SKU: BT.DHP-1094817-401
ISBN 9789043132763. 9x12 inches. English.
ESSENTIAL CLASSICS is a collection of pieces ideally suited to introduce beginning bands, whether in or outside of school, to the classical repertoire. The easy arrangements make the most popular melodies of all time accessible to young musicians, without the frustration of playing music that is too difficult for them. Now they can enjoy music from instrumental works and operas to oratorios and lieder, from Tylman Susato to George Gershwin. The pieces are arranged in ascending order of difficulty, coinciding with the progress students are making in Volumes 1 and 2 of ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS the complete method for music education in schools and bands. But even without ESSENTIALELEMENTS, ESSENTIAL CLASSICS is an excellent source of repertoire by itself. In addition to the music the individual parts contain short snippets of information about the music, composer and genre, written in a style younger players will understand. The full score contains more in-depth information on the music. No matter how you use ESSENTIAL CLASSICS with your band, your players will love all the fun and engaging arrangements it as to offer. Die deutschsprachige Ausgabe dieser Reihe ist unter dem Titel Bläserklasse Klassik erhältlich. De Susato Gershwin, de l’oratorio au lied en passant par l’opéra et autres genres, Essential Classics propose une plongée dans l’univers classique. Les arrangements suivent la progression des recueils Essential Elements (Vol. 1 & 2), mais peuvent également être utilisés de façon indépendante. La version intégrale de chaque arrangement est disponible sur le compact disc d’accompagnement vendu séparément. Sommaire : La Mourisque (Susato) • Le Printemps (Vivaldi) • Musette (J.-S. Bach) • Le gai laboureur (Schumann) • L’Innamorata (Gastoldi) • 2e mouvement du Quatuor « L’Empereur » (Haydn) • 4e mouvement duQuintette « La Truite » (Schubert) • Ouverture de Guillaume Tell (Rossini) • Le beau Danube bleu (J. Strauss II) • Trumpet Voluntary (Clarke) • Alléluia du Messie (Haendel) • La lettre Élise (Beethoven) • Capriccio italien (Tcha kovski) • 4e mouvement de la Symphonie du » Nouveau Monde » (Dvoøák) • Une petite musique de nuit - 1er mouvement (Mozart) • Danse hongroise n° 5 (Brahms) • Land of Hope and Glory (Elgar) • La donna è mobile (Verdi) • Marche Nuptiale (Wagner) • Cancan (Offenbach) • Symphonie n° 1 - 3e mouvement (Mahler) • Summertime (Gershwin). ESSENTIAL CLASSICS è il materiale ideale per far familiarizzare le bande principianti o junior con il repertorio della musica classica. Gli arrangiamenti, ideati in ordine progressivo di difficolt , sono ideali per sviluppare le prime conoscenze gi acquisite e rinforzare la capacit di applicazione in un contesto strutturato in maniera pedagogica e motivante. Da Susato a Gershwin, dall’oratorio al lied, passando per l’opera e altri generi musicali, ESSENTIAL CLASSICS propone un’immersione nell’universo classico. La versione integrale di ogni arrangiamento è disponibile sul CD di accompagnamento venduto separatamente.
SKU: BT.DHP-1094822-401
ISBN 9789043132817. 9x12 inches. English.
SKU: BT.DHP-1094809-401
ISBN 9789043132688. 9x12 inches. English.
SKU: BT.DHP-1094813-401
ISBN 9789043132725. 9x12 inches. English.
SKU: M7.AHW-1901
The 'Charlie Parker Yardbird Originals' were originally published in 1954 by my dad, Dr. Charles Colin. In his memoir, 'Reflections II', he includes the colorful story of how it came to be that he met Charlie Parker and would publish this early work. Using most of Pop's lingo, here is a synopsis of that story: 'In the 40's - early 50's 'I' had eight studios on the second floor at 111 West 48th Street with several outstanding teachers. One of whom was Jimmy Abato who played bass clarinet with the Met. Between lessons, Jimmy relaxed at Jim and Andy's, a bar frequented by the top studio and recording artists where they would all meet for a few congenial moments in between sessions. One day Jimmy was chatting with Charlie Parker who confided that he was going through difficult times and was looking for a way to earn some cash. Jimmy, knowing that pop was into music publishing, suggested that Parker and he meet with the idea that he write a few Be Bop tunes that could be printed in book form. Even though Bebop was not yet in the mainstream or necessarily accepted by the music world, pop had great admiration and confidence in 'Charlie Parker' and was willing to make the considerable investment.' Each of the 5 tunes is presented here transposed into B-flat, C, and E-flat, alongside a piano accompaniment. Take a look at the sample pages to the left and then click above to get a physical copy sent directly to your door.
SKU: BT.DHP-1185868-030
Alan Turing is considered the father of modern computational science and much, if not all, of our modern computer technology and the connectivity that we now take for granted is born of the work of this one great, but troubled man. His famous test was designed to prove whether artificial intelligence (AI) could successfully imitate human thought. The single movement of The Turing Test is essentially non-programmatic, but it does seek to show something of the emotion and colour of Turing’s life in its different sections. The composer employs bi-tonality and complex rhythms to show opposing worlds colliding. At the end of each test, we must decide: has true AI beenborn? Alan Turing wordt beschouwd als de vader van de moderne computerwetenschap. Veel, zo niet alle, moderne computertechnologie en connectiviteit die we nu vanzelfsprekend vinden, vloeien voort uit het werk van deze ene geweldige maar getroebleerde man. The Turing Test is in wezen een niet-programmatische compositie aan één stuk, maar in de verschillende gedeelten komt wel iets van de emotie en kleuren van Turings leven terug. De componist heeft geprobeerd bitonaliteit en complexe ritmes te gebruiken om naast elkaar bestaande werelden te laten botsen. Aan het slot van elke test moeten we ons afvragen: is hier sprake van ware kunstmatige intelligentie?Alan Turing wird als Vater der modernen Informatik angesehen, und vieles, wenn nicht sogar alles, was für uns inzwischen an moderner Computer- und Informationstechnologie selbstverständlich ist, basiert auf der Arbeit dieses großartigen, aber sorgenschweren Mannes. The Turing Test ist im Grunde genommen kein programmatisches Werk, aber es möchte Emotionen und Facetten von Turings Leben in einem einzigen Satz, der aus verschiedenen Abschnitten besteht, wiedergeben. Der Komponist hat versucht, Bitonalität und komplexe Rhythmen zu verwenden, um das Aufeinanderprallen der verschiedenen Welten darzustellen. Am Ende jedes Tests müssen wir entscheiden, ob wahre künstlicheIntelligenz geboren wurde. Alan Turing est estimé être le père des sciences numériques modernes et la plupart, sinon l’intégralité, des technologies et des connectivités informatiques modernes établies aujourd’hui sont nées du travail de ce grand homme troublé. The Turing Test n’est en fait pas programme mais cherche dépeindre l’émotion et la couleur de la vie de Turing dans les sections différentes, en un seul mouvement. Le compositeur utilise la bitonalité et des rythmes complexes pour illustrer deux mondes opposés qui se heurtent. A la fin de chaque test, nous devons décider : la vraie intelligence artificielle, est-elle née ?
The third volume of Couperin's Pieces for Harpsichord does not contain a date of publication, however it is thought to have been composed during 1716-1717, due to the address which the composer gave on his other Harpsichordcompositions. Yet, the compilation remains a favourite. François Couperin (1668-1733) is often nicknamed 'Couperin the Great' to distinguish him from other members of the musical family. Many of the composer's works havepicturesque titles. Examples of this in his third volume of Pieces for Harpsichord include, La Langueur (Languor), Le Petit-Rien (The Little-Nothing) and L'Artiste (The Artist). Couperin's moods are expressed through choices ofkeys, adventurous harmonies and discords. With a significant amount of variation and inspiration, these Pieces for Harpsichord are essential to the repertoire of aspiring players of the instrument.
ISBN 9781849380140. English.
The Complete Guitar Player series has taught hundreds of thousands how to play and the accompanying songbooks have featured hits by Paul Simon, Elvis Presley, The Beatles, John Denver and many othertopartists.Now these songbooks are available in super value omnibus editions like this one. The songs are still graded by ease of playing and everything is there... standard notation, Guitar chord boxes, full lyrics andevenstrumming patterns!Over 180 great songs! Perfect for all players and singers!The bonus CD contains backing tracks to 16 of the songs in the book.
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