SKU: HL.48186604
UPC: 888680884802. 9.0x12.0x0.04 inches.
Roland Dyens: Saudade No. 3 De Trois Saudades Pour Guitare.
SKU: M7.ART-42081
ISBN 9783866420816.
Valenthin Engel hat mit dem 'Pianosaurus' eine Sammlung von Klavierstücken zusammengestellt, bei denen mal richtig losgefetzt werden darf. Es richtet sich an alle jüngeren Klavierspieler, die sich neben der Arbeit mit gewöhnlichen Klavierschulen, Stücke erarbeiten möchten, bei denen es erlaubt ist richtig in die Tasten zu hauen. Die Stücke unterliegen natürlich trotzdem einem pädagogischen Konzept, beinhalten verschiedene Stilistiken und bauen daher aufeinander auf. 'Pianosaurus: Klavierstücke nur für wilde Kerle' geht endlich auch mal auf die Bedürfnisse von Jungs ein und die bestehende Klavierliteratur wird mit einem Augenzwinkern sinnvoll ergänzt.
SKU: HL.14009371
ISBN 9780711933880. English.
A light-hearted musical fantasy for young children, set in a land of dinosaurs and ancient man. The tale links educational information about dinosaurs with the fun of chocolate! Includes a page of facts about dinosaurs and prehistoric man. Duration: 25 mins. Script available in student book. If you need to license a school/youth theatre performance of this product, please use the online application form.
SKU: HL.48011603
UPC: 073999988673. 9.0x9.0x0.122 inches.
20 great songs by Camilla During which young children will love to sing. Book includes lyris, guitar chords, and simple ideas for immediate classroom use. Quitable for ages 5-8. Contents: If You Ever Meet a Dinosaur * Wrinkly Fingers * In the Band * Autumn Leaves * You'll Never Guess * In My Garden * Clap, Clap * The Insect Dance * Who's That? * Flying * Rosie * Get Out! * We Can Hear You * Let's Make Noises * My Place * Can You Eat Your Teddy Bear * You Can Jump * What Can You Do? * Jake * Summer Lullaby.
SKU: HL.48186603
UPC: 888680884741. 9.0x12.0x0.048 inches.
Roland Dyens: Trois Saudades No. 2 - Dediee A Arminda De Villa-Lobos.
SKU: HL.48186602
UPC: 888680884710. 9.0x12.0x0.06 inches.
Roland Dyens: 3 Saudades No.1: Dedièe à A.Ponce (Guitar solo).
SKU: HL.49023866
ISBN 9783795756925. German.
Kinder und Lieder haben vieles gemeinsam, Kinder und Lieder machen niemals einsam, Kinder und Lieder machen leicht und froh, Kinder und Lieder sind das A und O!In diesem Buch finden sich viele Lieder fur alle Gelegenheiten zu Hause, in der Schule und Freizeit und uberall dort, wo gesungen wird.Die Lieder sind durchgangig mit Akkorden versehen. Die Gitarrengriffe und Klavierakkorde sowie Griffe fur Sopranblockflote und die Tone auf der Klaviatur und dem Xylophon sind im Anhang extra aufgefuhrt, so dass ein Nachspielen auch fur Nichtprofis moglich ist.
SKU: BT.BSV115-013
Nach dem Riesenerfolg der Instrumentalschule Hören, lesen and spielen widmeten sich Michiel Oldenkamp und Jaap Kastelein einem Unterrichtswerk, welches sowohl im Posaunenunterricht als auch in einer Bläserklasse eingesetzt werden kann: Gemeinsam lernen and spielen - eine komplett neue Schule für junge Bläser und Schlagzeuger ab der dritten Klasse. Die Schule wurde in enger Zusammenarbeit mit hochqualifizierten Musikern und Lehrern aus der Bläserklassenwelt, von Musikschulen und Musikhochschulen in den Niederlanden und in Deutschland entwickelt.
Gemeinsam lernen and spielen enthält Lehrgänge für denInstrumentalunterricht und die Bläserklasse in einem Band. Der Lehrgang für Posaune bietet hauptsächlich Posaunenspezifische Themen wie neue Töne und technische �bungen an. Dieser Lehrgang unterstützt die Lernlinie der Bläserklasse, bei welcher der Schwerpunkt auf musikalischen Lernzielen wie Rhythmus, Melodie, Form und auf dem gemeinsamen Musizieren liegt. Gemeinsam lernen and spielen umfasst zwei Bände. Band 1 beginnt mit den ersten Tönen und arbeitet auf das Spielen von Duetten hin. Im zweiten Band werden hauptsächlich dreistimmige Stücke gespielt. Auf der ausführlichen Website wird Ergänzungsmaterial angeboten, beispielsweise Demo- und Begleittracks zu allen Stücken, zusätzliche Spielstücke (bekannte Lieder) und Lernvideos. Gemeinsam lernen and spielen ist logisch aufgebaut und kindgerecht illustriert eine optimale Motivation für alle jungen Musiker!
SKU: VD.ED92055
ISBN 9790202000557. 11.69 x 8.26 inches.
SKU: CA.5505319
ISBN 9790007145804. Text language: English/German.
Saul, published for the first time in the version conducted by Handel himself. Saul is one of the most dramatic of Handel's oratorios. To a greater extent than almost any other oratorio it reveals with its gripping dramatic power its proximity to opera of its time. The score demands what was at the time Handel's most varied orchestra. The normal opera orchestra of the day was augmented by trombones, harp, solo organ, carillon (Glockenspiel) and large kettledrums. The choir functions for the first time as a central participant in dramatic action, while also undertaking commentating functions as in a Greek tragedy. This new edition makes use for the first time of musical material revealed by the latest Handel research, based as its most important source on the conducting score from which Handel himself directed his performances. Only this research has shown which arias, choruses, recitatives and instrumental pieces, after he had made numerous corrections in his autograph, Handel chose for his performances, and in what order they were given. The result has produced, apart from many changes of details (e.g. autograph instructions concerning the use of the organ), uncommon ordering of individual pieces, and passages with altered notes. Score and parts available separately - see item CA.5505300.
SKU: CA.5505312
ISBN 9790007226589. Text language: English/German.
Saul, published for the first time in the version conducted by Handel himself. Saul is one of the most dramatic of Handel's oratorios. To a greater extent than almost any other oratorio it reveals with its gripping dramatic power its proximity to opera of its time. The score demands what was at the time Handel's most varied orchestra. The normal opera orchestra of the day was augmented by trombones, harp, solo organ, carillon (Glockenspiel) and large kettledrums. The choir functions for the first time as a central participant in dramatic action, while also undertaking commentating functions as in a Greek tragedy. This new edition makes use for the first time of musical material revealed by the latest Handel research, based as its most important source on the conducting score from which Handel himself directed his performances. Only this research has shown which arias, choruses, recitatives and instrumental pieces, after he had made numerous corrections in his autograph, Handel chose for his performances, and in what order they were given. The result has produced, apart from many changes of details (e.g. autograph instructions concerning the use of the organ), uncommon ordering of individual pieces, and passages with altered notes. Score and part available separately - see item CA.5505300.
SKU: CA.5505300
ISBN 9790007167639. Text language: English/German.
Saul, published for the first time in the version conducted by Handel himself. Saul is one of the most dramatic of Handel's oratorios. To a greater extent than almost any other oratorio it reveals with its gripping dramatic power its proximity to opera of its time. The score demands what was at the time Handel's most varied orchestra. The normal opera orchestra of the day was augmented by trombones, harp, solo organ, carillon (Glockenspiel) and large kettledrums. The choir functions for the first time as a central participant in dramatic action, while also undertaking commentating functions as in a Greek tragedy. This new edition makes use for the first time of musical material revealed by the latest Handel research, based as its most important source on the conducting score from which Handel himself directed his performances. Only this research has shown which arias, choruses, recitatives and instrumental pieces, after he had made numerous corrections in his autograph, Handel chose for his performances, and in what order they were given. The result has produced, apart from many changes of details (e.g. autograph instructions concerning the use of the organ), uncommon ordering of individual pieces, and passages with altered notes.
SKU: HL.49012046
ISBN 9790001100793. 8.25x11.75x0.692 inches.
Handel's Oralorio Saul, composed in 1739, contains a series of instrumental movements which provide commentary on the action. Composers have often written works in the form of suites from these movements. Handel's blocks of polyphonic music are also particularly suitable for wind band. His orchestral suites were usually performed in Ihe open air. Many of his themes rank among the great inventions of musical history. They give his music dignity and greatness and at the same time they remain popular in character. The instrumental movements from 'Saul' are suitable for concerts, including those in churches, for serenades and for contests from intermediate to advanced level.(2 Floten, 1 Oboe ad lib., 1 Fagott ad lib., 1 Klarinette in Es ad lib., 3 Klarinetten in B, 2 Alt-Saxophone in Es, 1 Tenor-Saxophon in B, 3 Horner in F, 3 Trompeten in B, 3 Posaunen, 2 Flugelhorner (Kornette) in B, 1 Tenorhorn in B, 1 Bariton, 2 Tuben, Pauken, Schlagzeug: Glockenspiel, kleine Trommel, grosse Trommel, Becken).
SKU: CA.5505305
ISBN 9790007162603. Text language: English/German.
Saul, published for the first time in the version conducted by Handel himself. Saul is one of the most dramatic of Handel's oratorios. To a greater extent than almost any other oratorio it reveals with its gripping dramatic power its proximity to opera of its time. The score demands what was at the time Handel's most varied orchestra. The normal opera orchestra of the day was augmented by trombones, harp, solo organ, carillon (Glockenspiel) and large kettledrums. The choir functions for the first time as a central participant in dramatic action, while also undertaking commentating functions as in a Greek tragedy. This new edition makes use for the first time of musical material revealed by the latest Handel research, based as its most important source on the conducting score from which Handel himself directed his performances. Only this research has shown which arias, choruses, recitatives and instrumental pieces, after he had made numerous corrections in his autograph, Handel chose for his performances, and in what order they were given. The result has produced, apart from many changes of details (e.g. autograph instructions concerning the use of the organ), uncommon ordering of individual pieces, and passages with altered notes. Score available separately - see item CA.5505300.
SKU: CA.5505314
ISBN 9790007226602. Text language: English/German.
SKU: CA.5505349
ISBN 9790007145767. Text language: English/German.
SKU: CA.5505313
ISBN 9790007226596. Text language: English/German.
SKU: CA.5505309
ISBN 9790007226565. Text language: English/German.
SKU: CA.5505301
ISBN 9790007143367. Language: English/German.
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