SKU: CY.CC2916
Ralph Sauer has beautifully edited Volume I of the Milde Concert Studies. They will add much to the Bass Trombone (Tuba) study/etude literature. We look forward to many performers using these valuable studies to improve their technique and musicianship.Originally written for the bassoon, these studies were favorites of the great trombone teacher, Emory Remington (1891-1971). While perhaps not concert material, they provide much more musical interest than the typical �©tude book.I have added dynamics and changed phrasings to be more suitable for the bass trombone (or tuba) while keeping the wide tessitura of the original. The keys have been changed to put each �©tude in a more suitable range, while the trills from the original bassoon version are included primarily for tuba players.These enjoyable and challenging studies will provide many hours of pleasurable practice. I have returned to these two volumes often over the years and hope that you will also find them useful and rewarding..
SKU: BT.DHP-1115091-400
ISBN 9789043135290. 9x12 inches. Italian.
A tutti coloro che cercano un nuovo strumento pedagogico per imparare a suonare, la casa editrice musicale De Haske propone i metodi della serie ASCOLTA, LEGGI and SUONA, unâ??opera educativa e ludica con accompagnamento su CD.Questi metodi attuano un processo decisamente aperto, gratificante e moderno per rivoluzionare lâ??insegnamento musicale: attraverso lâ??ascolto, la lettura e lâ??interpretazione dei singoli esercizi, dei giochi e dei quiz potrete imparare divertendovi. Ogni singolo esercizio prevede lâ??esecuzione con accompagnamento di una vera band sul CD! In più troverete tante notizie sulla storia del vostro strumento, sugli interpreti, e sulla tecnica giusta per suonare.Sonodisponibli in italiano i volumi per tromba, clarinetto, saxofono contralto e flauto. Per tutti gli altri strumenti, il metodo è disponible in inglese.
SKU: BT.DHP-1115090-400
ISBN 9789043135283. 9x12 inches. Italian.
SKU: CY.CC2777
Bach's Unaccompanied Suites have been beautifully and meticulously edited for Bass Trombone by Ralph Sauer. Mr. Sauer's thoughtful version of the Six Suites gives the performer room to breathe musically. To quote Mr. Sauer, I refrained from using fanciful descriptive terms such as con brio, or quasi una fantasia because they may suggest a particular style...This transcription is not intended to be a blueprint to be followed exactly, but rather, it is the raw material from which a personal interpretation can be built..