SKU: LM.28194
ISBN 9790230981941.
Bleu - Les Fees - L'Ivresse - BWV 1007.
SKU: LM.28194A
ISBN 9790230931571.
SKU: BT.DHP-1175785-070
ISBN 9789043152877. International.
In the entire history of pop and rock, no band has so dominated the music scene as original brit-poppers the Beatles did in the 1960s. For this medley for string quartet, four songs were selected that show the musical range of the Fab Four: from the powerful Help! through the romantic evergreen Yesterday and the rock classic A Hard Dayâ??s Night to the passionate anthem All You Need Is Love. In de Pop and Rock geschiedenis heeft geen enkele ander band de muziekscene zo gedomineerd als The Beatles tijdens de jaren zestig. In deze medley voor strijkkwartet zijn vier songs geselecteerd die de muzikale verscheidenheid van de Fab Four goed weerspiegelen: van het krachtige Help! via de romantische evergreen Yesterday en de rockklassieker A Hard Dayâ??s Night tot het hartstochtelijke All You Need Is Love. In der gesamten Geschichte der Pop- und Rockmusik gab es keine andere Band, die die Musikszene so beherrscht hat, wie es bei der britischen Popband The Beatlesâ?? in den 1960er Jahren der Fall war. Für dieses Medley für Streichquartett wurden vier Stücke ausgewählt, welche die musikalische Bandbreite der Fab Fourâ?? (berühmten Vierâ??) zeigen: vom mitreiÃ?enden Help! über den klassischen Evergreen Yesterday und den Rock-Klassiker A Hard Dayâ??s Night bis hin zu der leidenschaftlichen Hymne All You Need Is Love.Dans lâ??histoire du pop et du rock, aucun groupe nâ??a autant marqué les esprits que le groupe de Britpop The Beatles dans les années 1960. Ce medley pour quatuor cordes regroupe quatre chansons représentant lâ??individualité de ces quatre musiciens : du puissant Help ! en passant par le romantique Yesterday et le classique du rock A Hard Dayâ??s Night jusquâ?? lâ??hymne All You Need Is Love.
SKU: HL.14042752
ISBN 9780711965454. 9.0x12.0x0.403 inches.
A series of popular music for working string quartets. Light enjoyable repertoire pieces and entertaining encores. Each folio contains five pieces. Contents: 'Empty Chairs at Empty Tables', 'I Don't Know To Love Him', 'If I Were ARich Man', 'Somewhere', 'Tonight'.
SKU: BT.DHP-1196088-070
ISBN 9789043158572. English-German-French-Dutch.
No matter the occasion, string quartets are always in demand. Music for Celebrations features eight works by composers ranging from Marc-Antoine Charpentier to Charles Gounod which rank among the most popular wedding classics, with many of the pieces also well suited for other occasions. The arranger Anthony Gröger has succeeded in transforming the works, some of which originally had extensive instrumentation, into compelling string quartet arrangements that are also easy to play while preserving much of the familiar character of the originals. The third violin part, which can replace the viola part if no violist is available, is an added bonus.Er is altijd vraag naar strijkkwartetten voor diverse feestelijke gelegenheden. Music for Celebrations bevat acht werken van verschillende bekende componisten, van Marc-Antoine Charpentier tot Charles Gounod, die behoren tot de meest geliefde klassiekers voor bruiloften, maar veelal eveneens geschikt zijn voor andere gelegenheden. Arrangeur Anthony Gröger is erin geslaagd de stukken waarvan sommige oorspronkelijk voor een omvangrijke instrumentatie zijn geschreven te transformeren tot overtuigende, goed speelbare muziek voor strijkkwartetbezetting, waarin het vertrouwde klankbeeld grotendeels behouden is gebleven. Een handig extraatje is de toegevoegde derdevioolpartij, die de altvioolpartij kan vervangen als er geen altviolist beschikbaar is. Bei festlichen Anlässen diverser Art sind Streichquartette immer wieder gefragt. In Music for Celebrations sind acht Kompositionen von Marc-Antoine Charpentier bis Charles Gounod versammelt, die besonders auf Hochzeitsfeiern zu den beliebtesten Klassikern zählen, wobei viele der Stücke sich auch für andere Gelegenheiten bestens eignen. Dem Arrangeur Anthony Gröger ist es gelungen, die teilweise umfangreich besetzten Originalwerke in überzeugende, gut spielbare Streichquartettsätze zu verwandeln und dabei viel vom vertrauten Klangbild zu bewahren. Ein Bonbon ist die zusätzlich beiliegende dritte Violinstimme, die anstelle der Bratschenstimme genutzt werdenkann, falls kein Bratschist zur Verfügung steht. Souvent demandés, les quatuors cordes se prêtent toutes sortes d’occasions festives. Music for Celebrations rassemble huit œuvres de compositeurs allant de Marc-Antoine Charpentier Charles Gounod. Ces pièces comptent parmi les classiques les plus populaires lors des mariages, mais un grand nombre d’entre elles sont aussi parfaitement adaptées d'autres occasions. L'arrangeur Anthony Gröger est parvenu transformer les œuvres originales, parfois dotées d’une instrumentation étendue, en quatuors cordes convaincants et faciles jouer, tout en conservant en grande partie leur identité sonore familière. La troisième partie de violon constitue une friandisesupplémentaire. Elle peut être utilisée la place de la partie d'alto si aucun altiste n'est disponible.
SKU: HL.14031827
ISBN 9788759871089. Danish-English.
Preface The three movements of the quartet may be perceived as three different expressions of an unstable core: an inherent unrest leads to frequent changes of direction. The first movement is full of dramatic contrasts: it is followed by a second movement, whose basic mood of meditative rest is challenged by occasional centrifugal utbursts, while the third movement takes the inherent conflicts to a higher level, contrasting material of introspective lyricism with excessively pathetic moods. The final way out is a retrograde one, (back) into the source: through a constant accelerando-diminuendo the piece disappears into a vanishing point. The into the source of the titlemay be visualized as a reversed fountain-action: the broad fan-like spread of the first movement, a more coherent-solid second movement, and finally - in the third movement - a return-run, ever more vehemently, like a suction into the spring itself ... The musical motifs are varied: there are traffic-situations (which I heard!) with stomping and machine-like rhythms in different, but simultaneous tempi, and there are more abstract upwards and downwards half-tone-scales, with changing accents, creating glimpses of melodies. INTO THE SOURCE, String Quartet No. 9, was composed on a double-commission from the Orion Quartet and the Vertavo Quartet. The premiere performances took places in Santa Fe in 2002 and in Oslo in 2003. Per Norgard.
SKU: HL.14025352
ISBN 9788759885420. English-Danish.
SKU: HL.14026541
ISBN 9788759874226. 9.5x14.25x0.058 inches. Danish.
String Quartet No.1 - 'Quartetto Breve' (1952) by Per Norgard. Programme note: The spectrum of sound, the gesticulation - in short, the very nature of the strings - has always had a central place in my output, demonstrated by the numbers of string quartets, concertos with string soloist, chamber and solo works. The interest dates back to my school years, when I was fortunate to be able to compose for a cello-playing schoolmate and to accompany him on the piano. I discovered then the innumerable nuances of sound and playing varieties offered by just one bow, four strings and five fingers.. My first string quartet - Quartetto Breve - has a firm root in the Nordictradition and is strongly inspired by Jean Sibelius (1865-1957) and my teacher Vagn Holmboe (1909-96). Per Norgard (1998) .
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