SKU: BT.DHP-1084452-010
9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
The melody of Fascination was composed in 1905 by Dante Pilade“Fermo“ Marchetti. In the 1930s it was successfully performed inFrench and English and in 1957 it again became famous when itwas used in the soundtrack of the American movie Love in theAfternoon. This piece has been loved by many generations andToshio Mashima’s arrangement will without doubt bring joy to allmembers of your audience! De melodie van Fascination werd al in 1905 gecomponeerd door Fermo Dante Marchetti. In de jaren dertig werd er zowel een Franse als een Engelse tekst op gezongen. In 1957 werd het lied opnieuw bekend doordat het werd gebruiktvoor de Amerikaanse film Love in the Afternoon, met onder anderen Audrey Hepburn en Gary Cooper. Daarna bleef ¬Fascination opeenvolgende generaties fascineren. Toshimo Mashima’s bewerking is daarvan een fraai bewjs.Die Melodie von Fascination wurde schon 1905 vom U-Musik-Komponist Dante Pilade Fermo“ Marchetti komponiert. In den 30-Jahren wurde sie erfolgreich auf Französisch und Englisch gesungen und erreichte 1957 erneut großen Ruhm durch den amerikanischen Film Love in the Afternoon und mehrere darauf folgende Aufnahmen. Fascination, das tatsächlich schon mehrere Generationen fasziniert hat, wird auch in Toshio Mashimas Blasorchesterbearbeitung überzeugen!En 1904, Dante Fermo Marchetti (1876-1940) compose son plus grand succès, la valse lente Fascination (sous-titrée « valse tzigane »). Dans les années 30, Maurice de Féraudy écrira un texte français pour accompagner la musique. C’est néanmoins dans sa version anglaise que la chanson connaîtra un immense succès en 1957, après avoir été intégrée dans la bande originale de la comédie romantique Ariane (Love in the Afternoon) avec Audrey Hepburn et Gary Cooper. Fascination a fasciné des générations d’auditeurs. L’arrangement de Toshio Mashima est aussi délicieusement charmant que la version originale.
SKU: BT.DHP-1084452-140
SKU: HL.4008541
ISBN 9798350110333. UPC: 196288179108.
“Fascination Fanfareâ€Â—– a hymn to passion, to fascination and to generations of music lovers! This dynamic fanfare is a rousing work full of catchy melodies and enthralling sounds. This opening work and the musical signature tune it contains were commissioned by the Austrian Brass Band Association (ÖBV) and will be heard, among other things, at public events as a musical calling card.
SKU: HL.4008544
UPC: 196288179139.
SKU: HL.4008538
UPC: 196288179061.
“Fascination Fanfare†– a hymn to passion, to fascination and to generations of music lovers! This dynamic fanfare is a rousing work full of catchy melodies and enthralling sounds. This opening work and the musical signature tune it contains were commissioned by the Austrian Brass Band Association (ÖBV) and will be heard, among other things, at public events as a musical calling card.
SKU: BT.AMP-028-140
The piece reflects the composer's fascination with the origins of the universe and deep space in general. The title comes from a theory, formulated by Pythagoras, that the cosmos was ruled by the same laws he had discovered that govern the ratios of note frequencies of the musical scale. (‘Harmonia’ in Ancient Greek, which means scale or tuning rather than harmony - Greek music was monophonic). He also believed that these ratios corresponded to the distances of the six known planets from the sun and that the planets each produced a musical note which combined to weave a continuous heavenly melody (which, unfortunately, we humans cannot hear). In this work, these six notesform the basis of the sections MUSIC OF THE SPHERES and HARMONIA. The pieces opens with a horn solo called t = 0, a name given by some scientists to the moment of the Big Bang when time and space were created, and this is followed by a depiction of the BIG BANG itself, as the entire universe bursts out from a single point. A slower section follows called THE LONELY PLANET which is a meditation on the incredible and unlikely set of circumstances which led to the creation of the Earth as a planet that can support life, and the constant search for other civilisations elsewhere in the universe. ASTEROIDS AND SHOOTING STARS depicts both the benign and dangerous objects that are flying through space and which constantly threaten our planet, and the piece ends with THE UNKNOWN, leaving in question whether our continually expanding exploration of the universe will eventually lead to enlightenment or destruction. Dit werk weerspiegelt de fascinatie van de componist voor het heelal. Het begint met een hoornsolo met de naam t = 0, waarmee sommige wetenschappers de oerknal aanduiden. Dan volgt een weergave van de oerknal zelf. Het volgendegedeelte, The Lonely Planet, is een meditatie over het ongelooflijke samenspel van omstandigheden dat leidde tot het ontstaan van de Aarde. Asteroids and Shooting Stars beschrijft objecten in de ruimte. Het werkeindigt met The Unknown, waarmee we in het ongewisse blijven over de gevolgen van onze verdere verkenning van het universum. In 2005 won Philip Sparke met Music of the Spheres de National Band Association/William D.Revelli Memorial Band Composition Contest.Dieses Werk handelt vom Weltall und unserem Platz im Universum, auf dem Weltbild von Pythagoras basierend. Am einfachsten lässt sich diese außergewöhnliche Komposition wohl als Filmmusik ähnliches Stück beschreiben ? Musik zu einem Science-Fiction-Film eines Ripley Scott oder Steven Spielberg oder auch Musik, wie sie ein John Williams oder Danny Elfman schreiben würde: absolut stimmungsvoll, brillant instrumentiert mit Klangfarben, Strukturen, Effekten und Timbres, gemischt mit fließenden musikalischen Linien, die die Substanz des Themas auf den Punkt treffen. Dieses atemberaubende neue Stück hebt Ihr Blasorchester auf ein höheres Niveau, sowohl im technischen als auchmusikalischen Sinn. La fresque Music of the Spheres (“La musique des sphèresâ€) souligne la fascination qu’éprouve le compositeur pour les origines de l’univers. L’orchestration est proche de la musique de film. Le climat musical est ample, sonore et contrasté. Music of the Spheres evidenza il fascino che le origini dell’universo esercitano su Philip Sparke. Il titolo proviene da una teoria del matematico greco Pitagora, secondo la quale il cosmo è retto dalle stesse leggi che governano i rapporti di frequenza tra le note della scala musicale. Questa composizione inizia con un assolo di corno chiamato t = 0, nozione che definisce il momento del big-bang. The Lonely Planet (Il pianeta solitario) è una meditazione sulle circostanze che hanno portato alla creazione della terra. Asteroids and Shooting Stars (Asteroidi e Stelle cadenti) descrive i molteplici oggetti che si muovono nello spazio e che rappresentano unrischio per il nostro pianeta. Le battute finali portano verso l’ignoto (The Unknown) sollevando una domanda la cui risposta resta in sospeso: la nostra continua avanzata nell’esplorazione dell’Universo porter un giorno alla scoperta o alla distruzione?
SKU: FJ.B1365S
Take an imaginary flight on the ever-graceful winged-horse Pegasus! Using just six notes, this work manages to capture the grandeur of this mythical creature through the triumphant melodies that are passed around the ensemble. Harmonies are surprisingly rich for a work at this level and make the piece sound much harder than it really is. Fabulous!In Greek mythology, Pegasus was the winged horse-god son of Poseidon and the Gorgon Medusa. During his life, he carried thunderbolts for the god Zeus and was ridden by Eos, the goddess of dawn. Today, the word pegasus has come to refer to any winged horse, and the symbol endures as one of endless fascination. The music is quite lively in nature, and portrays an imaginary flight of the ever-graceful equine of myth. The introduction takes us up-up-and-away in the form of a bright trumpet fanfare. The melody is then played by lower instruments, depicting peril during flight. The full ensemble then comes together, giving a picture of the winged wonder in all his glory leading to a thrilling finish.
UPC: 084027053188.
Shiver Me Timbers takes the ensemble to the high seas under the Jolly Roger. Inspired by the composerâ??s life-long fascination with pirate tales and the seafaring lives of pirates, this exciting piece in ¾ time takes you on a rollicking adventure. Yaaarrrgh!!! Correlates with Tradition of Excellence Book 1, page 33.
About Tradition of Excellence: Excellence in Performance
Excellence in performance is a concert band repertoire series correlated with the Tradition of Excellence Comprehensive Band Method by Bruce Pearson and Ryan Nowlin. The compositions in the series correlate to a specific page in Tradition of Excellence Books 1, 2, or 3 and reinforce and expand on skills and concepts introduced in the method./Selections include exciting parts for every player, grade-appropriate cross-cueing, accessible ranges and rhythms, creative percussion writing, electric bass and rehearsal piano parts, and full conductor scores with rehearsal suggestions, program notes and composer biographies. In addition, the Grade 1 works provide an Advanced Snare Drum part for percussionists who have achieved a higher level of ability, playable simultaneously with the more basic Snare Drum part to facilitate differentiated learning.
UPC: 084027053195.
SKU: HL.44011311
UPC: 884088891466. 9x12 inches. English(US)/Deutsch/Francais/Nederlands.
The dragon is a mystical monster that plays a prominent role in legends from around the world and it still maintains its timeless hold on humanity. From a destructive force in the west to a messenger sent from the gods in the east, dragons have always been a force of nature. We now invite you to step into the dark and mysterious universe of the Red Dragon, guardian of untold treasures! De draak. Als mythisch monster komt hij overal ter wereld voor in talrijke verhalen en legenden. Door de eeuwen heen heeft dit monster de mensen altijd gefascineerd. Als verscheurend ondier in de westerse wereld maar ook als boodschappervan de goden in het Oosten symboliseert hij de macht over de elementen. Treed binnen in het duistere, geheimzinnige universum van de rode draak en maak kennis met de bewaker van de legendarische schat...Der Drache ist das mythische Monster zahlreicher Legenden aus praktisch der ganzen Welt und übt eine zeitlose Faszination aus. Als zerstorerisches Untier im Abendland oder als Botschafter der Gotter im Orient symbolisiert er die Macht über die Elemente der Natur. Treten Sie ein in das düstere, geheimnisvolle Universum des roten Drachen, den Wachter eines sagenhaften Schatzes! Monstre fabuleux, le dragon est present dans les legendes de la quasi-totalite des cultures et demeure l'objet d'une fascination intemporelle. Animal malefique et destructeur pour les Occidentaux ; messager des dieux pour les Orientaux, il est le maitre des elements et symbolise la puissance des forces de la nature. Entrez dans l'univers sombre et mysterieux du Dragon rouge. Mostro fiabesco, il drago e presente nelle leggende di quasi tutte le culture ed e l'oggetto di un fascino senza tempo. Animale malefi co e distruttore per gli occidentali, messaggero degli Dei per gli orientali, il drago e il maestro degli elementi che simbolizzano la forza della natura. Entrate nell'universo cupo e misterioso del Drago rosso, guardiano di un favoloso tesoro.
SKU: HL.44010544
UPC: 884088481544. 9.75x13.5x1.092 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
Wer gerat nicht ins Traumen beim Blick hinauf in den Himmel, beim Anblick der glitzernden Weiten? Aerospace ist das Praludium zu einer geplanten grossen Symphony of Space für Symphonisches Blasorchester und einer Reihe von Choren. Die Musik refl ektiert die Zeitspanne von vor der Entstehung der Erde bis zur Erforschung des Weltalls. Auf der parallel zur Auff ührung abspielbaren CD hort man die originale Aufnahme von Neil Armstrong, als er zum ersten Mal den Mond betrat.Aerospace est une commande du Groupement Regional des Federations Musicales de Midi-Pyrenees. Elle fut donnee en creation par l'Orchestre d'Harmonie Regional de Midi-Pyrenees durant l'ete 2005. L'espace, les planetes, les etoiles et les constellations ont inspire de nombreux artistes depuis des siecles. Comment ne pas rever face au spectacle unique de cette immensite etincelante qui restera une eternelle conquete pour l'homme ? / << J'ai toujours eprouve une fascination pour l'Univers, une passion soudee dans mes racines ancrees a Toulouse, berceau des plus grandes industries europeennes de l'aerospatiale. Aerospace est une œuvre orchestrale quis'inscrit dans un vaste projet auquel j'ai voue une affection toute particuliere : la creation d'une grande Symphonie de l'Espace (Symphony of Space) pour Grand Orchestre d'Harmonie et Chœurs. Elle est la premiere pierre de l'edifice, le prelude qui contient la thematique sur laquelle est basee le developpement de la symphonie. La musique porte en elle de nombreuses impressions et images ; la creation du Monde, la Lune se devoile petit a petit, on entend la phrase historique* de Neil Armstrong, et nous cherchons a percer les mysteres de l'immensite de l'Univers... >> Maxime Aulio / * sur CD inclus.
ISBN 9780825867996. UPC: 798408067991. 9 X 12 inches. Key: Eb - f major - eb.
Niagara Falls has held the fascination of human beings from the time the very first Native American heard the low thunder of the falls and followed the sound to the mighty cascade. Niagara captures three important elements of the history and legends surrounding the Falls, and takes the listener on a journey through time. It consists of three sections, with an ancient Iroquois melody serving as their musical foundation.
ISBN 9790231007633.
SKU: AP.81-CB224479
ISBN 9781778930454. UPC: 685462030460. English.
Lindsay E. Stetner's Lighting the Dark was inspired by the work of Nikola Tesla. This piece was inspired by a documentary called Mysteries of the Abandoned, which featured the now abandoned laboratory. The most striking feature of the property is the nearly 200-foot tall Wardenclyffe Tower. His work with electricity and the Tesla coil has become an area of fascination in our quest for cleaner energy and electric cars. (3:50).
ISBN 9780825868009. UPC: 798408068004. 9 X 12 inches. Key: Eb - f major - eb.
SKU: BT.DHP-0991616-170
The Four Seasons is een muzikale weergave van de seizoenen. Het ontluikende nieuwe leven staat centraal in Springtime. Het temperamentvolle Summer Joy heeft een Zuid-Amerikaans tintje en neemt de luisteraar meenaar witte stranden en een blauwe zee. Autumn Colors heeft iets melancholisch: al mijmerend blikt de componist terug op de vakantie. Winter Fascination weerspiegelt talloze dansende sneeuwvlokken, uitgelaten sneeuwpreten een ritje met de slee.Eine sehr anschauliche musikalische Darstellung von Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Winter in einem fünfstimmig variablen Satz von Johan Nijs. Die vier Teile sind im Schwierigkeitsgrad zwei gehalten, also ideal für Anfängeroder Jugendorchester. Après un long sommeil hivernal, le printemps annonce la renaissance de la nature. Parfumée des essences de la flore, la saison du renouveau développe sa lente et douce progression vers l’épanouissement estival avant de sombrer dans la douce mélancolie automnale. Avec The Four Seasons, Johan Nijs nous livre un tableau bucolique de la nature au fil des saisons.
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