SKU: AP.1-ADV15026
UPC: 805095150261. English.
This book and CD set features 16 challenging original tunes in funk/fusion style by renowned Australian guitarist Peter O'Mara. Patrick Scales adds his ideas on musical interpretation to give the aspiring bassist an insight into creative process from a professional's point of view. The tunes cover a variety of tempos and grooves and are presented using a real rhythm section: Patrick Scales, Christian Lettner and Peter O'Mara (from Klaus Doldinger's Passport). The audio play-along tracks are presented in an order of increasing complexity. CD 1 contains complete recordings of all instruments so that you can hear each instrument working together. CD 2 omits all bass tracks so that you can play along with the rhythm section and also create your own bass lines. MIDI files of all compositions are also included. Also available are editions for guitar, by Peter, and drums, by Peter O'Mara and Christian Lettner. The books are fully compatible and can be used in a combo setting.
Questo metodo ha lo scopo di farvi immergere nell’epoca d’oro del basso, ossia gli anni sessanta e settanta, attraverso quei generi musicali che seppero valorizzarlo così bene, ossia il Rhythm ‘n’ Blues, il Soul ed il Funk. In effetti questi stili, che continuano ancora oggi ad influenzare la musica moderna, diedero maggior spazio al basso, conferendogli un ruolo importante, di primo piano. Quest’opera, quasi indispensabile ad ogni bassista degno di questo nome, propone quindi 25 splendide linee di basso. Potrete non solo divertirvi alla grande, ma anche progredire al livello sia tecnico che musicale. Un capitolo preliminare vi presenta le caratteristiche principali di questistili musicali (materiale e suono, scale ed arpeggi utilizzati, bassisti da ascoltare…). Sul disco allegato al metodo, troverete sia dei file audio che dei file video. I video (mp4) presentano tramite l’immagine tutti i grooves di basso così come devono essere suonati, a velocit normale, poi ridotta. Le registrazioni audio (mp3) invece propongono le basi musicali corrispondenti, anch’esse a due velocit diverse. Potrete in questo modo suonare i grooves proposti su queste basi oppure sviluppare liberamente le vostre proprie idee di accompagnamento.
You are beginning to play the bass and would like to make progress while having fun and without delay? Then you are holding the right method in your hands! On the menu, no less than 50 simple bass lines accessible to beginners and inspired by the greatest artists, past and present: The Beatles, AC/DC, Bob Marley, Deep Purple, Eric Clapton, Elvis Presley, Police, ZZ Top, James Brown, Jimi Hendrix, Otis Redding, U2, Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones... In order to help you, each bass line is preceded by an explanatory text detailing its technical, rhythmical and theoretical aspects. Difficulty increases progressively throughout the pages. The Video DVD allows you to hear andmoreover to watch these 50 bass lines as they should be played, giving you the opportunity to see the correct moves, to pick the right fingers and to be rhythmically accurate! The mp3 CD contains as many tracks as bass lines, that is 50 play-along tracks featuring two different tempos: the objective tempo (normal) and the practice tempo (slow). On the normal tempo track, the bass plays over the first cycle and is mute hereafter to let you take the place! Lastly, these tracks have a deliberately long duration (3 to 4 minutes each, more than 7 hours of music then!) to give you time to practise in the best possible conditions.
SKU: M7.PPV-20046432
ISBN 9783941531383. German.
Mit Get the Bass Groove wirst du zum Bass Groove-Meister! Das Buch ist ideal wenn du Bass lernen möchtest. Aber auch für Fortgeschrittene, die schon länger spielen bietet dieses Buch ansprechende Übungen. Get the Bass Groove zeigt dir, wie du echtes Feeling beim Bass spielen entwickelst. Klopf- und Zählübungen verbessern deine rhythmische Interpretation von Themen und Riffs auf dem Bass. Das Schwierigkeitslevel steigert sich langsam und sorgt garantiert für Erfolgserlebnisse. In jedem Kapitel lernst du einen Musikstil und den passenden Bass Groove dazu. Von Blues, Rock und Soul bis zu Disco und Slap-Funk. Die passenden Basslines gibt's auf der CD-ROM, einmal schnell und einmal langsam. Mit den Bass Tabs im Buch jammst du zu dem Playalong oder kannst Note für Note nachspielen. Mit Get the Bass Groove erhältst du ein praxisnahes Konzept um Bass zu lernen oder zu dich zu verbessern. Die Übungen kannst du auch zwischendurch ohne Bass durchführen. Im Vordergrund steht der Spaß am Bass spielen! Es spielt keine Rolle, ob du Anfänger bist und Bass lernen möchtest, oder ob du schon länger Bass spielst. Get the Bass Groove liefert dir einen neuen, spannenden Übungsansatz, mit dem du deinen Rhythmik auf deinem Bass verbessern kannst.