SKU: FG.55011-646-7
Colourstrings Violin ABC: Piano accompaniments for the books G1, G2 & G2 supplement (ISMN 9790550116467) includes the piano accompaniments of the performing pieces included in the following books: Colourstrings Violin ABC: Book G1 - Second position (9790550115941) Colourstrings Violin ABC: Book G2 - Third position (9790550115958) Colourstrings Violin ABC: Performing pieces for Violin in the First Three Positions (supplement for the book G2) (ISMN 9790550116375).
SKU: FG.55011-595-8
The volume G of the popular Colourstrings violin tutors by Geza Szilvay studies every position of the violin in a separate volume: G1 the second position, G2 the third position, G3 the fourth position, G4 the fifth position and the last one, G5, the high positions (sixth, seventh, eighth). These books form an all-embracing, rich collection of shifting exercises, position playing studies, excerpts from the literature, chamber music (mainly duos), and performing pieces, piano accompaniment offered as a separate publication (9790550116467). The extensive Book G2 - Third position (9790550115958) follows the key principles of Colourstrings methodology - the use of natural harmonics for instance - but it can be fully utilized also without any previous use or knowledge about the Colourstrings method. The performance pieces are a welcome enlargement in the syllabus. A separate collection, Colourstrings Violin ABC: Performing pieces for Violin in the First Three Positions (supplement for the book G2) (9790550116375), completes the carefully hand-picked repertoire from four centuries.
SKU: FG.55011-693-1
ISBN 9790550116931.
The volume G of the Colourstrings Violin ACB tutors by Geza Szilvay studies every position of the violin in a separate volume. It offers art-pedagogical material in order to read confidently in the positions, to master the shifting movements and to understand why and when to use a particular position. Colourstrings Violin ABC: Piano accompaniments for the books G3 & G4 (ISMN 9790550116931) includes the piano accompaniments of the performing pieces included in the following books: Colourstrings Violin ABC: Book G3 - Fourth position (9790550115965); Colourstrings Violin ABC: Book G4 - Fifth position (9790550115972).
SKU: FG.55011-694-8
ISBN 9790550116948.
The volume G of the Colourstrings Violin ACB tutors by Géza Szilvay studies every position of the violin in a separate volume. It offers art-pedagogical material in order to read confidently in the positions, to master the shifting movements and to understand why and when to use a particular position. Colourstrings Violin ABC: Piano accompaniments for the book G5 (ISMN 9790550116948) includes the piano accompaniments of the performing pieces included in Colourstrings Violin ABC: Book G5 – Sixth and Seventh Positions. Click “sample to have a look inside and “table of contents to see the complete list of the pieces included. More about the Colourstrings method: Contents in alphabetical order: Bériot, Charles de: Air varié Bohm, Carl: Introduction and Polonaise Brahms, Johannes: Hungarian Dance No. 5 Dancla, Charles: Second Solo Drdla, Frantisek: Souvenir Glazunov, Alexander: Spanish Serenade Kodály, Zoltán: Kallo Double Dances I-III Kuula, Toivo: Chanson sans paroles Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: Minuet Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista: Siciliana Pugnani-Kreisler: Tempo di Minuetto Rachmaninov, Sergei: Vocalise Sibelius, Jean: Romance Sonninen, Ahti: Karelian Dance Wieniawski, Henryk: Mazurka Žilinskis, Arvīds Mazurka.
SKU: FG.55011-597-2
ISBN 9790550115972.
The volume G of the popular Colourstrings violin tutors by Geza Szilvay studies every position of the violin in a separate volume: G1 the second position, G2 the third position, G3 the fourth position, G4 the fifth position and the last one, G5, the high positions (sixth and seventh). These books form an all-embracing, rich collection of shifting exercises, position playing studies, excerpts from the literature, chamber music (mainly duos), and performing pieces, piano accompaniment offered as a separate publication (Books G1, G2 & G2 supplement 9790550116467; Books G3 & G4 9790550116931). The extensive Book G4 - Fifth position (9790550115972) follows the key principles of Colourstrings methodology - the use of natural harmonics and constant developing of inner hearing for instance - but it can be fully utilized also without any previous use or knowledge about the Colourstrings method. The innovative and unique visual presentation of the house of the positions and preparatory exercises for the challenging passages help the young and older students to fully understand, why and where the different positions are needed.
SKU: FG.55011-637-5
This collection of performing pieces for violin and piano is a supplement to the Colourstrings Violin ABC Book G2: Third Position and can be used individually as a repertoire book as well. The volume G of the Colourstrings Violin ACB tutors by Geza Szilvay studies every position of the violin in a separate volume. It offers art-pedagogical material in order to read confidently in the positions, to master the shifting movements and to understand why and when to use a particular position. Piano accompaniments of this publication are included in Colourstrings Violin ABC: Piano accompaniments for the books G1, G2 & G2 supplement (ISMN 9790550116467).
SKU: FG.55011-594-1
The volume G of the popular Colourstrings violin tutors by Geza Szilvay studies every position of the violin in a separate volume: G1 the second position, G2 the third position, G3 the fourth position, G4 the fifth position and the last one, G5, the high positions (sixth, seventh, eighth). These books form an all-embracing, rich collection of shifting exercises, position playing studies, excerpts from the literature, chamber music (mainly duos), and performing pieces, piano accompaniment offered as a separate publication (9790550116467). The extensive Book G1 - Second position (9790550115941) follows the key principles of Colourstrings methodology - the use of natural harmonics for instance - but it can be fully utilized also without any previous use or knowledge about the Colourstrings method. The performance pieces are a welcome enlargement in the syllabus.
SKU: FG.55011-596-5
ISBN 9790550115965.
The volume G of the popular Colourstrings violin tutors by Geza Szilvay studies every position of the violin in a separate volume: G1 the second position, G2 the third position, G3 the fourth position, G4 the fifth position and the last one, G5, the high positions (sixth and seventh). These books form an all-embracing, rich collection of shifting exercises, position playing studies, excerpts from the literature, chamber music (mainly duos), and performing pieces, piano accompaniment offered as a separate publication (Books G1, G2 & G2 supplement 9790550116467; Books G3 & G4 9790550116931). The extensive Book G3 - Fourth position (9790550115965) follows the key principles of Colourstrings methodology - the use of natural harmonics and constant developing of inner hearing for instance - but it can be fully utilized also without any previous use or knowledge about the Colourstrings method. The innovative and unique visual presentation of the house of the positions and preparatory exercises for the challenging passages help the young and older students to fully understand, why and where the different positions are needed.
SKU: BT.DHP-1043559-401
ISBN 9789043120005. International.
A range of styles based on rock ‘n’ roll are to be found in this book, from high school ballads and pop rock to country rock and hard rock. Thanks to this diversity of styles there’s bound to be something that everyone will enjoy - including those who can’t read music. They can start rocking with the tablature version, which depicts the strings in visual form so would-be rock stars can see immediately where to put their fingers. Rock Strings bevat nummers waarin authentieke rockmotieven op een toegankelijke manier zijn verwerkt - voor de akoestische gitaar met nylon of stalen snaren. De nummers lopen op in moeilijkheidsgraad en van elk stuk is steedseen tabulatuurversie gegeven. Afwisseling en stijlzuiverheid zijn de belangrijkste factoren in dit boek. Met Rock Strings kunnen akoestisch spelende gitaristen aan de slag met rockmuziek in diverse stijlen. De akkoordsymbolenmaken ook samenspel met anderen mogelijk.Rock Strings enthält Stücke, die authentische Rockstile in einer leicht zugänglichen Weise vorstellen - für akustische Gitarren mit Nylonsaiten oder Stahlsaiten. Die Stücke sind in ansteigendem Schwierigkeitsgrad geordnet. Daneben gibt es auch jeweils eine Tabulatur-Version. Dank der Akkordsymbole können die Stücke auch in Gruppen gespielt werden. Vielfältigkeit und Stilreinheit sind die wichtigsten Aspekte dieses Buchs. Mit Rock Strings kann nun jeder alle Arten von Rockmusik spielen!Rock Strings contient des pièces écrites dans d’authentiques styles de rock, présentés simplement et de manière accessible. Adaptées pour la guitare acoustique cordes nylon ou cordes métalliques, ces pièces ont été classées dans l’ordre croissant du degré de difficulté. Une version tablature de chaque pièce est également proposée. Rock Strings propone brani scritti in autentico stile rock, presentati in modo facile ed accessibile. Adattati alla chitarra acustica con corde di nylon e di metallo, i brani sono proposti in ordine di difficolt . Troverete anche una tavola con gli accordi. Con Rock Strings, il rock e gli stili affini sono alla portata di tutti i chitarristi acustici. E con la tavola degli accordi potrete suonare in ensemble.
SKU: HL.49016263
ISBN 9783795750589. 8.25x11.75x0.33 inches. German.
Grove, Groove, Groove... uberall groovt es. Groove hat eine packende und mitreissende Wirkung. Aber was ist Groove? Wodurch entsteht er? Wie spiele ich grooviger? Das alles erklart dir dieses Buch. Es zeigt Groove-Techniken wie Choke, Slapped Strings, Ghost Strings oder ungewohnliche Plektrumtechniken. Ausserdem erklart es die Bedeutung von Timing, Mikrotiming, Second Line Beat usw. Dadurch lernst du, auf der Gitarre mit mehr Energie zu spielen, denn Groove Guitar ist eine Mischung aus Rhythmusgitarre und Energie. Unplugged & Plugged. Fur Wester- und E-Gitarre. Fur Anfanger und Fortgeschrittene.Und weil Groove in erster Linie eine Sache des Gefuhls ist, liegt diesem Buch eine CD mit Groove-Playbacks/Play-Along-Songs bei, in die Du Dich zum Mitgrooven einklinken kannst. Die CD ist satte 76 Minuten lang und enthalt alle Gitarren-Grooves auch in einer besonders langsam eingespielten Solo-Version.
UPC: 8402700132.
The two Accompaniment CDs feature stellar performances by professional musicians to encourage players.
About Artistry in Strings
Artistry in Strings is a groundbreaking string method that will be at home in your classroom or private studio. Its comprehensive approach contains all the basic tools necessary to establish solid technique and expressive music making. Artistry in Strings is a music educator's dream, combining a performance-centered approach with optional theory, composing, listening, assessment, and interdisciplinary and multi-cultural studies.Authors Robert S. Frost, Gerald Fischbach, and Wendy Barden have combined their vast experience as educators to provide a string method that is well paced for all types of beginning string classes. Regardless of class frequency and duration, or class size and student age, Artistry in Strings will assist you to achieve superior results.
SKU: HL.44007159
ISBN 9789043127486. UPC: 884088194017. 8.75x11.75 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
Strings of Colour contains pieces for the somewhat advanced acoustic guitar player, in which, among other things, the frequent use of loose strings in position (campanella effect) provides a rich, colourful sound, as you can hear on the demo CD! Strings of Colour bevat goed speelbare stukken voor de enigszins gevorderde gitarist waarin - onder meer - het veelvuldige gebruik van open snaren in positie (het campanella-effect) zorgt voor een volle, kleurrijke sound, zoalsop de bijgevoegde demo-cd te horenis!Strings of Colour umfasst zwolf Stucke fur den massig fortgeschrittenen Gitarristen, die unter anderem Techniken und Effekte wie z.B. Hammer-on, Pull-off und Flageoletttone enthalten. Das haufige Mitklingen lassen von offenen Saiten im Lagenspiel (der so genannte Campanella-Effekt) verleiht dem Gitarrenspiel Tiefe und einen besonderen Reiz, der auf der beiliegenden Demo-CD gut zur Geltung kommt. Strings of Colour e una raccolta di brani per la chitarra acustica. I pezzi permettono di esercitare varie tecniche della chitarra e l'esecuzione in posizioni aperte (effetto campanella), ideale per dare piu profondita alle vostre dinamiche.
ISBN 9780849733451.
Level 2 builds on the concepts introduced in level 1 by opening with a review of the major and minor fingering patterns on all four strings. Attention throughout the method is given to presenting material that makes use of the entire tonal range of the instrument in the first position for the upper strings, and the first three positions for the lower strings. Five ensembles and two duets round out Level 2. Suitable for concerts, the ensembles include America; We Shall Overcome; Amaryllis; Surprise Symphony Theme; and Military March. Suitable for any class size or instrumentation, all string parts have the melody and one harmony part. The Teacher Score/Keyboard books for Levels 1 and 2 include piano accompaniments for much of the program music and ensembles. Especially composed for educators with modest piano-playing skills, the accompaniments can also be played by piano students who wish to become involved in the ensemble experience.
SKU: CZ.9798396293144
ISBN 9798396293144.
Discover the spirit of America with Thirty Famous Patriotic Songs for Piano Accompaniment (Strings), a remarkable collection of melodies that celebrates the land of the brave and the home of the free. This comprehensive book brings together some of the most beloved patriotic tunes that honor the USA, making it the perfect companion for occasions like July Fourth or any time of the year when you want to express your love for your country.With Thirty Famous Patriotic Songs for Piano Accompaniment (Strings), you can immerse yourself in the rich musical heritage that has resonated with Americans throughout history while providing accompaniment for a number of different woodwinds and brass. The book features timeless classics like Amazing Grace, My Country Tis of Thee, America the Beautiful, and The Star-Spangled Banner, which will evoke a deep sense of national pride with every note.To enhance your musical experience, mp3 accompaniment tracks are available online, allowing you to perform these iconic songs with full instrumental support. This accompaniment book ensures that pianists have the sheet music they need to master these patriotic melodies and provide musical background for instrumental solos.From the stirring Battle Cry of Freedom to the soul-stirring Eternal Father, Strong to Save, Thirty Famous Patriotic Songs for Piano Accompaniment (Strings) encompasses a diverse array of compositions that capture the essence of the American spirit. Whether you're commemorating the sacrifices of the armed forces with The Marine's Hymn or embracing the lively spirit of American folk with Oh! Susanna and Yankee Doodle, this collection has it all.Experience the pride and joy of being an American with Thirty Famous Patriotic Songs for Piano Accompaniment (Strings). Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of American history, as reflected in the music that has accompanied the nation through triumph and adversity. Let the melodies of liberty, unity, and patriotism resonate within your heart as you sing or play these beloved songs. Celebrate the legacy of a nation with Thirty Famous Patriotic Songs for Piano Accompaniment (Strings) and let the music of America inspire you.
SKU: AP.46678
UPC: 038081532370. English.
This charming waltz based on the G major scale gives every section a chance to play the melody. A surprise melody, Chopsticks, also appears in the middle of the piece and is passed from the low strings to the upper strings with a countermelody in the lower strings. Waltzing Strings, by Bob Cerulli, is a perfect grade 1.5 piece using playable, scalar patterns to keep those beginner fingers moving!
SKU: PR.816600040
UPC: 680160600045. 5.5x5 inches.
This disk contains study scores of all 41 of Mozart's Symphonies, as well as Concertos for Winds and Strings (Piano Concertos are on a companion CD-ROM), Serenades, Opera Overtures, Divertimentos, and other works.
About CD Sheet Music (Version 1)
CD Sheet Music (Version 1) was the initial CD Sheet Music series distributed by Theodore Presser. The CDs include thousands of pages of music that are viewable and printable on Mac or PC. Version 1 titles are a great value at 40% off, as we make room in our warehouse for the newly enhanced CD Sheet Music (Version 2.0) series.
SKU: BT.DHP-1094612-070
ISBN 9789043131636. 12 X 9 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
The De Haske String Orchestra Series offers attractive pieces especially composed and arranged for string orchestras. Students and teachers are treated to a great variety of musical styles. Each part presents a challenge to the player. The Viola part can be replaced by a 3rd Violin part, and the Double bass part can be replaced by a 2nd Cello part. The Piano part is mainly meant for support, but it occasionally adds new motifs as well.
The four pieces in Sunny Strings allow the string orchestra to sound predominantly sunny in mood. Have fun playing together!De De Haske String Orchestra Series biedt u aantrekkelijke, speciaal voor strijkorkest gecomponeerde en gearrangeerde werken. De stukken zijn geschreven in verschillende stijlen: van klassiek en folk tot moderne, populaire muziek. Iedere partij is zo geschreven dat elke speler in het orkest een uitdaging heeft. De partij voor altviool kan door een derde viool worden vervangen. De partij voor contrabas kan ook door een tweede cello worden gespeeld. De pianopartij dient als ondersteuning, maar voegt soms ook nieuwe motieven toe aan de muziek.
Sunny Strings is een moderne suite vol verbluffende effecten in vier delen.Die De Haske String Orchestra Series bietet attraktive, speziell fu r StreichÂorchester komponierte und arrangierte Stu cke in einer stilistischen Vielfalt von Klassik u ber Folk bis zu modernen U-Musikstilen. Jede Stimme stellt dabei besondere Herausforderungen an die Spieler. Die Violastimme kann durch eine dritte Violine und der Kontrabass durch ein zweites Cello ersetzt werden. Die Klavierstimme dient zur Unterstu tzung, fu gt aber zuweilen auch neue Motive hinzu.
Sunny Strings ist eine moderne, vorwiegend heitere Suite aus der Feder von Nico Dezaire voll verblu ffender Effekte in vier Sätzen.De Haske String Orchestra Series : Les compositions et les arrangements réunis sous ce label sont en parfait accord avec le niveau ciblé, et proposent des styles très variés. Chaque publication est accompagnée d'un compact disc contenant la version de démonstration des œuvres publiées dans cette collection. L’instrumentation est toujours la même : Violons 1 & 2, Alto (ou Violon 3), Violoncelle, Contrebasse (ou Violoncelle 2) et Piano.
Sunny Strings contient quatre petits imprimés fleuris aux mille et une couleurs du soleil. Le bonheur est dans l’interprétation !De Haske String Orchestra Series è una nuova raccolta pensata per i suonatori di archi principianti. Le composizioni e gli arrangiamenti raccolti sotto questa etichetta sono perfetti per chi inizia a suonare e prongono stili variegati. Ogni pubblicazione è accompagnata da un CD che contiene una versione demo dei brani. La strumentazione è sempre la stessa: violino 1 & 2, viola (o violino 3), violoncello, contrabbasso (o violoncello 2) e piano.Tracce Demo:1. A Sunny Day2. Sunday Party3. Sunny Blues4. The Ghost of TomPer effettuare il download delle tracce demo, clicca sul titolo selezionato e scegli “Salva come†nel menu.
SKU: HL.49019474
ISBN 9790001180924.
Enjott Schneider's composition for cor anglais, bassoon and strings was created in the form of a musical epitaph on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the death of the Bavarian King Ludwig II shrouded in legend. Quotations from works of the King's favourite composer, Richard Wagner, can be heard. At the same time, the picturesque motif of a romantically enigmatic Castle of the Grail, as created by Ludwig II with Neuschwanstein, is reflected in the musical make.In the arrangement for chamber music duo, the work can be performed in concert with cor anglais and piano only. The version for cor anglais, bassoon and strings can be performed with both soloistic string instruments and in groups, for example as part of a school orchestra project.
SKU: AP.46678S
UPC: 038081532387. English.
SKU: HL.48024737
UPC: 888680956622.
This bundle contains: Minifiddlers videos for ONE year (1st year package), Colourstrings Violin ABC Book A and Colourstrings Violin ABC Duettini. By buying the bundle, you'll save 20 % of the combined list prices.
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