SKU: BT.GOB-000932-130
The Yiddish word ‘Klezmer’ has been derived from the Old Hebrew words ‘Kley’ (tool, instrument) and ‘Zemer’ (song, singing, making music).Klezmer is the traditional music of Jews from Eastern Europe.Yiddish musicians (Klezmorim) were regularly invited to come and play at Yiddish weddings as well as several other Jewish celebrations and festive occasions. Despite its close connection with traditional Eastern European folk music, Klezmer music has succeeded in preserving its distinctive Jewish character. ‘Klezmer Discovery’ is a voyage of discovery through the richly varied music of the Jewish people from Eastern Europe.The introduction consists of a number of motives from differenttraditional melodies (a Mitzve Tenzel and L’cha Dodi), followed by a melody in 3/8th time (Kandel’s Hora). This dance melody originally came from Bessarabia (present-day Moldavia) and was taken along to America by Jewish musicians round 1900. Subsequently, ‘Der Terk in Amerika’, a composition by famous clarinet player Naftule Brandwein can be heard. A number of fast, cheerful dance melodies (bulgars) form the finale of ‘Klezmer Discovery’ (Lebedyk un Freylekh, Lomir sich iberbetn and Sherele). Het Jiddische woord ‘Klezmer’ stamt af van de oud-Hebreeuwse woorden ‘Kley’ (werktuig, instrument) en ‘Zemer’ (lied, gezang, musiceren).Klezmer is de traditionele muziek van de Joden in Oost-Europa.Jiddische muzikanten (Klezmorim)werden geregeld uitgenodigd om te komen spelen op traditionele Jiddische bruiloften en diverse andere Joodse feesten en gelegenheden. Ondanks de sterke verwantschap met de traditionele volksmuziek uit Oost-Europa, heeftde klezmermuziek een duidelijk Joods karakter weten te behouden.‘Klezmer Discovery’ is een ontdekkingstocht door de rijk gevarieerde muziek van de Joden in Oost-Europa.De inleiding bestaat uit een aantal motieven vanverschillende traditionele melodieën (a Mitzve Tenzel en L’cha Dodi). Daarna volgt een melodie in 3/8e maat (Kandel’s Hora). Deze dansmelodie komt oorspronkelijk uit Bessarabië (het tegenwoordige Moldavië) en is door Joodsemuzikanten zo rond 1900 meegenomen naar Amerika.Vervolgens klinkt ‘Der Terk in Amerika’, een compositie van de befaamde klarinetist Naftule Brandwein.Een aantal snelle, vrolijke dansmelodieën (bulgars) vormen het slot van‘Klezmer Discovery’ (Lebedyk un Freylekh, Lomir sich iberbetn en Sherele).
SKU: BT.GOB-000932-030
SKU: HL.14021534
Les titres de ce recueil sont issus des grands succes de la variete francaise et internationale. Tous les themes sont arranges de maniere a faire de chaque piece un oeuvre pianistique complete, doigtes et chiffrage harmonique a l'appui. Les professeurs trouveront aussi dans ce volume un repertoire plaisant et motivant a donner a leurs eleves. Afin de'apporter un cote ludique a recueil, les midi-files contenus dans le CD mixte (CD audio CD rom) offrent la possibilite d'ecouter les titres en MIDI au moyen de la carte son d'un ordinateur. De plus, avec un materiel approprie (sequenceur, editeur de partitions et autres), il est possible de changer les sons et les tempi, de jouer facilement des passages en boucles ainsi que toute autre possibilite offerte par les differents logiciels actuels. Nous vous souhaitons donc un excellent voyage au pays de Pops Hits et esperons vous apporter un reel plaisir pianistique. The titles in this collection are abstracts from the greatest French and International hits. All of the titles are arranged in a way to make each piece a complete pianistic work, fingered with support of chord symbol. Piano teachers will also find in this volume a pleasant and attractive repertory to make their students play with. The playful aspect is added to this anthology by way of the midi-files which accompany the mixte CD (CD audio and CD rom) offering the possibility to listen to the pieces in midi by using the sound card of a computer. In addition, it is possible to change the sounds and the tempi with appropriate equipment (e.g. sequencer, score editors and others). You acn also easily play in loop passages. Other options are offered by today's different software. We wish you an excellent journey into the Piano Pop Hits world and hope it will bring you true pianist pleasure.
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