SKU: BT.AMP-311-401
9x12 inches.
Capriccio for Trombone is geschreven in opdracht van Brett Baker, trombonesolist en lid van de beroemde Black Dyke Band. Het is een eerbetoon aan Mike Moor, de onlangs overleden vriend en collega van zowel Brett als de componist.Capriccio weerspiegelt Mike’s opgewekte karakter, zijn tomeloze energie en liefde voor de brassbandmuziek. Eveneens verkrijgbaar voor trombone en brassband.Capriccio for Trombone wurde von Brett Baker, dem Solo-Posaunisten der berühmten britischen Black Dyke Band, in Auftrag gegeben. Es ist ein Tribut an den kürzlich verstorbenen Mike Moor, ein enger Freund und Kollege von Baker und dem Komponisten. Dieses Werk sollte Moors Gutmütigkeit, seine große Liebe zur Brass-Band-Musik und die unbezähmbare, enthusiastische Energie einfangen, die Mike in allen Dingen, die er tat, an den Tag legte. Ebenfalls erhältlich für Posaune und Brass Band.Capriccio for Trombone est une commande de Brett Baker, tromboniste soliste et membre du célèbre Brass Band Black Dyke Band. Cette oeuvre rend hommage au défunt Mike Moor, un ami commun du compositeur et du tromboniste. Cappricio for Trombone est une pièce de caractère jovial, dont la trame s‘appuie sur une figure de note récurrente et une incroyable multitude de changements d‘atmosphères et de chiffrages de mesure.
SKU: BT.AMP-387-400
ISBN 9789043135856. 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
Part of the ANGLO MUSIC PLAY-ALONG Series, Philip Sparkes 15 INTERMEDIATE CLASSICAL SOLOS is aimed at the young instrumentalist who can play about an octave and a half and follows on from Sparkes 15 EASY CLASSICAL SOLOS. Specifically tailored to suitthe individual instrument, this book introduces the developing player to the world of the classics by using simple yet attractive melodies that fit their limited range.
The carefully selected pieces include music from the 17th to the 19th century and cover a wide variety of styles, from Handel to Tchaikovsky and from Clementi to Brahms.
The book will provide invaluable additional material to complement any teaching method and includes both piano accompaniment and a demo/play-along CD.
Genau auf jedes Instrument zugeschnitten, ermöglichen die sorgfältig ausgewählten Melodien noch mehr Spielerfahrung mit klassischer Musik. Die Stücke umfassen verschiedene Stilrichtungen und Komponisten wie z.B. Händel, Tschaikowsky, Clementi undBrahms.
Jeder Band bietet wertvolles Ergänzungsmaterial, das zu jeder Instrumentalschule passt und enthält sowohl Klavier- als auch CD-Begleitungen.
SKU: BT.AMP-304-400
ISBN 9789043138116. 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
Part of the Anglo Music Play-along Series, Philip Sparkeâ??s 15 Easy Classical Solos is aimed at the young instrumentalist who can play just over an octave. Specifically tailored to suit the individual instrument, this book introduces the beginning player to the world of the classics by using simple yet attractive melodies that fit their limited range. The carefully selected pieces include music from the 16th to the 20th century and cover a wide variety of styles, from Bach to Grieg and from Purcell to Satie. This book will provide invaluable additional material to complement any teaching method and includes both piano accompaniment and a demo/play-along CD.Philip Sparkeâ??s 15 Easy Classical Solos, onderdeel van de Anglo Music Play-Along Series, is bedoeld voor de jonge instrumentalist die iets meer dan een octaaf kan spelen. Het boek sluit qua instrumentaal bereik en gebruikte toonsoortenaan bij het Artist Level van Hal Leonards Essential Elements ®, maar kan ook los daarvan worden gebruikt.De zorgvuldig geselecteerde melodieën, die specifiek zijn toegesneden op elk instrument, beslaan een breed scala van klassieke stijlen:van Bach tot Grieg en van Purcell tot Satie.Het boek bevat waardevol materiaal ter aanvulling op elke lesmethode en wordt geleverd met pianobegeleiding en een cd met demo- en meespeeltracks.15 Easy Classical Solos ist als Ergänzung zur bewährten Anglo Music Play-Along Reihe gedacht und richtet sich an Schüler, die ungefähr einen Tonumfang von einer Oktave beherrschen. Das Niveau entspricht dem des Artist Levels der Essential Elements ® Methode von Hal Leonard, kann aber auch unabhängig davon verwendet werden. Genau auf jedes Instrument zugeschnitten, ermöglicht die wohlüberlegte Stückeauswahl ein erstes Kennenlernen von Melodien aus verschiedenen Epochen der Klassik von Grieg über Purcell bis Satie. Jeder Band bietet wertvolles Ergänzungsmaterial, das zu jeder Instrumentalschule passt und enthält sowohl Klavier- als auch CD-Begleitungen.15 Easy Classical Solos, de Philip Sparke, est un ouvrage qui sâ??adresse aux jeunes musiciens, maîtrisant un peu plus dâ??une octave. 15 Easy Classical Solos a été conçu pour être joué en corrélation avec les séries Artist et/ou Master Level de la collection Essential Elements ®, publiée par les éditions Hal Leonard. Mais il peut également être utilisé indépendamment.Spécifiquement adapté chaque instrument, ce volume rassemble quinze mélodies écrites par des compositeurs aussi variés que Bach, Purcell, Grieg et Satie.Comprenant les parties dâ??accompagnement de piano et une version dâ??accompagnement sur compact disc, ces ouvrages représentent une sourcecomplémentaire inestimable toute méthode pédagogique. Il concetto della collana Anglo Music Play-Along Series è quello di integrare al più presto nel processo di apprendimento dei giovani strumentisti la possibilit di poter suonare accompagnati al piano o con lâ??ausilio di unâ??incisione su CD. Ilchiaro vantaggio di questo metodo è che gli allievi imparano da subito lâ??aspetto fondamentale del suonare insieme, vale a dire tenere il tempo in modo costante. 15 Easy Classical Solos consente agli allievi che hanno una conoscenza limitatadelle note di suonare brani di Bach, Schubert, Purcell, Grieg e altri, grazie alle versioni facilitate. Il livello di 15 Intermediate Classical Solos permette invece agli allievi che padroneggiano lâ??estensione superiore a unâ??ottava dicimentarsi nei â??primi concertiâ? con brani di Haendel, Clementi, Rameau, Glueck, Beethoven e altri. Il CD propone una traccia con lâ??incisione completa e una con il solo accompagnamento.
SKU: BT.AMP-490-401
ISBN 9789043168700. English-German-French-Dutch.
SKU: BT.AMP-436-400
ISBN 9789043148672. English-German-French-Dutch.
Part of the Anglo Music Play-Along Series, Philip Sparke’s 15 Intermediate Christmas Carols is aimed at the young instrumentalist who can play about an octave and a half and follows on from Sparke’s 15 Easy ChristmasCarols. Specifically tailored to suit the individual instrument, this book introduces the developing player to the world’s most popular Christmas tunes by selecting simple yet attractive melodies that fit their limited range. The book willprovide invaluable additional material to complement any teaching method and includes both piano accompaniment and a demo/play-along CD.Philip Sparkes 15 Intermediate Christmas Carols sind Teil der Reihe Anglo Music Play-Along und richten sich an junge Instrumentalisten, die einen Tonumfang von ungefähr eineinhalb Oktaven beherrschen. Die Ausgabe schließt sich anSparkes 15 Easy Christmas Carols an. Für diesen Band wurden einfache und zugleich ansprechende Melodien ausgewählt, die genau auf das jeweilige Instrument zugeschnitten sind, sich für dessen begrenzten Tonumfang eignen, und den soSchüler an die weltweit beliebtesten Weihnachtslieder heranführen. 15 Intermediate Christmas Carols bietet damit wertvolles Ergänzungsmaterial, das zu jeder Instrumentalschulepasst und sowohl eine Klavierbegleitung als auch einePlay-Along-CD enthält.Faisant partie de l’Anglo Music Play-Along Series, les 15 Intermediate Christmas Carols(15 chants de Noël de niveau intermédiaire) de Philip Sparke visent les instrumentistes qui arrivent jouer environ une octave etdemi. Adapté pour convenir chaque instrument spécifique, ce recueil introduit le musicien de niveau moyen aux chants de Noël les plus populaires en sélectionnant les mélodies simples les plus intéressantes qui correspondent leur registre limité.Ce livre fournit du matériel supplémentaire indispensable qui complète n’importe quelle méthode pédagogique et inclut un accompagnement pour piano ainsi qu’une version sur CD avec démos.
SKU: BT.AMP-413-400
ISBN 9789043148559. English-German-French-Dutch.
Part of the Anglo Music Play-Along Series, Philip Sparke’s 15 Easy Christmas Carols is aimed at the young instrumentalist who can play just over an octave. Specifically tailored to suit the individual instrument, this book introducesthe beginning player to the world’s most popular Christmas tunes by selecting simple yet attractive melodies that fit their limited range. This book will provide invaluable additional material to complement any teaching method and includes both pianoaccompaniment and a demo/play-along CD.Philip Sparkes 15 Easy Christmas Carols sind Teil der Anglo Music Play-Along Reihe und richten sich an junge Instrumentalisten, die den Tonumfang von einer Oktave beherrschen. Auf jedes Instrument zugeschnitten, führen diese Ausgaben,für die einfache und zugleich ansprechende Melodien ausgewählt wurden die sich für diesen begrenzten Tonumfang eignen, den Anfänger an die weltweit beliebtesten Weihnachtslieder heran. Dieser Band bietet wertvolles Ergänzungsmaterial, das zu jederInstrumentalschule passt und sowohl eine Klavierbegleitung als auch eine Play-Along-CD enthält.Faisant partie de l’Anglo Music Play-Along Series, les 15 Easy Christmas Carols(15 chants de Noël faciles) de Philip Sparke visent les jeunes instrumentistes qui arrivent jouer un peu plus d’une octave. Adapté pourconvenir chaque instrument spécifique, ce recueil introduit le joueur débutant aux chants de Noël les plus populaires en sélectionnant des mélodies simples les plus intéressantes qui correspondent leur registre limité. Ce recueil fournit dumatériel supplémentaire indispensable qui complète n’importe quelle méthode pédagogique et inclut un accompagnement pour piano ainsi qu’une version sur CD avec démos.
SKU: SU.32040021
Trombone & Piano Duration: 17' Composed: 2013 Published by: Amy Mills Music, LLC …the audience loved Red Dragonfly. Definitely a keeper in my repertoire! Dr. James Bicigo, Associate Professor of Trombone, University of Alaska, Anchorage Virtuoso piece, the dramatic first movement opens with a Bold statement followed by the beautiful love theme. It reaches up to the Cry of the Heart, then everything ruptures and crashes. Now the trombonist must rebuild and gain strength through dramatic cadenzas until reaching the recapitulation where the opening Bold melody is transformed into a majestic march in 3/4 time. The love theme returns, and the movement ends in triumph. The second movement is a setting of the famous Japanese folksong, Red Dragonfly. The trombonist and pianist play the lovely song amidst the sound of fluttering wings that appear and disappear like memories of the heart. Thank you to the Nihon Gakugeki Kyoukai Foundation for permission to use the melody in this trombone sonata. A solo glissando opens the third movement in American folk dance style with tongue in cheek and twinkle in both eyes. The subsequent variations include a perfect triple canon, a taste of New Orleans jazz, and a dramatic augmentation which spills into a flashback of the first movement’s love theme. This melts away and we recapture a glimpse of the Red Dragonfly melody, this time growing to the Triumphant restatement of the first movement’s main theme. And finally, the exuberant coda drives to a spectacular ending. Difficulty Level: Trombone 6 (Professional) Piano 5 (Advanced) See also Red Dragonfly, Concerto for Trombone and Band for the version with band accompaniment. See composer website for audio sample.
SKU: CY.CC2543
Granados was a Spanish composer whose music had the unique style of his homeland burned into his soul. He was also a very talented painter in the style of Goya.
The Two Dances, 1. Oriental and 2. Fandango are taken from the 12 danzas espanolas, volume I from 1890, for Piano.
Mr. Sauer has brilliantly taken the solo Piano part and divided it between solo Trombone and Piano.
Trombonists will enjoy working on this style of Spanish Nationalist music of which there is none in the solo repertoire.
The Two Dances (in tenor clef) are about 6 1/2 minutes in length and can be performed by advanced musicians.
The mp3 sample is an excerpt of the Bass Trombone version taken from a live performance at the 2012 Academy of the West Festival performed by David Hagee and Luis Ortiz, Pianist.
ISBN 9790365042081.
Jozef (Jef) Schampaert's 1952 Dramatische Fantaisie (Fantaisie Dramatique) for trombone and piano, dedicated to trombone professor Peter Roupcinsky, was written as a concours piece for the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp in Belgium. While the rest of the Belgian school was experimenting with a return to lush romanticism (Alpaerts, Maes, and the musical progeny of Benoit), or beginning to prod the tonal bounds of listenable 12-tone and serialism (Constant and Verbesselt), Schampaert took towards a different sound: that of the Impressionists, transmuted through his distinctly Flemish touch.
SKU: BT.DHP-1165691-401
ISBN 9789043150033. English-German-French-Dutch.
For young trombone players: impressive landscapes illustrated by the rich and majestic sound of the trombone. The composer Pascal Proust has many years’ experience as a musician and music teacher. His output includes several hundred compositions forthe most diverse instrumentations. He wrote Fjords for trombone players at the level of approximately one year’s study and paid special attention to an easy-to-follow, attractive musical style. As a result, Fjords is an idealperformance or competition work for young musicians.Voor jonge trombonisten: indrukwekkende landelijke taferelen ge llustreerd door de rijke en majestueuze klank van de trombone. De componist Pascal Proust kan bogen op een jarenlange ervaring als muzikant en muziekdocent. Zijn oeuvre omvat honderdencomposities voor de meest diverse instrumentaties. Hij schreef Fjords voor trombonisten die ongeveer een jaar les hebben gehad, waarbij hij speciaal aandacht heeft besteed aan een makkelijk te volgen, aantrekkelijke muziekstijl. Daardoor isFjords een ideaal voordrachts- of wedstrijdstuk voor jonge muzikanten.Für sehr junge Posaunisten: Atemberaubende Landschaften werden durch den vollen und majestätischen Klang der Posaune dargestellt. Der Komponist Pascal Proust kann aus seiner langjährigen Erfahrung als Musiker und Musikpädagoge schöpfen; sein Oeuvreumfasst mehrere hundert Kompositionen für verschiedenste Besetzungen. Er schrieb Fjords für Posaunisten mit ungefähr einem Jahr Unterrichtserfahrung und legte besonderes Augenmerk auf einen leicht verständlichen, attraktiven musikalischenStil. Dadurch eignet sich Fjords ideal als Vortrags- und Wettbewerbsstück für junge Musiker.Pour les très jeunes trombonistes : des paysages vertigineux illustrés par la sonorité ample et majestueuse du trombone. Le compositeur Pascal Proust puise volonté dans son immense expérience de musicien et professeur de musique ; son catalogued’oeuvres englobe plusieurs centaines de compositions pour divers instruments. Il a notamment écrit Fjords pour trombonistes ayant environ une année de pratique, dans un style musical accessible et coloré. De ce fait, Fjords est lapièce idéale pour tout examen ou audition de jeunes musiciens.
SKU: CY.CC2512
Jan Freidlin has written a delightful work in 8 movements for Trombone and Piano called A Little Theater Buffo. It is the story of a circus clown and his adventures with his friends. The titles of the movements are:
1. Ouverture2. Recitativo & Refrain3. Piano Interlude4. The Puppet Show5. Harlequin's Arietta6. Duetto Military7. Romance of Pierrot8. Final Kaleidoscope
This work is about 15 minutes in length, for advanced performers and will make a wonderful addition to a recital.
The sample digital sound file is an excerpt from movement 6. Duetto Military, a sarcastic march featuring a dialog between the Trombonist and the Pianist.
SKU: ST.H470
ISBN 9790220222283.
The Partita for trombone and piano is the latest example of Bryan Kelly's genius for writing bright and idiomatic miniatures for a range of instruments. From the stately opening 'Fanfare', melodious 'Song' and sombre 'Chorale Prelude' to the genial 'Burlesque', and soulful 'Envoi', no aspect of this most characterful member of the brass family is neglected. Both treble clef and bass clef parts are included with the score. The five pieces of this new Partita will be attractive to all trombonists, especially to adventurous young players of around Grades 3 to 5 standard who are keen to explore new repertoire.
SKU: CY.CC2865
Vocalise-etude (en forme de Habanera) was originally written for voice and is one more example of a French composer's fascination with the music of Spain. Ravel in particular was fond of this Habanera style, having included it in several of his works. This music also may have been composed as a study for students at the Paris Conservatory.Ravel includes virtuosic runs and portamento effects which Mr. Sauer has effectively used in his fine arrangement for Tenor Trombone.The work of about 3 minutes in length is appropriate for advanced performers.
SKU: CY.CC3173
ISBN 9790530111444. 8.5 x 11 in inches.
Legende fur Posaune und Klavier by early 20th Century Danish composer Axel Jorgensen was forgotten for quite a while but has been rediscovered, edited and recorded by noted Danish Trombonist and educator Niels-Ole Bo Johansen. The work is in a late Romantic style, about 5 minutes in length and is appropriate for advanced intermediate level performers (range is up to a high B-flat and down to a pedal B-flat). The beautifully performed sample is by Mr. Johansen and pianist Karl Kaltoft from the CD, The French Connection.
SKU: CY.CC2406
Faure is well known for his lyricism and haunting harmonies. In a way, he was the father of French Impressionist music.
SKU: KN.12475
UPC: 822795124750.
This joyful solo is written in a five-part rondo form (ABACA). The ranges, rhythms and ample rests will make young musicians successful right from the start. Duration 2:00.
They are arrangements from 'Játékok' made in the following sequence of movements: Fanfare I. - Dirge I. - Beating I. - Dirge II. - Fanfare II. - Hommage á Paganini (La nuova campanella) - Appendix: Beating II. Kurtág dedicated the work composed in 1978 to the trombone artist Erika Bereczki. Its premiére was given with the participation of Steven Kovács Tickmayer in Amsterdam in 1997. This publication is printed on high-quality, age-resistant paper that is produced in an environmentally-friendly, climate-neutral manner using renewable raw materials.Diese Übertragung einiger Stücke aus ‚Játékok' hat die folgende Satzfolge: Fanfare I. - Klagegesang I. - Schläge I. - Klagegesang II. - Fanfare II. - Hommage á Paganini (La nuova campanella) - Appendix: Schläge II. Kurtág hat das 1978 komponierte Werk der Posaunenkünstlerin Erika Bereczki gewidmet, die Uraufführung fand 1997 unter Mitwirkung von Steven Kovács Tickmayer in Amsterdam statt.
SKU: KN.12554
UPC: 822795125542.
Not many works for strings translate well to brass, but this baroque Violin Sonata by Arcangelo Corelli is the exception. This arrangement of all 5 movements gives the brass player ample time to display virtuosic agility while also allowing some time to sing in the beautiful Saraband. Total duration 7:45.
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