SKU: BA.BA01038
ISBN 9790006407705. Text: Hermann Claudius.
One of the compositional focuses of the German composer and pedagogue Karl Marx is on choral and amateur music. His songs based on the words of Hermann Claudius are among the best known.This edition brings together the following pieces for solo soprano and piano:– Kühe: Sie wiegen schwankend sich in schwerem Schreiten– Der Star: Dasalte Wunder ward wieder wahr: auf unserm Dachfirst flötet der erste Star– Späte Rose, in dem hohen Glase– Franziska: Das Heimlichst zwischen dir und mir– Das zwei sich herzlich lieben, gibt erst der Welt den Sinn– Ursame Weihnacht: Mann und Weib und Kind. Draußen weht der Wind– Ein Menschlein ward geboren. Ein Schicksal nimmt den Lauf– Großstadt-Abend: Wir tragen alle den Tod im Leib– Der alte Gärtner: Ich habe sie selber gezogen aus einem winzigen Kern– Auf ein trauriges Mädchen: Dunkel war der Zweig, den du mir brachtest– An die Sonne: Du liebe Sonne, bescheine mich– Hauslied bei Regen: Der Regen, der Regen, der lang entbehrte Segen!– Wie wandelnde Landschaft gehn über die Erde Gesichter der Menschen
SKU: BA.BA09323
ISBN 9790006532575. 32.7 x 26 cm inches. Language: German.
World Premiere 28/08/2004, Hamburg.
SKU: HL.49033271
ISBN 9790001136877. 9.0x12.0x0.088 inches. German.
Kafka's ouvre is interspersed with moments of utter anxiety. Moments in which, induced by adrenalin, the blood pressure rises. Blood vessels which seem to constrict, pump enormous quantities of blood the pressure of which might make one believe that the head is going to explode. In The Judgment, an innocent opening story leads to one of the most unusual showdowns in world literature: The beloved father sentences his son to death by drowning; the son immediately obeys since his life, his existence almost explodes, becomes blurred, dissolves at the moment the judgment is pronounced. For me, the 'self' driving him - I imagine this as a high sound in the inner ear - could only be a soprano. This is why the actual 'fall' has turned out to be clear, almost friendly and why Georg only seems to want to breathe a soft and quiet 'Dear parents, I have always loved you' during the fall while no longer keeping the singing tone, shortly before death, almost casually, takes hold of him. Christian Jost.
SKU: M7.BP-2602
ISBN 9790015260209.