SKU: ML.013780090
The Spanish war galleon with 64 cannons, built in Cuba between 1770 and 1771 for an English shipowner in the service of the King of Spain left Peru for Cadiz in 1784 with a huge cargo of copper, gold, silver and other valuables on board. There were also more than 400 people on board, including passengers, crew and Inca prisoners after a revolt. The Atlantic crossing went smoothly, passing Portugal to take advantage of favourable winds. The shipwreck off Peniche was the result of human error, apparently due to French maps with dramatic errors in the position of the islands of Berlengas and neighbouring islets. On 2 February 1786, the sea was calm and the night clear, but they hit the rock formation Papoa and the hull immediately broke in two. The bottom sank quickly, while the deck remained afloat for some time. 128 people lost their lives, including many Indians who were trapped in the basement. This shipwreck is considered one of the most important in maritime history.What the composer wants to convey, and what can be felt as one listens, is first of all the sound of power, of hope, of the glory of conquest, of the splendour of wealth. This is followed by the perception of the maritime environment, the harmony with the softness of the ocean, the gliding of the hull in the foam of the sea on sunny, blue days. But along with this tranquillity, you soon hear a rhythmic chain that makes you feel a representation of the hustle and bustle, of the busy crew, of the hard work of a sailor, of the desperation of an exotic people imprisoned in a dark, damp cellar. A distinct rhythm that reminds us of the salero of Andalusia, with its Arab influences and its people, the soothing of the resignation of others who are forced to submit. Then we clearly hear a crescendo that makes us imagine the agony of the collision that precedes the shipwreck. The breaking of the hull, the water flooding everything, the despair, the clash of bodies on the rocks, the tragedy to come. Before the grand finale, in which the return of musical softness reminds us that the story is over. The supremacy of nature over human greed. The waves, though gentle, sweep the wreckage, the lives and the treasures of the New World to the bottom of the sea.Het Spaans oorlogsgaljoen met 64 kanonnen, gebouwd in Cuba tussen 1770 en 1771 voor een Engelse reder in dienst van de koning van Spanje vertrok in 1784 vanuit Peru naar Cádiz met een enorme lading koper, goud, zilver en andere kostbaarheden aan boord. Er waren ook meer dan 400 mensen aan boord, waaronder passagiers, bemanning en Inca gevangenen na een opstand. De oversteek van de Atlantische Oceaan verliep vlot, waarbij Portugal werd gepasseerd om te profiteren van gunstige winden. De schipbreuk bij Peniche was het resultaat van een menselijke fout, blijkbaar te wijten aan Franse kaarten met dramatische fouten in de positie van de eilanden Berlengas en naburige eilandjes. Op 2 februari 1786 was de zee kalm en de nacht helder, maar ze raakten de rotsformatie Papoa en de romp brak onmiddellijk in tweeën. De bodem zonk snel, terwijl het dek nog enige tijd bleef drijven. 128 mensen verloren het leven, waaronder veel indianen die vastzaten in de kelder. Dit scheepswrak wordt beschouwd als een van de belangrijkste in de maritieme geschiedenis.Wat de componist wil overbrengen, en wat men kan voelen als men luistert, is allereerst het geluid van macht, van hoop, van de glorie van verovering, van de pracht van rijkdom. Dit wordt gevolgd door de perceptie van de maritieme omgeving, de harmonie met de zachtheid van de oceaan, het glijden van de romp in het schuim van de zee op zonnige, blauwe dagen. Maar samen met deze rust hoor je al snel een ritmische ketting die je een voorstelling geeft van de drukte, van de drukke bemanning, van het harde werk van een zeeman, van de wanhoop van een exotisch volk dat gevangen zit in een donkere, vochtige kelder. Een duidelijk ritme dat ons doet denken aan de salero van Andalusië, met zijn Arabische invloeden en zijn mensen, het sussen van de berusting van anderen die gedwongen worden zich te onderwerpen. Dan horen we duidelijk een crescendo dat ons de lijdensweg doet voorstellen van de aanvaring die voorafgaat aan de schipbreuk. Het breken van de romp, het water dat alles overspoelt, de wanhoop, het botsen van lichamen op de rotsen, de tragedie die komen gaat. Vóór de grote finale, waarin de terugkeer van de muzikale zachtheid ons eraan herinnert dat het verhaal voorbij is. De overmacht van de natuur over de hebzucht van de mens. De golven, hoewel zacht, vegen het wrak, de levens en de schatten van de Nieuwe Wereld naar de bodem van de zee.Le galion de guerre espagnol de 64 canons, construit à Cuba entre 1770 et 1771 pour un armateur anglais au service du roi d'Espagne, a quitté le Pérou pour Cadix en 1784 avec à son bord une énorme cargaison de cuivre, d'or, d'argent et d'autres objets de valeur. Il y avait également plus de 400 personnes à bord, dont des passagers, des membres d'équipage et des prisonniers incas à la suite d'une révolte. La traversée de l'Atlantique s'est déroulée sans encombre, en passant par le Portugal pour profiter des vents favorables. Le naufrage au large de Peniche est le résultat d'une erreur humaine, apparemment due à des cartes françaises comportant des erreurs dramatiques dans la position des îles de Berlengas et des îlots voisins. Le 2 février 1786, alors que la mer est calme et la nuit claire, le navire heurte la formation rocheuse de Papoa et la coque se brise immédiatement en deux. Le fond coule rapidement, tandis que le pont reste à flot pendant un certain temps. 128 personnes ont perdu la vie, dont de nombreux Indiens qui étaient coincés dans les sous-sols. Ce naufrage est considéré comme l'un des plus importants de l'histoire maritime.Ce que le compositeur veut transmettre, et ce que l'on ressent à l'écoute, c'est d'abord le son de la puissance, de l'espoir, de la gloire de la conquête, de la splendeur de la richesse. C'est ensuite la perception de l'environnement maritime, l'harmonie avec la douceur de l'océan, le glissement de la coque dans l'écume de la mer par des journées bleues et ensoleillées. Mais à côté de cette tranquillité, on entend bientôt une chaîne rythmique qui nous fait ressentir une représentation de l'agitation, de l'équipage affairé, du dur labeur d'un marin, du désespoir d'un peuple exotique emprisonné dans une cave sombre et humide. Un rythme distinct qui nous rappelle le salero d'Andalousie, avec ses influences arabes et son peuple, l'apaisement de la résignation des autres qui sont obligés de se soumettre. Puis on entend clairement un crescendo qui nous fait imaginer l'agonie de la collision qui précède le naufrage. La rupture de la coque, l'eau qui envahit tout, le désespoir, le choc des corps sur les rochers, la tragédie à venir. Avant le grand final, où le retour de la douceur musicale nous rappelle que l'histoire est terminée. La suprématie de la nature sur la cupidité humaine. Les vagues, bien que douces, emportent les épaves, les vies et les trésors du Nouveau Monde au fond de la mer.Die spanische Kriegsgaleone mit 64 Kanonen, die zwischen 1770 und 1771 auf Kuba für einen englischen Reeder im Dienste des spanischen Königs gebaut wurde, verließ Peru 1784 in Richtung Cádiz mit einer riesigen Ladung Kupfer, Gold, Silber und anderen Wertgegenständen an Bord. An Bord befanden sich auch mehr als 400 Menschen, darunter Passagiere, Besatzungsmitglieder und Inka-Gefangene nach einem Aufstand. Die Atlantiküberquerung verlief reibungslos, wobei Portugal passiert wurde, um die günstigen Winde zu nutzen. Der Schiffbruch vor Peniche war das Ergebnis menschlichen Versagens, das offenbar auf französische Karten zurückzuführen war, die in Bezug auf die Position der Inseln Berlengas und der benachbarten Eilande dramatische Fehler enthielten. Am 2. Februar 1786 stießen sie bei ruhiger See und klarer Nacht auf die Felsformation Papoa und der Rumpf brach sofort entzwei. Der Boden sank schnell, während das Deck noch einige Zeit über Wasser blieb. 128 Menschen kamen ums Leben, darunter viele Indianer, die im Keller eingeschlossen waren. Dieses Schiffswrack gilt als eines der bedeutendsten Was der Komponist vermitteln will und was man beim Zuhören spürt, ist zunächst der Klang der Macht, der Hoffnung, des Ruhms der Eroberung, des Glanzes des Reichtums. Es folgt die Wahrnehmung der maritimen Umgebung, die Harmonie mit der Sanftheit des Meeres, das Gleiten des Schiffsrumpfes im Schaum des Meeres an sonnigen, blauen Tagen. Doch neben dieser Ruhe hört man bald eine rhythmische Kette, die die Hektik, die geschäftige Mannschaft, die harte Arbeit eines Seemanns, die Verzweiflung eines exotischen Volkes, das in einem dunklen, feuchten Keller gefangen ist, wiedergibt. Ein ausgeprägter Rhythmus, der an den Salero Andalusiens erinnert, mit seinen arabischen Einflüssen und seinen Menschen, der die Resignation der anderen besänftigt, die gezwungen sind, sich zu fügen. Dann hören wir deutlich ein Crescendo, das uns die Qualen des Zusammenstoßes, der dem Schiffbruch vorausgeht, erahnen lässt. Das Zerbrechen des Rumpfes, das Wasser, das alles überflutet, die Verzweiflung, das Aufeinanderprallen der Körper auf den Felsen, die bevorstehende Tragödie. Vor dem großen Finale, in dem die Rückkehr der musikalischen Sanftheit uns daran erinnert, dass die Geschichte zu Ende ist. Die Vorherrschaft der Natur über die menschliche Gier. Die Wellen, so sanft sie auch sein mögen, spülen die Trümmer, das Leben und die Schätze der Neuen Welt auf den Grund des Meeres.
SKU: BT.1793-10-140-MS
9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
Wolfgang Wössner has created yet another energetic and exciting medley for concert band, following in the footsteps of his previous successful medley, Bryan Adams - The Best of Me. This time Wössner has moulded four hits by the American rock band Bon Jovi into one sensational work. Combining Runaway, It’s My Life, Livin’ On a Prayer and You Give Love a Bad Name, creates an incredibly fun medley that will rock your next concert! Na Bryan Adams - The Best of Me en Grönemeyer! doet Wolfgang Wössner het weer: een geweldige medley schrijven in het pop- en rockgenre. Deze keer nam hij vier hits van de Amerikaanse rockband Bon Jovi. De medley begintmet Runaway uit 1983. Daarna volgen de hits It’s My Life en Livin’ on a Prayer uit het jaar 1999. You Give Love a Bad Name uit 1986 rondt deze sterke medley mooi af. Schud die haren los en rocken mar…!Nach Bryan Adams - The Best of Me und Grönemeyer! hat Wolfgang Wössner ein neues Medley für Blasorchester im Pop-Rock-Genre geschaff en. Diesmal nahm er sich vier Hits der amerikanischen Rockband Bon Jovi vor. Das Medley beginnt mit Runaway von 1983. Dem folgen die Songs It’s My Life aus dem Jahr 1999 sowie Livin’ on a Prayer. You Give Love a Bad Name von 1986 vervollständigt dieses starke Medley, mit dem Sie die Bühne rocken werden! Après le vif succès remporté par ses précédents medleys pop-rock, dont Grönemeyer!, Wolfgang Wössner récidive avec un nouveau medley solide et puissant qui reprend quatre tubes du groupe de rock américain, Bon Jovi. Ce groupe légendaire, fondé par Jon Bon Jovi, manie avec la même aisance les ballades sereines et les morceaux axés rock mainstream. Bon Jovi Rock Mix débute avec Runaway, le titre avec lequel Jon Bon Jovi lança sa carrière. Les succès It’s My Life, Livin’ on a Prayer et You Give Love a Bad Name complètent ce medley rugissant, qui séduira vos auditeurs.Dopo il grande successo ottenuto con i precedenti medley - Bryan Adams - The Best of Me e Grönemeyer!, Wolfgang Wössner propone un nuovo medley che riprende quattro successi della band americana Bon Jovi. Questo gruppo leggendario, fondato da Jon Bon Jovi, ammalia il pubblico sia con serene ballate, sia con brani di rock sfrenato. Questo medley include: Runaway (1983), It’s My Life (1999), Livin’ on a Prayer e You Give Love a Bad Name (1986).
SKU: HL.4006391
UPC: 888680988005. 9.0x12.0x0.072 inches.
Hit songs by Elton John have become an enduring part of our pop culture. Featured in the bio pic Rocketman, these familiar classics feature catchy melodies and timeless lyrics. Here's a medley for flexible instrumentation that includes Rocket Man, Crocodile Rock, Your Song, and I'm Still Standing.
SKU: BT.DHP-1064123-140
The Lion Sleeps Tonight was originally recorded in 1939 and was an instant hit in many countries. Since then, countless artists have recorded this well-known song. The Lion Sleeps Tonight was also used in the famous Disney movie The Lion King. Add a little Disney magic to any concert with this stirring arrangement. The Lion Sleeps Tonight werd in 1939 onder de titel Mbube (Afrikaans voor leeuw) opgenomen door de Zuid-Afrikaanse bedenker van de song, Solomon Linda, en zijn groep The Evening Birds. Het nummer werd een grote hit in Afrika.Een aangepaste versie werd ook een hit in Groot-Brittannië en de Verenigde Staten. Vele covers volgden en in de loop der tijd werd de aanstekelijke melodie wereldwijd bekend. The Lion Sleeps Tonight is onder andere gebruiktvoor de beroemde Disney-film The Lion King. Deze song met zijn bewogen geschiedenis inspireerde Frederik Kampstra tot het schrijven van dit levendige arrangement.The Lion Sleeps Tonight wurde erstmals 1939 unter dem Titel Mbube (afrikanisch für Löwe) vom südafrikanischen Komponisten Solomon Linda und dessen Band The Evening Birds aufgenommen. Von 1961 stammt die heute bekannte Version von George David Weiss, Luigi Creatore und Hugo Peretti, die schon von unzähligen großen Künstlern neu interpretiert wurde. The Lion Sleeps Tonight wurde sogar in den Soundtrack zum Disney-Zeichentrickfilm Der König der Löwen aufgenommen. Frederik Kampstras lebhafte Bearbeitung für Blasorchester sorgt für echtes Safari-Feeling!The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Le Lion est mort ce soir) est né de l’esprit du chanteur sud-africain Solomon Linda qui écrivit Mbube (lion, en zoulou), en 1939. Alors que la chanson est devenue un succès planétaire, son auteur est mort dans la misère ; d’autres ont touchés les dividendes de sa gloire. L’incroyable histoire de cette chanson la mélodie entraînante a motivé cet arrangement riche en couleurs, signé par Frederik Kampstra. The Lion Sleeps Tonight è opera del cantante sudafricano Solomon Linda, che scrisse Mbube (leone in lingua zulù) nel lontano 1939. Mentre la canzone ebbe un successo mondiale, il suo autore morì in miseria. L’incredibile storia di questa canzone dalla melodia accattivante ha ispirato Frederik Kampstra nello scrivere questo arrangiamento.
SKU: BT.DHP-1064123-010
SKU: PR.465000130
ISBN 9781598064070. UPC: 680160600144. 9x12 inches.
Following a celebrated series of wind ensemble tone poems about national parks in the American West, Dan Welcher’s Upriver celebrates the Lewis & Clark Expedition from the Missouri River to Oregon’s Columbia Gorge, following the Louisiana Purchase of 1803. Welcher’s imaginative textures and inventiveness are freshly modern, evoking our American heritage, including references to Shenandoah and other folk songs known to have been sung on the expedition. For advanced players. Duration: 14’.In 1803, President Thomas Jefferson sent Meriwether Lewis and William Clark’s Corps of Discovery to find a water route to the Pacific and explore the uncharted West. He believed woolly mammoths, erupting volcanoes, and mountains of pure salt awaited them. What they found was no less mind-boggling: some 300 species unknown to science, nearly 50 Indian tribes, and the Rockies.Ihave been a student of the Lewis and Clark expedition, which Thomas Jefferson called the “Voyage of Discovery,†for as long as I can remember. This astonishing journey, lasting more than two-and-a-half years, began and ended in St. Louis, Missouri — and took the travelers up more than a few rivers in their quest to find the Northwest Passage to the Pacific Ocean. In an age without speedy communication, this was akin to space travel out of radio range in our own time: no one knew if, indeed, the party had even survived the voyage for more than a year. Most of them were soldiers. A few were French-Canadian voyageurs — hired trappers and explorers, who were fluent in French (spoken extensively in the region, due to earlier explorers from France) and in some of the Indian languages they might encounter. One of the voyageurs, a man named Pierre Cruzatte, also happened to be a better-than-average fiddle player. In many respects, the travelers were completely on their own for supplies and survival, yet, incredibly, only one of them died during the voyage. Jefferson had outfitted them with food, weapons, medicine, and clothing — and along with other trinkets, a box of 200 jaw harps to be used in trading with the Indians. Their trip was long, perilous to the point of near catastrophe, and arduous. The dream of a Northwest Passage proved ephemeral, but the northwestern quarter of the continent had finally been explored, mapped, and described to an anxious world. When the party returned to St. Louis in 1806, and with the Louisiana Purchase now part of the United States, they were greeted as national heroes.Ihave written a sizeable number of works for wind ensemble that draw their inspiration from the monumental spaces found in the American West. Four of them (Arches, The Yellowstone Fires, Glacier, and Zion) take their names, and in large part their being, from actual national parks in Utah, Wyoming, and Montana. But Upriver, although it found its voice (and its finale) in the magnificent Columbia Gorge in Oregon, is about a much larger region. This piece, like its brother works about the national parks, doesn’t try to tell a story. Instead, it captures the flavor of a certain time, and of a grand adventure. Cast in one continuous movement and lasting close to fourteen minutes, the piece falls into several subsections, each with its own heading: The Dream (in which Jefferson’s vision of a vast expanse of western land is opened); The Promise, a chorale that re-appears several times in the course of the piece and represents the seriousness of the presidential mission; The River; The Voyageurs; The River II ; Death and Disappointment; Return to the Voyage; and The River III .The music includes several quoted melodies, one of which is familiar to everyone as the ultimate “river song,†and which becomes the through-stream of the work. All of the quoted tunes were either sung by the men on the voyage, or played by Cruzatte’s fiddle. From various journals and diaries, we know the men found enjoyment and solace in music, and almost every night encampment had at least a bit of music in it. In addition to Cruzatte, there were two other members of the party who played the fiddle, and others made do with singing, or playing upon sticks, bones, the ever-present jaw harps, and boat horns. From Lewis’ journals, I found all the tunes used in Upriver: Shenandoah (still popular after more than 200 years), V’la bon vent, Soldier’s Joy, Johnny Has Gone for a Soldier, Come Ye Sinners Poor and Needy (a hymn sung to the tune “Beech Springâ€) and Fisher’s Hornpipe. The work follows an emotional journey: not necessarily step-by-step with the Voyage of Discovery heroes, but a kind of grand arch. Beginning in the mists of history and myth, traversing peaks and valleys both real and emotional (and a solemn funeral scene), finding help from native people, and recalling their zeal upon finding the one great river that will, in fact, take them to the Pacific. When the men finally roar through the Columbia Gorge in their boats (a feat that even the Indians had not attempted), the magnificent river combines its theme with the chorale of Jefferson’s Promise. The Dream is fulfilled: not quite the one Jefferson had imagined (there is no navigable water passage from the Missouri to the Pacific), but the dream of a continental destiny.
SKU: PR.16500092L
UPC: 680160039531. 11 x 17 inches.
Zion is the third and final installment of a series of works for Wind Ensemble inspired by national parks in the western United States, collectively called Three Places in the West. As in the other two works (The Yellowstone Fires and Arches), it is my intention to convey more an impression of the feelings I've had in Zion National Park in Utah than an attempt at pictorial description. Zion is a place with unrivalled natural grandeur, being a sort of huge box canyon in which the traveler is constantly overwhelmed by towering rock walls on every side of him -- but it is also a place with a human history, having been inhabited by several tribes of native Americans before the arrival of the Mormon settlers in the mid-19th century. By the time the Mormons reached Utah, they had been driven all the way from New York State through Ohio and, with tragic losses, through Missouri. They saw Utah in general as a place nobody wanted, but they were nonetheless determined to keep it to themselves. Although Zion Canyon was never a Mormon Stronghold, the people who reached it and claimed it (and gave it its present name) had been through extreme trials. It is the religious fervor of these persecuted people that I was able to draw upon in creating Zion as a piece of music. There are two quoted hymns in the work: Zion's Walls (which Aaron Copland adapted to his own purposes in both is Old American Songs and the opera The Tender Land) and Zion's Security, which I found in the same volume in which Copland found Zion's Walls -- that inexhaustible storehouse of 19th-century hymnody called The Sacred Harp. My work opens with a three-verse setting of Zion's Security, a stern tune in F-sharp minor which is full of resolve. (The words of this hymn are resolute and strong, rallying the faithful to be firm, and describing the city of our God they hope to establish). This melody alternates with a fanfare tune, whose origins will be revealed in later music, until the second half of the piece begins: a driving rhythmic ostinato based on a 3/4-4/4 alternating meter scheme. This pauses at its height to restate Zion's Security one more time, in a rather obscure setting surrounded by freely shifting patterns in the flutes, clarinets, and percussion -- until the sun warms the ground sufficiently for the second hymn to appear. Zion's Walls is set in 7/8, unlike Copland's 9/8-6/8 meters (the original is quite strange, and doesn't really fit any constant meter), and is introduced by a warm horn solo. The two hymns vie for attention from here to the end of the piece, with the glowingly optimistic Zion's Walls finally achieving prominence. The work ends with a sense of triumph and unbreakable spirit. Zion was commissioned in 1994 by the wind ensembles of the University of Texas at Arlington, the University of Texas at Austin, and the University of Oklahoma. It is dedicated to the memory of Aaron Copland.
SKU: BT.DHP-1125262-140
Beat It, is one of Michael Jackson’s most popular songs, awarded two Grammys for its commercial success. Seen by many as a rock song, Beat It was ranked by Rolling Stone magazine as one of the “100 Greatest Guitar Songs Of All Time.†Since its release, the song has been covered and famously reinterpreted by artists such as Fall Out Boy, Fergie and most recently Masamicz Amano, who has made this wonderful arrangement for concert band! Beat It komt van Michael Jacksons succesvolste album Thriller. Het nummer werd ook als single uitgebracht. Bovendien werd de hit onderscheiden met twee Grammy Awards en twee American Music Awards. Het voor Jackson toch welongewoon rockachtige werk is vaak gecoverd en opnieuw uitgevoerd. Ook Masamicz Amano waagde zich eraan en schreef een spetterende bewerking voor blaasorkest!Beat It, eine Single-Auskopplung aus Michael Jacksons erfolgreichstem Album Thriller, wurde mit zwei Grammys und zwei American Music Awards ausgezeichnet. Der für Jackson ungewöhnlich rockige Titel wurde seither mehr-fach gecovert und neu interpretiert - zuletzt von Masamicz Amano, der eine fetzige Bearbeitung für Blasorchester daraus schuf! Beat It, 3e single de l’album Thirller a remporté de nombreuses récompenses dont deux Grammy Awards et deux American Music Awards. Beat It a toujours été l’une des chansons phares de Michael Jackson et figurait dans toutes ses tournées. Faire ressortir le coté rock de la version originale dans son arrangement pour orchestre d’harmonie fut pour Masamicz Amano l’une des principales priorités. Une version particulièrement réussie qui remportera un franc succès !Beat I, un altro single di successo dall’album Thriller, è stato insignito con due Grammy e due American Music Awards. Questo titolo rock di Michael Jackson è stato nel frattempo rivisitato da numerosi artisti, non da ultimo Masamicz Amano con la sua versione per banda!
SKU: BT.DHP-1125262-010
SKU: AP.41335
ISBN 9780739097786. UPC: 038081462288. English.
Over the course of ten years, legendary young-band composers John O'Reilly and Mark Williams composed and arranged over 100 creative works that correlate with specific pages in their highly successful band method, Accent on Achievement. Alfred Music is now proud to make these arrangements available in a book format that includes 22 full arrangements in each collection. The Light Concert Collection includes creative arrangements of folk, rock, jazz, and Latin-American music. Titles: Rockin' la Bamba * Sailors Holiday * River Trilogy * No Drummer Left Behind * African Marching Song * Stand Up and Swing * and 16 others.
SKU: PR.46500013L
UPC: 680160600151. 11 x 14 inches.
I n 1803, President Thomas Jefferson sent Meriwether Lewis and William Clarks Corps of Discovery to find a water route to the Pacific and explore the uncharted West. He believed woolly mammoths, erupting volcanoes, and mountains of pure salt awaited them. What they found was no less mind-boggling: some 300 species unknown to science, nearly 50 Indian tribes, and the Rockies. I have been a student of the Lewis and Clark expedition, which Thomas Jefferson called the Voyage of Discovery, for as long as I can remember. This astonishing journey, lasting more than two-and-a-half years, began and ended in St. Louis, Missouri and took the travelers up more than a few rivers in their quest to find the Northwest Passage to the Pacific Ocean. In an age without speedy communication, this was akin to space travel out of radio range in our own time: no one knew if, indeed, the party had even survived the voyage for more than a year. Most of them were soldiers. A few were French-Canadian voyageurs hired trappers and explorers, who were fluent in French (spoken extensively in the region, due to earlier explorers from France) and in some of the Indian languages they might encounter. One of the voyageurs, a man named Pierre Cruzatte, also happened to be a better-than-average fiddle player. In many respects, the travelers were completely on their own for supplies and survival, yet, incredibly, only one of them died during the voyage. Jefferson had outfitted them with food, weapons, medicine, and clothing and along with other trinkets, a box of 200 jaw harps to be used in trading with the Indians. Their trip was long, perilous to the point of near catastrophe, and arduous. The dream of a Northwest Passage proved ephemeral, but the northwestern quarter of the continent had finally been explored, mapped, and described to an anxious world. When the party returned to St. Louis in 1806, and with the Louisiana Purchase now part of the United States, they were greeted as national heroes. I have written a sizeable number of works for wind ensemble that draw their inspiration from the monumental spaces found in the American West. Four of them (Arches, The Yellowstone Fires, Glacier, and Zion) take their names, and in large part their being, from actual national parks in Utah, Wyoming, and Montana. But Upriver, although it found its voice (and its finale) in the magnificent Columbia Gorge in Oregon, is about a much larger region. This piece, like its brother works about the national parks, doesnt try to tell a story. Instead, it captures the flavor of a certain time, and of a grand adventure. Cast in one continuous movement and lasting close to fourteen minutes, the piece falls into several subsections, each with its own heading: The Dream (in which Jeffersons vision of a vast expanse of western land is opened); The Promise, a chorale that re-appears several times in the course of the piece and represents the seriousness of the presidential mission; The River; The Voyageurs; The River II ; Death and Disappointment; Return to the Voyage; and The River III . The music includes several quoted melodies, one of which is familiar to everyone as the ultimate river song, and which becomes the through-stream of the work. All of the quoted tunes were either sung by the men on the voyage, or played by Cruzattes fiddle. From various journals and diaries, we know the men found enjoyment and solace in music, and almost every night encampment had at least a bit of music in it. In addition to Cruzatte, there were two other members of the party who played the fiddle, and others made do with singing, or playing upon sticks, bones, the ever-present jaw harps, and boat horns. From Lewis journals, I found all the tunes used in Upriver: Shenandoah (still popular after more than 200 years), Vla bon vent, Soldiers Joy, Johnny Has Gone for a Soldier, Come Ye Sinners Poor and Needy (a hymn sung to the tune Beech Spring) and Fishers Hornpipe. The work follows an emotional journey: not necessarily step-by-step with the Voyage of Discovery heroes, but a kind of grand arch. Beginning in the mists of history and myth, traversing peaks and valleys both real and emotional (and a solemn funeral scene), finding help from native people, and recalling their zeal upon finding the one great river that will, in fact, take them to the Pacific. When the men finally roar through the Columbia Gorge in their boats (a feat that even the Indians had not attempted), the magnificent river combines its theme with the chorale of Jeffersons Promise. The Dream is fulfilled: not quite the one Jefferson had imagined (there is no navigable water passage from the Missouri to the Pacific), but the dream of a continental destiny.
SKU: BT.DHP-1135409-140
Which are your favourite hits from the 1980s? There are certainly many answers to this question - but many responses are likely to contain these songs: Kool and the Gang’s disco classic Celebration, Come On Eileen by Dexy’s Midnight Runners, Whitney Houston’s I Wanna Dance With Somebody and Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler. These four numbers have been arranged by Peter Kleine Schaars as a fantastic ’80s retro medley for concert band.Wat zijn uw lievelingshits van de jaren tachtig? Daarop kunt u natuurlijk met vele mogelijkheden antwoorden. Maar de kans is groot dat u sowieso een van onderstaande hits noemt! In The Ultimate 80’s Party Hits verwerkte Peter Kleine Schaars de volgende ‘toffe’ nummers: Celebration van Cool and the Gang, Come on Eileen van de Dexys Midnight Runners, I Wanna Dance with Somebody van Whitney Houston en Total Eclipse of the Heart van Bonnie Tyler.Was sind ihre Lieblings-Hits aus den 80er-Jahren? Die Antwort auf diese Frage fällt sicherlich vielfältig aus - ebenso sicher werden aber diese vier Lieder sehr häufig dabei sein: der Disco-Hit Celebration von Kool and the Gang, Come on Eileen von den Dexys Midnight Runners, I Wanna Dance with Somebody von Whitney Houston und Total Eclipse of the Heart von Bonnie Tyler. Diese vier Titel wurden von Peter Kleine Schaars zu einem wunderbaren 80’s-Revival-Medley für Blasorchester zusammengefügt.Quels sont les tubes des années 80 qui vous ont le plus marqués ? De multiples réponses s’offrent cette question, cependant quatre chansons se classent en tête du palmarès : Celebration de Kool and the Gang, Come on Eileen de Dexy Midnight Runners, I Wanna Dance With Somebody de Whitney Houston et Total Eclipse of the Heart de Bonnie Tyler. Ces quatre titres ont été réunis par Peter Kleine Schaars dans un inoubliable medley aux accents des années 80.Quali sono le vostre canzoni preferite degli anni ’80? A questa domanda, le risposte sono sicuramente le più svariate; ci sono però delle canzoni che si posizionano ai primi posti per tutti. Si tratta di veri e propri successi intramontabili, gemme del repertorio, come Celebration di Kool and The Gang, Come on Eileen dei Dexys Midnight Runners, I Wanna Dance With Somebody di Whitney Houston e Total Eclipse of the Heart di Bonnie Tyler, tutti raccolti in questo splendido revival firmato Peter Kleine Schaars.
SKU: AP.41333
ISBN 9780739097762. UPC: 038081462264. English.
SKU: BT.DHP-1135409-010
ISBN 9781491143544. UPC: 680160901043. Key: G minor.
Nordanvind is a tour de force symphonic rhapsody that is built on three Scandinavian folk songs. Composer Carl Strommen has composed these Viking-influenced melodies into a concert setting that brings out all of the history of the Scandinavian people. The piece is at times bold and aggressive, at other times beautiful. Carl employs all of the instrumental colors of the concert band to create a new work for more advanced ensembles.Modern Scandinavians are descendants of the Vikings, an adventuresome people who were known for their love of the sea, their naval prowess, and as fierce fighters . The Scandinavian Vikings were warriors from Denmark, Norway, and Sweden who traded, raided and settled in various parts of Europe, Russia, the North Atlantic islands, and the northeastern coast of North America .Starting around 1850, over one million Swedes left their homeland for the United States in search of religious freedom and open farm land . Augustana College was founded in 1860 by graduates of Swedish universities and is located on the Mississippi River in Rock Island, Illinois . Home of the “Vikings,†Augustana College is the oldest Swedish- American institution of higher learning in the United States . This powerful and lively piece takes inspiration from Swedish history and from Swedish folk songs and hymns .Havsdrake (Dragon of the Sea)The Nordanvind or “North Wind†blows a cold wind during a journey of a group of courageous Viking rowers . The “Dragon-ship†or long ships designed for raiding and war was a sophisticated, fast ship able to navigate in very shallow water . To musically portray these magnificent seafaring vessels, the director is encouraged to use an Ocean Drum (or a rain stick) during the introduction . Wind players may consider blowing air through their instruments to suggest the North wind . Adding men’s voices to accompany the haunting low brass and percussive “rower†sounds can be helpful in creating the dark and ominous portrayal of Viking adventurers .Slangpolska efter Byss - KalleIn Sweden, a “polska†is a partner dance where the dancers spin each other (släng in Swedish “to sling or tossâ€) . Slangpolska efter Byss - Kalle is attributed to Byss-Kalle, who was a notable Swedish folk musician, specifically a nyckelharpa player . Slangpolska efter Byss - Kalle is a traditional “polska†dance song most often played on the Nyckelharpa or keyed fiddle and is commonly heard in pubs and at festive events throughout Sweden . Approximately 10,000 nyckelharpa players live in Sweden today, and the Swedish and the American Nyckelharpa Associations are dedicated to this Swedish National instrument . The director is encouraged to share video and audio examples of the nyckelharpa playing the original Slangpolska efter Byss - Kalle .Tryggare Kan Ingen Vara (Children of the Heavenly Father)Tryggare Kan Ingen Vara Is a traditional Swedish melody, possibly of German roots, and was believed to be arranged as a hymn by the Swedish hymn writer, Karolina Wilhelmina Sandell-Berg (1832–1903) . As a daughter of a Swedish Lutheran minister, she began writing poems as a teenager and is said to have written over 1,700 different texts . There are two different accounts as to the inspiration for this hymn . The first story is that Lina (as she was called) wrote the hymn to honor her father and to say thank you to him for raising her and protecting her . A second belief is of her witnessing the tragic death of her father . She and her father were on a boat, when a wave threw her father overboard . It was said that the profound effect of watching her father drown is what caused Lina to write the text to this hymn . Although this is a treasured song to people of Swedish descent everywhere, it speaks to all people about a father tending and nourishing his children, and protecting them from evil .SPS71FThe Augustana College Concert BandFounded in 1874, the Augustana Band program is one of the oldest continuously active collegiate band programs in the country . The Concert Band is one of two bands on campus and was formed more than thirty years ago . The Concert Band attracts students of every skill level and from a wide variety of majors . Students in the ensemble play a large part in choosing their music for performance, which include works from the standard repertoire, orchestral transcriptions, and the latest compositions from leading composers .Rick Jaeschke began his musical career as a clarinet player in the 1st US Army Band . He received a Bachelor of Music degree from Susquehanna University, a Masters of Music from James Madison University, and a doctorate from Columbia University in New York . He was also fortunate to study conducting with Donald Hunsburger and with Frederick Fennell .Dr . Jaeschke taught band and choir at Great Mills High School in Southern Maryland, and for fifteen years, he was the district Music Supervisor in Armonk, New York, where he taught high school concert and jazz bands, beginning band, and music technology . During that time, the music program flourished, and the high school band consistently received Gold Medals in the New York State Festivals, as well as in national, and international festivals . As a clarinet and saxophone player, Dr . Jaeschke performed in the New York metropolitan area with the Rockland Symphony Orchestra, the Putnam Symphony Orchestra, Fine Arts Symphony Orchestra, and served as the concert master for the Hudson Valley Wind Symphony .For several years, Dr . Jaeschke served as the Fine Arts Coordinator for the District 204 schools in Naperville, IL, a district selected as One of the Best 100 Schools in America for Music . Currently, Dr . Jaeschke is an Associate Professor at Augustana College where he teaches music and music education courses, and directs the Concert Band . He has served on various educational boards, is a National edTPA scorer, and has presented at state, national and international music conferences . He lives with his family in Bettendorf Iowa, and enjoys any opportunity to explore the open water in his sea kayak .
SKU: HL.4005186
UPC: 888680698096. 9.0x12.0x0.036 inches.
The powerful music of rock band Queen remains as relevant and recognizable as ever. This exciting medley for flexible instrumentation includes the timeless hits We Will Rock You, Another One Bites the Dust, and We Are the Champions.