SKU: M7.VHR-3827
ISBN 9783940069221.
Die Klavierbegleitungen sind vom Schwierigkeitsgrad so konzipiert, dass sie auch von Klavierschülern mühelos gespielt werden können.
ISBN 9790365043590.
August Louis Baeyens received his musical training at the Royal Flemish Music Conservatory in Antwerp, studying solfège, viola, and harmony. As a composer, Baeyens developed chiefly through the study of composers such as Debussy, Wagner and Strauss; this interest gave him the reputation of a revolutionary within the confines of the very traditionalist conservatory. It makes sense that the first concerto he wrote for a solo instrument was his Concerto for Viola (Concerto voor altviool) in 1956. A recipient of the first prize award for viola while in conservatory, he performed as a violist in orchestras throughout Flanders. The concerto is in three movements: Moderato, Larghetto espressivo, and Allegro.
SKU: BO.B.3708