SKU: BT.DHP-1145589-401
ISBN 9789043136792. International.
The heat of the day ebbs away as the sun slowly dips from view over the western horizon. A dazzling display of warm hues, vibrant yellows, glowing oranges and burning reds, lights up the evening before cooling to calm blues, dark, cool purples andfinally the black of night. Such are the unforgettable sunsets that inspired Jan de Haan to write this piece.De hitte van overdag ebt weg terwijl de zon in het westen langzaam achter de horizon verdwijnt. Een schitterend schouwspel van warme schakeringen - levendig geel, gloedvol oranje en vurig rood - verlicht nog even de avond, waarna koele kleuren volgenmet serene tinten blauw, donkere nuances van paars en ten slotte het zwart van de nacht. Fraaie zonsondergangen als deze vormden voor Jan de Haan de inspiratie tot het schrijven van dit sfeervolle werk voor blaasinstrument en piano.Die Hitze des Tages verebbt, während die Sonne langsam am westlichen Horizont versinkt. Ein schillernder Reigen warmer Farben aus pulsierendem Gelb, glühendem Orange und brennendem Rot erhellt den Abendhimmel, bevor ruhige Blautöne, kühle Lilaschattierungen und schlieÃ?lich die Schwärze der Nacht Abkühlung bringen. Solcheunvergesslichen Sonnenuntergänge inspirieren Jan de Haan zur Komposition dieses Stückes für diverse Blasinstrumente und Klavierbegleitungen. La chaleur de la journée sâ??atténue peu peu alors que le soleil plonge lentement derrière lâ??horizon. Un éblouissant spectacle met en scène des jaunes vibrants, des oranges lumineux et des rouges br lants qui illuminent le début de soirée alors quedéj , apparaissent les premières nuances bleutées et pourpres, synonymes de fraîcheur. Ces inoubliables couchers de soleil ont inspiré Jan de Haan lorsquâ??il a composé cette pièce pour instrument vent diverses et piano.Il calore del giorno si stempera mentre il sole scompare lentamente all`orizzonte. Una brillante combinazione di calde tonalit di giallo vibrante, arancio luccicante e rosso incandescente riscalda la sera. Colori che lasciano il passo a un blu cherilassa, a rinfrescanti tonalit del viola, e infine al nero della notte. Questi sono i tramonti indimenticabili che hanno ispirato Jan de Haan nel scirvere questo brano per diversi strumenti a fiati e pianoforte.
SKU: HL.4008610
ISBN 9798350112597. UPC: 196288183204.
Nico Samitz has been composing for chamber ensembles since his school days. For over ten years he has been writing works in a wide variety of genres for the “BlechReiz BrassQuintett†ensemble, in which he himself plays trumpet and piano. His field of expertise ranges from classical pieces to jazz and meditative music—and even to pop-oriented compositions. While honing his skills in ear-training and composition at the Mozarteum, Salzburg, Nico became acquainted with a wide repertoire of works as a trumpet player with the Munich Symphony Orchestra, The Munich Philharmonic Orchestra, and the Bavarian State Opera, all of which have influenced his writing style. The driving force behind his creative work is a winning combination of passion, the fun of music-making and a desire to express, through the medium of music, feelings that are difficult to put into words. Like many of his works, Nico composedThe Joy of Freedom for the “BlechReiz BrassQuintetâ€. The catchy tune is reworked in a variety of styles throughout the entire work, giving it the quality of a true 'earworm'.
SKU: BT.DHP-1196147-404
ISBN 9789043157223. English-German-French-Dutch.
Since the revival of Klezmer in the 1990s, the style has enjoyed a continued popularity. Hey Klezmorim! presents 16 new pieces of music from the pen of Joachim Johow, inspired by traditional Yiddish music. This edition is especially aimed at saxophonists who wish to be accompanied on the piano. It therefore also contains easy-to-play piano accompaniment parts while play-along recordings are available online. Additional demo recordings that encourage you to develop your own personal Klezmer playing style should help you to enjoy this unmistakable and diverse music!Sinds de revival van klezmer in de jaren negentig is deze muziekstijl onophoudelijk populair gebleven. Hey Klezmorim! presenteert zestien fraaie nieuwe muziekstukken van de hand van Joachim Johow, die zich heeft laten inspireren door traditionele Jiddische muziek. Deze uitgave is bedoeld voor saxofonisten die graag op de piano worden begeleid. Ze bevat eenvoudig speelbare pianobegeleidingen, en online zijn ook meespeelopnamen beschikbaar, plus demo-opnamen die de muzikant een idee geven van de samenklank én hem of haar aanmoedigen een eigen klezmerspeelstijl te ontwikkelen. Een bundel vol afwisselende muziek die veel speelvreugde zal opleveren!Seit seinem Revival in den 90er-Jahren des vergangenen Jahrhunderts erfreut sich der Klezmer-Musikstil einer ungebrochenen Beliebtheit. Hey Klezmorim! präsentiert 16 neue Musikstücke aus der Feder von Joachim Johow, die an die traditionelle jiddische Musik anknüpfen. Die Ausgabe wendet sich besonders an Saxophonisten, die sich gerne am Klavier begleiten lassen möchten, und enthält daher gut spielbare Klavierbegleitungen als Notentext sowie in online verfügbaren Play-along-Aufnahmen. Zusätzliche Demo-Aufnahmen sollen dazu anregen, einen eigenen, persönlichen Klezmer-Spielstil zu entwickeln. Viel Freude mit dieser unverwechselbaren, abwechslungsreichen Musik!La musique klezmer jouit dâ??une popularité sans faille depuis son renouveau dans les années 90. Hey Klezmorim! présente 16 nouveaux morceaux de la plume de Joachim Johow, inspirés de la musique traditionnelle yiddish. Cette édition sâ??adresse tout particulièrement aux saxophonistes désireux de jouer avec un accompagnement de piano. De ce fait, elle comprend des accompagnements de piano faciles jouer, la fois sous forme de partitions et sous forme dâ??enregistrements en ligne. Dâ??autres enregistrements de démonstration sont également disponibles sur le site, afin dâ??encourager les musiciens développer leur style personnel de klezmer. Nous vous souhaitons beaucoup de plaisir jouer cette musique aux accents variés, unique en son genre !
SKU: CF.W2401
ISBN 9780825839238. UPC: 798408039233. 9 X 12 inches. Key: Eb major. Transcribed by Harry Gee.
This edition of Georges Bizet's Intermezzo from L'Arlesienne Suite No. 2 was transcribed by Harry Gee for alto saxophone and piano and edited by Don McCathren. It includes a study guide which has been prepared to assist the student in mastering the solo correctly as well as improve saxophone technique. Don McCathren writes that this piece is intended primarily as a training piece but it is also well suited for a recital or contest piece.
SKU: BT.DHP-1175832-401
ISBN 9789043153065. English-German-French-Dutch.
A walk in the countryside, fun and games, lots of adventures… what better instrument to express all this than the saxophone?Pascal Proust is among the best known of French composers in the field of musical pedagogy. He has produced a whole series published by De Haske that is constantly being expanded. Proust wrote Sax Ballad for more advanced saxophone studentswith around 4 5 years’ progress. Proust’s style is easily accessible to the student and at the same time appeals to the audience, so this piece is especially suitable as a recital or competition piece.Een wandeling op het platteland, superleuke spellen, allerhande avonturen... welk instrument kan dit alles beter uitdrukken dan de saxofoon?Pascal Proust behoort tot een van de bekendste Franse componisten op het gebied van de muziekpedagogie. Voor De Haske heeft hij inmiddels een complete serie gemaakt die nog steeds verder wordt uitgebreid. Proust schreef Sax Ballad speciaalvoor meer gevorderde saxofonisten die zo’n vier tot vijf jaar les hebben gehad. Zijn stijl is toegankelijk voor de leerling, maar ook aantrekkelijk voor het publiek; daardoor is dit stuk ideaal voor een optreden of wedstrijd.Ein Spaziergang auf dem Lande, ausgelassene Spiele, so manches Abenteuer welches Instrument könnte all dies besser ausdrücken als das Saxophon?Pascal Proust zählt zu den renommiertesten französischen Komponisten auf dem Gebiet der Instrumentalpädagogik. Bei De Haske hat er inzwischen eine ganze Serie mit Instrumentalstücken vorgelegt, die laufend erweitert wird. Proust schrieb SaxBallad für fortgeschrittenere Flötenschüler mit etwa 4 5 Jahren Unterrichtserfahrung. Prousts Stil ist leicht verständlich für den Schüler und zugleich attraktiv für das Publikum, sodass das Stück sich besonders gut als Vortrags- oder auchWettbewerbsstück eignet.Quel instrument illustre mieux que le saxophone une promenade champêtre, des jeux, parfois des péripéties?…Pascal Proust est l’un des compositeurs français les plus renommés dans le domaine de la pédagogie instrumentale. La série de compositions qu’il a produite pour De Haske est régulièrement élargie. Proust a écrit Sax Ballad pour les élèves desaxophone avancés abordant le deuxième cycle de leurs études. Son style très accessible convient parfaitement aux élèves et plaira tout autant au public, ce qui en fait un morceau idéal pour des concerts ou des concours.
SKU: CF.W2657
ISBN 9780825891120. UPC: 798408091125. 9 x 12 inches.
On May 29, 1913, an over-capacity audience in Paris’ Théâtre desChamps-Élysées witnessed an historical spectacle as they became a brutecatalyst in the most (in)famous opening night of the twentieth century.The Rite of Spring premiered that evening in the midst of a riot inspiredby the overwhelming primitivism both onstage and in the score.One-hundred plus years later, the music still incites the senses. The balletwas first published in 1914 in a reduction for two pianos, and serves asa basis for this arrangement. This edition is presented in honor of thecentennial of the ballet’s premiere, and is intended to give soloists andaccompanists a chance to perform this monumental work.On May 29, 1913, an over-capacity audience in Paris’ Théâtre des Champs-Élysées witnessedan historical spectacle as they became a brute catalyst in the most (in)famous opening nightof the twentieth century. The Rite of Spring premiered that evening in the midst of a riotinspired by the overwhelming primitivism both onstage and in the score. Subtitled “Picturesof Pagan Russia,†the ancient scenes were evoked using contemporary musical innovations,shattering expectations of a more traditional Ballet Russe production.How was an ancient ritual of sacrifice to the earth to be scored? The unevolved pesantecharacter of a village gathering was portrayed by odd time signatures and accents. Melodieswere geometrically woven as dissonant pastorales with grace-notes mimicking gutturalbreaks in primal voices. Instruments were orchestrated against the grain, straining soundsinto unrecognizable timbres. And just like the dancers on stage, musicians were organizedinto alternating groups often clashing with one another.One-hundred plus years later, the music still incites the senses. The ballet was first publishedin 1914 in a reduction for two pianos, and serves as a basis for this arrangement. This editionis presented in honor of the centennial of the ballet’s premiere, and is intended to give soloistsand accompanists a chance to perform this monumental work. Both movements may beplayed alone, and the first movement may also serve as a solo piece.
SKU: BT.GZ-00652700
15 easy pieces for sax alto or clarinet and piano, Swing and thereabouts answers the needs of the young sax/clarinet player by providing: - newly written music that is a delight to play and listen to - a wide range of genres: swing, habanera, mambo, cha-cha-cha, bossa nova, hully gully, dixieland and blues - audio tracks giving two different versions of the music: one with sax/clarinet, piano, bass and drums: the other with just the accompanying instruments - a complete piano score for live performance - the possibility of working with or without a teacher 15 leichte Stücke für Altsaxophon oder Klarinette und Klavier. Swing und seine Umwelt bietet dem jungen Saxophonisten/Klarinettisten nun endlich: - bislang unveröffentliches, attraktives Material - einen umfassenden stilistischen ÃÅberblick: Swing, Habanera, Mambo, Cha-Cha-Cha, Bossa nova, Hully Gully, Dixieland und Blues - Audiotracks mit Aufnahmen aller Stücke in zwei Versionen: einerseits in vollständiger Besetzung (Altsaxophon/Klarinette, Klavier, Kontrabass und Schlagzeug), andererseits nur die Rhythmusgruppe als Mitspielversion - die vollständige Klavierstimme für eine mögliche öffentliche Aufführung - die Möglichkeit, entweder mit Lehrer oder im Selbststudium zu arbeiten15 pezzi facili per sax alto o clarinetto e pianoforte. Swing e dintorni offre al giovane saxofonista/clarinettista: - materiale inedito di grande gradevolezza - unââ¬â¢ampia panoramica di generi: swing, habanera, mambo, cha-cha-cha, bossa nova, hully gully, dixieland e blues - basi audio in due versioni: una con sax/clarinetto, pianoforte, contrabbasso e batteria, lââ¬â¢altra con i soli strumenti di accompagnamento - lo spartito completo della parte di pianoforte, per unââ¬â¢esecuzione anche dal vivo - la possibilit di lavorare con, ma anche senza, un maestro.
SKU: BT.DHP-1185923-404
ISBN 9789043155038. English.
Look, Listen & Learn sets the bar for brass and woodwind teaching nowadays. These exciting method book/CD packs for beginners contain songs, music puzzles and games to increase the pupils’ understanding of music, information about their instrument, and lots of fun pieces to play. The three volumes of the method that form the basis of this series are enhanced by several books with supplementary material designed to correspond with the progress of the method.
In Meet the Masters, the melodies are arranged in increasing order of difficulty and can be used in conjunction with all three volumes of the Look, Listen & Learn method series. Pupils takea journey through music history and meet the most important composers of classical music, from Tielman Susato to Anton n Dvo ák, together with pertinent historical commentary. The present edition includes printed music for piano accompaniments, expertly arranged at a moderate level of difficulty, which are also available in recorded versions online to stream or download.
SKU: HL.50601138
9.0x12.0 inches.
15 easy pieces for alto sax and piano. Swing and thereabouts answers the needs of the young instrumentalist by providing: newly written music that is a delight to play and listen to; a wide range of genres: swing, habanera, mambo, cha-cha-cha, bossa nova, hully gully, dixieland and blues; audio tracks giving two different versions of the music: one with sax/clarinet, piano, bass and drums; the other with just the accompanying instruments; a complete piano score for live performance; the possibility of working with or without a teacher.
SKU: FL.FX072520
I wanted to compose a revised and corrected Medley on some pages of this brilliant composer that was Mozart. The performer will enjoy playing this piece well suited to her/his instrument. - Jerome NAULAIS ; A perfect Piece for exams or auditions - for musicians with 6 years of instrument practice ; Instruments: 1 Alto Saxophone 1 Piano; Difficuly Level: Grade 4; Duration: 5 mn 45 s; Musical Style: Classical, Educational; Category: Original Composition; Composer: Jerome NAULAIS;.
SKU: FL.FX073722
Here is a mini-fantasy on a popular melody, for very young instrumentalists. - Pascal PROUST ; A piece that can be played from 1 year of instrument practice. ; Instruments: 1 Alto Saxophone 1 Piano; Difficuly Level: Grade 1.
SKU: FL.FX074323
A catchy piece that can be played for an exam (from 5 years of practice), audition or concert. With an accompaniment by percussions (optional) for the Latin touch! ; Instruments: 1 Alto Saxophone 1 Piano; Difficuly Level: Grade 3; Duration: 3 mn 10 s; Musical Style: Classical, Educational; Category: Original Composition; Composer: Jean-Michel MAURY.
SKU: HL.48182200
UPC: 888680835071. 9.0x12.0x0.096 inches.
Ten pieces to dance on by Pierre Max Dubois is a small ballet for Alto Saxophone and Piano. Perfect for upper beginners / intermediate players, each of the ten pieces is approximately half a page long, with easy rhythms, tempo and a maximum of 3 sharps or 2 flats. The ten pieces that feature in these scores are: - Gaillarde - Danse Gracieuse - Virelai - Bransle - Pavane - Passepied - Complainte - Rigaudon - Menuet Vif - Intermezzo Pierre Max Dubois (1930-1995) was a French composer who was awarded the Prix de Rome in 1955. Mainly composing classical music, his works are mainly for woodwinds. He is one of the founder of the Les Six, which included his professor, Darius Milhaud..
SKU: FL.FX073561
A piece that can be played from 1 year of practice ; Instruments: 1 Alto Saxophone 1 Piano; Difficuly Level: Grade 1.
SKU: FL.FX072515
I wrote a Medley of some major musical pages of this brilliant composer that was Johann Sebastian Bach. The performers will enjoy playing these themes suited to their instrument. - Jerome NAULAIS ; A perfect Piece for exams or auditions - for musicians with 6 years of instrument practice ; Instruments: 1 Alto Saxophone 1 Piano; Difficuly Level: Grade 4; Duration: 6 mn 55 s; Musical Style: Classical, Educational; Category: Original Composition; Composer: Jerome NAULAIS;.
SKU: FL.FX072525
I wanted to build a Medley of this brilliant composer that was Vivaldi, on a version a bit more Rock'n Roll! The player will find a particular interest in studying this piece to assert her/his instrumental technique. - Jerome NAULAIS ; A perfect Piece for exams or auditions - for musicians with 6 years of instrument practice ; Instruments: 1 Alto Saxophone 1 Piano; Difficuly Level: Grade 4; Duration: 6 mn 10 s; Musical Style: Classical, Educational; Category: Original Composition; Composer: Jerome NAULAIS;.
SKU: FL.FX074157
A peaceful walk in the woods that degenerates into a sympathetic rumpus for the joy of the participants! - Pascal PROUST ; A piece to be played from 5 years of practice. ; Instruments: 1 Alto Saxophone 1 Piano; Difficuly Level: Grade 3.
SKU: FL.FX073751
This piece is a tribute to a small island off the west coast of Finistere, in front Ouessant Island. The beginning of the piece depicts a landscape of Breton moor. It then presents typical dances from this region. - Jerome NAULAIS ; A piece that can be played from 3 years of instrument practice ; Instruments: 1 Alto Saxophone 1 Piano; Difficuly Level: Grade 2.
SKU: FL.FX073739
A piece that can be played from 7 years of instrument practice ; Instruments: 1 Alto Saxophone 1 Piano; Difficuly Level: Grade 4.
SKU: FG.55011-585-9
ISBN 9790550115859.
A pioneer of Finnish modern jazz, Heikki Sarmanto (1939-) is renowned for his renderings of jazz numbers. No wonder, therefore, that broken chords and familiar keys resonate and sit well under the hand in the piano part of this Northern Dreams suite. The solo passages for the piano are like stylised improvisations. In addition to jazz idioms, the suite features Chopin-style arpeggios. His music is melodic and communicative, painting feelings, situations and events. Northern Dreams was originally composed with the tenor sax of Juhani Aaltonen in mind, and the solo part is a transcription of his improvisation. The solo part is also available in arrangements for alto sax, flute, clarinet, bassoon and trumpet.