SKU: BT.GOB-000957-020
Scottish Dances is based on three Scottish traditionals: Cock of the North, The Bonnie Bank's O'Loch Lomond and Marie's Wedding. I. Cock of the North's name is used for multiple things or events. For example for a locomotive to a famous, it seems, delicious liqueur, and rallies to snowboard competitions. Furthermore is Cock O' the North a nickname of a famous Duke. (The 4th Duke of Gordon). In this composition Cock of the North (a Jig) is a traditional Scottish bagpipe tune, regularly played on tattoos by Pipe Bands. Not infrequently the drummers sing the text. Auntie Mary, had a canary, Up the leg of her trousers While she was sleeping Iwas peeping Up the leg of her trousers. II. The Bonnie Bank's O'Loch Lomond is about a sad story that took place during an revolt against the British. In 1745 Bonnie Prince Charlie had to retreat. Two of his men were captured. One was convicted and executed, while the other was released. The spirit of the executed soldier would arrive in Scotland via the 'low road' (underworld) before his companion, who had still a long way to go. You'll take the high road And I'll take the low road And I'll be in Scotland afore ye But me and my true love will never meet again On the Bonnie Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomond III. In a Scottish wedding, after the official ceremonies, there is often danced. This is called a ceilidh. For this we use traditional Scottish music such as Marie's Wedding '. Mid dance we go back to the church, where a lovely song in honor of the couple sounds. Marie's Wedding has been recorded by Van Morrison (among many others). Step we gaely, on we go, heel for heel and toe for toe Arm and arm and on we go, all for Marie's wedding Scottish Dances is gebaseerd op drie Schotse traditionals: Cock of the North, The Bonnie Bank's O'Loch Lomond en Marie's Wedding. I. De naam Cock of the North wordt voor meerdere dingen of evenementen gebruikt. Van een beroemdelocomotief tot een, naar het schijnt, een heerlijke likeur, en van rally's tot snowboard wedstrijden. Bovendien was 'Cock O' the North' een bijnaam van een bekende hertog. (the 4th Duke of Gordon) Het in deze compositiegebruikte Cock of the North (een Jig) is een traditioneel Schotse bagpipe tune (doedelzak liedje) wat regelmatig gespeeld wordt op taptoes door Pipebands. Niet zelden zingen de slagwerkers de tekst mee. Auntie Mary, had acanary, Up the leg of her trousers While she was sleeping I was peeping Up the leg of her trousers. II. 'The Bonnie Bank's O'Loch Lomond', gaat over een triest verhaal dat zich afspeelde tijdens een opstand tegende Engelsen. In 1745 moest Bonnie Prince Charlie zich terugtrekken. Twee van zijn mannen werden gevangen genomen. Eén van hen werd veroordeeld en geexecuteerd, terwijl de ander vrijgelaten werd. De geest van de geexecuteerde soldaatzou via de 'low road' (onderwereld) eerder in Schotland aankomen dan zijn kameraad, die nog een lange ruige weg te gaan had. You'll take the high road And I'll take the low road And I'll be in Scotland aforeye But me and my true love will never meet again On the Bonnie Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomond III. Bij een Schotse bruiloft wordt na de officiele plechtigheden vaak gedanst. Dit noemt men een ceilidh. Hiervoor gebruiktmen traditionele Schotse muziek zoals bijv. 'Marie's Wedding'. Halverwege de dans gaan we nog even terug naar de kerk, waar een lieflijk lied ter ere van het bruidspaar klinkt. Marie's Wedding is o.a. door Van Morrison opgenomen.
SKU: MB.21069M
ISBN 9780786689668. 8.75 x 11.75 inches.
Joel Pena, a professional musician with many years of experience, has created the definitive method book for those interested in taking up the unique instrument known as the Cuban tres or three-course guitar. This bilingual book/audio method addresses everything from appropriate string gauges to creating authentic Latin tumbaos or groove patterns. Beginners and experienced players alike will appreciate the books logic as each section features diagrams and exercises in standard notation to help the student understand the concepts being presented at any given point. The book includes many musical examples from the tres repertoire, and the audio download available online, recorded by an authentic tresero, erases any doubts about performance style. Includes access to online audio.Joel Pena, ein professioneller Musiker mit langj?hriger Erfahrung, hat das definitive Methodenbuch f?r diejenigen erstellt, die sich f?r das einzigartige Instrument interessieren, das als kubanische Tres oder Drei-G?nge-Gitarre bekannt ist. Diese zweisprachige Buch- / Audiomethode adressiert alles von geeigneten Saitenst?rken bis zur Erzeugung authentischer lateinamerikanischer Tumbaos oder Groove-Muster. Anf?nger und erfahrene Spieler werden die Logik des Buches gleicherma?en zu sch?tzen wissen, da jeder Abschnitt Diagramme und ?bungen in Standardnotation enth?lt, um dem Sch?ler zu helfen, die Konzepte zu verstehen, die zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt pr?sentiert werden. Das Buch enth?lt viele musikalische Beispiele aus dem Tres-Repertoire, und der online verf?gbare Audio-Download, aufgenommen von einem authentischen Tresero, beseitigt alle Zweifel am Performance-Stil. Beinhaltet den Zugriff auf Online-Audio.
SKU: BA.BA07590-79
ISBN 9790006541638. 32.5 x 25.5 cm inches. Preface: Marco Uvietta.
For this scholarly-critical edition, the editor has consulted no less than 16 sources, many more than were ever used for any other edition of the Requiem; some of these sources were never evaluated before and one source, a hand-written vocal score, particularly relevant to the evaluation of the Liber scriptus, was newly discovered.As such, this edition offers new philological and editorial decisions regarding phrasing, articulation and dynamics and succeeds in presenting practical suggestions to solve musical problems and those concerning the interpretation of this famous work.This edition comprises a concise Critical Commentary in the score as well as a detailed one on the Barenreiter website. The most important editions published in the 19th century are compared with regard to musicological questions in the work. The genesis of some misunderstandings included in the 1913 and 1964 Ricordi editions is traced. The first version of the Liber scriptus for chorus is included in the appendix while the later version for mezzosoprano solo is to be found in the main part of the edition.
About Barenreiter Urtext Orchestral Parts
Why musicians love to play from Bärenreiter Urtext Orchestral Parts
- Urtext editions as close as possible to the composer’s intentions - With alternate versions in full score and parts - Orchestral parts in an enlarged format of 25.5cm x 32.5cm - With cues, rehearsal letters, and page turns where players need them - Clearly presented divisi passages so that players know exactly what they have to play - High-quality paper with a slight yellow tinge which does not glare under lights and is thick enough that reverse pages do not shine through
The six-movement composition written in 1959 is Kurtág's opus no. 1. It emerged after the composer's study tour to Paris which brought about his rethinking of the process of composition and the discarding of his earlier written works and meant at the same time the beginning of the composer's creative period which has lasted ever since. Die 1959 geschriebene sechssätzige Komposition Kurtágs trägt die Opusnummer 1. Sie entstand nach seiner Pariser Studienreise, die ein Neudenken des Kompositionsvorgangs, das Verwerfen der früher komponierten Werke und den Beginn der bis heute dauernden Schaffensperiode des Komponisten bedeutete.
SKU: BA.BA07590-74
ISBN 9790006541614. 32.5 x 25.5 cm inches. Preface: Marco Uvietta.
SKU: BT.DHP-1206311-215
Watermelon Sugar was the summer hit of the year 2020. It is a song by the British singer-songwriter Harry Styles, who felt inspired by the title of the American novel In Watermelon Sugar (1968) by Richard Brautigan.The melody of the chorus had already taken form during â??Live on Tourâ??, the debut tour that Styles embarked on in September 2017, finishing in July the following year. On a free day, Harry and his band went to The Cave Studio inNashville, where they created the chorus melody. It is said that the song is about Stylesâ?? ex-girlfriend Camille Rowe. Mike Sheppard arranged this catchy tune for a flexible (six-part) ensemble as a lasting memory of theextraordinary year 2020.Watermelon Sugar was ongetwijfeld dé zomerhit van 2020. Het is een nummer van de Britse singer-songwriter Harry Styles, die zich samen met enkele vrienden liet inspireren door de titel van de Amerikaanse roman InWatermelon Sugar (1968) van Richard Brautigan. De melodie van het refrein was al ontstaan tijdens Live on Tour, de tournee die Styles in september 2017 maakte. Tijdens een vrije dag gingen de jongens van de band naar The CaveStudio in Nashville, waar de refreinmelodie bedacht werd. Het nummer zou gaan over Harry Stylesâ?? ex-vriendin Camille Rowe. Mike Sheppard arrangeerde deze catchy song voor een variabele bezetting (zes partijen) als een blijvendeherinnering aan het bijzondere jaar 2020.Watermelon Sugar war der Sommerhit des Jahres 2020. Das Lied stammt von dem britischen Singer-Songwriter Harry Styles, der sich vom Titel des amerikanischen Romans In Watermelon Sugar (1968) von Richard Brautiganinspirieren lieÃ?. Die Melodie des Refrains nahm bereits während seiner Debüt-Tournee Gestalt an, die von September 2017 bis zum Juli des darauffolgenden Jahres dauerte. An einem freien Tag ging er mit seiner Band ins Cave Studioin Nashville, wo die Melodie des Refrains entstand. Das Lied soll von seiner Ex-Freundin Camille Rowe handeln. Mike Sheppard arrangierte diesen Ohrwurm für ein flexibles (sechsstimmiges) Ensemble als bleibende Erinnerung an dasauÃ?ergewöhnliche Jahr 2020.Watermelon Sugar fut le tube de lâ??année 2020. Câ??est une chanson du chanteur-compositeur britannique Harry Styles, qui sâ??est inspiré du titre du roman américain In Watermelon Sugar (Sucre de pastèque, 1968), deRichard Brautigan. La mélodie du refrain avait déj pris forme pendant « Live on Tour », la première tournée de Styles, qui avait débuté en septembre 2017 et pris fin en juillet de lâ??année suivante. Un jour de repos, Harry et songroupe sont allés au Cave Studio de Nashville, où est née la mélodie du refrain. On dit que la chanson concerne lâ??ex-petite amie de Styles, Camille Rowe. Mike Sheppard a arrangé cet air accrocheur pour un ensemble instrumentation variable (six voix) afin de marquer, de manière inoubliable, lâ??extraordinaire année 2020.
SKU: BA.BA07590-75
ISBN 9790006541621. 32.5 x 25.5 cm inches. Preface: Marco Uvietta.
SKU: BR.EOS-8063-30
ISBN 9790004789827. 8.5 x 11.5 inches.
The Ode was admirably set by Mr. Henry Purcell, and performed twice with universal applause. (The Gentlemen's Journal, 1692)The popularity of Purcell's setting is apparent from the many sources that survive and from the printed extracts which appeared almost immediately after its first performance. The primary source for this edition is the largely autograph manuscript in the Bodleian Library. Rather to reduce the orthography to a norm, the capitalization of the vocal text favours Purcell's preferences.(Christopher Hogwood) Vokalensemble Stuttgart und den Kammerchor des Kopernikus-Gymnasiums Wasseralfingen. Fur diese beiden ganz unterschiedlichen Chorformationen hat Martin Smolka 2012 auch gezielt seine Partitur angelegt. Biografisch ist das Agnus Dei eine Art kleines Requiem fur seinen kurz zuvor verstorbenen Vater. Das liturgische Agnus Dei rahmt den deutschen Text Eh das Madchen entschlief ... der bei Auffuhrungen in anderen Landern durch eine Ubersetzung ersetzt werden soll.Der SWR-Redakteur Hans-Peter Jahn schreibt dazu im Programmheft: Die fur Smolka typischen minimalistischen Taktzellen schaffen eine archaische Sinnlichkeit. Eine einfache und zugleich streng gebaute Vokalmusik mit Tiefenwirkung.Nach der Urauffuhrung war die Esslinger Zeitung hellauf begeistert: Smolka ist ein Meister der Stimmbehandlung und der chorischen Klanggestaltung. Im Zentrum des Stucks gerat die Musik zum Stillstand: im leisen gleichmassigen Summen uber dem plotzlich fortissimo ein tschechisches Kinderlied erklingt eines das der Vater seinen Kindern haufig vorgesungen hat. Das alles war sehr beruhrend. Und eigentlich noch mehr als das. My father PhDr. Jaroslav Smolka (1933-2011) was a leading Czech musicologist author of books Czech Cantata and Oratorium Fuga in Czech Music Smetana's Orchestra Music Smetana's Vocal Music monography of Jan Dismas Zelenka and many others. He was a legendary teacher of Music History at Prague Music Academy critic recording producer composer; for almost 50 years he was an important and highly respected personality of Prague musical life.My father devoted a lot of time and energy to musical education and activities of my sister and me using often quite original methods such as teaching of intervals and counterpoint through Bartok's Microcosmos ear training filling all imaginable moments of everyday life or lessons of harmony analysis starting with Overture to Tristan and Musorgsky's Catacombs. The Martinu song Wondering Maiden was his solo number in our home vocal productions which he used to sing with amazing devotion while his huge voice was audible in several neighboring streets.My Agnus Dei is closely bound to all this history e.g. by using canon and preferring beauty of dissonant seconds like Bartok or quoting Martinu and his refined neoclassical harmony. Father would be probably a bit critical about the minimalistic monotony of the main body of the piece. Nevertheless firstly he would improvise a short lecture of history of Agnus Dei in Requiem in Czech Music naming by heart many dates and all examples of changes of order of the traditional text by composers. Examples would be sung probably.(Martin Smolka).
SKU: BT.GOB-000956-140
Scottish Dances is based on three Scottish traditionals: Cock of the North, The Bonnie Bank's O'Loch Lomond and Marie's Wedding. I. Cock of the North's name is used for multiple things or events. For example for a locomotive to a famous, it seems, delicious liqueur, and rallies to snowboard competitions. Furthermore is Cock O' the North a nickname of a famous Duke. (The 4th Duke of Gordon). In this composition Cock of the North (a Jig) is a traditional Scottish bagpipe tune, regularly played on tattoos by Pipe Bands. Not infrequently the drummers sing the text. Auntie Mary, had a canary, Up the leg of her trousers While she was sleeping Iwas peeping Up the leg of her trousers. II. The Bonnie Bank's O'Loch Lomond is about a sad story that took place during an revolt against the British. In 1745 Bonnie Prince Charlie had to retreat. Two of his men were captured. One was convicted and executed, while the other was released. The spirit of the executed soldier would arrive in Scotland via the 'low road' (underworld) before his companion, who had still a long way to go. You'll take the high road And I'll take the low road And I'll be in Scotland afore ye But me and my true love will never meet again On the Bonnie Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomond III. In a Scottish wedding, after the official ceremonies, there is often danced. This is called a ceilidh. For this we use traditional Scottish music such as Marie's Wedding '. Mid dance we go back to the church, where a lovely song in honor of the couple sounds. Marie's Wedding has been recorded by Van Morrison (among many others). Step we gaely, on we go, heel for heel and toe for toe Arm and arm and on we go, all for Marie's wedding Scottish Dances is gebaseerd op drie Schotse traditionals: Cock of the North, The Bonnie Bank's O'Loch Lomond en Marie's Wedding. I. De naam Cock of the North wordt voor meerdere dingen of evenementen gebruikt. Van een beroemdelocomotief tot een, naar het schijnt, een heerlijke likeur, en van rally's tot snowboard wedstrijden. Bovendien was 'Cock O' the North' een bijnaam van een bekende hertog. (the 4th Duke of Gordon) Het in deze compositiegebruikte Cock of the North (een Jig) is een traditioneel Schotse bagpipe tune (doedelzak liedje) wat regelmatig gespeeld wordt op taptoes door Pipebands. Niet zelden zingen de slagwerkers de tekst mee. Auntie Mary, had acanary, Up the leg of her trousers While she was sleeping I was peeping Up the leg of her trousers. II. 'The Bonnie Bank's O'Loch Lomond', gaat over een triest verhaal dat zich afspeelde tijdens een opstand tegende Engelsen. In 1745 moest Bonnie Prince Charlie zich terugtrekken. Twee van zijn mannen werden gevangen genomen. Eén van hen werd veroordeeld en geexecuteerd, terwijl de ander vrijgelaten werd. De geest van de geexecuteerde soldaatzou via de 'low road' (onderwereld) eerder in Schotland aankomen dan zijn kameraad, die nog een lange ruige weg te gaan had. You'll take the high road And I'll take the low road And I'll be in Scotland aforeye But me and my true love will never meet again On the Bonnie Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomond III. Bij een Schotse bruiloft wordt na de officiele plechtigheden vaak gedanst. Dit noemt men een ceilidh. Hiervoor gebruiktmen traditionele Schotse muziek zoals bijv. 'Marie's Wedding'. Halverwege de dans gaan we nog even terug naar de kerk, waar een lieflijk lied ter ere van het bruidspaar klinkt. Marie's Wedding is o.a. door Van Morrison opgenomen.
ISBN 9780986459276.
Prelude to Odysseus on Ogygia is Walker's captivating concert adaptation from his opera about the classic Greek story of Odysseus. This standalone orchestral work sets the scene for the opera that centres on Odysseus escape from the fate of spending eternity with the sensual goddess Calypso on the island Ogygia. This is an intriguing work that reveals Walker's interest in using a dramatic narrative as a basis for creating symphonic form.
9x12 inches.
Symphony no. 6 dates from the spring of 2009. It is dedicated to the conductor Károly Neumayer and his orchestra, the Pécs Railway Workers' Concert Wind Ensemble. About the work, the composer writes: 'This three-movement composition follows the classical traditions, but the first movement further develops the Scriabin-type sonata form, combining two fast movements. In contrast to the lyricism of the second movement a subterranean, negative force also makes its presence felt but in a dramatic conflict is overcome by the massive, inspired communal singing of the lyrical material, which becomes chorale-like as it emanates from the modal scales. The third movement is acheerful, dance-like scherzo, with comical, humorous sound-effects ' Die 6. Symphonie entstand im Frühling 2009. Sie ist dem Dirigenten Károly Neumayer und seinem Orchester, dem Bläserorchester der Ungarischen Staatsbahnen Pécs, gewidmet. Der Komponist schreibt über sein Werk: 'Die dreisätzige Komposition folgt den klassischen Traditionen, der erste Satz aber entwickelt durch die Verbindung von zwei schnellen Sätzen die Form von Skrjabin weiter. Im zweiten Satz erscheint als Gegenspieler zur lyrischen Grundstimmung auch eine negative, in die Tiefe ziehende Kraft. Letztere wird aber im dramatischen Gefecht vom lyrischen Stoff und vom choralähnlichen, aus der modalen Tonleitern stammenden, blockförmigen, gemeinschaftlichen Lied besiegt. Der dritteSatz ist ein fröhliches, tänzerisches Scherzo mit komischen, humorvollen Klangeffekten.'.
SKU: BT.GOB-000958-130
SKU: BT.GOB-000957-120
SKU: BT.DHP-1196087-401
ISBN 9789043157254. English-German-French-Dutch.
Fortuna for trumpet and piano came about as a commission by the Belgian trumpeter Manu Mellaerts. The title of the work refers to the goddess Fortuna of Roman mythology, who represents fate and fortune. The composition is characterised by its modern but by no means avant-garde tonal language, with which composer Jan Hadermann creates a wide variety of musical expression. This, together with its playing time of some nine minutes, makes Fortuna an ideal examination work for the conservatory-level student.Fortuna voor trompet en piano is in opdracht van de Belgische trompettist Manu Mellaerts geschreven. De titel verwijst naar de Romeinse godin Fortuna, die in de mythologie staat voor het (nood)lot. Het stuk wordt gekenmerkt door een moderne maar niet avant-gardistische stijl, waarmee componist Jan Hadermann een weidse variatie aan muzikale expressie aanboort. Hierdoor en door de speelduur van circa negen minuten past Fortuna perfect in het examenprogramma van de conservatoriumstudent.Fortuna für Trompete und Klavier entstand im Auftrag des belgischen Trompeters Manu Mellaerts. Der Titel des Stückes verweist auf die römische Göttin Fortuna, welche mythologisch für das Schicksal steht. Die Komposition zeichnet sich durch ihre moderne, jedoch nicht avantgardistische Tonsprache aus, mit der der Komponist Jan Hadermann eine große musikalische Ausdrucksvielfalt realisiert. Dadurch sowie aufgrund seiner Spieldauer von etwa neun Minuten ist Fortuna ein ideales Examenswerk für Hochschulstudenten.Fortuna pour trompette et piano est une œuvre commandée par le trompettiste belge Manu Mellaerts. Le titre de la pièce fait référence la déesse romaine Fortuna, incarnation du destin dans la mythologie romaine. Cette composition se distingue par le langage musical, moderne sans être avant-gardiste, gr ce auquel le compositeur Jan Hadermann lui confère une grande expressivité musicale sous diverses formes. Formant un total d’environ neuf minutes, ces qualités font de Fortuna une pièce d’examen idéale pour les élèves des conservatoires.
SKU: BA.BA07590-82
ISBN 9790006541645. 32.5 x 25.5 cm inches. Preface: Marco Uvietta.
Why musicians love to play from B�¤renreiter Urtext Orchestral Parts
- Urtext editions as close as possible to the composer�s intentions - With alternate versions in full score and parts - Orchestral parts in an enlarged format of 25.5cm x 32.5cm - With cues, rehearsal letters, and page turns where players need them - Clearly presented divisi passages so that players know exactly what they have to play - High-quality paper with a slight yellow tinge which does not glare under lights and is thick enough that reverse pages do not shine through
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