SKU: HL.14061613
ISBN 9780711980921.
SKU: HL.48025430
ISBN 9798350126297. UPC: 196288210825. 6.75x10.5 inches.
“Waloyo Yamoni (We Overcome the Wind)†is the grand finale to Christopher Tin's second album 'The Drop That Contained the Sea'. The lyrics are a setting of a Lango rainmaking prayer. It was commissioned by the St. Matthews Chamber Orchestra, and recorded by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra with the Soweto Gospel Choir. New York Concert Review wrote of the Carnegie Hall premiere “The audience reacted after the final notes with the loudest and longest standing ovation I have ever heard at any concertâ€, while The York Press wrote “We Overcome The Wind was an outpouring of joy; a unanimous standing ovation evinced the sense of togetherness at the heart of this concert.â€.
SKU: HL.14073282
SKU: CA.1280600
ISBN 9790007099442. Language: German. Text: Mohr, Christoph. Text: Christoph Mohr.
King Punimo is a king who is never satisfied with the weather, and buy other weather for himself. However, the plants, animals, and his people are dissatisfied with the weather bought by the king. Finally, he realises that it is better not to try to influence the weather. Musically, the ballad is based on a Rhumba, and with its half-tone rise each verse it is 'nicely done'. (Wurtt. Blatter fur Kirchenmusik 2/98).
SKU: BT.DHP-1125277-030
9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
The Golden Pass is a rail line in the Swiss Alps that connects Montreux, located by Lake Geneva, to Lucerne, in central Switzerland. This composition echoes the thoughts and feelings of a passenger who watches the changing landscapes he observes on this journey: green meadows full of grazing cows and traditional chalets, beautiful mountain lakes, waterfalls and mountain tops, including the scenic Brüning Pass. Is this real or just a dream? We may never know!De Golden Pass verwijst naar een prachtige reis per trein die vanuit Montreux aan het meer van Genève door de Zwitserse Alpen voert naar Luzern in Centraal-Zwitserland. Als een echo weerklinken de gevoelens van een passagier. Vol verrukking slaat hij het afwisselende landschap gade tijdens de reis: grazende koeien op sappige groene weides, traditionele chalets, fantastische bergmeren, watervallen en indrukwekkende bergtoppen, waaronder de Brüningpass. Is dit werkelijkheid of slechts een droom…?Der Goldene Pass ist eine Panorama-Zuglinie, die durch die Schweizer Alpen von Montreux am Genfer See nach Luzern in der Zentralschweiz führt. Diese Komposition ist ein Echo der Seele eines Passagiers, der die abwechslungsreiche Landschaft während der Reise bewundert: weidende Kühe auf saftig grünen Wiesen, traditionelle Chalets, wunderschöne Bergseen, Wasserfälle und beeindruckende Berggipfel, darunter auch der Brüning-Pass. Ist dies Wirklichkeit oder Traum? Egal, reisen Sie einfach mit!La Golden Pass est une ligne ferroviaire dans les Alpes suisses qui relie la ville de Montreux, située aux abords du lac Léman, Lucerne en Suisse centrale. Cette composition fait écho aux états d’ me d’un passager, admirant la diversité du paysage lors de son périple : les vertes prairies, les chalets pittoresques, les magnifiques lacs de montagne, les cascades et les sommets alpins. Est-ce réel ou s’agit-il d’un rêve ? Difficile de savoir... La linea ferroviaria Golden Pass collega Montreux a Lucerna via Chateau-d’Oex, Gstaad e Interlaken. Un viaggio di 5 ore su vagoni panoramici attraverso i paesaggi più pittoreschi della Svizzera. Questa composizione fa eco allo stato d’animo di un passeggero che ammira la diversit del paesaggio: i vigneti a terrazza del lago di Ginevra, le distese di pascoli e foreste dell’Alto Gruyère, gli splendidi chalets del Saanenland, i laghi e le montagne. Si tratta di un sogno o della realt ? Difficile a dirsi….
SKU: BT.DHP-1125277-130
SKU: CA.1280611
Language: German. Text: Mohr, Christoph. Text: Christoph Mohr.
King Punimo is a king who is never satisfied with the weather, and buy other weather for himself. However, the plants, animals, and his people are dissatisfied with the weather bought by the king. Finally, he realises that it is better not to try to influence the weather. Musically, the ballad is based on a Rhumba, and with its half-tone rise each verse it is 'nicely done'. (Wurtt. Blatter fur Kirchenmusik 2/98). Score and part available separately - see item CA.1280600.
SKU: CA.1280605
ISBN 9790007099459. Language: German. Text: Mohr, Christoph. Text: Christoph Mohr.
King Punimo is a king who is never satisfied with the weather, and buy other weather for himself. However, the plants, animals, and his people are dissatisfied with the weather bought by the king. Finally, he realises that it is better not to try to influence the weather. Musically, the ballad is based on a Rhumba, and with its half-tone rise each verse it is 'nicely done'. (Wurtt. Blatter fur Kirchenmusik 2/98). Score available separately - see item CA.1280600.
SKU: BT.SY-2979
PVG inches. German.
Die Diamanten-Sammlung enthält die schönsten Schätze aus dem populären Musikrepertoire aller Zeiten; dabei widmet sich jeder Band einem bestimmten Thema. Sämtliche Arrangements teils nur für Klavier, teils auch mit einer Gesangsstimme sind mitinternationalen Akkordsymbolen versehen. Sie zeichnen den Charakter dieser musikalischen Meisterwerke aus aller Welt bis ins Detail nach. So werden diese zu einem unvergleichlichen Erlebnis für die Ausführenden wie auch für das Publikum.
Inhalt: Achteinhalb - Adagio in c-Moll - Amarcord - Anonimo veneziano - Der letzte Schnee des Frühlings - Der Postmann - Finale (Spiel mir das Lied vom Tod) - Für eine Handvoll Dollar - Heres to You - La dolce vita - La passerella - Playing Love- Saharan Dream - The Ballad of Sacco & Vanzetti - The Entertainer.
Todo guitarrista necesita en un momento dado de su progresión, dominar un m nimo de nociones teóricas. Para poder leer, comprender y seguir una partitura. Para conocer el mástil de la guitarra y las notas que lo componen. Para aprender a tocar los acordes, las escalas, los modos y los arpegios. Para dominar todas las nociones de orden r tmico. Para componer. Para improvisar. En resumidas cuentas... para ser músico. Entonces si usted no conoce este tema nuestro método le abrirá nuevos horizontes, y si está reñido con él, le permitirá reconciliarse con las palabras teor a y solfeo. No se imagine por tanto que nuestro libro esté lleno de reglas complicadas y pesadas. Al contrario.Este libro quiere ser ameno y permite aplicar directamente en la guitarra los diferentes puntos teóricos presentados a través de ejemplos puramente musicales. Teor a musical aplicada... En nueve cap tulos presentamos todas las nociones que uno debe conocer: la notación musical, el conocimiento del mástil, la armadura y la tonalidad, el ritmo, los intervalos, las escalas, los modos, los acordes y por último la armonización. Un amplio programa para que una vez acabado el estudio de este libro, pueda usted decir con orgullo: ¿La teor a musical? ¡Nada más fácil! El CD incluido en el método es una ayuda suplementaria de gran importancia puesto que permite escuchar todos los ejemplos musicales tales como uno debe tocarlos, comprenderlos y asimilarlos.
ISBN 9790365075850.
Guy Cuyvers is a very versatile musician. As a classical guitar player he has been acclaimed by Angel Romero and the international press unanimously praises his film scores. After graduating at the Royal Flemish Conservatory in Antwerp and supplementing his training in guitar, advanced composition and orchestra conducting at The American University in Washington D.C., Guy received his Master of Arts at the LUCA School of Arts. As a composer, Guy wrote several books for classical guitar and film music for Warner Bros. Besides writing for film and guitar, he composed numerous works in all domains of music. For more information on Guy Cuyvers:
SKU: BO.B.3388
English comments: A Bach for string quartet is another evocation of the past, in this case of J.S. Bach's works for violin. Written in 2004, it is a recreation of two of the most important movements in the series of Sonatas and Partitas: The Adagio of the third Sonata and the Prelude of the third Partita (BWV 1005 and 1006, respectively). Jordi Cervello was a violinist and, as such, it should come as no surprise that he once again makes use of compositions written for his instrument. The Adagio, here in common time (the original by Bach is in three-four time), keeps up the constant rhythmic figure of the dotted quaver and semi-quaver throughout the movement, with a calmness that is shrouded in mystery. The second movement, Preludiando, retains the same lively spirit as the original, but explores different moods. Moments of calm, vigour and even some dramatic points give it a new dimension thanks to the fact that it is written for a quartet and to Cervello's original treatment of harmony and counterpoint.Comentarios del Espanol:A Bach para cuarteto de cuerda es otra evocacion del pasado, en este caso de la obra para violin de J.S. Bach. Escrita el ano 2004, se trata de una recreacion de dos de los movimientos mas importantes de la serie de Sonatas y Partitas: El Adagio de la tercera Sonata y el Preludio de la tercera Partita (BWV 1005 y 1006 respectivamente). Jordi Cervello fue violinista y, como tal, no debe sorprender que una vez mas se sirva de material compositivo procedente de su instrumento. El Adagio, aqui en compas de cuatro (el original de Bach es de tres) conserva en todo el movimiento la constante figura ritmica de corchea con puntillo y semicorchea, dentro de un clima sereno pero rodeado de misterio. El segundo movimiento, Preludiando, conserva el mismo espiritu vivo del original, pero recorriendo diferentes estados de animo. Momentos de calma, de vigor e incluso dramaticos dan nueva dimension gracias a la escritura cuartetistica y al original tratamiento armonico y contrapuntistico de Cervello. A Bach se estreno en La Pedrera de Barcelona dentro del ciclo Celebracions de la Fundacio Caixa de Catalunya en el ano 2006 con el Quarteto Prometeo.
SKU: CA.329730
ISBN 9790007168476. Key: D minor. Language: Spanish.
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