ISBN 9781491153178. UPC: 680160910670.
An impressive composition based on two popular hymns, Amazing Grace and My Shepherd Will Supply My Need. Lush harmonies, flowing lines and ultimately the combining of both hymns shows the compositional craft of the composer. A perfect piece to stretch the musicianship of your ensemble. Consider this selection as a middle piece in your next contest/festival performance.
ISBN 9781491152492. UPC: 680160909995.
SKU: BT.DHP-0830003-015
SKU: BT.DHP-0900150-216
SKU: BT.DHP-0900150-714
SKU: BT.DHP-0900150-710
SKU: BT.DHP-0900150-705
SKU: BT.DHP-0900150-703
SKU: BT.DHP-0900150-706
SKU: HL.4007470
UPC: 196288050704.
This composition is based on the hymn Aberystwyth, named after a seaside town on the west coast of Wales. It is Jacob de Haan's favorite hymn from the 120 Hymns for Brass Band. The work consists of three continuous movements in which the theme of Aberystwyth comes forward in a variety of attractive ways, so that it forms a variegated whole which is captivating to players and listeners alike.
SKU: BT.DHP-0830003-216
SKU: BT.DHP-0981154-015
The words and lyrics of the Christmas Carol From Highest Heaven I Come To Tell were written by the great Martin Luther (1483-1546) and can be found in The Hymns of Martin Luther. Martin Luther expressed radical views which began the reformation movement. His followers protested at the treatment given to Martin Luther, the event from which the term 'Protestant' was derived. It was first published in Joseph Klug's Gesangsbuch in around 1535. Add a majestic Baroque feel to any concert with this simple yet effective arrangement.Diese Bearbeitung des berühmten Liedes Vom Himmel hoch, da komm' ich her von Martin Luther stammt aus der gewandten Feder von Jan de Haan. In vier Teilen verarbeitete er die festliche Melodie und machte sie für variable Besetzung spielbar.
SKU: HL.48023758
UPC: 888680607999. 10.5x14.0x0.113 inches.
All-Night Vigil (Vespers) is a setting of music for a night-long service on the eves of Russian Orthodox holy days, and became one of Rachmaninoff's favorite compositions. Basing the 15 movements of his choral setting on a combination of traditional Russian Orthodox chants, Latin hymns, and original chants by the composer, the work was completed in less than two weeks in 1915. This arrangement utilizes the 1st, 2nd, 7th, 10th, and 12th movements, along with the traditional Amens at the beginning of Movements 1 and 2. Unlike other settings of choral works for wind ensemble, this arrangement is constructed as a complete suite that is intended to allow the performers and audience to experience the power and beauty of the complete Vespers. Dur: c. 16:00 (Recorded by the Florida State University Wind Orchestra - Rick Clary, conductor).
SKU: HL.44007224
UPC: 884088243548.
The words and lyrics of the Christmas Carol From Highest Heaven I Come To Tell were written by the great Martin Luther (1483-1546) and can be found in The Hymns of Martin Luther. Martin Luther expressed radical views which began the reformation movement. His followers protested at the treatment given to Martin Luther, the event from which the term 'Protestant' was derived. It was first published in Joseph Klug's Gesangsbuch in around 1535. Add a majestic Baroque feel to any concert with this simple yet effective arrangement.The words and lyrics of the Christmas Carol From Highest Heaven I Come To Tell were written by the great Martin Luther (1483-1546) and can be found in The Hymns of Martin Luther. Martin Luther expressed radical viewswhich began the reformation movement. His followers protested at the treatment given to Martin Luther, the event from which the term 'Protestant' was derived. It was first published in Joseph Klug's Gesangsbuch in around 1535.Add a majestic Baroque feel to any concert with this simple yet effective arrangement.Diese Bearbeitung des beruhmten Liedes Vom Himmel hoch, da komm' ich her von Martin Luther stammt aus der gewandten Feder von Jan de Haan. In vier Teilen verarbeitete er die festliche Melodie und machte sie fur variable Besetzung spielbar. The words and lyrics of the Christmas Carol From Highest Heaven I Come To Tell were written by the great Martin Luther (1483-1546) and can be found in The Hymns of Martin Luther. Martin Luther expressed radical views which began the reformation movement. His followers protested at the treatment given to Martin Luther, the event from which the term 'Protestant' was derived. It was first published in Joseph Klug's Gesangsbuch in around 1535. Add a majestic Baroque feel to any concert with this simple yet effective arrangement.The words and lyrics of the Christmas Carol From Highest Heaven I Come To Tell were written by the great Martin Luther (1483-1546) and can be found in The Hymns of Martin Luther. Martin Luther expressed radical views which began the reformation movement. His followers protested at the treatment given to Martin Luther, the event from which the term 'Protestant' was derived. It was first published in Joseph Klug's Gesangsbuch in around 1535. Add a majestic Baroque feel to any concert with this simple yet effective arrangement.
SKU: BT.DHP-1125208-140
9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
The title of this piece gives a clue as to how it came about: Jan de Haan took the setting of psalm 149 from the Geneva Psalter of 1562 and created from this simple, beautiful melody a glorious, lively opening work for concert band. So it was that from a psalm and an intrada (prelude) a Psaltrada was born - for you to begin your next concert in splendid fashion. De titel van dit werk geeft een hint over het ontstaan ervan: Jan de Haan gebruikte de zetting van psalm 149 uit het Geneefse psalter (1562). Vanuit deze eenvoudige, mooie melodie creëerde hij een glorieus, levendig openingswerk voor harmonieorkest. Zo werd op basis van een psalm en een intrada (openings muziek) een psaltrada geschapen. Met Psaltrada begint u elk concert op luister rijke wijze! Der Titel dieses Werkes verrät, wie es entstanden ist: Jan de Haan nahm die Vertonung von Psalm 149 aus dem Genfer Psalter von 1562 und schuf aus dieser schlichten, schönen Melodie ein prachtvolles, lebendiges Eröffnungswerk für Blasorchester. So wurde aus einem Psalm und einer Intrada also eine Psaltrada“, mit der Sie Ihr nächstes Konzert glanzvoll beginnen können! Au cours des siècles derniers, de nombreux compositeurs ont été tentés de mettre en musique les 150 psaumes, habituellement destinés être chantés pendant les offices religieux. Psaltrada doit son nom la contraction de deux mots choisis par l’auteur, «Psaume» et «Intrada». Ecrite partir du 149e psaume, cette oeuvre conserve toute la solennité de la mélodie du psaume original, laquelle s’ajoute un motif charmant faisant de Psaltrada une agréable pièce d’ouverture de concert.Il titolo di questo brano ci svela come è stato composto: Jan de Haan ha ripreso la struttura del salmo 149 dal Geneva Psalter del 1562, creando da questa semplice e splendida melodia un glorioso e vivace brano di apertura. Quindi, da un salmo e un preludio (intrada) nasce una Psaltrada, ideale per iniziare il vostro concerto.
SKU: BT.DHP-1125208-010
SKU: BT.DHP-0930481-215
SKU: BT.DHP-0900174-215
SKU: BT.DHP-0910326-215
SKU: BT.DHP-0840020-015
The Latin word Introitus means ‘entry’. Originally, this was a psalm sung to accompany the entrance of a bishop, priest or celebrant into the church. Later it was incorporated into the mass with alternating sung and spoken text, reflecting the mood of the liturgy. Jacob de Haan’s Introitus, in which he has arranged the hymns Puer natus est nobis and Lobt Gott, Ihr Christen alle gleich, is a wonderful introduction to the Christmas season and can be performed with any instrumental combination with mixed choir and organ ad libitum.Het Latijnse woord ‘Introitus’ betekent binnentreden. Oorspronkelijk was de Introitus een gezongen psalm, die het binnentreden van een bisschop of priester in de kerk begeleidde. Later werd de Introitus een onderdeel van de mis, metafwisselend gezongen of gesproken tekst, passend bij de liturgie. Jacob de haan verwerkte in zijn Introitus de liederen Puer natus est nobis en Lobt Gott, Ihr Christen alle gleich. Introitus is uw ideale voorbereidingop het kerstfeest en kan in elke instrumentencombinatie met gemengd koor en orgel ad libitum worden uitgevoerd.Das lateinische Wort Introitus bedeutet Einzug. Ursprünglich war der Introitus ein gesungener Psalm, der den Einzug eines Bischofs, Priesters oder Zelebranten in die Kirche begleitete. Später wurde der Introitus Teil der Messe mit wechselndem gesungenen oder gesprochenen Text, der auf den Inhalt der Liturgie einstimmen sollte. Jacob de Haans Introitus, in dem er die Lieder Puer natus est nobis und Lobt Gott, Ihr Christen alle gleich verarbeitete, ist eine wunderbare Einstimmung auf das Fest und kann in jeder Instrumentenkombination mit gemischtem Chor und Orgel ad libitum aufgeführt werden.Le mot latin Introitus signifie introduction. A l‘origine, il s’agissait d’un psaume chanté, marquant l’entrée dans l’église d‘un évêque, d’un prêtre ou du célébrant. Plus tard, l‘introitus, chanté ou parlé, s’est adapté en fonction du contenu liturgique (Temps de Noël ou de l’Avent, Messe de P ques...). Jacob de Haan s’est inspiré de Puer natus est nobis et de Lobt Gott, Ihr Christen alle gleich pour son Introitus de Temps de Noël. Une merveilleuse introduction la fête de Noël, qui pourra être interprétée par toutes les formations instrumentales, avec choeur mixte (texte en néerlandais) et orgue ad lib.La parola latina introitus significa introduzione. Originariamente si trattava di un salmo cantato che coincideva con l’ingresso in chiesa di un vescovo o di un prete. In seguito, cantato o parlato, si è adattato al contenuto liturgico (Avvento o Natale, Messa di Pasqua, ecc.). Per il suo Introitus di Natale, Jacob de Haan si è ispirato a Puer natus est nobis e Lobt Gott, Ihr Christen alle gleich. Una meravigliosa introduzione alla Festa del Natale che può essere interpretata da ogni organico strumentale, con coro misto (testo in olandese) e organo opzionali.
SKU: BT.DHP-0900174-015
SKU: BT.DHP-0870077-015
SKU: HL.44007225
UPC: 884088243555.
The words and lyrics of the Christmas Carol From Highest Heaven I Come To Tell were written by the great Martin Luther (1483-1546) and can be found in The Hymns of Martin Luther. Martin Luther expressed radical views which began the reformation movement. His followers protested at the treatment given to Martin Luther, the event from which the term 'Protestant' was derived. It was first published in Joseph Klug's Gesangsbuch in around 1535. Add a majestic Baroque feel to any concert with this simple yet effective arrangement.The words and lyrics of the Christmas Carol From Highest Heaven I Come To Tell were written by the great Martin Luther (1483-1546) and can be found in The Hymns of Martin Luther. Martin Luther expressed radical viewswhich began the reformation movement. His followers protested at the treatment given to Martin Luther, the event from which the term 'Protestant' was derived. It was first published in Joseph Klug's Gesangsbuch in around 1535.Add a majestic Baroque feel to any concert with this simple yet effective arrangement.Diese Bearbeitung des beruhmten Liedes Vom Himmel hoch, da komm' ich her von Martin Luther stammt aus der gewandten Feder von Jan de Haan. In vier Teilen verarbeitete er die festliche Melodie und machte sie fur variable Besetzung spielbar.
SKU: HL.44012983
UPC: 888680706074. English-German-French-Dutch.
The Japanese composer Satoshi Yagisawa is known for writing beautiful and colourful melodies. This moving slow piece is suitable as a warm-up piece or a quiet moment in your concert programme. It also allows you to work on intonation, phrasing and musicality.
SKU: BT.CMP-0740-03-140
This remarkably inventive setting of Psalm 150 will move and inspire your audience! Eight different instruments are mentioned in this Psalm, and the music reflects the character of the references. Though an uplifting band work onits own merit, optional parts include narrator and/or audience sing-along parts. Open this up to deliver a joyous scriptural message with dramatic power.
SKU: BT.AMP-402-010
With Clouds Descending is a fantasy on the powerful Advent hymn Helmsley which is long associated with another Advent hymn - Wesley’s Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending. The hymn tune is divided into an introduction and three completeverses of Helmsley, which surround a slower central section, whose melody is derived from the last line of the hymn tune. Philip Sparke’s grade 4 arrangement of this majestic piece for Concert Band is equally suitable as a concert opener or amain concert piece.With Clouds Descending is een fantasie op de krachtige adventshymne Helmsley, die lang is gekoppeld aan een andere adventshymne, te weten Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending. Deze hymne van Sparke is onderverdeeld in eeninleiding en drie volledige verzen van Helmsley. De componist schreef dit majestueuze werk voor harmonieorkest in graad 4. Mooi als openingswerk maar ook als concertwerk.With Clouds Descending (Mit den Wolken herabsteigen“) ist eine Fantasie, die auf der ausdruckvollen Adventshymne Helmsley basiert; letztere wird wiederum schon lange mit Wesleys Adventshymne Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descendingin Verbindung gebracht. Philip Sparkes mittelschweres Arrangement dieses majestätischen Stückes für Blasorchester eignet sich gleichermaßen als Konzerteröffnungsstück oder als Hauptwerk eines Konzerts.With Clouds Descending est une fantaisie basée sur le profond cantique de l’Avent Helmsley associé depuis longtemps un autre cantique de l’Avent Lo ! He Comes with Clouds Descending de Wesley. Le cantique est divisé en uneintroduction et trois couplets complets de Helmsley, entourant une section centrale plus lente dont la mélodie est dérivée de la dernière ligne du cantique. L’arrangement de niveau 4 de Philip Sparke de ce morceau majestueux pour orchestred’harmonie est aussi convenable pour l’ouverture d’un concert que comme pièce principale.
SKU: BT.DHP-1216344-140
This work is a close-up of the encounters and relationships of trust between people, following the idea that friendship lasts forever.†After the passing of Satoshi Yagisawa’s close friend and work partner, Tsutomu Murata, a designer of Neo Create in August 2020, the composer began work on this piece. Murata performed music for audiences primarily as a leader and conductor of Kurume City Brass, a group which is active in Fukuoka Prefecture in Japan. Eternal Frienship depicts a five-minute chorale which explores “how music can convey that a close friend is indispensable to you, more broadly, everyone to someone,†much like how Murata conveyed the appeal of music to his audiences. Under the direction of the composer himself, the work had its world premiere and was recorded with the Kobe College Wind Orchestra. Dit werk werpt een blik op fijne ontmoetingen en vertrouwelijke relaties tussen mensen en gaat uit van het idee dat vriendschap voor altijd is. Nadat Yagisawa’s goede vriend en collega Tsutomu Murata, een van de ontwerpers van Neo Create, in augustus 2020 overleed, begon hij aan deze compositie te werken. Murata musiceerde vooral als muzikaal leider en dirigent van Kurume City Brass, een ensemble dat actief is in de Japanse prefectuur Fukuoka. Eternal Frienship is een vijf minuten durend koraal waarin wordt verkend hoe muziek kan verklanken dat een goede vriendschap onmisbaar voor je is en hoe dit principe in bredere zin voor alle mensen geldt. Op een vergelijkbare manier wist Murata de betekenis van muziek op zijn publiek over te brengen. Het werk is onder leiding van de componist zelf in première gebracht en werd opgenomen door het Kobe College Wind Orchestra. Dieses Werk betrachtet Begegnungen und Vertrauensbeziehungen zwischen Menschen, die überzeugt davon sind, dass Freundschaft ewig hält“. Nach dem Tod von Satoshi Yagisawas engem Freund und Kollegen Tsutomu Murata, einem Designer von Neo Create, im August 2020 begann der Komponist mit der Arbeit an diesem Stück. Murata trat hauptsächlich als Leiter und Dirigent von Kurume City Brass, einem Blasorchester in der Präfektur Fukuoka in Japan, in Erscheinung. Eternal Frienship besteht aus einem fünfminütigen Choral, der beschreibt, wie Musik verdeutlichen kann, dass ein enger Freund für jeden unverzichtbar ist“ eben genauso, wie auch Murata seinem Publikum die Anziehungskraft der Musik vermittelt hat. Das Werk wurde unter der Leitung des Komponisten mit dem Kobe College Wind Orchestra uraufgeführt und aufgenommen. Cette Å“uvre examine les rencontres et rapports de confiance entre les gens, selon l’idée que « l’amitié est éternelle ». Satoshi Yagisawa commença écrire cette pièce la suite du décès, en ao t 2020, de son associé et ami proche, Tsutomu Murata, un concepteur de Neo Create. Murata se produisait en public principalement en tant que directeur et chef d’orchestre de Kurume City Brass, un ensemble actif dans la préfecture de Fukuoka, au Japon. Eternal Frienship prend la forme d’un choral de cinq minutes qui explore « comment la musique peut exprimer l’idée qu’il est indispensable d’avoir un ami proche et, plus largement, que l’on ne peut vivre sans les autres ». Murata savait certainement communiquer l’attrait de la musique son public. Eternal Frienship a été créée et enregistrée par l’Harmonie du collège de Kobe (Japon) sous la direction du compositeur lui-même. 2020 8 “ â€.
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