SKU: DS.SA3525
Key: Ab.
A brass quintet that is bold and energetic. The opening uses imitative statements passed through the various voices. The middle section states the theme in the middle brass with trumpeting devices employed in the trumpets. The final section is straight fo.
SKU: P2.60009
Lauranod Trilogy is a collection of tunes written for various ensembles while I was living in Lausanne Switzerland. The name Lauranod is actually a permutation of the name Lausanne in that it is the word that my cell phone would always try to autospell for me while text messaging. PCO Fanfare was originally written for a mixed low brass ensemble and premiered in the foyer of the conservatory building. Originally conceived as kind of a joke of sorts, the opening fanfare figure contains a mini-quote from the traditional Irish song The Rattlin' Bog. The piece quickly assumed a life of its own and wandered in its own direction. Chorale & Fugue began its life as a simple exercise in writing a four-part fugue. The beginning chorale section was added later. After its first inception as a four-part piece, it was expanded to a brass octet and then reduced to the brass quintet version here. Rue du Midi was originally written for Ensemble STUBA (Swiss Tuba Und Baritone Association) in 2001 and received its premiere in Ermatingen, Switzerland. A raucous piece with lots of energy, it is named after the street next to the conservatory where a few favorite hangouts were located.
SKU: BT.DHP-1145594-070
ISBN 9789043137010. English-German-French-Dutch.
A collection of classical works for various occasions including birthdays, anniversaries, weddings and funerals, arranged by Markus Schenk especially for this edition. These works are distinguished by their stylistic diversity and character, and areversatile thanks to their range of durations-from a short Bach chorale to an extended concert work.Of het nu gaat om een verjaardag, jubileumfeest, bruiloft of uitvaart, er zijn veel gelegenheden die vragen om passende plechtige blaasmuziek. Die muziek mag vaak feestelijk zijn, maar soms is eerder een ingetogen stemming gewenst. Voor zijn Musicfor Celebrations selecteerde Markus Schenk een aantal bekende en minder bekende klassieke werken, die hij speciaal voor deze uitgave heeft bewerkt. Deze verzamelde werken onderscheiden zich door hun stilistische diversiteit en de variatie insfeer, maar ook door de wisselende tijdsduur – van een kort Bachkoraal tot een omvangrijk concertwerk. Derhalve is deze veelzijdige bundel geschikt voor uiteenlopende gelegenheden.Music for Celebrations enthält 11 klassische Stücke für verschiedene Anlässe wie Geburtstage, Jubiläen, Hochzeiten und Beerdigungen, die von Markus Schenk extra für diese Ausgabe arrangiert wurden. Die sehr wohlüberlegte Auswahl enthält vomkurzen Bachchoral bis zum längeren Konzertwerk viele charakterlich und stilistisch unterschiedliche Werke.
Ebenfalls erhältlich für variables Bläserensemble in einer deutschen Ausgabe (Feierliche Bläserklänge DHP 1145595-070).Qu’il s’agisse d’anniversaires, de mariages ou de funérailles, il y a de nombreuses occasions qui font appel à la musique de cérémonie pour ensembles de cuivres. Que l’instant se prête à la gaieté ou aurecueillement, Music for Celebrations, de Markus Schenk, est l’ouvrage idéal puisqu’il rassemble des oeuvres classiques connues et moins connues, spécialement arrangées pour cette édition. Ces oeuvres complètes se distinguentpar leur diversité de style et de caractère, mais aussi par leur durée en partant du court choral de Bach jusqu’à la pièce de concert plus longue. Cette collection polyvalente est donc adaptée à un large éventaild’interprétation.
Aussi disponible pour ensemble vent - instrumentation variable (DHP 1145593-070).
SKU: P2.60051
Methods of Cooking originated as a piece for brass septet that was later arranged for the brass quintet format. It is a multimovement work that explores several variations of a main theme that is found throughout all four movements. Each movement seeks to evoke a certain style associated with a type of cooking. The first movement, Simmer , introduces the main thematic material of the piece from the beginning. Simmering indicates a temperature below boiling that generally is softer or gentler in food preparation. Hence, the movement is a bit more restrained, without breaking up the material a great deal. Boil follow as the second movement, and as the temperature rises, so too does the pace of the music! Boiling can sometimes lead to chaotic situations in the kitchen, and the movement looks to capture the energy of both the food as it boils, as well as the preparer as they make their way around the kitchen. This variation brings the thematic material into 6/8 time, as well as introducing new ideas that help make the music even more dynamic. The third movement slows things back down with Braise , which tends to be a longer method of cooking. The thematic material is surrounded with thicker harmonies and slowly announced throughout the movementI! this mimics the richness of flavor often associated with braising foods, and signifies the amount of time this process often takes to complete. Sautee is the final movement and looks to stay true to its original meaning in French, to jump or bounce. The melody quickly bounces back and forth between various instruments and the entire movement is bright and playful throughout. It also serves as a high energy ending to bring the entire piece together.