SKU: NR.38732
Fur Klavier, 1894.
SKU: BR.EB-9249
ISBN 9790004185490. 9 x 12 inches.
Alma Mahler (1879-1964) ist ohne Zweifel eine der schillerndsten Personlichkeiten ihrer Zeit, die bis heute nichts an ihrer Faszination verloren hat. ,,Sie gehort zu den ganz wenigen Zauberfrauen, die es gibt, sagte der Schriftsteller Franz Werfel, ihr dritter Ehemann nach Gustav Mahler und Walter Gropius. Manner scheinen ihr Lebensinhalt gewesen zu sein: geniale Manner - mit und ohne Trauschein. Sie selbst liess gern durchblicken, wie lang ihre private Eroberungsliste war ... Alma ist und bleibt ein Unikum der Kulturgeschichte, doch aufgrund ihres Rufes als ,,Femme fatale und ihres extravaganten Wesens wird leider allzu oft ausser Acht gelassen, dass sie selbst wunderbare Kompositionen hervorgebracht hat, sehr gebildet war und die Gabe besass, nicht nur Manner zu verzaubern. In einer Zeit, wo Frauen noch keineswegs gleichberechtigt waren, lebte Alma nach dem Motto: ,,Jeder Mensch kann alles - aber er muss auch zu allem bereit sein. Bei der Komposition der Alma Phantasien habe ich mich von der bemerkenswerten Alma inspirieren lassen, mein Ohr in deren Zeit versetzt und das Gehorte in ihre eigene Tonsprache ubersetzt. Dabei habe ich in meine Kompositionen zwei kurze musikalische Zitate aus Alma Mahlers Werken eingeflochten, namlich aus Die stille Stadt und Ich wandle unter Blumen . Der Text stammt aus Alma Mahlers Tagebucheintragungen und handelt von zwei Mannern, die Alma Mahlers Leben pragten: Alexander Zemlinsky und Gustav Mahler. Die Schreibweise Almas wurde dabei beibehalten. (Manuela Kerer).
SKU: GI.G-3005
Scripture: John 3:16.
SKU: HL.48183735
UPC: 888680859183. 9.0x12.0x0.07 inches.
Alain Louvier: Sempre piu alto (Viola & Piano).
SKU: HL.50480886
6.75x10.5 inches.
SKU: BR.OB-5693-03
Here you will find Nudo for piano solo.
ISBN 9790004347232. 10 x 12.5 inches.
A Musical Portrait In 2012 Nicola Campogrande received a rather singular commission when a total stranger asked him to compose a musical portrait of his fiancee. The man knew exactly what he wanted: a concerto for piano and orchestra. After some reflection, Campogrande realised that he would be able to paint with music. It would never be possible, of course, to recognise the shape of the woman's face or the colour of her hair, but the score could evoke the way in which she occupied space and time, and the different movements of the composition would be like the faces on a rotating prism. Campogrande thus accepted the commission and the stranger sent him a few photos of his fiancee, spoke to him about her and, finally, introduced him to her. This is how R (A portrait for piano and orchestra) was born, first performed in April 2013 by Lilya Zilberstein with the Orchestra Verdi in Milan. Subsequently, following other performances and a TV documentary, a number of different pianists asked Campogrande to write a version for solo piano. Hence Nudo emerged, a piece that would be very similar to R, were it not for the fact that, as the title suggests, the pianist is naked, without orchestral clothing.Un portrait musical En 2012, Nicola Campogrande s'est vu proposer une commission fort singuliere ; un parfait etranger lui demandait de composer le portrait musical de sa compagne. L'homme savait exactement ce qu'il voulait : un concert pour piano et orchestre. Apres quelques hesitations, Campogrande s'est rendu compte qu'il pouvait se servir de la musique comme d'un pinceau. Bien entendu, il ne serait jamais possible de reconnaitre la forme du visage de la femme ou la couleur de ses cheveux, mais la partition pourrait evoquer la facon dont elle se deplacait dans l'espace et dans le temps, et les differents mouvements de la piece seraient comme les figures d'un prisme en rotation. Campogrande a donc accepte la commission ; l'etranger lui a envoye des photos de sa compagne, il lui a parle d'elle, avant de les faire se rencontrer personnellement. Ainsi est ne R (Un portrait pour piano et orchestre), interprete pour la premiere fois en avril 2013 par Lilya Zilberstein et l'orchestre Verdi de Milan. D'autres executions ont suivi, ainsi qu'un documentaire televise, apres quoi plusieurs pianistes ont prie Campogrande d'ecrire une version pour piano seul. C'est ainsi que Nudo a vu le jour : un << nu >> tres semblable au premier portrait, si ce n'est que le piano s'y trouve, comme le suggere le titre, depouille de son vetement orchestral. Ritrarre con la musica Nel 2012 Nicola Campogrande ha ricevuto la piu singolare delle commissioni, quando un perfetto sconosciuto gli ha chiesto di comporre il ritratto musicale della sua fidanzata. L'uomo sapeva esattemente cio che voleva: un concerto per pianoforte e orchestra. Dopo qualche esitazione, Campogrande si e reso conto di poter dipingere con la musica; certo, non sarebbe stato possibile riconoscere la forma del viso della donna o il colore dei suoi capelli, ma la partitura avrebbe evocato il modo nel quale lei si muoveva nello spazio e nel tempo, e i vari movimenti del brano sarebbero stati come le facce di un prisma in rotazione. Campogrande ha dunque accettato la commissione e lo sconosciuto gli ha mandato alcune foto della sua fidanzata, gli ha parlato di lei e, alla fine, gliela ha presentata personalmente. E cosi nato cosi R (Un ritratto per pianoforte e orchestra), eseguito per la prima volta nell'aprile 2013 da Lilya Zilberstein insieme all'Orchestra Verdi di Milano.In seguito, dopo altre esecuzioni e un documentario tv, diversi pianisti hanno chiesto a Campogrande di preparare una versione per pianoforte solo. E stato cosi che ha preso forma Nudo, un brano del tutto simile a R tranne per il fatto che, come suggerisce il titolo, il pianista e nudo, senza un abito orchestrale. Information on R on the composer's websiteRecording of the premiere of R in Milano (YouTube).
SKU: HL.48182966
UPC: 888680865160. 9.0x12.0x0.049 inches.
“Composed by Joseph Edouard Barat, Andante and Allegro is a piece for Trombone and Piano, dedicated to H. Couillaud, a Conservatoire professor. Quite difficult, this piece would be perfect for recitals and contest, and can be played by advanced players. Starting slowly, the first half of the piece evolves into a Piu vivo part. The second half of the work is a rapid Allegro theme (tempo 144-152), followed by a slower part and the Allegro theme played again ?a tempo?, before introducing the close in harmonies. Joseph Edouard Barat (1882-1963) composed numerous pieces for Wind instruments and Piano accompaniment such as 'Andante and Allegro' or 'Introduction and Dance' among many others.â€.
SKU: TM.02323SC
Key of Eb. Score & parts do not include recit: Vala vecclia pedante. Recit. scored for voice & piano only - no piano in set - will have to play from pf reduction in vocal score.
SKU: TM.02323SET
SKU: CA.312130
ISBN 9790007152208. Key: B flat major. Language: Italian. Text: Metastasio, Pietro. Text: Pietro Metastasio.
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