politik, es befreite sich von der spanischen Herrschaft, brachte Kunstwerke wie Rembrandt’s Nachtwache hervor und entwickelte sich zu einer Kolonialmacht. Die Aufmerksamkeit der Zuhörer ist bei Kees Schoonenbeeks spannender musikalischer Geschichtsstunde garantiert!Après une guerre qui dura 80 ans, l'Espagne reconnut finalement l'indépendance des Provinces-Unies néerlandaises, qui devinrent alors l’une des plus importantes puissances maritimes et économiques du XVIIe siècle. Cette période est connue sous le nom de Siècle d’or (The Golden Age) et correspond une phase de développement exceptionnel des Pays-Bas tant sur le plan colonial et militaire que sur le plan culturel, intellectuel et artistique. Dopo una guerra che durò 80 anni, la Spagna riconobbe l’indipendenza delle Province-Unite olandesi che divennero potenze marittime ed economiche del XVII secolo. Questo periodo è conosciuto con il nome di Secolo d’Oro (The Golden Age) e corrisponde ad una fase di sviluppo eccezionale dei Paesi Bassi sia sul piano coloniale e militare, sia sul piano culturale, intellettuale e artistico.
SKU: BT.DHP-1064079-120
SKU: BT.DHP-1064079-140
SKU: BT.DHP-1064079-010
SKU: AP.36-M160691
ISBN 9781638874270. UPC: 735816187217. English.
While best known for his operas, Gioachina Rossini (1792-1868) did compose other music, among which is the large collection, PÉCHÉS DE VIEILLESSE ("SINS OF OLD AGE"). Composed of 150 vocal, chamber and solo piano pieces, the collection is grouped into fourteen albums, with the ordering of the works in each album not reflective of the dates or sequence of composition. Written as salon music, intended for performance in the privacy of Rossini's own drawing room, the entire collection was sold by Rossini's widow following his death in 1868. This edition of Vol. 6, titled ALBUM POUR LES ENFANTS DÉGOURDIS (ALBUM FOR LIVELY CHILDREN), is written for solo piano and includes ten pieces across two books: M160591 and M160691. Edited by Sergio Cafaro.
These products are currently being prepared by a new publisher. While many items are ready and will ship on time, some others may see delays of several months.
SKU: AP.36-M143291
ISBN 9781638874317. UPC: 735816187989. English.
While best known for his operas, Gioachina Rossini (1792-1868) did compose other music, among which is the large collection, PÃâ°CHÃâ°S DE VIEILLESSE ("SINS OF OLD AGE"). Composed of 150 vocal, chamber and solo piano pieces, the collection is grouped into fourteen albums, with the ordering of the works in each album not reflective of the dates or sequence of composition. Written as salon music, intended for performance in the privacy of Rossini's own drawing room, the entire collection was sold by Rossini's widow following his death in 1868. This edition of Vol. 8, titled ALBUM DE CHÃâTEAU (THE CASTLE ALBUM), is written for solo piano and includes six pieces across two books: M143291 and M143391. Edited by Sergio Cafaro.
SKU: AP.36-M143591
UPC: 660355124358. English.
While best known for his operas, Gioachina Rossini (1792-1868) did compose other music, among which is the large collection, PÉCHÉS DE VIEILLESSE ("SINS OF OLD AGE"). Composed of 150 vocal, chamber and solo piano pieces, the collection is grouped into fourteen albums, with the ordering of the works in each album not reflective of the dates or sequence of composition. Written as salon music, intended for performance in the privacy of Rossini's own drawing room, the entire collection was sold by Rossini's widow following his death in 1868. This edition of Vol. 5, titled ALBUM POUR LES ENFANTS ADOLESCENTS (ALBUM FOR ADOLESCENT CHILDREN), is written for solo piano and includes ten pieces across two books: M143491 and M143591. Edited by Sergio Cafaro.
SKU: AP.36-M160791
UPC: 660355124372. English.
While best known for his operas, Gioachina Rossini (1792-1868) did compose other music, among which is the large collection, PÉCHÉS DE VIEILLESSE ("SINS OF OLD AGE"). Composed of 150 vocal, chamber and solo piano pieces, the collection is grouped into fourteen albums, with the ordering of the works in each album not reflective of the dates or sequence of composition. Written as salon music, intended for performance in the privacy of Rossini's own drawing room, the entire collection was sold by Rossini's widow following his death in 1868. Vol. This edition of Vol. 7, titled ALBUM DE CHAUMIÈRE (COTTAGE ALBUM), is written for solo piano and includes twelve pieces across three books: M160791, M160891 and M160691. Edited by Sergio Cafaro.
SKU: AP.36-M143491
UPC: 660355077852. English.
SKU: AP.36-M160891
UPC: 660355124389. English.
Zoltán Kodály s unaccompanied mixed choruses first appeared in print in 1943 as a collected volume published by the association Magyar Kórus. This collection contained twenty-five works. In 1951, the volume was released again in the author s edition, being expanded with eight new compositions, but without Els áldozás (First Communion). Reprint editions of this collection had been distributed by Editio Musica Budapest until 1972, when a commemorative extended edition of the mixed choruses was issued, edited by Lajos Bárdos. Until now, reprints of this collection with forty-five compositions have been circulated. Péter Erdei carefully compared the printed edition with themanuscripts of the works preserved at the Kodály Archives. As a result of his work, in 2011 we emended a number of misprints, including those that had been inherited since the earliest print. Seventy-five years after the first release, the time has come for Kodály s collected choral works for mixed voices to appear in a completely new, expanded edition. Our collection contains six compositions that were not included in earlier editions: Jövel, Szentlélek eristen (Come, Holy Spirit), Miatyánk (The Lord s Prayer), Miserere, Salló Pista, Semmit ne bánkódjál (Do Not Grieve), ejesztend t köszönt (A Christmas Carol). In addition, two versions - both equally authentic - are published of the work known under the title of Naphimnusz (Canticle of the Sun), due to earlier editions the new release comes with lyrics in Hebrew and English (Adoration), as well as Dénes Szed s Hungarian translation (Napének [Hymn of the Sun]). This is the most complete and most authentic edition of Kodály s mixed choruses to date it is printed in a slightly larger format than previous editions, and it contains new easily-legible music scores and an informative epilogue.
SKU: BT.DHP-1115088-010
The Golden Pass is a rail line in the Swiss Alps that connects Montreux, located by Lake Geneva, to Lucerne, in central Switzerland. This composition echoes the thoughts and feelings of a passenger who watches the changing landscapes he observes on this journey: green meadows full of grazing cows and traditional chalets, beautiful mountain lakes, waterfalls and mountain tops, including the scenic Brüning Pass. Is this real or just a dream? We may never know!De Golden Pass verwijst naar een prachtige reis per trein die vanuit Montreux aan het meer van Genève door de Zwitserse Alpen voert naar Luzern in Centraal-Zwitserland. Als een echo weerklinken de gevoelens van een passagier. Volverrukking slaat hij het afwisselende landschap gade tijdens de reis: grazende koeien op sappige groene weides, traditionele chalets, fantastische bergmeren, watervallen en indrukwekkende bergtoppen, waaronder de Brüningpass.Is dit werkelijkheid of slechts een droom…?Der Goldene Pass ist eine Panorama-Zuglinie, die durch die Schweizer Alpen von Montreux am Genfer See nach Luzern in der Zentralschweiz führt. Diese Komposition ist ein Echo der Seele eines Passagiers, der die abwechslungsreiche Landschaft während der Reise bewundert: weidende Kühe auf saftig grünen Wiesen, traditionelle Chalets, wunderschöne Bergseen, Wasserfälle und beeindruckende Berggipfel, darunter auch der Brüning-Pass. Ist dies Wirklichkeit oder Traum? Egal, reisen Sie einfach mit!La Golden Pass est une ligne ferroviaire dans les Alpes suisses qui relie la ville de Montreux, située aux abords du lac Léman, Lucerne en Suisse centrale. Cette composition fait écho aux états d’ me d’un passager, admirant la diversité du paysage lors de son périple : les vertes prairies, les chalets pittoresques, les magnifiques lacs de montagne, les cascades et les sommets alpins. Est-ce réel ou s’agit-il d’un rêve ? Difficile de savoir... La linea ferroviaria Golden Pass collega Montreux a Lucerna via Chateau-d’Oex, Gstaad e Interlaken. Un viaggio di 5 ore su vagoni panoramici attraverso i paesaggi più pittoreschi della Svizzera. Questa composizione fa eco allo stato d’animo di un passeggero che ammira la diversit del paesaggio: i vigneti a terrazza del lago di Ginevra, le distese di pascoli e foreste dell’Alto Gruyère, gli splendidi chalets del Saanenland, i laghi e le montagne. Si tratta di un sogno o della realt ? Difficile a dirsi….
SKU: BT.DHP-1125277-030
The Golden Pass is a rail line in the Swiss Alps that connects Montreux, located by Lake Geneva, to Lucerne, in central Switzerland. This composition echoes the thoughts and feelings of a passenger who watches the changing landscapes he observes on this journey: green meadows full of grazing cows and traditional chalets, beautiful mountain lakes, waterfalls and mountain tops, including the scenic Brüning Pass. Is this real or just a dream? We may never know!De Golden Pass verwijst naar een prachtige reis per trein die vanuit Montreux aan het meer van Genève door de Zwitserse Alpen voert naar Luzern in Centraal-Zwitserland. Als een echo weerklinken de gevoelens van een passagier. Vol verrukking slaat hij het afwisselende landschap gade tijdens de reis: grazende koeien op sappige groene weides, traditionele chalets, fantastische bergmeren, watervallen en indrukwekkende bergtoppen, waaronder de Brüningpass. Is dit werkelijkheid of slechts een droom…?Der Goldene Pass ist eine Panorama-Zuglinie, die durch die Schweizer Alpen von Montreux am Genfer See nach Luzern in der Zentralschweiz führt. Diese Komposition ist ein Echo der Seele eines Passagiers, der die abwechslungsreiche Landschaft während der Reise bewundert: weidende Kühe auf saftig grünen Wiesen, traditionelle Chalets, wunderschöne Bergseen, Wasserfälle und beeindruckende Berggipfel, darunter auch der Brüning-Pass. Ist dies Wirklichkeit oder Traum? Egal, reisen Sie einfach mit!La Golden Pass est une ligne ferroviaire dans les Alpes suisses qui relie la ville de Montreux, située aux abords du lac Léman, Lucerne en Suisse centrale. Cette composition fait écho aux états d’ me d’un passager, admirant la diversité du paysage lors de son périple : les vertes prairies, les chalets pittoresques, les magnifiques lacs de montagne, les cascades et les sommets alpins. Est-ce réel ou s’agit-il d’un rêve ? Difficile de savoir... La linea ferroviaria Golden Pass collega Montreux a Lucerna via Chateau-d’Oex, Gstaad e Interlaken. Un viaggio di 5 ore su vagoni panoramici attraverso i paesaggi più pittoreschi della Svizzera. Questa composizione fa eco allo stato d’animo di un passeggero che ammira la diversit del paesaggio: i vigneti a terrazza del lago di Ginevra, le distese di pascoli e foreste dell’Alto Gruyère, gli splendidi chalets del Saanenland, i laghi e le montagne. Si tratta di un sogno o della realt ? Difficile a dirsi….
SKU: BT.DHP-1125277-130
SKU: BR.OB-5364-30
Christian Martin Schmidt is laying bare to musical practice the original form of Mendelssohn's epoch-making Overture to A Midsummer Night's Dream buried beneath layers of falsified material for the first time.
ISBN 9790004337431. 10 x 12.5 inches.
Autograph lays bare Mendelssohn's Overture to A Midsummer Night's Dream To this day, Mendelssohns epoch-making Overture to A Midsummer Night's Dream has been performed on the basis of a more than dubious transmission. Neither the first edition of the parts (1832), and certainly not the print of the score based on these parts (1835) go back directly to the autograph of the 17-year-old composer, which is now located in Krakow. No wonder, since Mendelssohn had breezily given away his original at an early date. The result: during his lifetime, versions were published with his authorization, even though they were full of unintended inconsistencies. Yet the autograph of 1826 is unequivocal: it is clear, practically free of irregularities and diverges considerably from the corrupted printed version. Christian Martin Schmidt comes up with occasionally differing musical passages, but above all with logical and compositionally compelling performance instructions, laying bare to musical practice the original form buried beneath layers of falsified material for the first time.Christian Martin Schmidt is laying bare to musical practice the original form of Mendelssohn's epoch-making Overture to A Midsummer Night's Dream buried beneath layers of falsified material for the first time.
SKU: HL.49003206
ISBN 9790220118609. 8.25x11.75x0.499 inches. English.
W.H. Auden: Sing, Ariel, sing * Spenser: He ceast * E. Pound: Tell her that sheds * Milton: Such a sacred and home-felt delight * Th. Campion: Rose-cheeked Laura, come * Milton: Such sober certainty * Shakespeare: O you are well-tun'd now! * W.B. Yeats: Old lecher with a love on every wind * J. Hollander: Across the street a tenor whine * Collins: With woeful measures wan Despair * Th. Hardy: Thus I, faltering forward * W.H. Ausen: ... rebuke * C. Raine: There is so much to celebrate * Coleridge: I see them all * Hollander: ... my unground grain * W. Stevens: The time of year has grown indifferent * W.H. Auden: ... unanxious one, sing * P. larkin: I squeezed up the last stair to the room in the roof * Shakespeare: Thou hast nor youth nor age * W. Stevens: The palm at the end of the mind * W. Stevens: Without human meaning * H. Vaughan: All's in deep sleep and night * W. Stevens: The rock of autumn, glittering * W.H. Auden: ... brillantly, lightly.
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