SKU: BT.DHP-1012929-400
ISBN 9789043115919. International.
This innovative book for drum kit contains a large selection of pieces that are useful for practice or performance. Each piece comes with a series of colour-coded suggestions to enable a truly polished performance. This title includes two CDs that you can use as a play-along or simply as a listening exercise to hear how it should be done. Veel drummethoden zijn met name gebaseerd op de uitleg van technieken en drumritmes. Grooves in Colors volgt een andere benadering - meer vanuit de beleving en de melodie en vorm van het muziekstuk, maar vooral ook â??met deorenâ??. Diverse keuzepatronen zijn in verschillende kleuren weergegeven - heel overzichtelijk! Wordt geleverd met twee cdâ??s. Een aanrader.Während viele Instrumentalschulen davon ausgehen, dass Musik machen Noten lesen ist und andere Methoden nur Techniken und Rhythmen vermitteln, will Grooves in Colors eine Brücke zwischen â??Notenfressernâ?? und Holzhackernâ?? schlagen. Dabei wird viel Wert auf Interpretation und die Form eines Musikstücks gelegt. Das Buch enthält zehn Arrangements, denen jeweils mehrere farbig markierte Patterns vorangestellt sind. So kann der Drummer durch Ausprobieren und Variieren zu seinem Stil finden und entwickelt so die Fähigkeit, flexibel auf musikalische Abläufe eingehen zu können. Die Ausgabe enthält zwei Play-Along CDs.De nombreuses méthodes de batterie se focalisent essentiellement sur l'explication des techniques de jeu et sur les rythmes de batterie. Grooves in Colors vous propose une approche différente qui se concentre davantage sur l'interprétation, la ligne mélodique et la structure de la pièce. L'écoute est également un élément primordial dans cette nouvelle approche de votre instrument ! Grooves in Colors vi permette di avere un approccio diverso con la batteria, basato sullâ??interpretazione, la linea melodica e la struttura del pezzo.
SKU: HL.14002373
ISBN 9788759810637. English.
This book is designed for the intermediate/advanced drummer to improve musical, technical control and reading ability, and presents several rhythmic styles, such as funk, jazz and Latin. I'm not trying to educate you on the 'correct' Cuban or Brazilian grooves, but have used this music as an inspiration for different phrashings and concepts. In the notes you can find book recommendations to explore the styles fully. Please feel free to use the material creatively, like repeating bars when you feel like it. You can also use the pieces for advanced sight reading, but I suggest that you take time to look carefully at the dynamics and stickings. All the stickings are basedon a right handed player (please reverse them if you are left handed). The basic concept is to have rhythmic compositions with basic classical notation and technique, that you can play on a drumset or on a practice pad with your feet stompin' at the floor. The first part is snare and bassdrum with hi-hat foot suggestions. Later in the book hi-hat (with stick) and snarerim are added. The advantage of these concepts is that playing through these etudes is very closely related to what is going on in modern music. Especially important for players in Jazz, Rock and Latin, but also very useful for a classical percussionist who needs solid music training. The last part of this book is a few pages of technique studies and rhythmic concepts that is related to the compositions. The purpose is not to include all basic strokes and principles (there are already many great books for that) but to show you some concepts that I have found useful and special through my years of playing and teaching. Michael Axen.
SKU: HL.14044536
La Batterie en 30 minutes par jour vous propose 52 lecons hebdomadaires (soit une annee complete de formation), au rythme d'environ une demi-heure de travail quotidien. Chaque semaine presente un ou plusieurs objectifs particuliers qu'il vous est possible de rejoindre par une travail regulier d'environ 30 minutes par jour. Vous disposez donc d'un programme bien structure, susceptible de vous faire progresser dans les meilleures conditions possibles.
SKU: HL.177
UPC: 073999975024. 9.25x12.25x0.49 inches.
This tribute to Gretsch kits features full-color photos and interviews with sensational players like Louie Bellson, Jimmy Cobb, Chuck Flores, Phil Grant, Jake Hanna, Elvin Jones, Don Lamond, Charlie Persip, Dick Shanahan, and others. Written by Chet Falzerano, a contributor to Modern Drummer, Percussive Notes, and Not So Modern Drummer magazines, plus the books Guide to Vintage Drums and Star Sets.
SKU: HL.14044531