SKU: BT.BMP8095417
A lot is known about the American composer Leroy Anderson. This son of Swedish immigrants played the piano, organ, accordion, trombone, tuba and double bass. He spoke several languages fluently and graduated from Harvard with first-class honours.While on military service, the army also commissioned him to write a manual on Icelandic grammar.He already started writing musical arrangements as a student, and from his 30th year arranged and composed for the Boston Pops Orchestra. Such melodiesas Serenata, The Typewriter, Sleigh Ride and Bugler�s Holiday made him world famous. His best-known work, Blue Tango, reached number one in the US charts in 1952, and it sold more than a million copies. In 1975, a year after hisdeath, he was given a star at the Walk of Fame in Hollywood.Most of his works last no longer than three minutes, about the maximum length of a single at that time. One work that lasts longer is his 1953 Piano Concerto in C for piano and orchestra.The first performance was in Chicago, conducted by the composer and with Eugene List at the piano. However, after three performances he was no longer happy with the work and withdrew it. He always intended to revise it, but never got round to it. Itwas only in 1989 that the Anderson family decided to republish the work.This three-part composition is on the one hand characterised by a careless elegance, but on the other one can hear the influence of Rachmaninoff, Copland, Gershwin, and evenBeethoven and Mozart, as well as the Viennese classics.Anderson used the sonata form for the first movement. It ends with a cadenza that carries us on into the second part (in e minor). The third part is a typically cheerful American folk dance in2/4 time, a so-called Hoe Down, with a lilting, lyrical passage as its middle section. At the end comes a solo passage followed by a rapid close.In this piano concerto, Anderson combines a rigidly classical form of composition with simple andappealing themes and elements from light music. So this work is a perfect synthesis of light music and what is called serious music, in the same way as Gershwin�s Rhapsody in Blue. A work that can be played equally well in a concerthall, at an open-air concert or even a pop concert.Over de Amerikaanse componist Leroy Anderson is veel bekend. Deze zoon van Zweedse immigranten speelde piano, orgel, accordeon, trombone, tuba en contrabas. Hij sprak vloeiend verschillende talen en studeerde met grote onderscheidingaf aan Harvard en schreef tijdens zijn legerdienst in opdracht van het leger een handboek grammatica Ijslands.Al in zijn studententijd begon hij met het maken van arrangementen, en vanaf zijn 30ste arrangeerde en componeerde hijvoor het Boston Pops Orchestra. Melodieën zoals Serenata, The Typewriter, Sleigh Ride en Bugler's Holiday maakte hem wereldberoemd. Zijn bekendste werk Blue Tango stond in 1952 op nummer één in de VS Charts, ener werden meer dan een miljoen exemplaren van verkocht. Een jaar na zijn dood in 1975 kreeg hij een ster op de Walk of Fame in Hollywood.Zijn meeste werken duren niet langer dan drie minuten, ongeveer de maximumduur van een singletoen. Een werk dat wel langer duurt, is het pianoconcerto in C voor piano en orkest uit 1953. Het werd in Chicago gecreëerd onder zijn leiding met Eugene List aan de piano. Na drie uitvoeringen echter, was hij niet meer tevredenover zijn werk en trok dit terug. Hij had zijn leven lang de intentie het te herwerken doch kwam er niet meer toe. Pas in 1989 besliste de Anderson Familie zijn pianoconcerto toch opnieuw uit te geven.Dit driedelige werk wordtenerzijds getypeerd door een zorgeloze elegantie, maar anderzijds zijn invloeden van Rachmaninoff, Copland, Gerschwin en zelfs Beethoven en Mozart alsook de Weense klassiekers te horen.Voor de eerste beweging, past Anderson de sonatevormtoe. Op het einde volgt een cadenza die ons in het tweede deel (in mi klein) voert. Het derde deel is een typische Amerikaanse, vrolijke volksdans in 2/4, een zogenaamde Hoe Down met als middengedeelte een zangerige, lyrischeÜber den amerikanischen Komponisten Leroy Anderson lässt sich vieles berichten: Der Sohn schwedischer Immigranten spielte Klavier, Orgel, Akkordeon, Posaune, Tuba und Kontrabass, sprach neun Sprachen fließend, absolvierte mit einemMagna-cum-laude-Abschluss die Harvard Universität und verfasste während seiner Militärzeit im Zweiten Weltkrieg für die amerikanische Armee eine Grammatik des Isländischen. Schon während seiner Studentenzeit begann er zu arrangieren, ab Mitte der30er Jahre des letzten Jahrhunderts arrangierte und komponierte er für das Boston Pops Orchestra. Aus seiner Feder stammen so bekannte Werke der leichten Muse wie Serenata, The Typewriter, Sleigh Ride oder Bugler�s Holiday. Sein wohlbekanntestes Stück, Blue Tango, wurde als erste Instrumentalkomposition über eine Million Mal verkauft und belegte im Jahr 1952 Platz 1 der US-Charts. Für seine Verdienste um die Schallplattenindustrie erhielt er ein Jahr nach seinem Tod einenStern auf dem Walk of Fame in Hollywood.Charakteristisch für seine Werke ist die Dauer: die meisten sind rund drei Minuten lang � mehr passte nicht auf den damals gebräuchlichen Tonträger, eine Singleschallplatte. Nur wenige seinerKompositionen sprengen diesen Zeitrahmen. Dazu gehört sein Konzert C-Dur für Klavier und Orchester. Er komponierte es 1953, die Uraufführung fand unter seiner Leitung und mit Eugene List am Klavier im selben Jahr in Chicago statt. Da Anderson mit demWerk aber nicht zufrieden war, zog er es im Sommer 1954, nach nur drei Aufführungen, wieder ein. Er hatte zeitlebens die Absicht, es zu überarbeiten, allein, es kam nicht mehr dazu. Erst 1989 entschied sich die Anderson-Familie dazu, dasKlavierkonzert wieder zu veröffentlichen.Das dreisätzige Werk zeigt die Unbeschwertheit und Eleganz, die Andersons sämtliche Kompositionen auszeichnen. Dennoch findet man darin auch Anklänge an Komponisten wie Rachmaninoff, Copland, Gershwin, undeben Beethoven und Mozart, sowie die Wiener Klassiker. Der erste Satz folgt der Sonatenhauptsatzform. An seinem Ende steht eine Klavierkadenz, die direkt in den langsamen zweiten Satz (in e-Moll) überleitet. Der dritte Satz schließlich ist einwaschechter Hoe Down, ein fröhlicher amerikanischer Volkstanz im 2/4-Takt, in dessen Zentrum aber eine lyrisch-gesangliche Passage steht. Eine weitere Solo-Kadenz führt das Werk in einen spritzigen Schlussabschnitt.In seinem Klavierkonzertvereinigt Anderson einen klassisch-traditionellen Form- und Kompositionsstil mit Elementen der Unterhaltungsmusik und eingängigen Melodien, die schon immer sein Markenzeichen waren. Daher bildet dieses Werk eine perfekte Synthese von ernster undleichter Musik. Es passt � wie beispielsweise auch George Gershwins Rhapsody in Blue � gleichermaßen in einen vornehmen Konzertsaal, wie auch zur zwanglos-lockeren Atmosphäre einer sommerlichen Open-Air-Veranstaltung oder einesPops-Konzertes.Nous savons beaucoup de choses sur le compositeur américain Leroy Anderson. Ce fils dimmigrants suédois jouait du piano, de lorgue, de laccordéon, du trombone, du tuba et de la contrebasse. Il parlait couramment plusieurs langues et était diplômé avec grande distinction de Harvard. Pendant son service militaire, il écrivit un manuel de grammaire islandaise commandé par larmée.Étudiant, il avait déj commencé faire des arrangements et dès l ge de 30 ans, il arrangeait et composait pour le Boston Pops Orchestra. Des mélodies telles que Serenata, The Typewriter, Sleigh Ride et Buglers Holiday lui valurent une renommée mondiale. Son uvre phare, Blue Tango, fut numéro un descharts américains en 1952 et se vendit plus dun million dexemplaires. Un an après sa mort en 1975, il eut droit son étoile sur le Walk of Fame Hollywood.La plupart de ses uvres nexcèdent pas trois minutes, soit peu près la durée maximale dun single lépoque. Son concerto en ut pour piano et orchestre de 1953 est quant lui plus long. Il fut créé Chicago sous sa direction avec Eugene List au piano. Après trois exécutions, Anderson nétait toutefois plus satisfait de son travail et le retira. Toute sa vie, il eut lintention de le remanier mais ne le fit pas. Ce nest quen 1989 que la famille Anderson décida de tout de m?me rééditer son concerto pour piano.Cette uvre en trois parties se caractérise par son élégance nonchalante mais aussi par linfluence de Rachmaninoff, Copland, Gershwin et m?me de Beethoven et Mozart, ainsi que des classiques viennois.Pour le premier mouvement, Anderson opte pour une sonate. la fin, une cadence nous conduit la deuxième partie (en mi mineur). La troisième partie est une danse populaire joyeuse et typiquement américaine en 2/4, une Hoe Down avec un passage lyrique et mélodieux en son milieu. la fin, un solo est suivi par une clôture rapide.Dans son concerto pour piano, Anderson unit une composition pure et classique des thèmes beaux et simples, sans oublier des éléments de la musique légère. Cette uvre.
SKU: BT.BMP8091417
SKU: BT.AMP-340-140
9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
Of Skies, Rivers, Lakes and Mountains was commissioned by the Northern California Band Directors' Association to honour their 50th Anniversary in 2012. The first performance was given by the Association’s 2012 Honor Band, conducted by Dr Royce Trevis, in the Harlen Adams Theater, California State University, Chico, California, on 4th February that year.The brief for the commission asked for a piece that celebrated the United States’ natural resources and composer Philip Sparke turned to Katharine Lee Bates’s lyrics for the song America the Beautiful, of which the first and last verses are:O beautiful for spacious skies,For amber waves of grain,For purplemountain majestiesAbove the fruited plain!America! America!God shed His grace on thee,And crown thy good with brotherhoodFrom sea to shining seaThe three movements each take their title from these verses:1. O Beautiful for Spacious Skies: Opening with filigree woodwind figuring, this movement aims to recreate the light and lightness of a spring sky, birds and blossoms floating on gentle breezes.2. From Sea to Shining Sea: A vivacious celebration of water bubbling in streams, rivers and lakes.3. For Purple Mountain Majesties: A slow final movement representing an awe-inspiring range of mountains Of Skies, Rivers, Lakes and Mountains is geschreven in opdracht van de Northern California Band Directors' Association, ter gelegenheid van het vijftigjarig jubileum van deze organisatie, dat in 2012 werd gevierd. De première werd op 4 februari van dat jaar onder leiding van dirigent Royce Trevis uitgevoerd door de Association’s 2012 Honor Band, in het Harlen Adams Theater, California State University, Chico, Californië.De componist kreeg het verzoek een werk te schrijven dat een lofzang zou zijn op alles wat de natuur van Verenigde Staten te bieden heeft. Philip Sparke gebruikte de tekst van Katharine Lee Bates voor de song America the Beautiful, waarvan heteerste en laatste couplet als volgt luiden:O beautiful for spacious skies,For amber waves of grain,For purple mountain majestiesAbove the fruited plain!America! America!God shed His grace on thee,And crown thy good with brotherhoodFrom sea to shining seaDe titels van de drie delen van de compositie zijn ontleend aan deze coupletten:1. O Beautiful for Spacious Skies: Dit deel, dat opent met verfijnde figuren in het hout, is een poging om het licht en de lichtheid van een lentehemel te herscheppen, met vogeltjes en bloesems die wiegen in een milde bries.2. From Sea to Shining Sea: Een levendige ode aan water dat stroomt in beken, rivieren en meren3. For Purple Mountain Majesties: Een langzaam laatste deel waarin het beeld wordt opgeroepen van een indrukwekkende bergketen Of Skies, Rivers, Lakes and Mountains wurde von der Northern California Band Director’s Association (Dirigentenverband Nord-Kaliforniens) zum 50-jährigen Jubiläum im Jahr 2012 in Auftrag gegeben. Die Uraufführung mit dem Ehrenorchester 2012 des Verbands fand am 4. Februar desselben Jahre unter der Leitung von Dr. Royce Trevis im Halen Adams Theater an der California State University, Chico Kalifornien) statt.Der Kompositionsauftrag verlangte ein Stück zu Ehren der Reichtümer der Natur Amerikas. Der Komponist Philip Sparke wählte daher die erste und letzte Strophe aus Katherine Lee Bates’ Text zum Lied America the Beautiful, die da lauten:O beautiful for spaciousskies,For amber waves of grain,For purple mountain majestiesAbove the fruited plain!America! America!God shed His grace on thee,And crown thy good with brotherhoodFrom sea to shining seaDie Titel der drei Sätze stammen alle aus diesen Strophen:1. O Beautiful for Spacious Skies (O wunderschön, der weite Himmel): Mit filigranen Figuren im Holz beginnend, will dieser Satz das Licht und die Leichtigkeit des Frühlingshimmels, die Vögel und von einer sanften Brise getragene Blüten zum Leben erwecken.2. From Sea to Shining Sea (Vom Meer zum strahlenden Meer): Mit lebhafter Musik wird hier in Flüssen, Bächen und Seen sprudelndes Wasser zelebriert.3. For Purple Mountain Majesties (Die Erhabenheit der purpurrot leuchtenden Berge): Der langsame Schlusssatz richtet den Blick auf ehrfurchtgebietende Gebirge. Of Skies, Rivers, Lakes and Mountains est une commande de la Northern California Band Directors' Association pour marquer son 50e anniversaire, en 2012. Cette œuvre a été créée par le Honor Band 2012 de l’Association sous la direction du Dr Royce Trevis au thé tre Harlen Adams de l’université de Californie Chico, Californie, le 4 février de cette même année.La commande stipulait que la pièce devait célébrer les ressources naturelles des États-Unis. Le compositeur Philip Sparke s’est donc inspiré des paroles de Katharine Lee Bates pour la chanson America the Beautiful, dont voici les premier et dernier couplets :O beautiful for spacious skies,For amberwaves of grain,For purple mountain majestiesAbove the fruited plain!(Oh belle pour tes vastes cieux,Tes vagues de grains ambrés,La majesté de tes montagnes violettesDominant des plaines fruitées !)America! America!God shed His grace on thee,And crown thy good with brotherhoodFrom sea to shining sea(Amérique ! Amérique !Dieu t’a donné sa gr ceCouronnée de la fraternité des hommesDe la mer la mer étincelante)Les trois mouvements empruntent chacun leur titre ces couplets :1. O Beautiful for Spacious Skies: S’ouvrant avec des figures en filigrane jouées par les bois, ce mouvement cherche recréer la lumière et la légèreté d’un ciel printanier, d’oiseaux et de fleurs flottant au gré d’une douce brise.2. From Sea to Shining Sea: Plein de vivacité, ce mouvement évoque les frémissements de l’eau des ruisseaux, des rivières et des lacs.3. For Purple Mountain Majesties:Le dernier mouvement, lent et majestueux, dépeint une impressionnante chaîne de montagnes.
SKU: BT.DHP-1185847-010
The Last Friend of Napoleon is based on a true piece of Dutch history. In October 1813, when Napoleon was beaten after his unsuccessful Russian campaign, the French withdrew from the Netherlands. At the beginning of 1814, the whole country had been liberated except for the town of Delfzijl, still occupied by French troops. This programmatic work is about political and military stubbornness, chasing dreams, and about love always following its own unequalled way. Being one of the most acknowledged composers of today, Dirk Brossé has created an epic work that depicts a dramatic story, using the full range of the symphonic band resulting in challenging brass passages, a widerange of percussion and a lot of strong, beautiful and melodic material. The Last Friend of Napoleon is gebaseerd op een waargebeurd stukje Nederlandse geschiedenis. Als Napoleon in oktober 1813 na zijn mislukte Russische veldtocht wordt verslagen, trekken de Fransen zich terug uit Nederland. Begin 1814 is heel het land bevrijd, behalve de plaats Delfzijl, die nog bezet wordt door Franse troepen. Dit programmatische werk gaat over politieke en militaire stijfkoppigheid, over het najagen van dromen en over de liefde, die altijd haar eigen, onnavolgbare weg gaat. Dit werk van Dirk Brossé, een van de meest gerenommeerde hedendaagse componisten, vertelt een dramatisch verhaal door middel van volledig symfonisch blaasorkest waarin koper, eenscala van slagwerk en vooral veel prachtig melodisch materiaal de hoofdrol spelen. The Last Friend of Napoleon basiert auf einer wahren Episode aus der niederländischen Geschichte. Als Napoleon im Oktober 1813 nach seinem erfolglosen Russlandfeldzug geschlagen wurde, zogen sich die Franzosen aus den Niederlanden zurück. Anfang 1814 wurde das ganze Land befreit, mit Ausnahme der Stadt Delfzijl, die noch von französischen Truppen gehalten wurde. Dieses programmatische Werk handelt von politischer und militärischer Starrköpfigkeit, vom Verfolgen von Träumen, und darum, dass die Liebe immer ihren eigenen Weg geht. Dirk Brossé, der zu den bekanntesten zeitgenössischen Komponisten zählt, stellt mit diesem epischen Werk eine dramatischeGeschichte dar. Er verwendet hierfür das große Spektrum des Sinfonischen Blasorchesters: Er hat anspruchsvolle Episoden für die Blechbläser, eine große Bandbreite für Schlagwerk und zahlreiche wunderschöne Melodien geschaffen. The Last Friend of Napoleon est basé sur une histoire vraie néerlandaise.Alors que Napoléon est vaincu après sa campagne infructueuse en Russie en octobre 1813, les Français se retirent des Pays-Bas. Au début de 1814, le pays entier a été libéré l’exception de la ville de Delfzijl, toujours occupée par les troupes françaises. Cette œuvre programme aborde l’entêtement politique et militaire, la poursuite de rêves, et l’amour qui suit toujours son propre chemin. De l’un des compositeurs les plus reconnus de nos jours, cette œuvre épique de Dirk Brossé met en musique une histoire dramatique. Il profite pleinement de la palette complète d’un orchestre d’harmoniesymphonique, ce qui entraîne des épisodes stimulants pour les cuivres, une grande variété de percussion et une abondance de matériau mélodique magnifique et puissant. The Last Friend of Napoleon (L'ultimo amico di Napoleone) si basa su un episodio di storia olandese. Dirk Brossé ha creato un'opera epica che descrive una storia drammatica, utilizzando tutte le potenzialit della banda che si esprimono in impegnativi passaggi degli ottoni, nell’ampia gamma di percussioni e in molto materiale bello e melodico.
SKU: BT.DHP-1216342-140
Queen Cleopatra ruled Egypt for over 20 years. She is one of antiquity’s best-known women, in particular because of her relationships with Julius Caesar and, above all, Mark-Anthony, but also because the cause of her death remainsa mystery. The work is split into three parts and performed without breaks. The first section begins with a bright introduction representing Mark-Anthony. Dynamic in nature and reminiscent of military music, this characterises theRoman general. But soon after, another theme emerges, softer and more melodic, symbolising Cleopatra’s femininity. The two characters then combine on a faster tempo. The middle section of the work depicts the love thatMark-Anthony and Cleopatra feel for each other. This passionate relationship lasted ten years and produced three children. This is expressed by a warm and intense theme, just like the beauty of the Egyptian queen. The third andlast section opens in a determined and military mood. Mark-Anthony and Cleopatra were often apart, the Roman general was often away on a campaign. They met up in Alexandria to celebrate their triumph. But, as the targets of thejealousy and ambition of Octavius, Julius Caesar’s son, the lovers are trapped and await the inevitable conquest of Egypt by the Romans. When Mark-Anthony heard the false news that Cleopatra had committed suicide, he ended his ownlife. The Queen of Egypt, for her part, was imprisoned shortly afterwards. The two lovers remain one of History’s most famous couples. This piece was commissioned by the Wind Orchestra of the town of Antony, near Paris, directedby Philippe Rossignol, to mark its 90th anniversary.Koningin Cleopatra heerste meer dan twintig jaar lang over Egypte. Ze is een van de bekendste vrouwen uit de oudheid, vanwege haar relatie met Julius Caesar en vooral die met Marcus Antonius, maar ook omdat de oorzaak van haardood altijd een mysterie is gebleven. Dit werk bestaat uit drie in elkaar overlopende delen. Het eerste deel begint met de levendige introductie van Marcus Antonius. Met het dynamische en enigszins militaire karakter van de muziekwordt de Romeinse generaal krachtig neergezet. Snel daarna doemt een zachter en melodieuzer thema op een weerspiegeling van Cleopatra’s vrouwelijkheid. De twee persoonlijkheden gaan vervolgens samen verder in een vlotter tempo.Het middelste deel beschrijft de liefde die Marcus Antonius en Cleopatra voor elkaar voelden. Hun hartstochtelijke relatie duurde tien jaar en bracht drie kinderen voort. Dit wordt uitgedrukt in een warm en intens thema waarintevens de schoonheid van de Egyptische koningin doorschemert. Het derde en laatste deel opent vastberaden en in militaire sfeer. Marcus Antonius en Cleopatra waren vaak bij elkaar vandaan: de generaal was geregeld weg om strijd tevoeren. In Alexandrië vierden ze samen hun triomf, maar de jaloezie en ambitie van Octavius, de zoon van Julius Caesar, gooide roet in het eten. De geliefden werden in de val gelokt en de onvermijdelijke verovering van Egypte doorde Romeinen volgde al snel. Toen Marcus Antonius het onjuiste bericht kreeg dat Cleopatra zelfmoord had gepleegd, maakte hij een eind aan zijn eigen leven: de koningin van Egypte werd op haar beurt kort daarna gevangengezet. Detwee geliefden behoren tot de beroemdste stellen uit de wereldgeschiedenis. Cleopatra werd in opdracht geschreven om het negentigjarig bestaan van het blaasorkest uit de gemeente Antony dicht bij Parijs te markeren. Dat orkestbracht het onder leiding van Philippe Rossignol in première.Königin Kleopatra regierte über 20 Jahre lang Ägypten. Sie ist eine der bekanntesten Frauen der Antike, insbesondere aufgrund ihrer Beziehungen zu Julius Cäsar und vor allem zu Marcus Antonius aber auch aufgrund ihrerrätselhaften Todesursache. Das Werk besteht aus drei Abschnitten, die ohne Unterbrechung gespielt werden. Der erste Abschnitt beginnt mit einer strahlenden Einleitung, die Marcus Antonius darstellt. Die martialische und dynamischeMusik beschreibt den römischen Feldherrn. Doch bald darauf erklingt ein neues Thema, das sanfter und melodischer ist und Kleopatras Weiblichkeit symbolisiert. Die beiden Charaktere verschmelzen schließlich in einem schnellerenTempo. Der Mittelteil des Werkes beschreibt die Liebe, die Marcus Antonius und Kleopatra füreinander empfinden. Die leidenschaftliche Beziehung der beiden dauerte zehn Jahre lang und aus ihr gingen drei Kinder hervor. Dafür stehtein warmes und intensives Thema, das auch die Schönheit der ägyptischen Königin beschreibt. Der dritte und letzte Abschnitt beginnt mit einer entschlossenen und kriegerischen Stimmung. Marcus Antonius und Kleopatra waren oftmalsgetrennt, wenn sich der römische Feldherr auf Feldzügen befand. In Alexandria trafen sie sich, um ihren Sieg zu feiern. Doch sie waren Opfer der Eifersucht und der ehrgeizigen Ambitionen von Octavius, Julius Cäsars Sohn, wurden ineine Falle gelockt und mussten auf die bevorstehende Eroberung Ägyptens durch die Römer warten. Als Marcus Antonius die Nachricht vom vermeintlichen Selbstmord Kleopatras erhielt, nahm er sich selbst das Leben. Die Königin vonÄgypten wurde ihrerseits kurz darauf inhaftiert. Die beiden zählen zu den berühmtesten Liebespaaren der Geschichte. Dieses Stück wurde vom Orchestre d’Harmonie de la Ville d’Antony aus der Nähe von Paris, das von PhilippeRossignol geleitet wird, anlässlich seines 90-jährigen Jubiläums in Auftrag gegeben.La Reine Cléop tre règne sur l’Égypte pendant plus de 20 ans. Elle est l’une des femmes les plus connues de l’Antiquité, notamment gr ce ses relations avec Jules César et surtout avec Marc-Antoine (Antony), mais aussi par lemystère qu’entoure sa disparition. L’œuvre est écrite en trois parties enchaînées. La première commence par une brillante introduction qui représente Marc-Antoine. A la fois martiale et dynamique, cette musique caractérise legénéral romain. Mais très vite, un nouveau thème apparaît, plus mélodique et plus doux, il symbolise la féminité que représente Cléop tre. Les deux caractères vont ensuite s’assembler dans un tempo plus rapide. La partie centralede l’œuvre dépeint l’amour que Marc-Antoine et Cléop tre ressentent l’un pour l’autre. Cette relation passionnée durera 10 ans et donnera naissance 3 enfants. Il en résulte un thème chaleureux et intense, l’image de la beautéde la reine d’Égypte. Enfin, c’est sur un caractère décidé et guerrier que la troisième partie débute. Marc-Antoine et Cléop tre sont souvent séparés, le général romain est souvent en campagne. Ils se retrouvent Alexandrie pourfêter leur triomphe. Mais, victimes de la jalousie et de l’ambition terrifiante d’Octave, fils de Jules César, les amants sont piégés et attendent inexorablement que l’Égypte soit conquise par les Romains. A la fausse annonce dusuicide de Cléop tre, Marc-Antoine met fin ses jours. La Reine d’Egypte sera quant elle emprisonnée peu de temps après. Les deux amants resteront l’un des couples les plus célèbres de l’Histoire. L’œuvre a été commandée parl’Orchestre d’Harmonie de la ville d’Antony l’occasion de ses 90 ans : l’orchestre est placé sous la direction de Philippe Rossignol.
SKU: BT.DHP-1216342-010
SKU: HL.4008730
ISBN 9798350119473. UPC: 196288195238.
The last decades we humans have witnessed a significant number of disturbing developments. If we look at the direct and persistent destructive influence of humans on nature: air and water quality are reducing, soils are depleting, crops are short of pollinators, coasts are less protected from storms, deforestation, the degradation of land, loss of biodiversity and pollution. In stark contrast we find the intelligence and boundless creativity of humans: what about all the high technological advancements? What lies ahead in the realm of Artificial Intelligence? Will we let machines make human decisions? What ethical issues arise there? This composition reflects the desperation and urgency of the human need for action. The music draws inspiration from the brutal natural forces that ravage our world as a direct consequence of human failure and selfishness. Are we heading towards a 'Judgment Day'? Or will humanity find a way to reverse negative trends towards a more livable, peaceful, and joyful environment for humans, animals, and nature? To underscore this message, composer Peter Knockaert opted for a highly classical idiom that has been used by many composers in classical music: the 'Dies Irae'. Traditionally, the Dies Irae is the third part of a requiem (funeral mass). The text used in 'Judgment DayÂ? (for optional choir) is coming from the original Latin text.
Priority Direct Import titles are specialty titles that are not generally offered for sale by US based retailers. These items must be obtained from our overseas suppliers. When you order a Priority Direct Import title, our overseas warehouse will ship it to you directly at the time of order, typically within one business day. However, the shipment time will be slower than items shipped from our US warehouse. It may take up to 2-3 weeks to get to you.
SKU: HL.4008731
UPC: 196288195245.
SKU: BT.DHP-1053797-140
340 X 250 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
At last the bass clarinet can shine in this major new solo work for bass clarinet and concert band. This composition begins with a rather mysterious opening passage with atmospheric sounds and effects. The soloist plays-preferably backstage- a number of fragments and melodic patterns, without actually starting the piece. After this somewhat hesitant introduction, a lively, cheerful allegro entitled Con Giocondita (with joy) bursts out. It isswarming with irregular meters, changing tempos, and polyrhythm, through which the listeners (and sometimes also the musicians) constantly get the feeling that they are being tossed around. The second movement brings rest andpeace making careful use of sound colours. The upbeat finale, titled Con Allegria (with cheerfulness), is the most significant movement for the soloist. This is a challenging piece of music that demands great virtuosity, but withthe correct performer it will be a real highpoint in any concert..In een mysterieuze openingspassage zijn atmosferische klanken te horen. Dan barst er een vrolijk allegro los: Con Giocondita (met vreugde). Een intiemer tweede deel, Con Tristezza (met droefheid), brengt rust. Het orkestspeelt hier een belangrijke rol en laat allerlei klankkleuren horen in de dialoog met de solist. De onstuimige finale getiteld Con Allegria (met vrolijkheid) vraagt grote virtuositeit van de solist, het orkest doet opnieuwmeer dan alleen begeleiden. Na een korte cadens worden de drie voorafgaande thema’s in omgekeerde volgorde herhaald en een spannend slot beëindigt dit contrastrijke werk.Freude, Traurigkeit und Fröhlichkeit sind die drei Stimmungen, die Jan Van der Roost in diesem Werk für Bassklarinette und Blasorchester in ebenso vielen Sätzen vertonte. Während die Freude in einem rhythmischen, energiereichen und lebhaften Allegro zum Ausdruck kommt, setzt der zweite, langsamere Satz lyrische und melodische Akzente. Das schnelle Finale ist eine große Herausforderung an den Solisten. Auch das Blasorchester spielt in diesem musikalisch erfinderischen Werk eine weit mehr als begleitende Rolle.Tre Sentimenti (Trois sentiments) pour Clarinette Basse et Orchestre d’Harmonie est un carrefour inédit de sentiments contrastés (l’exubérance, la tristesse, l’allégresse) et d’idées musicales captivantes.
SKU: BT.DHP-1053797-010
At last the bass clarinet can shine in this major new solo work for bass clarinet and concert band. This composition begins with a rather mysterious opening passage with atmospheric sounds and effects. The soloist plays - preferably backstage - a number of fragments and melodic patterns, without actually “starting†the piece. After this somewhat hesitant introduction, a lively, cheerful allegro entitled Con Giocondita (with joy) bursts out. It is swarming with irregular meters, changing tempos, and polyrhythm, through which the listeners (and sometimes also the musicians) constantly get the feeling that they are being tossed around. The second movement brings rest andpeace making careful use of sound colours. The upbeat finale, titled Con Allegria (with cheerfulness), is the most significant movement for the soloist. This is a challenging piece of music that demands great virtuosity, but with the correct performer it will be a real highpoint in any concert.. In een mysterieuze openingspassage zijn atmosferische klanken te horen. Dan barst er een vrolijk allegro los: Con Giocondita (met vreugde). Een intiemer tweede deel, Con Tristezza (met droefheid), brengt rust. Het orkestspeelt hier een belangrijke rol en laat allerlei klankkleuren horen in de dialoog met de solist. De onstuimige finale getiteld Con Allegria (met vrolijkheid) vraagt grote virtuositeit van de solist, het orkest doet opnieuwmeer dan alleen begeleiden. Na een korte cadens worden de drie voorafgaande thema’s in omgekeerde volgorde herhaald en een spannend slot beëindigt dit contrastrijke werk.Freude, Traurigkeit und Fröhlichkeit sind die drei Stimmungen, die Jan Van der Roost in diesem Werk für Bassklarinette und Blasorchester in ebenso vielen Sätzen vertonte. Während die Freude in einem rhythmischen, energiereichen und lebhaften Allegro zum Ausdruck kommt, setzt der zweite, langsamere Satz lyrische und melodische Akzente. Das schnelle Finale ist eine große Herausforderung an den Solisten. Auch das Blasorchester spielt in diesem musikalisch erfinderischen Werk eine weit mehr als begleitende Rolle.Tre Sentimenti (Trois sentiments) pour Clarinette Basse et Orchestre d’Harmonie est un carrefour inédit de sentiments contrastés (l’exubérance, la tristesse, l’allégresse) et d’idées musicales captivantes.
SKU: PR.465000130
ISBN 9781598064070. UPC: 680160600144. 9x12 inches.
Following a celebrated series of wind ensemble tone poems about national parks in the American West, Dan Welcher’s Upriver celebrates the Lewis & Clark Expedition from the Missouri River to Oregon’s Columbia Gorge, following the Louisiana Purchase of 1803. Welcher’s imaginative textures and inventiveness are freshly modern, evoking our American heritage, including references to Shenandoah and other folk songs known to have been sung on the expedition. For advanced players. Duration: 14’.In 1803, President Thomas Jefferson sent Meriwether Lewis and William Clark’s Corps of Discovery to find a water route to the Pacific and explore the uncharted West. He believed woolly mammoths, erupting volcanoes, and mountains of pure salt awaited them. What they found was no less mind-boggling: some 300 species unknown to science, nearly 50 Indian tribes, and the Rockies.Ihave been a student of the Lewis and Clark expedition, which Thomas Jefferson called the “Voyage of Discovery,†for as long as I can remember. This astonishing journey, lasting more than two-and-a-half years, began and ended in St. Louis, Missouri — and took the travelers up more than a few rivers in their quest to find the Northwest Passage to the Pacific Ocean. In an age without speedy communication, this was akin to space travel out of radio range in our own time: no one knew if, indeed, the party had even survived the voyage for more than a year. Most of them were soldiers. A few were French-Canadian voyageurs — hired trappers and explorers, who were fluent in French (spoken extensively in the region, due to earlier explorers from France) and in some of the Indian languages they might encounter. One of the voyageurs, a man named Pierre Cruzatte, also happened to be a better-than-average fiddle player. In many respects, the travelers were completely on their own for supplies and survival, yet, incredibly, only one of them died during the voyage. Jefferson had outfitted them with food, weapons, medicine, and clothing — and along with other trinkets, a box of 200 jaw harps to be used in trading with the Indians. Their trip was long, perilous to the point of near catastrophe, and arduous. The dream of a Northwest Passage proved ephemeral, but the northwestern quarter of the continent had finally been explored, mapped, and described to an anxious world. When the party returned to St. Louis in 1806, and with the Louisiana Purchase now part of the United States, they were greeted as national heroes.Ihave written a sizeable number of works for wind ensemble that draw their inspiration from the monumental spaces found in the American West. Four of them (Arches, The Yellowstone Fires, Glacier, and Zion) take their names, and in large part their being, from actual national parks in Utah, Wyoming, and Montana. But Upriver, although it found its voice (and its finale) in the magnificent Columbia Gorge in Oregon, is about a much larger region. This piece, like its brother works about the national parks, doesn’t try to tell a story. Instead, it captures the flavor of a certain time, and of a grand adventure. Cast in one continuous movement and lasting close to fourteen minutes, the piece falls into several subsections, each with its own heading: The Dream (in which Jefferson’s vision of a vast expanse of western land is opened); The Promise, a chorale that re-appears several times in the course of the piece and represents the seriousness of the presidential mission; The River; The Voyageurs; The River II ; Death and Disappointment; Return to the Voyage; and The River III .The music includes several quoted melodies, one of which is familiar to everyone as the ultimate “river song,†and which becomes the through-stream of the work. All of the quoted tunes were either sung by the men on the voyage, or played by Cruzatte’s fiddle. From various journals and diaries, we know the men found enjoyment and solace in music, and almost every night encampment had at least a bit of music in it. In addition to Cruzatte, there were two other members of the party who played the fiddle, and others made do with singing, or playing upon sticks, bones, the ever-present jaw harps, and boat horns. From Lewis’ journals, I found all the tunes used in Upriver: Shenandoah (still popular after more than 200 years), V’la bon vent, Soldier’s Joy, Johnny Has Gone for a Soldier, Come Ye Sinners Poor and Needy (a hymn sung to the tune “Beech Springâ€) and Fisher’s Hornpipe. The work follows an emotional journey: not necessarily step-by-step with the Voyage of Discovery heroes, but a kind of grand arch. Beginning in the mists of history and myth, traversing peaks and valleys both real and emotional (and a solemn funeral scene), finding help from native people, and recalling their zeal upon finding the one great river that will, in fact, take them to the Pacific. When the men finally roar through the Columbia Gorge in their boats (a feat that even the Indians had not attempted), the magnificent river combines its theme with the chorale of Jefferson’s Promise. The Dream is fulfilled: not quite the one Jefferson had imagined (there is no navigable water passage from the Missouri to the Pacific), but the dream of a continental destiny.
SKU: PR.46500013L
UPC: 680160600151. 11 x 14 inches.
I n 1803, President Thomas Jefferson sent Meriwether Lewis and William Clarks Corps of Discovery to find a water route to the Pacific and explore the uncharted West. He believed woolly mammoths, erupting volcanoes, and mountains of pure salt awaited them. What they found was no less mind-boggling: some 300 species unknown to science, nearly 50 Indian tribes, and the Rockies. I have been a student of the Lewis and Clark expedition, which Thomas Jefferson called the Voyage of Discovery, for as long as I can remember. This astonishing journey, lasting more than two-and-a-half years, began and ended in St. Louis, Missouri and took the travelers up more than a few rivers in their quest to find the Northwest Passage to the Pacific Ocean. In an age without speedy communication, this was akin to space travel out of radio range in our own time: no one knew if, indeed, the party had even survived the voyage for more than a year. Most of them were soldiers. A few were French-Canadian voyageurs hired trappers and explorers, who were fluent in French (spoken extensively in the region, due to earlier explorers from France) and in some of the Indian languages they might encounter. One of the voyageurs, a man named Pierre Cruzatte, also happened to be a better-than-average fiddle player. In many respects, the travelers were completely on their own for supplies and survival, yet, incredibly, only one of them died during the voyage. Jefferson had outfitted them with food, weapons, medicine, and clothing and along with other trinkets, a box of 200 jaw harps to be used in trading with the Indians. Their trip was long, perilous to the point of near catastrophe, and arduous. The dream of a Northwest Passage proved ephemeral, but the northwestern quarter of the continent had finally been explored, mapped, and described to an anxious world. When the party returned to St. Louis in 1806, and with the Louisiana Purchase now part of the United States, they were greeted as national heroes. I have written a sizeable number of works for wind ensemble that draw their inspiration from the monumental spaces found in the American West. Four of them (Arches, The Yellowstone Fires, Glacier, and Zion) take their names, and in large part their being, from actual national parks in Utah, Wyoming, and Montana. But Upriver, although it found its voice (and its finale) in the magnificent Columbia Gorge in Oregon, is about a much larger region. This piece, like its brother works about the national parks, doesnt try to tell a story. Instead, it captures the flavor of a certain time, and of a grand adventure. Cast in one continuous movement and lasting close to fourteen minutes, the piece falls into several subsections, each with its own heading: The Dream (in which Jeffersons vision of a vast expanse of western land is opened); The Promise, a chorale that re-appears several times in the course of the piece and represents the seriousness of the presidential mission; The River; The Voyageurs; The River II ; Death and Disappointment; Return to the Voyage; and The River III . The music includes several quoted melodies, one of which is familiar to everyone as the ultimate river song, and which becomes the through-stream of the work. All of the quoted tunes were either sung by the men on the voyage, or played by Cruzattes fiddle. From various journals and diaries, we know the men found enjoyment and solace in music, and almost every night encampment had at least a bit of music in it. In addition to Cruzatte, there were two other members of the party who played the fiddle, and others made do with singing, or playing upon sticks, bones, the ever-present jaw harps, and boat horns. From Lewis journals, I found all the tunes used in Upriver: Shenandoah (still popular after more than 200 years), Vla bon vent, Soldiers Joy, Johnny Has Gone for a Soldier, Come Ye Sinners Poor and Needy (a hymn sung to the tune Beech Spring) and Fishers Hornpipe. The work follows an emotional journey: not necessarily step-by-step with the Voyage of Discovery heroes, but a kind of grand arch. Beginning in the mists of history and myth, traversing peaks and valleys both real and emotional (and a solemn funeral scene), finding help from native people, and recalling their zeal upon finding the one great river that will, in fact, take them to the Pacific. When the men finally roar through the Columbia Gorge in their boats (a feat that even the Indians had not attempted), the magnificent river combines its theme with the chorale of Jeffersons Promise. The Dream is fulfilled: not quite the one Jefferson had imagined (there is no navigable water passage from the Missouri to the Pacific), but the dream of a continental destiny.
SKU: CN.R10004
A slow introduction gives way to the chirpy theme which is developed, inverted, and accents displaced across the bar line to give a 3/2 feel against the written meter. Restlessness leads to a tranquillo presented by the flute and clarinet, weaving a flowing counterpoint around the melody until the original slow introduction returns. A triumphant recapitulation of the main theme brings this wonderful piece to an end.Originally composed for Brass Band in 1934 Comedy Overture is, despite its name, a serious piece of writing. The term Overture does not imply that there is anything else to follow; it is used in the 19th century sense of Concert Overture (like Mendelssohn's Fingal's Cave - in other words, a miniature Tone Poem). The 1930's was a period of Ireland's mature writing - yielding the Piano Concerto (1930), the Legend for piano and orchestra (1933), and the choral work These Things Shall Be (1936-1937). We are fortunate therefore to have both Comedy Overture and A Downland Suite (1932) written for band medium at this time. As with Maritime Overture (written in 1944 for military band) Ireland approaches his material symphonically. The opening three notes state immediately the two seminal intervals of a semitone and a third. These are brooding and dark in Bb minor. It is these intervals which make up much of the thematic content of Comedy, sometimes appearing in inverted form, and sometimes in major forms as well. The concept that some musical intervals are consonant , some dissonant, and some perfect is perhaps useful in understanding the nature of the tension and resolution of this work. The third is inherently unstable, and by bar 4, the interval is expanded to a fourth - with an ascending sem-quaver triplet - and then expanded to a fifth. The instability of the third pushes it towards a perfect resolution in the fourth or the fifth. The slow introduction is built entirely around these intervals in Bb minor and leads through an oboe cadenza, to an Allegro moderato brillante in Bb major. Once again, the semi-tone (inverted) and a third (major) comprise the main, chirpy, theme-inspired by a London bus-conductor's cry of Piccadilly. (Much of the material in Comedy was re-conceived by Ireland for orchestra and published two years later under the title A London Overture.) The expansion of the interval of a third through a fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh now takes place quickly before our very ears at the outset of this quicker section. Immediately the theme is developed, inverted, and accents displaced across the bar line to give a 3/2 feel against the written meter. But this restlessness leads to a tranquillo built around an arpeggio figure and presented by flute and clarinet. Ireland weaves his flowing counterpoint around this melody until the original slow introduction returns leading to a stretto effect as the rising bass motifs become more urgent, requesting a resolution of the tension of that original semitone and minor third. Yet resolution is withheld at this point as the music becomes almost becalmed in a further, unrelated tranquillo section marked pianissimo. It is almost as if another side of Ireland's nature is briefly allowed to shine through the stern counterpoint and disciplined structure. This leads to virtually a full recapitulation of the chirpy brilliante, with small additional touches of counterpoint, followed by the first tranquillo section-this time in the tonic of Bb major. But the instability of the third re-asserts itself, this time demanding a resolution. And a triumphant resolution it receives, for it finally becomes fully fledged and reiterates the octave in a closing vivace. The opening tension has at last resolved itself into the most perfect interval of all.
SKU: BT.GOB-000752-140
The young have the future. This is the statement made at the beginning of ‘Like a Child’ by Andreas Ludwig Schulte. The opening radiates strength and ambition, but one is also made to wonder which direction will be chosen, which choices will have to be made.After the introduction the first steps on the path of life are taken, still somewhat unsteadily (the 3/4th time used illustrates this uncertainty). However, the child has now set off and will meet the future with an open mind, unafraid, even though experience will teach it how easily it can be hurt.Fortunately, it is sometimes allowed to be vulnerable and it discovers there will always be someone to offer shelter,support and love. (Adagio) The last part breathes a far greater independence. Youth is able to face the future, it can even take on the whole world! Wie de jeugd heeft, heeft de toekomst. Met dit statement begint deze compositie van Andreas Ludwig Schulte. Het begin straalt kracht en ambitie uit. Maar welke kant gaat het op, welke keuzes moeten gemaakt worden?Na de inleidingworden de eerste schreden op het levenspad gezet, het is nog wat onzeker (de driekwarts maat voelt een beetje wankel). Toch gaan we daarna op pad, onbevangen, met open vizier de toekomst tegemoet al blijken er toch noch kwetsbaremomenten te bestaan. Gelukkig mogen we dat soms ook zijn en dan is er altijd wel iemand bij wie we geborgenheid, steun en liefde ontvangen. (Adagio)Het laatste deel straalt al veel meer zelfstandigheid uit. Laat maarkomen die toekomst, we kunnen de wereld aan!
SKU: BT.GOB-000752-010
The young have the future. This is the statement made at the beginning of ‘Like a Child’ by Andreas Ludwig Schulte. The opening radiates strength and ambition, but one is also made to wonder which direction will be chosen, which choices will have to be made.After the introduction the first steps on the path of life are taken, still somewhat unsteadily (the 3/4th time used illustrates this uncertainty). However, the child has now set off and will meet the future with an open mind, unafraid, even though experience will teach it how easily it can be hurt.Fortunately, it is sometimes allowed to be vulnerable and it discovers there will always be someone to offer shelter,support and love. (Adagio) The last part breathes a far greater independence. Youth is able to face the future, it can even take on the whole world! Wie de jeugd heeft, heeft de toekomst. Met dit statement begint deze compositie van Andreas Ludwig Schulte. Het begin straalt kracht en ambitie uit. Maar welke kant gaat het op, welke keuzes moeten gemaakt worden?Na de inleidingworden de eerste schreden op het levenspad gezet, het is nog wat onzeker (de driekwarts maat voelt een beetje wankel). Toch gaan we daarna op pad, onbevangen, met open vizier de toekomst tegemoet al blijken er toch noch kwetsbaremomenten te bestaan. Gelukkig mogen we dat soms ook zijn en dan is er altijd wel iemand bij wie we geborgenheid, steun en liefde ontvangen. (Adagio)Het laatste deel straalt al veel meer zelfstandigheid uit. Laat maarkomen die toekomst, we kunnen de wereld aan!
ISBN 9781491152454. UPC: 680160909957.
Solar Flare, by Tyler Arcari, depicts the huge explosion on the Sun that appears as a sudden bright flash. The piece incorporates a whirlwind of mixed meters to?depict this phenomenon. Arcari showcases his fresh, exciting, and well-scored compositional style in this piece. Solar Flare makes for? an excellent concert opener.A solar flare is a huge explosion on the sun that appears as a sudden increase in brightness or flash. Sometimes these explosions push large amounts of energy and even parts of the sun flying out into space. These events can be so powerful that they cause events on Earth such as auroras, as well as more serious issues like disrupting radio and electronic instruments. To our naked eye, these dangerous explosions are beautiful and quiet. The celestial is a fascinating place, hopefully captured in some small part by this work. About the Work: Solar Flare began as a piece with two goals: to write a space piece in 7/8 and to write a teaching 7/8 space piece. The piece uses a 2-2-3 pattern, so using this in pre-performance warm-ups might be beneficial. The piece is loosely based on a minor second descending to a minor third. This motif is used at the onset of the piece in the mallet percussion and then again in the woodwinds. The melody presents itself at m. 19 in the clarinets. This melodic material is varied and traded throughout the instrument groups until m.67. Measures 6972 should be treated as a transitional fanfare to the new material at m. 73. Measures 99115 to the end of the piece feature a style similar to the beginning that helps to transition to m. 115, which is the climax of the work. An ostinato pattern (2-2-3) is presented with fragments of the melody appearing in the alto voices. This momentum culminates in a large, abrasive area at m. 125 where the suspension-resolution in the brass and horn melodic fragment need to be the focus. This momentum continuously grows until the last note where we resolve finally. Care should be taken that the ^ accent on the final note is one meant to be played heavy, and not short.A solar flare is a huge explosion on the sun that appears as a sudden increase in brightness or flash. Sometimes these explosions push large amounts of energy and even parts of the sun flying out into space. These events can be so powerful that they cause events on Earth such as auroras, as well as more serious issues like disrupting radio and electronic instruments. To our naked eye, these dangerous explosions are beautiful and quiet. The celestial is a fascinating place, hopefully captured in some small part by this work. About the Work: Solar Flare began as a piece with two goals: to write a space piece in 7/8 and to write a ateaching 7/8a space piece. The piece uses a 2-2-3 pattern, so using this in pre-performance warm-ups might be beneficial. The piece is loosely based on a minor second descending to a minor third. This motif is used at the onset of the piece in the mallet percussion and then again in the woodwinds. The melody presents itself at m. 19 in the clarinets. This melodic material is varied and traded throughout the instrument groups until m.67. Measures 69a72 should be treated as a transitional fanfare to the new material at m. 73. Measures 99a115 to the end of the piece feature a style similar to the beginning that helps to transition to m. 115, which is the climax of the work. An ostinato pattern (2-2-3) is presented with fragments of the melody appearing in the alto voices. This momentum culminates in a large, abrasive area at m. 125 where the suspension-resolution in the brass and horn melodic fragment need to be the focus. This momentum continuously grows until the last note where we resolve finally. Care should be taken that the a^a accent on the final note is one meant to be played heavy, and not short.A solar flare is a huge explosion on the sun that appears as a sudden increase in brightness or flash. Sometimes these explosions push large amounts of energy and even parts of the sun flying out into space. These events can be so powerful that they cause events on Earth such as auroras, as well as more serious issues like disrupting radio and electronic instruments. To our naked eye, these dangerous explosions are beautiful and quiet. The celestial is a fascinating place, hopefully captured in some small part by this work. About the Work: Solar Flare began as a piece with two goals: to write a space piece in 7/8 and to write a ateaching 7/8a space piece. The piece uses a 2-2-3 pattern, so using this in pre-performance warm-ups might be beneficial. The piece is loosely based on a minor second descending to a minor third. This motif is used at the onset of the piece in the mallet percussion and then again in the woodwinds. The melody presents itself at m. 19 in the clarinets. This melodic material is varied and traded throughout the instrument groups until m.67. Measures 69a72 should be treated as a transitional fanfare to the new material at m. 73. Measures 99a115 to the end of the piece feature a style similar to the beginning that helps to transition to m. 115, which is the climax of the work. An ostinato pattern (2-2-3) is presented with fragments of the melody appearing in the alto voices. This momentum culminates in a large, abrasive area at m. 125 where the suspension-resolution in the brass and horn melodic fragment need to be the focus. This momentum continuously grows until the last note where we resolve finally. Care should be taken that the a^a accent on the final note is one meant to be played heavy, and not short.A solar flare is a huge explosion on the sun that appears as a sudden increase in brightness or flash. Sometimes these explosions push large amounts of energy and even parts of the sun flying out into space. These events can be so powerful that they cause events on Earth such as auroras, as well as more serious issues like disrupting radio and electronic instruments. To our naked eye, these dangerous explosions are beautiful and quiet. The celestial is a fascinating place, hopefully captured in some small part by this work. About the Work: Solar Flare began as a piece with two goals: to write a space piece in 7/8 and to write a teaching 7/8 space piece. The piece uses a 2-2-3 pattern, so using this in pre-performance warm-ups might be beneficial. The piece is loosely based on a minor second descending to a minor third. This motif is used at the onset of the piece in the mallet percussion and then again in the woodwinds. The melody presents itself at m. 19 in the clarinets. This melodic material is varied and traded throughout the instrument groups until m.67. Measures 69-72 should be treated as a transitional fanfare to the new material at m. 73. Measures 99-115 to the end of the piece feature a style similar to the beginning that helps to transition to m. 115, which is the climax of the work. An ostinato pattern (2-2-3) is presented with fragments of the melody appearing in the alto voices. This momentum culminates in a large, abrasive area at m. 125 where the suspension-resolution in the brass and horn melodic fragment need to be the focus. This momentum continuously grows until the last note where we resolve finally. Care should be taken that the ^ accent on the final note is one meant to be played heavy, and not short.A solar flare is a huge explosion on the sun that appears as a sudden increase in brightness or flash. Sometimes these explosions push large amounts of energy and even parts of the sun flying out into space. These events can be so powerful that they cause events on Earth such as auroras, as well as more serious issues like disrupting radio and electronic instruments. To our naked eye, these dangerous explosions are beautiful and quiet. The celestial is a fascinating place, hopefully captured in some small part by this work. About the Work: Solar Flare began as a piece with two goals: to write a space piece in 7/8 and to write a teaching 7/8 space piece. The piece uses a 2-2-3 pattern, so using this in pre-performance warm-ups might be beneficial. The piece is loosely based on a minor second descending to a minor third. This motif is used at the onset of the piece in the mallet percussion and then again in the woodwinds. The melody presents itself at m. 19 in the clarinets. This melodic material is varied and traded throughout the instrument groups until m.67. Measures 69-72 should be treated as a transitional fanfare to the new material at m. 73. Measures 99-115 to the end of the piece feature a style similar to the beginning that helps to transition to m. 115, which is the climax of the work. An ostinato pattern (2-2-3) is presented with fragments of the melody appearing in the alto voices. This momentum culminates in a large, abrasive area at m. 125 where the suspension-resolution in the brass and horn melodic fragment need to be the focus. This momentum continuously grows until the last note where we resolve finally. Care should be taken that the ^ accent on the final note is one meant to be played heavy, and not short.A solar flare is a huge explosion on the sun that appears as a sudden increase in brightness or flash. Sometimes these explosions push large amounts of energy and even parts of the sun flying out into space. These events can be so powerful that they cause events on Earth such as auroras, as well as more serious issues like disrupting radio and electronic instruments. To our naked eye, these dangerous explosions are beautiful and quiet. The celestial is a fascinating place, hopefully captured in some small part by this work.About the Work:Solar Flare began as a piece with two goals: to write a space piece in 7/8 and to write a “teaching 7/8†space piece. The piece uses a 2-2-3 pattern, so using this in pre-performance warm-ups might be beneficial. The piece is loosely based on a minor second descending to a minor third. This motif is used at the onset of the piece in the mallet percussion and then again in the woodwinds. The melody presents itself at m. 19 in the clarinets. This melodic material is varied and traded throughout the instrument groups until m.67. Measures 69–72 should be treated as a transitional fanfare to the new material at m. 73.Measures 99–115 to the end of the piece feature a style similar to the beginning that helps to transition to m. 115, which is the climax of the work. An ostinato pattern (2-2-3) is presented with fragments of the melody appearing in the alto voices. This momentum culminates in a large, abrasive area at m. 125 where the suspension-resolution in the brass and horn melodic fragment need to be the focus. This momentum continuously grows until the last note where we resolve finally. Care should be taken that the “^†accent on the final note is one meant to be played heavy, and not short.
ISBN 9781491153130. UPC: 680160910632.
SKU: BT.DHP-1165672-140
The Magic Book is taken from a tale by Danish author Tang Kristensen. It tells the story of Hans who has the power to transform himself into anything he likes thanks to a magical book. But his last transformation turns the tide against them…This great and refreshing piece contains three movements: Hans and the Animals, In the Castle and Royal Wedding.The Magic Book is gebaseerd op een verhaal van de Deense auteur Tang Kristensen. Het gaat over Hans, die zichzelf kan veranderen in alles wat hij wil, dankzij een toverboek. Maar zijn laatste transformatie lijkt zich tegen hem te keren… Ditfraaie, hartverwarmende werk bevat drie delen: Hans and the Animals, In the Castle en Royal Wedding.The Magic Book (Das Zauberbuch“) ist ein Märchen des dänischen Autors Tang Kristensen. Es erzählt die Geschichte von Hans, der sich dank eines Zauberbuches in alles Mögliche verwandeln kann. Aber bei seiner letzten Verwandlung wendet sich dasBlatt gegen ihn … Dieses großartige und erfrischende Stück hat drei Sätze: Hans and the Animals (Hans und die Tiere“), In the Castle (Im Schloss“) und Royal Wedding (Königliche Hochzeit“).The Magic Book est tiré d’un conte de l’auteur danois Tang Kristensen. Il raconte l’histoire de Hans qui possède le pouvoir de se transformer en tout ce qu’il désire gr ce un livre magique. Mais sa dernière transformation lui joue un mauvaistour… Ce morceau magnifique et rafraîchissant contient trois mouvements : Hans and the Animals (Hans et les animaux), In the Castle (Au ch teau)et Royal Wedding (Mariage royal).Tratto dalla favola del narratore danese Tang Kristensen, è la storia di Hans, il ragazzo con la capacit di trasformarsi in qualsiasi cosa grazie ai poteri conferitigli da un libro magico. La sua ultima trasformazione, tuttavia, potrebbe ritorcerglisi contro… scopri questa grande storia musicale che si compone di quattro movimenti!
SKU: AP.38368
UPC: 038081441047. English.
Recently, the ladies of pop are ruling the charts and veteran writer Victor López has selected two very playable titles from Lady Gaga and Katy Perry's repertoire that will rock your audience. A dynamic duo of artists and tunes. Recognized by students and audiences alike, this pop duo is certain to please!
SKU: BT.DHP-1216344-010
This work is a close-up of the encounters and relationships of trust between people, following the idea that friendship lasts forever.†After the passing of Satoshi Yagisawa’s close friend and work partner, Tsutomu Murata, a designer of Neo Create in August 2020, the composer began work on this piece. Murata performed music for audiences primarily as a leader and conductor of Kurume City Brass, a group which is active in Fukuoka Prefecture in Japan. Eternal Frienship depicts a five-minute chorale which explores “how music can convey that a close friend is indispensable to you, more broadly, everyone to someone,†much like how Murata conveyed the appeal of music to his audiences. Under the direction of the composer himself, the work had its world premiere and was recorded with the Kobe College Wind Orchestra. Dit werk werpt een blik op fijne ontmoetingen en vertrouwelijke relaties tussen mensen en gaat uit van het idee dat vriendschap voor altijd is. Nadat Yagisawa’s goede vriend en collega Tsutomu Murata, een van de ontwerpers van Neo Create, in augustus 2020 overleed, begon hij aan deze compositie te werken. Murata musiceerde vooral als muzikaal leider en dirigent van Kurume City Brass, een ensemble dat actief is in de Japanse prefectuur Fukuoka. Eternal Frienship is een vijf minuten durend koraal waarin wordt verkend hoe muziek kan verklanken dat een goede vriendschap onmisbaar voor je is en hoe dit principe in bredere zin voor alle mensen geldt. Op een vergelijkbare manier wist Murata de betekenis van muziek op zijn publiek over te brengen. Het werk is onder leiding van de componist zelf in première gebracht en werd opgenomen door het Kobe College Wind Orchestra. Dieses Werk betrachtet Begegnungen und Vertrauensbeziehungen zwischen Menschen, die überzeugt davon sind, dass Freundschaft ewig hält“. Nach dem Tod von Satoshi Yagisawas engem Freund und Kollegen Tsutomu Murata, einem Designer von Neo Create, im August 2020 begann der Komponist mit der Arbeit an diesem Stück. Murata trat hauptsächlich als Leiter und Dirigent von Kurume City Brass, einem Blasorchester in der Präfektur Fukuoka in Japan, in Erscheinung. Eternal Frienship besteht aus einem fünfminütigen Choral, der beschreibt, wie Musik verdeutlichen kann, dass ein enger Freund für jeden unverzichtbar ist“ eben genauso, wie auch Murata seinem Publikum die Anziehungskraft der Musik vermittelt hat. Das Werk wurde unter der Leitung des Komponisten mit dem Kobe College Wind Orchestra uraufgeführt und aufgenommen. Cette Å“uvre examine les rencontres et rapports de confiance entre les gens, selon l’idée que « l’amitié est éternelle ». Satoshi Yagisawa commença écrire cette pièce la suite du décès, en ao t 2020, de son associé et ami proche, Tsutomu Murata, un concepteur de Neo Create. Murata se produisait en public principalement en tant que directeur et chef d’orchestre de Kurume City Brass, un ensemble actif dans la préfecture de Fukuoka, au Japon. Eternal Frienship prend la forme d’un choral de cinq minutes qui explore « comment la musique peut exprimer l’idée qu’il est indispensable d’avoir un ami proche et, plus largement, que l’on ne peut vivre sans les autres ». Murata savait certainement communiquer l’attrait de la musique son public. Eternal Frienship a été créée et enregistrée par l’Harmonie du collège de Kobe (Japon) sous la direction du compositeur lui-même. 2020 8 “ â€.
SKU: BT.DHP-1216344-140
SKU: HL.4007849
UPC: 196288105480.
This piece comprises a series of variations on the melody of “Ami, dans cette vie†(“Friend, in this lifeâ€), an 18th century French song. Like the famous poem “Canzona de Bacco†by Lorenzo de' Medici, this song invites the listener to enjoy life, friendships, love and wine while there is still time to do so. The epicurean nature of this text contrasts with a deeply melancholic melody, a contradiction which is explored in the present work. After a somewhat turbulent first part, the original melody is revealed in a serene and pensive middle section which highlights several soloists. In the last movement, the atmosphere is transformed to become increasingly exuberant, like a Bacchus incantation. The piece concludes with a final dazzling statement of the original theme. Canzona di Bacco was commissioned by the Vesoul Municipal Wind Band, who premiered the work on 24 June 2022 at the Edwige Feuillère Theatre in Vesoul (France), under the direction of Mathieu Anguenot.
SKU: HL.4007848
UPC: 196288105473. 9.0x12.0 inches.
SKU: BT.DHP-1165672-010
The Magic Book is taken from a tale by Danish author Tang Kristensen. It tells the story of Hans who has the power to transform himself into anything he likes thanks to a magical book. But his last transformation turns the tide against them…This great and refreshing piece contains three movements: Hans and the Animals, In the Castle and Royal Wedding.The Magic Book is gebaseerd op een verhaal van de Deense auteur Tang Kristensen. Het gaat over Hans, die zichzelf kan veranderen in alles wat hij wil, dankzij een toverboek. Maar zijn laatste transformatie lijkt zich tegen hem te keren… Ditfraaie, hartverwarmende werk bevat drie delen: Hans and the Animals, In the Castle en Royal Wedding.Dieses großartige, erfrischende Werk in drei Sätzen geht auf ein Märchen des dänischen Autors Tang Kristensen zurück. Es erzählt die Geschichte von Hans, der sich dank eines Zauberbuches in alles Mögliche verwandeln kann. Aber bei seiner letztenVerwandlung wendet sich das Blatt gegen ihn…
Die drei Sätze: Hans and the Animals (Hans und die Tiere“), In the Castle (Im Schloss“) und Royal Wedding (Königliche Hochzeit“).The Magic Book est tiré d’un conte de l’auteur danois Tang Kristensen. Il raconte l’histoire de Hans qui possède le pouvoir de se transformer en tout ce qu’il désire gr ce un livre magique. Mais sa dernière transformation lui joue un mauvaistour… Ce morceau magnifique et rafraîchissant contient trois mouvements : Hans and the Animals (Hans et les animaux), In the Castle (Au ch teau)et Royal Wedding (Mariage royal).Tratto dalla favola del narratore danese Tang Kristensen, è la storia di Hans, il ragazzo con la capacit di trasformarsi in qualsiasi cosa grazie ai poteri conferitigli da un libro magico. La sua ultima trasformazione, tuttavia, potrebbe ritorcerglisi contro… scopri questa grande storia musicale che si compone di quattro movimenti!