SKU: BT.DHP-1185921-404
ISBN 9789043155014. English.
Look, Listen & Learn sets the bar for brass and woodwind teaching nowadays. These exciting method book/CD packs for beginners contain songs, music puzzles and games to increase the pupils’ understanding of music, information about their instrument, and lots of fun pieces to play. The three volumes of the method that form the basis of this series are enhanced by several books with supplementary material designed to correspond with the progress of the method.
In Meet the Masters, the melodies are arranged in increasing order of difficulty and can be used in conjunction with all three volumes of the Look, Listen & Learn method series. Pupils takea journey through music history and meet the most important composers of classical music, from Tielman Susato to Anton n Dvo ák, together with pertinent historical commentary. The present edition includes printed music for piano accompaniments, expertly arranged at a moderate level of difficulty, which are also available in recorded versions online to stream or download.
SKU: HL.14030791
8.25x12.0x0.051 inches.
This title is taken from Dvorak. However. The models from which the songs are derived are clearly identifiable, as are the composers from whose language they have been derived. The piece appears to be in one movement though it is in fact two with a coda. The first is French in style, a sort of Waltz. It is quick and harks upon the likes of Francaix and where its idiom becomes more advanced, Messaien. The other is Germanic, a slow movement with echoes of German expressionism - perhaps Richard Strauss, perhaps Mahler. The two movements are partly complete; the cod reconciles their differences and completes them. I see the piece as my own version of En blanc et noir.
SKU: BT.AMP-356-400
ISBN 9789043138796. 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
Philip Sparke’s Skilful Solos is the second volume of a progressive series of solo books that takes the young wind player from beginner to accomplished musician. Following on from the first book in the series Starter Solos this collection generally contains longer pieces suitable for the developing young musician. Specifically tailored for each instrument, Skilful Solos introduces the concept of phrasing by suggesting suitable breathing points and takes the player into new keys with extended instrumental ranges, new notes being introduced in a gradual and logical manner.Skilful Solos comes with a play-along CD. The advantages of playing eitherwith piano or CD accompaniment are that the beginning player can now experience the important aspects of ensemble playing from their earliest lessons, thus developing the essential skills of listening while they play and maintaining strict tempo, which is not always achieved when playing alone. Skilful Solos past in het rijtje Starter Studies, Skilful Studies, Super Studies en Starter Solos, een succesvolle reeks van Philip Sparke. Net als de eerdergenoemde uitgaven bevat Skilful Solos waardevol,motiverend speelmateriaal dat de keuze voor een methode aanvult. Nieuwe muzikale elementen komen in een logische volgorde aan de orde - om de ontwikkeling van de complete muzikant te bevorderen. Uitgave met cd: De voordelen van het spelen metbegeleiding - hetzij op de piano, hetzij op de cd - zijn dat de beginnende speler de belangrijke aspecten van het ensemblespel kan ervaren vanaf de eerste lessen en essentiële vaardigheden kan aanleren: het luisteren tijdens het spelen en hethandhaven van een strak tempo. Bij het alleen spelen komen deze factoren minder aan de orde.Das frühe Lernstadium ist, neben einem guten Lehrer im Unterricht, für jedes Instrument zweifellos das Wichtigste. Von großer Bedeutung ist aber auch motivierendes Lehrmaterial.Für diese zwei Solobücher beriet sich Philip Sparke mit vielen Lehrern, wie man am besten neue Noten einführt und zugleich einen Rahmen schafft, in den sich neue musikalische Elemente in sinnvoller Reihenfolge einfügen lassen. Unterstützt von diesenSoli und Etüden in drei verschiedenen Schwierigkeitsstufen können Instrumentalschüler schnell zu richtigen Musikern heranreifen. Jedes Buch ist genau auf die Bedürfnisse und Anforderungen des einzelnen Instrumentes zugeschnitten.STARTER SOLOS und SKILFUL SOLOS können dank der im Buch und auf der CD enthaltenen Begleitungen auch gut alleine oder mit einem Pianisten einstudiert und aufgeführt werden. Der Vorteil dabei ist, dass Anfänger so nicht nur die wichtigsten Aspekte desEnsemblespiels erfahren sondern auch von Anfang an die Fähigkeit entwickeln, zu hören während sie spielen und das Tempo zu halten.
Inhalt: Nice to See You Again -Pony and Trap -Summer Siesta -Spring (Vivaldi) -A Victorian Ballad -Trumpet Tune -Promenade -Greensleeves -Could You Repeat That? -Alladale Aria -Scales of Justice -Largo from Winter (Vivaldi) -Waltz with Variations -Atthe Circus - Adagio (Mozart) - Marche Militaire (Schubert) - Thinking of You - Fives and Threes - Daydream - Rhode Island Rag
SKU: BT.AMP-355-404
ISBN 9789043138789. 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
Philip Sparkeââ¬â¢s Starter Solos is the first volume of a progressive series of books that takes the young wind player from beginner to accomplished musician. Specifically tailored for each instrument, this collection of 20solos starts with pieces based on only a handful of notes and carefully introduces new musical elements, such as articulation, dynamics and key signatures, in a structured progression to speed the learning process. The booksprovide invaluable additional material to complement any teaching method. Starter Solos comes with an online audio access. The advantages of playing either with piano or audio accompaniment are that the beginning playercan now experience the important aspects of ensemble playing from their earliest lessons, thus developing the essential skills of listening while they play and maintaining strict tempo, which is not always a factor when playingalone. Philip Sparkeââ¬â¢s Starter Solos is het eerste deel van een serie boeken met muziek voor jonge blazers. Deze bundel van twintig soloââ¬â¢s begint met stukken die op een handvol noten zijn gebaseerd. Nieuwe muzikale elementen(articulatie, dynamiek, enz.) worden op een doordachte, gestructureerde manier toegevoegd. Dit studiemateriaal vult elke leermethode aan en is steeds toegesneden op het betreffende instrument. Uitgave met online audio: Devoordelen van het spelen met begeleiding - hetzij met een pianist, hetzij met de opname - zijn dat de beginnende speler de belangrijke aspecten van het ensemblespel kan ervaren vanaf de eerste lessen en essentiële vaardigheden kanaanleren: het luisteren tijdens het spelen en het handhaven van een strak tempo. Bij het alleen spelen komen deze factoren minder aan de orde.Das frühe Lernstadium ist, neben einem guten Lehrer im Unterricht, für jedes Instrument zweifellos das Wichtigste. Von großer Bedeutung ist aber auch motivierendes Lehrmaterial.Für diese Ausgabe beriet sich Philip Sparke mitvielen Lehrern, wie man am besten neue Noten einführt und zugleich einen Rahmen schafft, in den sich neue musikalische Elemente in sinnvoller Reihenfolge einfügen lassen. Unterstützt von diesen Soli und Etüden in dreiverschiedenen Schwierigkeitsstufen können Instrumentalschüler schnell zu richtigen Musikern heranreifen. Jedes Buch ist genau auf die Bedürfnisse und Anforderungen des einzelnen Instrumentes zugeschnitten. Die Stücke in dieserAusgabe können dank der im Buch in Notenform enthaltenen und online als Audiotracks zugänglichen Begleitungen auch gut alleine oder mit einem Pianisten einstudiert und aufgeführt werden. Der Vorteil dabei ist, dass Anfänger sonicht nur die wichtigsten Aspekte des Ensemblespiels erfahren, sondern auch von Anfang an die Fähigkeit entwickeln, während des Spielens zugleich zuzuhören und das Tempo zu halten.Starter Solos est un recueil motivant offrant une présentation structurée des techniques de jeu et dââ¬â¢apprentissage. Les solos composés par Philip Sparke constituent les premiers pas plaisants de votre entrée dans leformidable monde de la musique ! Les enregistrements sont disponibles en ligne au format MP3 : vous trouverez une version intégrale de chaque pièce ainsi quââ¬â¢une version où ne subsiste que lââ¬â¢accompagnement. La versionpapier des accompagnements de piano est jointe au recueil.Accanto ad un buon insegnante, il materiale da studio valido è senza dubbio la cosa più importante al fine di un buon apprendimento. Eââ¬â¢ quindi importante mettere a disposizione dellââ¬â¢allievo materiale motivante. Nello scriverequesti soli, Philip Sparke si è consultato a più riprese con insegnanti ed allievi per mettere a punto brani che consentono anche ai più inesperti di suonare in modo soddisfacente. Gli accompagnamenti al piano sono accessibilionline come file MP3.
SKU: HL.14043723
ISBN 9781783059522.
This is an updated edition of Francis Poulenc 's 1962 work Sonata For Oboe And Piano , edited by Millan Sachania . Featuring the full score and a separate Oboe part, this exclusive edition also includes a download card, giving you instant online access to demonstration and accompaniment tracks. Originally completed in 1962, Poulenc 's Sonata For Oboe And Piano had been brewing in his mind for at least five years. The last of Poulenc 's trio of sonatas for woodwind instruments, he tragically passed away before it could be definitively engraved, leaving behind a work with a number of ambiguous notational marks that resulted in an incomplete first edition, publishedposthumously. A number of revisions have taken place, but this, expertly edited by Millan Sachania , aims to provide a playable, legible, precise and authoritative score that reflect closest Poulenc 's intentions. This new edition revises many minor details, including Piano chords, tied notes, the correction of various bars throughout as well as his crescendos during the third movement. At all points, Sachania has aimed to reproduce an authoritative and accurate score that is at once playable and a reflection of what Poulenc himself may have intended. This is a most exciting prospect considering the reputation that this work has garnered as a piece of profound poignancy. Dedicated to Sergey Prokofiev, it has been said that the mournful final movement, Deploration , is something of an obituary. What makes this edition of Sonata For Clarinet And Piano really special is the unique download card that provides exclusive online access to demonstration and accompaniment audio tracks. Professionally-recorded by renowned oboist Christopher Cowie and pianist Huw Watkins, the demonstration track allows you to hear exactly how the piece as a whole should sound, before the independent Piano-only track lets you take the place of the Oboe in your very own performance. This is a unique opportunity for oboists to learn from an authoritative.
SKU: BT.AMP-357-400
ISBN 9789043138802. 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
Philip Sparke’s Super Solos is the third volume of a progressive series of solo books that takes the young wind player from beginner to accomplished musician. Following on from the first two books in the series (Starter Solos and Skilful Solos) this collection generally contains longer pieces suitable for the developing young musicians. Specifically tailored for each instrument, Super Solos extends technical and musical demands, takes the player into new keys with larger instrumental ranges and adds new notes in a gradual and logical manner.The books provide invaluable additional material to complement any teaching method. Including play-along CD.Na Starter Solos en Skilful Solos sluit Philip Spark deze reeks met het nieuw verschenen boek Super Solos. De solos in deze boeken zijn qua mogelijkheden en moeilijkheidsgraad perfect toegesneden op het betreffende instrument.Bovendien vult het de vorige uitgaven in deze reeks gestructureerd aan, waardoor het de instrumentalist een zinvol en motiverend vervolg biedt. Elk boek bevat een cd met begeleiding. Het voordeel hiervan is dat jonge muzikanten de belangrijkeaspecten van het samenspel al vanaf het begin kunnen ervaren. Zo ontwikkelen ze essentiële vaardigheden, zoals het luisteren tijdens het spelen en het handhaven van een strak tempo.Nach STARTER SOLOS und SKILFUL SOLOS vollendete Philip Sparke seine Reihe Solobücher mit SUPER SOLOS. Die Soli in jedem Buch sind genau auf die Bedürfnisse und Anforderungen des jeweiligen Instruments zugeschnitten, im Schwierigkeitsgrad angepasstund schaffen somit einen Rahmen, in dem sich Instrumentalschüler neue Elemente in sinnvoller Reihenfolge aneignen können. Dank der im Buch und auf CD enthaltenen Klavierbegleitung lernen sie außerdem wichtige Aspekte des Ensemblespiels.SUPER SOLOS für fortgeschrittene Schüler hält mitreißende Stücke parat, mit denen neue technische und musikalische Schwierigkeiten gemeistert und ein größerer Tonumfang sowie neue Tonarten gelernt werden können.
Inhalt: Little Overture - Berceuse - March of the Toy Soldiers - Air and Variations - Chicago Blues - Moto Perpetuo - Song of Farewell - Promenade - September Song - Scherzo Finale
SKU: FL.FX071923
The wind carries away the yellow leaves fallen on the pavement, the cafes put tables and chairs in... I evoke here a fall tour that is difficult to do quietly in Paris. How to take your time in this city with so many streets to cross (musical phrases of 3 measures), cars or buses to avoid (musical phrases starts on the second time). While the chestnut vendors are on subway entrances, how not to hurry like others (theme B) to 'catch' the subway...
SKU: HL.50564714
Inch....this work is likely to become a standart work very quickly and is to be recommended to all schools where recorder studies are undertaken inch. (Oliver James,Contact Magazine) A novel and comprehensive approach to transferring from the C to F instrument. 430 music examples include folk and national songs (some in two parts), country dance tunes and excerpts from the standard treble repertoire ofBach, Barsanti, Corelli, Handel, Telemann, etc. An outstanding feature of the book has proved to be Brian Bonsor's brilliantly simple but highly effective practice circles and recognition squares designed to give, in only a few minutes, concentrated practice on the more usual leaps to and from each new note and instant recognition of random notes. Quickly emulating the outstanding success of the descant tutors, these books are very popular even with those who normally use tutors other than the Enjoy the Recorder series.
SKU: FL.FX073469
A page for young oboe players from 5 years of instrument practice. They will employ all their agility, will present it to a large audience, take some risks... as acrobats and jugglers... - Pascal PROUST ; Instruments: 1 Oboe 1 Piano; Difficuly Level: Grade 3.
SKU: YM.GTW01090837
ISBN 9784636908374.
20 songs arranged for solo oboe and piano. Oboe part with a book for piano accompaniment and Karaoke CD. 20Shou Shuang Huang Guan Du Zou Qu ,Gang Qin Ban Zou . Han Shuang Huang Guan Pu Ji Gang Qin Ban Zou Pu &Ban Zou CD. 1. Soshunfu(Ode to Early Spring); 2. Oborozukiyo(A Night with a Hazy Moon); 3. Furusato(My Old Town); 4. Haru yo Koi(Come spring!); 5. Hana wa Saku(Flowers Will Bloom); 6. Hamabe no Uta(A Song at the Seaside); 7. Shonen Jidai(Boyhood); 8. Natsu no Omoide(A Memory from Summer); 9. Shabondama(Soap Bubbles); 10. Machibo-oke(Waiting in Vain); 11. Satoukibi Batake(In a Large Field of Sugarcane); 12. Chiisai Aki Mitsuketa(I've Found a Little Autumn); 13. Yuyake Koyake; 14. Kojo no Tsuki(Moon over the Ruined Castle); 15. Kawa no nagare no Yo ni(As a River's Running); 16. Sen no Kaze ni natte(A Thousand Winds); 17. Miagete goran Yoru no Hoshi wo(Look up at the Night sky); 18. Nagori Yuki(Snowfall at the end of the Winter); 19. Kita no Kunikara(From Northern Country); 20. Nada SouSou(Down Come My Tears) 1. Zao Chun Fu ; 2. Meng Long Yue Ye ; 3. Gu Xiang ; 4. Chun Tian ,Lai Ba ; 5. Hua Zheng Zai Kai ; 6. Hai Bin Zhi Ge ; 7. Shao Nian Shi Dai ; 8. Xia Ri Hui Yi ; 9. Fei Zao Pao ; 10. Man Zhou Chang Ge ; 11. Gan Zhe Tian ; 12. Zhao Dao Liao Xiao Xiao De Qiu Tian ; 13. Wan Xia Jian Dan ; 14. Huang Cheng Zhi Yue ; 15. Chuan Liu Bu Xi ; 16. Hua Wei Qian Feng ; 17. Yang Wang Xing Kong ; 18. Can Xue ; 19. Bei Guo Zhi Lian ; 20. Lei Guang Shan Shan.
SKU: FL.FX072352
The purpose of this composition is to familiarize yourself with the unusual 5/4 metric, often associated to the famous jazz standard by Paul Desmond, Take Five. Rhythms and articulation are varied but without major difficulty. This iece is dedicated to the saxophonist Michel Itier.
SKU: FL.FX071907
How to make a good music recipe with few ingredients? Take some quavers, long values and swing the harmonies...
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