ISBN 9781847722850. English.
Take the centre stage and play along with a live jazz trio. The authentic CD backing tracks will help you achieve a more professional performance. With this great three-part hybrid book you get printed music with ten piecesinmelody line arrangements. The audio CD contains professional 'live' performances of every piece featuring a three-piece band, plus backing tracks to play along with. The book includes:
SKU: HL.14016916
9.0x12.0x0.173 inches.
Les titres de ce recueil sont issus du grand repertoire des Standards de jazz et de Blues. Ce volume est concu en deux parties. La premiere partie presente tous les themes, tels que joues par le saxophoniste tenor sur le CD Audio fourni avec ce recueil. La seconde partie offre a l'instrumentiste les cles pour une improvisation reussie. Au debut de chaque partie, une notice pedagogique donne des pistes de travail a explorer ainsi que des conseils sur la maniere d'utiliser au mieux ce livre. Les professeurs trouveront aussi dans ce volume un bon repertoire de base pour initier leurs eleves a l'etude des musiques improvisees que sont le jazz et le blues. Concernant l'utilisation du CD audio, une plage est laissee a l'accord de l'instrument, puis chaque oeuvre est developpee de la maniere suivasnte: Le theme de base est jour par le saxophoniste tenor (accompagne par le trio Claviers-Basse-Batterie) afin de 'montrer le chemin' au musicien Le theme original n'est plus joue par le saxophoniste et laisse entierement place a l'instrumentiste qui, accompagne de la section rhythmique, pourra laisser libre cours a sa creativite (exposition du theme puis improvisationsur la structure harmonique). Nous vous souhaitons un excellent voyage au pays du jazz du blues et esperons vous apprter un reel plaisir a jouer ces oeuvres. The titles in this collection are abstracts from the great repertory of the Standards of Jazz and Blues. This book is made of two parts. The first one presents all the themes such as perfromed by the Tenor Saxophonist on the Audio CD play along furnished with this volume. The second part offers the performer keys for a succesfull improvisation. At the beginning of each part, a pedagogical content gives work trails to explore so as advice on how to use at best this book. Music teachers will also find in this volume a good basic repertory to introduce improvised music styles such a Jazz and Blues to their students. The first track on the Audio CD is for tuning, then each title is developed as follows: The basic theme is played by the tenor saxophonist, accompanied by the keyboard/bass/drum trio, to show the method to the musician The original theme is no more interpreted by the saxophonist and place is left entirely at the performer's disposal who, accompanied by the rhythm section, will give free reins to his creativity (theme exposition followed by an improvisation on the harmonic structure).
SKU: BT.9781408105306
ISBN 9781408105306. English.
The perfect book for pupil and teacher.
SKU: A3.9781860969744
ISBN 9781860969744. 9 x 12 inches.
The Clarinet Prep Test is designed to be taken by clarinettists who have been learning for a few terms. Built into it are all sorts of skills, such as a sense of pitch and rhythm, controlled and even playing, accuracy and quality of tone. This book contains specially-commissioned pieces, as well as everything else needed to take the test.
SKU: BT.AMP-096-401
Following on from Starter Studies, this collection generally contains longer pieces suitable for the developing young musician. Specifically tailored for each instrument, Skilful Studies introduces the concept of phrasing by suggesting suitable breathing points and takes the player into new keys with extended instrumental ranges. New notes are introduced in a gradual and logical manner; woodwind players are taken into their second octave, learning to cross the ‘break’ as smoothly as possible.Skilful Solos past in het rijtje Starter Studies, Skilful Studies, Super Studies en Starter Solos, een succesvolle reeks van Philip Sparke. Net als de eerdergenoemde uitgaven bevat Skilful Soloswaardevol, motiverend speelmateriaal dat de keuze voor een methode aanvult. Nieuwe muzikale elementen komen in een logische volgorde aan de orde - om de ontwikkeling van de complete muzikant te bevorderen.Während Philip Sparke an diesen drei Etüdenbüchern arbeitete, beriet er sich mit vielen Musiklehrern, wie man jungen Bläsern am besten neue Noten beibringt und zugleich einen Rahmen schafft, in welchen sich neue musikalische Elemente in einer logischen Reihenfolge einfügen lassen. Starter Studies für Anfänger und Skilful Studies sowie Super Studies für etwas fortgeschrittenere Bläser enthalten motivierende Etüden, mit deren Hilfe die Schüler strukturiert ihren Tonumfang erweitern und technische Fähigkeiten, wie Ansatzvariationen oder Griffe erwerben können. Die Etüden sind jeweils genau auf die technischen und musikalischen Anforderungen der einzelnenInstrumente zugeschnitten. Damit bekommen interessierte Schüler schon ab einem frühen Lernstadium optimales Ãœbungsmaterial an die Hand, so dass sie schnell zu guten Musikern heranreifen können. Die drei Bücher können ergänzend zu jeder Instrumentalschule eingesetzt werden. L’acquisition de nouvelles compétences, au sein d’une démarche structurée, est indispensable dans l’apprentissage d’un instrument vent. Skilful Studies est le second des trois volumes de cette série d’études instrumentales. “Gli inizi dell’apprendimento musicale sono decisivi. Un buon insegnante è un elemento chiave, ma è indispensabile avere a disposizione materiale pedagogico complementare che motivi gli allievi e che allo stesso tempo offra una presentazione completadelle tecniche del suono. Starter Studies è il primo volume di questa serie di studi strumentali: una collana che offre un ambiente adeguato all’introduzione di nuovi elementi musicali. Skilful Studies è il motore indispensabile perprocedere nel mondo della musica. Per diventare un musicista completo, gli studi proposti in Super Studies si concentrano su un’esigenza particolare relativa alla specificit del vostro strumentoâ€.
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