SKU: BT.DHP-1196090-070
ISBN 9789043157674. English-German-French-Dutch.
Cinema has always aimed to do one thing above all else: arouse emotions. Yet however exciting, entertaining or fascinating a story might be, its full impact is really only felt with the help of the right music. While most original soundtracks demand a large orchestra, a much smaller ensemble is sufficient: Anthony Gröger has taken ten of the all-time most beautiful film scores and created stunning arrangements for string quartet. In keeping with the Pops for String Quartet series, this volume also includes an optional third violin part in case a viola is not available. This is an indispensable collection for any occasion!Van oudsher is de film bovenal bedoeld geweest om emotie op te roepen. Maar hoe spannend, vermakelijk of boeiend een verhaal ook is, pas met de ondersteuning van de juiste muziek komt het volledig tot zijn recht. Hoewel de meeste originele soundtracks een orkest met een grote bezetting vereisen, voldoet in dit geval een kleiner ensemble. Anthony Gröger heeft tien van de mooiste filmmuziektitels verzameld en er prachtige arrangementen voor strijkkwartet van gemaakt. Net als bij de andere uitgaven in de serie Pops for String Quartet bevat ook deze bundel een optionele derde vioolpartij, voor het geval er geen altviool beschikbaar is. Een fraaie collectie met nummers voordiverse gelegenheden! Seit jeher möchte Kino vor allem eines: Emotionen wecken. Doch wie spannend, lustig, interessant eine Story auch immer sein mag erst mit Hilfe der passenden Filmmusik kann sie ihre volle Wirkung entfalten. Während die meisten Soundtracks im Original ein groß besetztes Orchester erfordern, genügt hier bereits eine viel kleinere Besetzung: Anthony Gröger hat sich zehn der schönsten Filmmusik-Titel aller Zeiten vorgenommen und wirkungsvoll für Streichquartett bearbeitet. Eine unverzichtbare Sammlung für Anlässe jeder Art, bei denen ein Streichquartett gefragt ist. Wie in der Serie Pops for String Quartet üblich, enthält das Set auch eine optionale dritteViolinstimme für den Fall, dass keine Bratsche zur Verfügung steht. Le cinéma a toujours cherché, par-dessus tout, éveiller des émotions. Cependant, aussi passionnante, émouvante ou envo tante que soit une histoire, son impact n’est ressenti pleinement que si elle est accompagnée d’une musique appropriée. Bien que la plupart des bandes sonores exigent un grand orchestre, un ensemble beaucoup plus modeste suffit. Anthony Gröger a pris dix des plus belles musiques de films de tous les temps et produit de splendides arrangements pour quatuor cordes. Comme les autres volumes de la série Pops for String Quartet, le présent ouvrage comprend une troisième partie facultative pour violon au cas où un alto ne serait pas disponible. Voiciune collection indispensable pour toutes les occasions !
SKU: UT.CH-335
ISBN 9790215326538. 9 x 12 inches.
The Trois airs variés for violin and piano belong to the small nucleus of compositions for this scoring which, in the Catalogo tematico, also includes the Cantabile in D major (M.S.109), the only original manuscript piece for violin and piano recently published in a critical edition, and the Quattro Notturni a quartetto (M.S.15). This ‘triptych’, whose authorship is unknown, is familiar thanks to the nineteenth-century editions Ricordi, Pacini and Hofmeister, the only evidence of the piece which is placed in the Catalogo tematico at n. 3 of the uncertain works (Section V, pp. 346-347), that is, those works whose authorship remains in doubt due to the lack of objectively valid documents. This placing does not categorically exclude the originality of the piece, at least as regards the violin part, and that Gustavo Carulli ‘completed’ them later by adding the piano part. Given that to date there is no evidence to deny Paganini’s authorship of the piece, we rely on the editorial tradition documented by the three publications mentioned above and, of course, on the style of the composition. Regarding the instrumental aspect, the technical peculiarity is given by the exclusive use of the 4th string which must be transposed one tone above, in all three airs, including the variations. Concerning the piano part composed by Gustavo Carulli, it can only be said that it is simple and functional, aimed at highlighting the violin part, nothing more. Since the piano part is not original, the guitar has been thought of as the ideal instrument (as indeed is proved by Paganini’s considerable musical production for this scoring) to support the violin part and which is better suited to these small but pleasant pieces. In the transposition for guitar, however, the aim has been to include Gustavo Carulli’s musical lesson, where it is convincing, in other cases, however, the preference has been to find different solutions, while trying to remain within Paganini’s ‘style’ also as regards writing for the guitar. The present edition therefore seeks to be a plausible alternative to the previous editions, also in order to make these delightful but forgotten pieces more usable.
SKU: HL.48180642
Part of the collection Concertos Cassiques, 7th Concerto - 1st Solo is a piece for violin and piano by Pierre Rode with an arrangement by Georges Catherine. Relatively difficult, it features the score and the Violin part. Really melodious, it includes numerous trills, harmonies, accidentals, acciaturas and some indications of the positions and techniques to use. The breathings are also indicated. It is a really nice work to play in recitals and can also be used for contests. Pierre Rode (1774-1830) was a French violinist and musician who composed numerous romantic concertos for Violin and Piano. He was the violin soloist to Napoleon and was dedicated a violin sonata (Op.96) by Beethoven.