ISBN 9790543572805.
This quintet is like a sonorous excursion. In fact, it is inspired in the memories of a school visit to Anavingo's gully, in Tenerife. The orography and the singing of the birds are traduced into religious images. Easy and brilliant in terms of performing.
SKU: P2.10008
Lon W. Chaffin says, To the Middle and Back has five movements, each featuring different instruments. The first and fifth movements feature the flute and horn. The second and fourth movements highlight the oboe and bassoon, while the third movement stands alone, giving the clarinet the spotlight. The piece demonstrates a typical arch form... Thus, the title of the piece alludes to the formal structure... The melodic and harmonic vocabulary explore pentatonic and modal scale structures within both quartal/quintal and tertian vertical sonorities. The metrical forms are very traditional in the first two and last two movements, but the third demostrates oscillation between symmetrical and asymmetrical meters as well as an interweaving of the two..
SKU: P2.10003
Incursion is a three movement interconnected work. Each movement is written in a contrasting style but common elements and figures exist within each linking them together. Movement I involves Baroque style imitative counterpoint, while movement II employs minimalistic repetition. The final movement bridges key melodic, rhythmic, harmonic and figurative elements while introducing new thematic material. The use of the contrabassoon in the second and third movements extends the overall range of the ensemble and adds a distinct edge to the dissonant sonorities of the final two movements.