SKU: HL.44011110
UPC: 884088654764. 9x12 inches.
In The Art of Baroque flutists can get acquainted with the music from the Baroque period and also learn about composers, the era and the technique of playing baroque music. The basso continuo part means that the pieces can be performed with live accompaniment or with the play-along CD. Includes pieces by J. S. Bach, G. F. Handel, G. Ph. Telemann. G. Platti, P. Locatelli, M. Blavet and J. Stanley. In The Art of Baroque kunnen gevorderde fluitisten zich verder verdiepen in de muziek uit de barokperiode. De geselecteerde werken worden aangevuld met speeltips en informatie over het tijdperk en de componisten. Vertegenwoordigdzijn Johann Sebastian Bach, Georg Friedrich Handel, Georg Philipp Telemann, Giovanni Platti, Pietro Locatelli, Michel Blavet en John Stanley. Dankzij het basso continuo kunnen de stukken ook met begeleiding worden gespeeldIn The Art of Baroque (die Kunst des Barocks) konnen Flotisten die Musik der Barockzeit und mehr kennen lernen: Die ausgewahlten Werke werden von kurzen Texten u?ber die Komponisten, die Epoche und Spielanweisungen sinnvoll erganzt. Dank des Basso continuo konnen die Stu?cke auch mit Begleitung gespielt werden. Vertreten sind die Komponisten J. S.Bach, G. F. Handel, G. Ph. Telemann, Giovanni Platti, Pietro Locatelli, Michel Blavet und John Stanley.Ce recueil permettra a tout flutiste d'un niveau avance, d'aborder l'art de la musique baroque. Les oeuvres selectionnees sont agrementees de textes courts sur les compositeur et leur epoque et des annotations d'interpretations viennent completer cet excellent ouvrage. La version d'accompagnement a la basse continue de chaque piece est enregistree sur le CD. Retrouvez sans attendre Bach, Haendel, Telemann, Platti, Locatelli, Stanley et Blavet. Ne L'arte del barocco viene data ai flautisti la possibilita di esplorare e conoscere questo periodo storico. I brani sono infatti corredati di brevi testi con informazioni sui compositori e sull'epoca del barocco, come anche istruzioni su come eseguire i brani. Grazie al basso continuo i brani possono essere suonati anche con l'accompagnamento. Nella pubblicazione sono proposte opere di J.S. Bach, G.F. Haendel, G. Ph. Telemann, Giovanni Platti, Pietro Locatelli, Michel Blavet e John Stanley.
SKU: HL.49044547
ISBN 9783795749422. UPC: 841886023338. 9.0x12.0x0.106 inches.
Separate bass part for performance e.g. with cello accompaniment.Schott Violin Library includes eleven contrasting Baroque sonatas for violin and continuo bass. Besides popular and well-known sonatas by Corelli, Vivaldi, Handel and Telemann there are also delightful less familiar compositions by Dall'Abaco, Pepusch and Finger, among others. All these pieces are at lower to intermediate level. Some of them can be played in first position throughout, while others require just a few position changes, but the sonatas by Dall'Abaco, Kirchhoff, Vivaldi and Handel require fluent use of the first three positions. The pieces brought together in this book are the best-loved works from the popular series Schott Violin Library (VLB) and other violin repertoire published by Schott.
SKU: BA.BA08796
ISBN 9790006567126. 30 x 23 cm inches. Text Language: Italian. Preface: Schulze, Hendrik / Stangalino, Sara Elisa.
About Barenreiter Urtext
What can I expect from a Barenreiter Urtext edition?
MUSICOLOGICALLY SOUND - A reliable musical text based on all available sources - A description of the sources - Information on the genesis and history of the work - Valuable notes on performance practice - Includes an introduction with critical commentary explaining source discrepancies and editorial decisions ... AND PRACTICAL - Page-turns, fold-out pages, and cues where you need them - A well-presented layout and a user-friendly format - Excellent print quality - Superior paper and binding
SKU: HL.49003096
ISBN 9790220114885. 9.0x12.0x0.118 inches.
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