SKU: BR.EOS-8042-20
ISBN 9790004789704. 8.5 x 11.5 inches.
Of the four surviving settings of the ,Te Deum' by Charpentier the present one, H 146, is undoubtedly his most famous work thanks to the television producers who chose its opening prelude to be the Eurovision signature-tune in the early 1950s.The single extant source of this work is book 62 of the Volume X of Charpentier's autograph ,Meslanges' which was sold to the Bibliotheque Royale (now Bibliotheque Nationale) Paris. The manuscript is extremely clear. All editorial additions are placed in square brackets.(Jean-Paul Montagnier) (Jean-Paul Montagnier) The present edition is based on the manuscript from the Bibliotheque Nationale de France (Paris). It it the oldest known source of the work. The very few errors have been corrected. (Jean-Paul Montagnier) Vokalensemble Stuttgart und den Kammerchor des Kopernikus-Gymnasiums Wasseralfingen. Fur diese beiden ganz unterschiedlichen Chorformationen hat Martin Smolka 2012 auch gezielt seine Partitur angelegt. Biografisch ist das Agnus Dei eine Art kleines Requiem fur seinen kurz zuvor verstorbenen Vater. Das liturgische Agnus Dei rahmt den deutschen Text Eh das Madchen entschlief ... der bei Auffuhrungen in anderen Landern durch eine Ubersetzung ersetzt werden soll.Der SWR-Redakteur Hans-Peter Jahn schreibt dazu im Programmheft: Die fur Smolka typischen minimalistischen Taktzellen schaffen eine archaische Sinnlichkeit. Eine einfache und zugleich streng gebaute Vokalmusik mit Tiefenwirkung.Nach der Urauffuhrung war die Esslinger Zeitung hellauf begeistert: Smolka ist ein Meister der Stimmbehandlung und der chorischen Klanggestaltung. Im Zentrum des Stucks gerat die Musik zum Stillstand: im leisen gleichmassigen Summen uber dem plotzlich fortissimo ein tschechisches Kinderlied erklingt eines das der Vater seinen Kindern haufig vorgesungen hat. Das alles.
SKU: BR.EOS-8042-16
ISBN 9790004789681. 8.5 x 11.5 inches.
SKU: HL.210349
UPC: 888680659356. 5.0x5.0x0.18 inches.
The acronym H.O.L.Y. stands for high on loving you in this 2016 hit from Florida Georgia Line that topped the country charts and crossed over to strong positions on the Hot 100 and AC charts as well. A tender, acoustic ballad, it will be a fantastic selection for Valentine, homecoming, spring concerts and prom or any time you want to create a romantic moment!
SKU: BR.EOS-8042-26
ISBN 9790004789711. 8.5 x 11.5 inches.
SKU: BR.EOS-8042-11
ISBN 9790004789667. 8.5 x 11.5 inches.
SKU: BR.EOS-8042-19
ISBN 9790004789698. 8.5 x 11.5 inches.
SKU: BR.ED-12601
ISBN 9790220119262. 7.5 x 11 inches.
SKU: BR.EOS-8042-15
ISBN 9790004789674. 8.5 x 11.5 inches.
SKU: BT.DHP-1115108-050
9x12 inches.
Jacob de Haan begins his arrangement of the well-known hymn Allein Gott in der Höh’ sei Ehr (All Glory Be to God on High) with a quotation from his own Missa Katharina, a mass for choir, soprano, and band. To this melody he sets the Latin text from the last part of the Gloria. The chorale is then heard after an interlude and can, at the director’s discretion, be accompanied by the choir singing in either German or English. A perfect work for church concerts.De bewerking van het bekende koraal Allein Gott in der Höh’ sei Ehr van Jacob de Haan begint met een citaat uit zijn eigen Missa Katharina, een mis voor koor, sopraan en blaasorkest. Daarin maakte de componist de melodiebij de Latijnse tekst uit het laatste deel van Gloria. Na een tussenspel klinkt er een koraal dat net zoals bij het Latijnse deel door het koor kan worden meegezongen. U ontvangt zowel een Duitse als een Engelse tekst.Jacob de Haans Bearbeitung des bekannten Chorals Allein Gott in der Höh’ sei Ehr beginnt mit einem Zitat aus der Missa Katharina von Jacob de Haan, einer Messe für Chor, Sopran und Blasorchester. Darin setzte der Komponist die Melodie zum lateinischen Text aus dem letzten Teil des Gloria. Nach einem Zwischenspiel erklingt der Choral, der genau wie der lateinische Teil nach Belieben vom Chor mitgesungen werden kann. Le choral Allein Gott in der Höh’ sei Ehr se compose d’un cantique de P ques du Xe siècle, du chant grégorien Gloria in excelsis et du Sanctus in festis duplicibus. L’arrangement réalisé par Jacob de Haan, s’ouvre sur un extrait du Gloria de la Missa Katharina (Messe pour choeur, soprano solo et orchestre d’harmonie composée par Jacob de Haan). Après un bref interlude, l’orchestre interprète nouveau le choral qui pourra être augmenté du choeur (sont jointes les versions anglaise et allemande des paroles du choral).Il corale Allein Gott in der Hoh’ sei Ehr si compone di un cantico di Pasqua del X secolo, del canto gregoriano Gloria in Excelsis e del Sanctus in festis duplici bus. L’arrangiamento di Jacob de Haan inizia su di un estratto del Gloria della Missa Katharina (messa per coro, soprano solo e banda composta dallo stesso de Haan). Dopo un breve interludio, l’orchestra interpreta nuovamente il corale al quale si potr aggiungere il coro (le versioni inglesi e tedesche del testo del corale sono incluse).
SKU: BR.PB-5210
In 1821 Sigismund Ritter von Neukomm closed Mozart's Requiem with the liturgically obligatory Libera me, Domine
ISBN 9790004209417. 9 x 12 inches.
We sought to alter as little as possible the reconstruction of Freystadtler, Eybler and Sussmayr, and to present Mozart's largest sacred work as it was 'arranged' by his grieving and devoted pupils (1791-1792). (H. C. Robbins Landon)The Landon version of the Mozart Requiem, published by Mozart expert H. C. Robbins Landon, was a milestone. In his meticulously edited work, Landon incorporated latest research in an attempt to take the contributions of all the three Mozart pupils Franz Xaver Sussmayr, Joseph Eybler and Franz Jakob Freystadtler into account for the first time. The edition presents the unfinished masterpiece in a version that comes as close as possible to the state in which it was found in 1791/92, a concept that has proven itself repeatedly in performance. The Landon version is ideal for all who want to perform Mozart's Requiem today in this historical form and wish to use neither the traditional Sussmayr version nor modern-day reconstructions or new compositional attempts. NB: piano reduction and choral score can be used for both versions.In 1821 Sigismund Ritter von Neukomm closed Mozart's Requiem with the liturgically obligatory Libera me, Domine.
SKU: HL.14036368
SKU: BR.EB-2180
ISBN 9790004160824. 7.5 x 10.5 inches.
Duration: full evening Text by Lorenzo da Ponte Translation: German (H. Levi) Place and time: A city in Spain, Middle of the 17th Century Characters: Don Giovanni (baritone) - Donna Anna (soprano) - Don Ottavio (tenor) - Komtur (bass) - Donna Elvira (soprano) - Leporello (bass) - Masetto (bass) - Zerlina (soprano) - Ball scene (Ballet).
SKU: HL.49026855
ISBN 9790001020473. German.
SKU: HL.1436091
UPC: 196288203896.
The hymntune â??Hyfrydolâ? is placed with the texts for â??Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesusâ? and â??Love Divine, All Loves Excellingâ? in this lovely arrangement. The setting is delightfully refreshing, flowing like a madrigal. The vocal lines are lyrical and melodic and work together effortlessly. This piece is especially appropriate for Advent, but will serve well for worship and concerts at any time of the year.
SKU: BR.OB-5210-11
ISBN 9790004330746. 12.5 x 10 inches.
SKU: HL.14036369
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