SKU: CY.CC3021
ISBN 9781774310618. 8.5 x 11 in inches.
Cherry Classics Music and Jeff Reynolds are thrilled to introduce for the first time in print an excellent work for unaccompanied Bass Trombone from the 1960's by the late American composer Gregory Kosteck. Here is what Jeff Reynolds says about the Kosteck - Concert Music for Bass Trombone - unaccompanied: When I was a student, my teacher, Roger Bobo handed me the 1963 Kosteck manuscript (originally written for tuba when they both lived in Amsterdam) to have a look for my senior recital. He said it was not right for him but I might find it worthy. Worthy it was, and I went on to play it on my recital and also as the solo piece for my audition for the bass trombone chair with the L.A. Philharmonic. After playing it on the audition, conductor Zubin Mehta asked, Did you miss any notes? My response was, No. Some years later I recorded the piece on an album called The Big Trombone for Crystal Records. Also available on iTunes. The music of about 5 1/2 minutes in length is contemporary sounding in four sections: Lyrical - Scherzando - Cadenza - Lyrical and is appropriate for advanced performers. The range goes from a pedal F up to a high G above middle C. The beautiful performance on the audio sample is taken from Jeff Reynold's album The Big Trombone from Crystal Records and also available on iTunes.
SKU: BT.DHP-1002353-404
ISBN 9789043161817. French.
Pour tous ceux qui recherchent un nouvel outil pédagogique pour apprendre jouer dâ??un instrument vent, les Ã?ditions De Haske proposent la méthode Ã?couter, lire and jouer. Elle se compose dâ??une méthode richement illustréeen trois volumes avec fichiers audio en ligne et dâ??ouvrages éducatifs et ludiques fondés sur les principes actuels de la théorie musicale. Tout en se conformant aux exigences de lâ??apprentissage classique, cette collection utiliseune approche résolument ouverte, motivante et moderne de lâ??enseignement musical permettant aux élèves de découvrir la pratique instrumentale avec plaisir. De nombreux jeux, exercices dâ??écoute, morceaux et compositions originalespermettent dâ??acquérir un savoir-faire tout en sâ??amusant. Ã?couter - lire jouer : trois éléments incontournables de la pratique musicale, trois concepts réunis dans une collection enrichissante et simple utiliser.
SKU: BT.DHP-1115091-400
ISBN 9789043135290. 9x12 inches. Italian.
A tutti coloro che cercano un nuovo strumento pedagogico per imparare a suonare, la casa editrice musicale De Haske propone i metodi della serie ASCOLTA, LEGGI and SUONA, unâ??opera educativa e ludica con accompagnamento su CD.Questi metodi attuano un processo decisamente aperto, gratificante e moderno per rivoluzionare lâ??insegnamento musicale: attraverso lâ??ascolto, la lettura e lâ??interpretazione dei singoli esercizi, dei giochi e dei quiz potrete imparare divertendovi. Ogni singolo esercizio prevede lâ??esecuzione con accompagnamento di una vera band sul CD! In più troverete tante notizie sulla storia del vostro strumento, sugli interpreti, e sulla tecnica giusta per suonare.Sonodisponibli in italiano i volumi per tromba, clarinetto, saxofono contralto e flauto. Per tutti gli altri strumenti, il metodo è disponible in inglese.
SKU: BT.DHP-0991825-404
ISBN 9789043163651. French.
SKU: BT.DHP-1115090-400
ISBN 9789043135283. 9x12 inches. Italian.
SKU: BT.DHP-1043765-404
ISBN 9789043163705. Spanish.
Hoy en d a, Escuchar, leer and tocar es el manual de referencia en la enseñanza de los instrumentos de viento metal y viento madera. Estos magn ficos libros de metodolog a para principiantes, con acceso en l nea a archivos deaudio, contienen canciones, acertijos musicales y juegos para aumentar la comprensión de la música por parte de los alumnos, información sobre los instrumentos y muchas piezas divertidas para tocar. Los tres volúmenes del métodoestán acompañados por otros libros que contienen material complementario acordes al nivel correspondiente. Algunos de los libros no están disponibles en español sino en inglés bajo el t tulo Look, Listen and Learn.
SKU: BT.DHP-1064194-404
ISBN 9789043162685. Spanish.
SKU: BT.DHP-1053898-404
ISBN 9789043161602. Spanish.