SKU: M7.ART-42059
ISBN 9783866420595.
Ob alleine, mit Playalong-Begleitung oder im Duett bringen diese sechs Stücke dem fortgeschrittenen Posaunisten die wichtigsten Jazzstile nahe. Er erlernt damit mühelos Phrasierung, Rhythmik und Groove des Jazz. Die fantastisch klingenden Playalongs wurden in einer aufwendigen Produktion von einer echten Band eingespielt und bieten ein einzigartiges Mitspielvergnügen. Die verschiedenen Jazz-Stilistiken im relaxten Tempo machen das Erlernen von Grundlagen der Improvisation zum wahren Kinderspiel.
SKU: M7.ART-42041
ISBN 9783866420410.
SKU: M7.AHW-2090
Unlike most duets, these pieces were designed to serve many purposes. First and foremost, they are intended to be fun to play and listen to, but each of them is challenging and filled with musical problems comparable to those found in professional playing situations. Some of the uses to which these duets might be put are: Developing sight reading skills. To this end the players are encouraged to vary the tempo, dynamics, phrasing as well as switch parts. Learning to recognize and interpret some of the most commonly used jazz figures. Developing a feel for swing. Developing facility and technique. Developing transpositional skills. The performer is encouraged to also use the duets for sight singing, studying the II/V7 and other formulaic patterns and in actual performance situations.