SKU: M7.GHE-917
ISBN 9783890449173. English.
Thanks to Stefano Grondona, this unknown and unedited transcription by Tárrega in G major of Albéniz' Cádiz, known widely as the Célebre Serenata Española has just been identified in a manuscript copied by Miguel Llobet, probably while he was still Tárrega's pupil. This beautiful and subtle transcription is not overcomplicated to play, Tárrega did not try to do everything, as some later transcribers have attempted to do. The melody sings and the accompaniment is subtly always there. The tuning with 5th string to G, and 6th to D, is no hindrance - on the contrary it is a boon. We are not aware of any published version of this work in G major, and this particular version has never been published until now. We are delighted to make it available for the first time in a new scholarly edition prepared from Llobet's meticulously accurate manuscript, a copy of which is reproduced in the edition.
SKU: M7.GHE-704
ISBN 9783890447049. English.
SKU: AP.49129S
ISBN 9781470646455. UPC: 038081564753. English.
This energetic overture allows us to enjoy the sparkling skyline of Miami, also known as the Magic City, from a speedboat on Biscayne Bay. A visit to the gardens of Vizcaya is represented by an elegant Danzon. The opening tempo returns with a nod to Miami's vibrant nightlife before taking us to our boat for the short trip home. Magic City Montage was composed by Robert Sheldon. (5:15).
SKU: AP.49500
ISBN 9781470649845. UPC: 038081570624. English.
Robert Sheldon's Megawatt Rock will light up your next concert. This high-energy rock-style piece with its rhythmic drive and power chords is sure to amp up the spirit in the performance level of the students. Using only the first seven notes that most beginning band students learn, it is written in Mixolydian mode, with the key signature including the added flat. The rhythms, dynamics, articulation, key, and style provide electrifying teachable moments that occur throughout the piece at no extra charge! (1:53) Correlated to Sound Innovations, Book 1, Level 4. This title is available in MakeMusic Cloud.
SKU: AP.49500S
ISBN 9781470649852. UPC: 038081570631. English.
Robert Sheldon's Megawatt Rock will light up your next concert. This high-energy rock-style piece with its rhythmic drive and power chords is sure to amp up the spirit in the performance level of the students. Using only the first seven notes that most beginning band students learn, it is written in Mixolydian mode, with the key signature including the added flat. The rhythms, dynamics, articulation, key, and style provide electrifying teachable moments that occur throughout the piece at no extra charge! (1:53) Correlated to Sound Innovations, Book 1, Level 4.
SKU: AP.49129
ISBN 9781470646448. UPC: 038081564746. English.
SKU: BT.DHP-1115227-140
9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
2011 was a disastrous year for Japan: on March 11 the northeast of the country suffered a violent earthquake, which triggered a huge tsunami and caused massive damage to people and the environment. The ensuing problems with the nuclear reactor at Fukushima only increased the misery: a black day in the country’s history…One almost inevitable consequence of such dramatic circumstances is the particular damage suffered by the cultural arts. And so it was in Japan: various high school wind orchestras in the effected areas lost their practice rooms and/or instruments. It will take a long time before the damage suffered is repaired—and it will take great effort to overcome thepsychological effects, too. Focusing on the latter, Yutada Nishida (director of The Bandwagon radio program) asked a few composers for a simple work that could be played by many orchestras. It just so happened that the Osakan Philharmonic Winds (with whom Jan Van der Roost had conducted a concert exclusively of his own works on September 25th) had had a similar idea. This concert saw the baptism of Song of Hope. This piece immediately struck a chord with musicians and audience alike: it begins bleakly in the low register and evolves to a more open, optimistic close. There really is hope for better times! 2011 was een rampzalig jaar voor Japan: op 11 maart teisterde een hevige aardbeving het noordoosten van het land, bracht een enorme tsunami teweeg en veroorzaakte zeer grote schade aan mens en natuur. De daaruit voortvloeiende problemenmet de kernreactor van Fukushima maakten de ellende nog groter: een zwarte pagina in het bestaan van het land ... Dat in dergelijke dramatische omstandigheden ook (en vooral) het culturele bestel een flinke knauw krijgt, ishelaas een haast onvermijdelijke consequentie. Zo ook in Japan: verschillende high school bands in de getroffen regio verloren hun repetitieruimte en/of instrumenten: het zal lang duren voordat de geleden schade is hersteld - enhet zal ook moeite kosten om er mentaal weer bovenop te geraken. Met het oog op dat laatste aspect verzocht Yutaka Nishida (samensteller van het radioprogramma The Bandwagon) een paar componisten om een eenvoudig werkje te schrijvendat speelbaar is door een groot aantal orkesten. Als bij toeval kwam een dergelijk verzoek eveneens van de kant van de OSAKAN Philharmonic Winds, waarmee Jan Van der Roost op 25 september een concert dirigeerde, uitsluitend gewijdaan eigen werken. Daar werd Song of Hope dan ook ten doop gehouden en het werkje sloeg meteen aan bij uitvoerders en publiek: na een tamelijk donkere start in het lage register evolueert het tot een optimistischer en opener slot.Er is inderdaad hoop op betere tijden!Am 11. März 2011 löste ein heftiges Erdbeben in Japan einen riesigen Tsunami mit desaströsen Folgen für Mensch, Natur auch das kulturelle Leben. Yutaka Nishida vom Radioprogramm The Bandwagon bat daher einige Komponisten, darunter Jan Van der Roost, ein einfaches, für viele Orchester spielbares Werk zu schreiben. Song of Hope beginnt düster im tiefen Register, um sich dann zu einem optimistischeren Schluss hin zu entwickeln. Es gibt sie, die Hoffnung auf bessere Zeiten... !2011 fut une année tragique pour le Japon : le 11 mars, le nord-est du pays connut un violent tremblement de terre qui entraîna un gigantesque tsunami, occasionnant de nombreuses pertes humaines et de gros dég ts environnementaux. La catastrophe du réacteur nucléaire de Fukushima ajouta encore ces malheurs : une période bien sombre de l’histoire du pays…Des événements aussi dramatiques ont souvent un impact négatif sur les arts culturels. Ce fut le cas au Japon : plusieurs orchestres d’harmonie des collèges des régions affectées perdirent leurs locaux de répétition et/ou leurs instruments. Il faudra beaucoup de temps pour que les choses reviennent la normale - et pour estomperles cicatrices psychologiques. S’intéressant particulièrement celles-ci, Yutada Nishida (directeur du programme radiophonique The Bandwagon) demanda quelques compositeurs d’écrire une œuvre simple pouvant être interprétée par de nombreux orchestres.Il se trouva que l’Harmonie Philharmonique d’Osaka (que Jan Van der Roost avait dirigée lors d’un concert exclusivement composé de ses œuvres, le 25 septembre) avait eu la même idée. Ce concert vit la création mondiale de Song of Hope, qui interpella immédiatement les musiciens et l’auditoire. Cette pièce débute sombrement dans le registre grave avant d’évoluer vers une conclusion plus pétillante, plus optimiste. Il est assurément permis d’espérer des temps meilleurs ! Il 2011 è stato un anno tragico per il Giappone; al devastante terremoto e al non meno catastrofico tsunami dell’11 marzo, sono seguiti i gravi problemi al reattore nucleare di Fukushima. Il settore della cultura in generale, e quello della musica in particolare hanno sofferto immensamente a causa di questi nefasti eventi naturali. Song of Hope è un brano che ha profondamente commosso esecutori e pubblico.Song of Hope inizia nel registro acuto con suoni oscuri e melanconici, ma si sviluppa in un clima di ottimismo, come a voler simboleggiare un futuro più sereno.
SKU: HL.360490
ISBN 9781705124673. UPC: 840126949018. 6.0x9.0x0.47 inches.
Tesfa Wondemagegnehu writes, “The compendium you hold in your hands represents the glimmering of the North Star. All thought-leaders and outstanding practitioners of our time, these authors have provided myriad ways to navigate through the messy, deafening, and sometimes terrifying chaos around us.†Choral Reflections offers inspiration, ideas, and insights for conductor-teachers at any stage. The goal for Choral Reflections is to provide a platform for a new and more representative cross-section of American choral conductor-teachers to share their reflections, beliefs, values, and visions for the choral art. The thirty contributors are: Hilary Apfelstadt, Anton Armstrong, Geoffrey Boers, Edith A. Copley, Rollo A. Dilworth, Jason Max Ferdinand, Lynne Gackle, Janet Galvan, Lynnel Joy Jenkins, Craig Hella Johnson, Ann Howard Jones, Henry H. Leck, Iris S. Levine, Fernando Malvar-Ruiz, Kevin McBeth, Marcela Molina, Gary Packwood, Rosephanye Powell, Amanda Quist, Doreen Rao, Jeffery B. Redding, Eugene Rogers, Diana V. Saez, Pearl Shangkuan, Tom Shelton, Sandra Snow, Andre J. Thomas, Betsy Cook Weber, Brad Wells, and Jace Kaholokula Saplan.
SKU: HF.FH-3381
ISBN 9790203433811. 9 x 12 inches.
1. Solfeggio fur Flote (Agnesens, Udo); 2. Solfeggio fur Altflote in G (Baader-Nobs, Heidi); 3. Joshua, fur Grosse Flote (Brandt, Christopher); 4. Solfege Sous-si, sans-fa fur Piccoloflote (Brandmuller, Theo); 5. Solfeggio fur Altblockflote (Buchholz, Thomas); 6. 5-7-9, Solfeggio fur Flote (Burkholz, Thomas); 7. Solfeggio, fur Flote (Eun-Hwa, Cho); 8. Etude fur Friedrich den Grossen fur Piccolo-Flote oder Flote (Dinescu, Violeta); 9. Solfeggio fur Flote solo (Eggert, Moritz); 10. geradlinig, fur Flote (Elikowski-Winkler, Sebastian); 11. Solfeggio uber sol, fa und la fur jede Stimme (Emeliantseva, Irina); 12. Solfeggio fur Sopranblockflote (Gatzmaga, Johann Lukas); 13. Miniatur 9/61 fur Querflote solo (Gerwin, Thomas); 14. kattethym fur Flote (Glandien, Lutz); Solfeggio fur Traversflote und Sprechstimme (Gubler, Rico); 15. Solfeggien fur F. von seiner ghostwriterin fur Flote (Heller, Barbara); 16. Sol-fedch-o fur Flote (Hildebrandt, Johannes K.); 17. 3 Farben fur Piccoloflote (Hirsch, Michael); 18. Ming II, Solfeggio fur Flote (Hoche, Hubert); 19. Solfeggion fur Flote solo (Hoyer, Ralf); 20. Solfeggio fur Friedrich II fur Alt- oder Bassflote solo (Iranyi, Gabriel); 21. approche II fur Flote (Jann, Matthias); 22. Petit hommage a Frederic II fur Flote (Katzer, Georg); 23. Solfeggio fur Flote (Keller, Hermann); 24. Solfeggio du roi et pour le roi fur Flote (Keller, Max E.); 25. Solfeggio fur Flote oder Oboe in G-Dur (Kirchner, Danny); 26. Solfeggio in F fur Flote (Kobjela, Detlef); 27. Solfeggio Rosettafur Friedrich II fur Flote (Kram, Christian FP); 28. Solfeggio fur Friedrich fur Grosse Flote, Piccoloflote, Altflote und Kuckucksflote (Kratzschmar, Wilfried); 29. Solfeggion (to his brain) fur Querflote (Krimitza, Vasiliki); 30. Solfeggio fur Flote (Levitskiy, Benjamin); 31. Je m' en fifre fur Flote (Lienenkamper, Stefan); 32. Solfeggio fur Flote solo (Ludwig, Marcus Botho); 33. Hochtief - Tiefhoch / a Solfeggio for Piccolo (Mack, Dieter); 34. Solfeggio nach einem Cornet-Thema fur Piccolo (Matthus, Siegfried); 35. Solfeggion No. X fur Altflote in G (Merkel, Marcus); 36. Solfeggio per flauto alto (Meyer, Krzysztof); 37. ...und Friedrich der Grosse, fur Flote (MOller, Mathias Monrad); 38. Die bunten Vogel des Konigs fur Floteninstrumente (Muller, Alfred Thomas); 39. Solfeggio fur Flote (Muller-Goldboom, Gerhardt); 40. Flotenspiel fur Floten (Munch, Christian); 41. Solfeggio 1, 2 fur Flote (Nather, Gisbert); 42. Solfeggio per Flauto (Natschinski, Gerd); 43. SOL fur Flote (oder Bassflote) solo (Nemtsov, Sarah); 44. 3 Solfeggien Hommage a F. R. (Fridericus Rex) fur Flote (Neubert, Gunter); 45. Solfeggio fur Flote (Oehring, Helmut); 46. Solfeggio 1 fur F-r-i-E-D-r-i-C-H & Solfeggio 2 fur Friedrich fur Flote (Pfundt, Reinhard); 47. Solfeggio ... no words ... fur Flote (Pinnock, Naomi); 48. Solfeggio fur Flote (Pomorin, Sibylle); 49. Divertimento (mit kaputter Klappe) fur Flote (Querfurth, Kaspar); 50. Solfeggio fur grosse Flote (Reinhold, Gregor und Steffen); 51. Abschied fur Flote (Riehm, Rolf); 52. contrapunctum fur Flote (Romero, Lula); 53. Solfeggio fur grosse Flote solo (Sanders, Arne); 54. Solfeggio fur Bassflote (Schafer, Patrick); 55. Solfeggio fur Flote solo (Schellhase, Steffen); 56. Solfeggien fur Flote, in Erinnerung an den flotenden Friedrich II, Konig von Preussen (Schenker, Friedrich); 57. Solfeggio fur und mit F. fur Flote (Schleiermacher, Steffen); 58. Seul avec des ombres fur Altflote in G oder grosse Flote (Seither, Charlotte); 59. Ithaka. Exzerpt fur grosse Flote oder Bassflote solo (Stabler, Gerhard); 60. Ri - Ri, Solfeggio fur Friedrich II, fur Flote solo (Stier, Sebastian); 61. Solfeggio En bateau fur Flote (Ternes, Tina); 62. Solfeggio (Burleske) fur Flote solo (Thiel, Wolfgang); 63. Piccolino solfeggio per Federico per Flauto traverso (Thiele, Siegfried); 64. Solfeggio f. F. fur Flote (Treibmann, Karl Ottomar); 65. Solfeggio fur Flote solo (Waschk, Arno); 66. Solfeggio fur Flote (Wiegand, Mario); 67. VI. for Carin Levine (Williamson, Gordon); 68. Solfeggio fur Flote (Witte, Michael); 69. articolazione e tempo fur Flote (Zapf, Helmut).
SKU: HL.49017545
ISBN 9790001149570. UPC: 840126938890. 9.0x12.0x0.075 inches.
Niels Gade (1817-1890), who was born in Copenhagen and spent most of his life there, went to Leipzig in 1843 for further training on a royal scholarship. There he became friends with Robert Schumann and found an eager patron in Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy. He is regarded as the most important figure of the Danish musical scene in the 19th century.His charming cycle 'Der Kinder Christabend' was published in 1859 with titles and texts in Danish. Although the first German edition was published in Leipzig in 1860, the English edition was not published in London until 1880. With his five mood pictures 'Weihnachts-Glocken' - 'Weihnachtsbaum-Einzugs-Marsch' - 'Ringeltanz der Knaben' - 'Tanz der kleinen Madchen' - 'Gute Nacht', Gade portrays the typical atmosphere of a middle-class Christmas evening in the 19th century.
SKU: M7.KECF-125
ISBN 9790502361259. German English.
Since the demise of a rich repertoire of arrangements of classic overtures, symphonies ect for flute Ensemble, Edition Con Fuoco is continuosly publishing a series to fill this need. The present Symphony No. 1 by W.A. Mozart is the symphonic debut of a nine-year-old Wunderkind, which was composed at the end of 1764/beginning of 1765 in London. The symphony contains a lively Allegro, an expressive Andante and a Vibrant 3/8-Presto. Pure Mozart with a joy of life and intimacy.
SKU: M7.GHE-901
ISBN 9783890449012. English.
This edition of the Catalan folk songs is more complete and contains more works than in any other edition. It is particularly generously documented. There is also an illustrated 12 page chronology of Llobet's life with 61 rare photographs and documents. As in all our editions both a detailed documented critical commentary and copious notes are included. Catalan song also connects Llobet to the cultural restlessness of the epoch in which he was born and grew up, to the movement relating to the birth and definition of a Catalan cultural identity, which, when properly understood, was to reveal all the more fully Llobet's intellectual and above all his musical stature, before we came to consider him a great poet of the guitar as well.
SKU: HL.49029398
ISBN 9790220124495. 9.0x12.0x0.084 inches. English.
This substantial cycle was written for the tenor Peter Pears, and first performed by him in 1953 at the Royal Festival Hall, London, with the distinguished pianist Noel Mewton-Wood. It follws the example of Britten's Serenade in setting a variety of poets, and the set is framed by settings of the same words by Goethe in translation by Louis MacNeice, the unifying factor being presumably the quality of the poetry. The angry setting of Timor Mortis, using the well-known Dies Irae tune is the emotional hear of the cycle.John Turner 2010.
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