ISBN 9781585603664. UPC: 649571002661.
Holiday Harmony for Easy Piano published by Santorella Publications is jam-packed with a full year's worth of holiday favorites representing 19 major holidays and events. This well-rounded collection is fantastic for September startup lessons. All songs are arranged in the order of the calendar year. From School Days for Labor Day to Take Me Out To The Ballgame for the Spring to You're A Grand Old Flag for Independence Day. Capture the spirit of any given season with Holiday Harmony. Each tune is arranged for easy piano by Jonathon Robbins with lyrics included so everyone can enjoy these fabulous songs. This great collection from Santorella Publications includes a performance CD which is a tremendous tool for any student of piano. School Days, I've Been Working on the Railroad, Funeral March of Marionette, Over There, Over the River and Through the Woods, The Dreydel Song, Oy Hanukkah, Silent Night, Joy to the World, Auld Lang Syne, Let Me Call You Sweetheart, Hail to the Chief, Danny Boy, Daiyenu, Christ, The Lord is Risen Today, M-O-T-H-E-R, When Johnny Comes Marching Home, You're a Grand Old Flag, Pomp and Circumstance, The Star-Spangled Banner, Take Me Out to the Ball Game.
ISBN 9783954562008. German.
Known professionally as Hauschka, composer Volker Bertelmann has catapulted himself into the top tier of instrumental composers. This is proven, not least, by the Oscar nomination which he received for his soundtrack to the2016 film Lion.
In his latest album A Different Forest, released on 8 February 2019 at Sony Classical, Hauschka takes the forest as a contrast to the urban life. The names of the pieces, such as 'Talking To My Father',testify equally that those natural experiences are metaphorical of the important things in life.
For this album Hauschka renounces entirely his prepared Piano. The existential questions which he musically poses, however,donot lose their intensity, but rather, without the alienation by electronic elements, gain urgency.
In addition to the 13 LP tracks, this songbook for Piano also contains three exclusive arrangements of previouslyunreleased songs: 'Collecting Stones', 'Loosing Directions' and 'Misty Day'.
Titels zoals Talking To My Father tonen dat deze ervaringen in de natuur metaforen zijn voor belangrijke gebeurtenissen in het leven. Dit songbook voor piano bevat, naast de 13 nummers van de LP, eneneens 3 exclusieve bewerkingen van tot nu onuitgebrachte nummers: Collecting Stones, Losing Directions and Misty Day.Volker Bertelmann alias Hauschka hat sich mittlerweile in die oberste Riege der Instrumentalkomponisten katapultiert. Dies beweist nicht zuletzt die Oscar-Nominierung, die er für seinen Soundtrack zum Film Lion“ erhielt. In seinem neusten Album A Different Forest“ am 08. Februar 2019 bei Sony Classical erschienen nimmt er sich dem Wald als Kontrastraum zum städtischen Leben an. Titelnamen wie Talking To My Father bezeugen gleichermaßen, dass jene Naturerfahrungen metaphorisch für die wichtigen Dinge des Lebens stehen. Für dieses Album verzichtet Hauschka gänzlich auf sein präpariertes Klavier. Die existentiellen Fragen, denen er sich musikalisch stellt, verlieren hierdurch aber nicht an Intensität, sondern gewinnen ohne die Verfremdung durch elektronische Elemente vielmehr an Dringlichkeit. Dieses Songbook für Klavier enthält neben den 13 Titeln der LP drei exklusive Arrangements bisher unveröffentlichter Songs: Collecting Stones, Losing Directions und Misty Day.Volker Bertelmann, également connu sous le nom de Hauschka, s'est retrouvé au premier rang des compositieurs instrumentaux : ceci a été confirmé par sa nomination aux Oscars pour la bande-originale du film Lion. Dans son dernier album « A Different Forest », sorti le 8 février 2019, la forêt fait usage de contaste avec la vie urbaine.
Des titres tels que Talking to My Father déclarent de la même façon que ces expériences au contact de la nature sont des métaphores de moments importants dans la vie. En plus des 13 pistes du vinyl 33 trous, ce recueil de chansons pour piano comprend en exclusivité trois arrangements de titres inédits : Collecting Stones, Losing Directions et Misty Day.Volker Bertelmann aka Hauschka si è portato a un livello superiore dei compositori strumentali. Questo non è subito evidente nella colonna sonora del film Lion, per cui ha ricevuto una candidatura all' Oscar, ma nel suo ultimo album A Different Forest - uscito l'8 febbraio 2019 - in cui utilizza l'immagine della foresta come contrasto con la vita urbana.
Titoli come Talking to My Father testimoniano allo stesso modo che tutte quelle esperienze della natura sono metafore di eventi importanti della vita. Questo canzoniere per pianoforte contiene, oltre ai 13 brani dell'LP, tre arrangiamenti esculisivi di canzoni inedite: Collecting Stones, Losing Directions e Misty Day.
SKU: BT.DHP-1064006-140
9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
With Day Dreaming, composer Christian Bouthier takes both musicians and audience to a dreamy, imaginative world.People who daydream see the future in a rosy way, daily problems disappear to the background for a while and the world seems a happier place. By careful use of varied orchestration of the main theme this soothing work will make an ideal slow interlude to any concert. In Day Dreaming neemt de componist Christian Bouthier muzikanten en publiek mee naar een dromerige, fantasievolle wereld. Wie aan dagdromen doet, ziet de toekomst rooskleuriger in en kan het eigen leven soms zelfs een nieuwewending geven. Dagelijkse problemen verdwijnen even naar de achtergrond en maken plaats voor rust en mijmeringen. In deze compositie is één nostalgisch hoofdthema verwerkt, dat steeds terugkomt in verschillende orkestraties. DayDreaming vormt een aangenaam rustpunt in elk concert.In Day Dreaming nimmt Christian Bouthier Musiker und Publikum mit in eine phantasievolle Welt der Ruhe und Tagträumereien. Ein nostalgisches Hauptthema, das in verschiedenen Instrumentierungen immer wieder kehrt, beschreibt den berühmten Blick durch die rosa Brille“, der uns so oft hilft, die Probleme des Alltags etwas rosiger zu sehen und positiv in die Zukunft zu blicken. Ein musikalischer und seelischer Genuss! Avec Day Dreaming, Christian Bouthier vous offre une escapade dans le monde des rêves et de l’imagination. Les rêveurs voient l’avenir en rose ; un optimisme qui les conduit parfois prendre un nouveau départ pour une vie meilleure. Les tracas du quotidien deviennent plus dérisoires pour un temps et laissent la place la sérénité et la rêverie. Day Dreaming développe un thème nostalgique récurrent sous diverses orchestrations. Con Day Dreaming, Christian Bouthier offre una passeggiata nel mondo dei sogni e dell’immaginazione. I sognatori vedono l’avvenire in maniera positiva; un ottimismo che li porta ad affrontare anche le situazioni più difficili in modo sereno. Day Dreaming sviluppa un tema nostalgico ricorrente in diverse orchestrazioni.
SKU: BT.DHP-1064006-010
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