SKU: ML.013780090
The Spanish war galleon with 64 cannons, built in Cuba between 1770 and 1771 for an English shipowner in the service of the King of Spain left Peru for Cadiz in 1784 with a huge cargo of copper, gold, silver and other valuables on board. There were also more than 400 people on board, including passengers, crew and Inca prisoners after a revolt. The Atlantic crossing went smoothly, passing Portugal to take advantage of favourable winds. The shipwreck off Peniche was the result of human error, apparently due to French maps with dramatic errors in the position of the islands of Berlengas and neighbouring islets. On 2 February 1786, the sea was calm and the night clear, but they hit the rock formation Papoa and the hull immediately broke in two. The bottom sank quickly, while the deck remained afloat for some time. 128 people lost their lives, including many Indians who were trapped in the basement. This shipwreck is considered one of the most important in maritime history.What the composer wants to convey, and what can be felt as one listens, is first of all the sound of power, of hope, of the glory of conquest, of the splendour of wealth. This is followed by the perception of the maritime environment, the harmony with the softness of the ocean, the gliding of the hull in the foam of the sea on sunny, blue days. But along with this tranquillity, you soon hear a rhythmic chain that makes you feel a representation of the hustle and bustle, of the busy crew, of the hard work of a sailor, of the desperation of an exotic people imprisoned in a dark, damp cellar. A distinct rhythm that reminds us of the salero of Andalusia, with its Arab influences and its people, the soothing of the resignation of others who are forced to submit. Then we clearly hear a crescendo that makes us imagine the agony of the collision that precedes the shipwreck. The breaking of the hull, the water flooding everything, the despair, the clash of bodies on the rocks, the tragedy to come. Before the grand finale, in which the return of musical softness reminds us that the story is over. The supremacy of nature over human greed. The waves, though gentle, sweep the wreckage, the lives and the treasures of the New World to the bottom of the sea.Het Spaans oorlogsgaljoen met 64 kanonnen, gebouwd in Cuba tussen 1770 en 1771 voor een Engelse reder in dienst van de koning van Spanje vertrok in 1784 vanuit Peru naar Cádiz met een enorme lading koper, goud, zilver en andere kostbaarheden aan boord. Er waren ook meer dan 400 mensen aan boord, waaronder passagiers, bemanning en Inca gevangenen na een opstand. De oversteek van de Atlantische Oceaan verliep vlot, waarbij Portugal werd gepasseerd om te profiteren van gunstige winden. De schipbreuk bij Peniche was het resultaat van een menselijke fout, blijkbaar te wijten aan Franse kaarten met dramatische fouten in de positie van de eilanden Berlengas en naburige eilandjes. Op 2 februari 1786 was de zee kalm en de nacht helder, maar ze raakten de rotsformatie Papoa en de romp brak onmiddellijk in tweeën. De bodem zonk snel, terwijl het dek nog enige tijd bleef drijven. 128 mensen verloren het leven, waaronder veel indianen die vastzaten in de kelder. Dit scheepswrak wordt beschouwd als een van de belangrijkste in de maritieme geschiedenis.Wat de componist wil overbrengen, en wat men kan voelen als men luistert, is allereerst het geluid van macht, van hoop, van de glorie van verovering, van de pracht van rijkdom. Dit wordt gevolgd door de perceptie van de maritieme omgeving, de harmonie met de zachtheid van de oceaan, het glijden van de romp in het schuim van de zee op zonnige, blauwe dagen. Maar samen met deze rust hoor je al snel een ritmische ketting die je een voorstelling geeft van de drukte, van de drukke bemanning, van het harde werk van een zeeman, van de wanhoop van een exotisch volk dat gevangen zit in een donkere, vochtige kelder. Een duidelijk ritme dat ons doet denken aan de salero van Andalusië, met zijn Arabische invloeden en zijn mensen, het sussen van de berusting van anderen die gedwongen worden zich te onderwerpen. Dan horen we duidelijk een crescendo dat ons de lijdensweg doet voorstellen van de aanvaring die voorafgaat aan de schipbreuk. Het breken van de romp, het water dat alles overspoelt, de wanhoop, het botsen van lichamen op de rotsen, de tragedie die komen gaat. Vóór de grote finale, waarin de terugkeer van de muzikale zachtheid ons eraan herinnert dat het verhaal voorbij is. De overmacht van de natuur over de hebzucht van de mens. De golven, hoewel zacht, vegen het wrak, de levens en de schatten van de Nieuwe Wereld naar de bodem van de zee.Le galion de guerre espagnol de 64 canons, construit à Cuba entre 1770 et 1771 pour un armateur anglais au service du roi d'Espagne, a quitté le Pérou pour Cadix en 1784 avec à son bord une énorme cargaison de cuivre, d'or, d'argent et d'autres objets de valeur. Il y avait également plus de 400 personnes à bord, dont des passagers, des membres d'équipage et des prisonniers incas à la suite d'une révolte. La traversée de l'Atlantique s'est déroulée sans encombre, en passant par le Portugal pour profiter des vents favorables. Le naufrage au large de Peniche est le résultat d'une erreur humaine, apparemment due à des cartes françaises comportant des erreurs dramatiques dans la position des îles de Berlengas et des îlots voisins. Le 2 février 1786, alors que la mer est calme et la nuit claire, le navire heurte la formation rocheuse de Papoa et la coque se brise immédiatement en deux. Le fond coule rapidement, tandis que le pont reste à flot pendant un certain temps. 128 personnes ont perdu la vie, dont de nombreux Indiens qui étaient coincés dans les sous-sols. Ce naufrage est considéré comme l'un des plus importants de l'histoire maritime.Ce que le compositeur veut transmettre, et ce que l'on ressent à l'écoute, c'est d'abord le son de la puissance, de l'espoir, de la gloire de la conquête, de la splendeur de la richesse. C'est ensuite la perception de l'environnement maritime, l'harmonie avec la douceur de l'océan, le glissement de la coque dans l'écume de la mer par des journées bleues et ensoleillées. Mais à côté de cette tranquillité, on entend bientôt une chaîne rythmique qui nous fait ressentir une représentation de l'agitation, de l'équipage affairé, du dur labeur d'un marin, du désespoir d'un peuple exotique emprisonné dans une cave sombre et humide. Un rythme distinct qui nous rappelle le salero d'Andalousie, avec ses influences arabes et son peuple, l'apaisement de la résignation des autres qui sont obligés de se soumettre. Puis on entend clairement un crescendo qui nous fait imaginer l'agonie de la collision qui précède le naufrage. La rupture de la coque, l'eau qui envahit tout, le désespoir, le choc des corps sur les rochers, la tragédie à venir. Avant le grand final, où le retour de la douceur musicale nous rappelle que l'histoire est terminée. La suprématie de la nature sur la cupidité humaine. Les vagues, bien que douces, emportent les épaves, les vies et les trésors du Nouveau Monde au fond de la mer.Die spanische Kriegsgaleone mit 64 Kanonen, die zwischen 1770 und 1771 auf Kuba für einen englischen Reeder im Dienste des spanischen Königs gebaut wurde, verließ Peru 1784 in Richtung Cádiz mit einer riesigen Ladung Kupfer, Gold, Silber und anderen Wertgegenständen an Bord. An Bord befanden sich auch mehr als 400 Menschen, darunter Passagiere, Besatzungsmitglieder und Inka-Gefangene nach einem Aufstand. Die Atlantiküberquerung verlief reibungslos, wobei Portugal passiert wurde, um die günstigen Winde zu nutzen. Der Schiffbruch vor Peniche war das Ergebnis menschlichen Versagens, das offenbar auf französische Karten zurückzuführen war, die in Bezug auf die Position der Inseln Berlengas und der benachbarten Eilande dramatische Fehler enthielten. Am 2. Februar 1786 stießen sie bei ruhiger See und klarer Nacht auf die Felsformation Papoa und der Rumpf brach sofort entzwei. Der Boden sank schnell, während das Deck noch einige Zeit über Wasser blieb. 128 Menschen kamen ums Leben, darunter viele Indianer, die im Keller eingeschlossen waren. Dieses Schiffswrack gilt als eines der bedeutendsten Was der Komponist vermitteln will und was man beim Zuhören spürt, ist zunächst der Klang der Macht, der Hoffnung, des Ruhms der Eroberung, des Glanzes des Reichtums. Es folgt die Wahrnehmung der maritimen Umgebung, die Harmonie mit der Sanftheit des Meeres, das Gleiten des Schiffsrumpfes im Schaum des Meeres an sonnigen, blauen Tagen. Doch neben dieser Ruhe hört man bald eine rhythmische Kette, die die Hektik, die geschäftige Mannschaft, die harte Arbeit eines Seemanns, die Verzweiflung eines exotischen Volkes, das in einem dunklen, feuchten Keller gefangen ist, wiedergibt. Ein ausgeprägter Rhythmus, der an den Salero Andalusiens erinnert, mit seinen arabischen Einflüssen und seinen Menschen, der die Resignation der anderen besänftigt, die gezwungen sind, sich zu fügen. Dann hören wir deutlich ein Crescendo, das uns die Qualen des Zusammenstoßes, der dem Schiffbruch vorausgeht, erahnen lässt. Das Zerbrechen des Rumpfes, das Wasser, das alles überflutet, die Verzweiflung, das Aufeinanderprallen der Körper auf den Felsen, die bevorstehende Tragödie. Vor dem großen Finale, in dem die Rückkehr der musikalischen Sanftheit uns daran erinnert, dass die Geschichte zu Ende ist. Die Vorherrschaft der Natur über die menschliche Gier. Die Wellen, so sanft sie auch sein mögen, spülen die Trümmer, das Leben und die Schätze der Neuen Welt auf den Grund des Meeres.
SKU: CL.012-3736-01
Here’s the perfect opening or closing selection for your holiday concert. Using the famous English carol as the focus of the work, Rob Romeyn has crafted a very clever arrangement by including musical fragments from familiar carols to capture the true spirit of holiday caroling, all while being very playable. A beautiful and expressive middle section of All Through the Night provides a very nice contrast to the joyful beginning and ending of the piece. You’ll want to program this one every year!!
About Heritage of the March
Full-sized concert band editions of the greatest marches of all time. Each has been faithfully re-scored to accommodate modern instrumentation and incorporate performance practices of classic march style
ISBN 9780825864582. UPC: 798408064587. 9 X 12 inches.
An easy and straightforward arrangement of a popular Christmas Carol that features clever rhythmic variations on the tune. Mildly dissonant harmonies and imaginative scoring, including a brief, but effective, solo for the percussion section, add spice to the traditional Christmas brew.
SKU: BT.GOB-001140-010
In Theme Park Fun! your orchestra pays a visit to an amusement park. During your visit, you will experience some spectacular rides and attractions this theme park offers. The uniqueness of Theme Park Fun! is the interplay between music and(moving) images. Animations and illustrations support the visual composition.Part 1: The Entrance & Parade [with animation]The opening of the park is a fact. A day full of fun and pleasure awaits! You and the other visitors willbe confronted with all the rides, attractions and adventures the theme park has to offer. Which ride shall we do first?! There is so much to do and experience on this day in the park! A parade of colorful floats and park figures is passing by.Letthe fun begin!Part 2: The Haunted House [with animation]The only ride in the park that is not related to fun, is the Haunted House. Here visitors will be challenged to visit a house full of ghosts, creepy figures and otherominous things. The clock strikes twelve, there is no turning back. Ghosts are whispering, yelling, screaming... Fortunately it is almost one oclock, so we can leave this creepy place quickly.Part 3: The Swinging Galleon [withillustrations]What a huge pirate ship! Each time you swing back and forth, you will feel that weird feeling in your stomach. When you are thrown completely into the top you will have a fantastic view over the park, but you can not enjoy itfor long. Before you know the ship swings back the other way.Part 4: The Fairy Tale Ride [with illustrations]After all those exciting and spectacular rides and attractions, it is time for a peaceful tour in The Fairy Tale Ride.Surrounded by a fairytale setting, you will discover fable figures, talking animals and colorful designs. Such a beauty and tranquility. Having had this experience, we are ready again for the big rides in the park!Part 5: The Bumper Cars[with illustrations]Now its time to crawl behind the wheel of the Bumper Cars! Shall we all chase the conductor?! Before you know you are hit by another visitor or you will bump against someone else. In this tough ride you can prove yourselfas a real driver, or perhaps as a really bad one.Part 6: The Roller Coaster [with illustrations]The largest, fastest and scariest ride in the park ... we should definitely do the Roller Coaster! All together in the train, theover-the-shoulder restraints are lowering... be ready to ride. The train leaves the station and is heading for the big lift hill. It will be very scary when the train reaches the top and the train will be plunged down the first drop! Loops,corkscrews and other spectacular coaster elements will follow... Before you know it, the ride of your life is over. Shall we ride it again?!Part 7: Leaving the Park [with animation]Unfortunately everything comes to an end. Thisday in the theme park is over, but we have a lot new experiences to talk about! The memories of all the funny and spectacular rides will come up when we walk through the park to the exit. Just one look over the shoulder, the amusement park figuresare waving at us. Hopefully we will come back again soon!In 'Theme Park Fun!' bezoek je met de hele muziekvereniging een pretpark. Tijdens het bezoek word je op muzikale wijze geconfronteerd met een aantal spectaculaire attracties die het pretpark rijk is. Het unieke van 'Theme Park Fun!'is het samenspel tussen muziek en beeld. Deel 1: 'The Entrance & Parade' [met animatiefilm]De opening van het pretpark is een feit. De dag vol plezier kan beginnen en de bezoekers worden hier geconfronteerdmet alle attracties en avonturen die ze in het pretpark staan te wachten. In welke attractie zullen we als eerst stappen?! Er is zoveel te doen en te beleven deze dag in het pretpark! Een parade met parkfiguren en kleurrijke praalwagenskomt voorbij, de pret kan beginnen!Deel 2: 'The Haunted House' [met animatiefilm]De enige attractie in het pretpark die geen 'pret' uitstraalt, is het spookhuis. Hier worden de bezoekers uitgedaagd om zichte begeven in een huis vol spoken, geesten en andere onheilspellende dingen. De klok slaat 12 keer, er is geen weg meer terug. Gefluister..., geschreeuw... Gelukkig slaat de klok bijna 1 uur en kunnen we deze ongure plek snel verlaten.Deel3: 'The Swinging Galleon' [met illustraties]Wat een groot piratenschip! Elke keer wanneer je heen en weer schommelt, voel je dat rare gevoel in je buik. Wanneer je helemaal in de top geslingerd bentheb je een fantastisch uitzicht over het pretpark, maar je kunt er niet lang van genieten. Voor je het weet zwaait het schip weer de andere kant op.Deel 4: 'The Fairy Tale Ride' [met illustraties]Na al die spannendeen spectaculaire attracties is het tijd voor een rustig ritje in 'The Fairy Tale Ride'. Omgeven door een sprookjesachtige omgeving waan je je tussen elfjes, pratende dieren en kleurrijke decors. Wat een schoonheid en rust, hierna.
SKU: BT.GOB-001140-140
SKU: AP.49561
ISBN 9781470648909. UPC: 038081569680. English.
Arranged by Douglas E. Wagner, three well-known secular carol tunes are showcased in this big and brassy, bright and flashy seasonal extravaganza, especially suited as a concert opener. Beginning with a cascade of chimes, soaring woodwind runs, and bold brass lines, Deck the Hall and Here We Come A-Caroling are presented with dynamic flair, interspersed with brief fanfare-like episodes. The mood transitions to a jaunting sleigh ride across the winter landscape, partnering the second time through with Jingle Bells, as the spirited celebration closes with a short coda, drawn from musical materials heard in the opening measures of the work. (2:55) This title is available in MakeMusic Cloud.
SKU: AP.49561S
ISBN 9781470648916. UPC: 038081569697. English.
Arranged by Douglas E. Wagner, three well-known secular carol tunes are showcased in this big and brassy, bright and flashy seasonal extravaganza, especially suited as a concert opener. Beginning with a cascade of chimes, soaring woodwind runs, and bold brass lines, Deck the Hall and Here We Come A-Caroling are presented with dynamic flair, interspersed with brief fanfare-like episodes. The mood transitions to a jaunting sleigh ride across the winter landscape, partnering the second time through with Jingle Bells, as the spirited celebration closes with a short coda, drawn from musical materials heard in the opening measures of the work. (2:55).
SKU: BT.DHP-1002207-140
Sinfonia Hungarica is a three-movement symphony that depicts the history of Hungary. All three movements were inspired by historical key figures, wars, and other important events from this country. This symphony is a celebration of Hungary’s millennium in 2001.ATTILA, King of the Huns, often named “The scourge of God,†is the central figure of the first movement, mainly characterized by fear, threat, aggression, and cruelty. Attila’s brother, Buda, however, has a more heroic theme, while his beloved wife, Rika, has a lyrical melody. The exciting ending of this opening movement illustrates the dreaded speed of Attila’s troops: they pursued their victims and killed them all!Dit stuk werd gecomponeerd in opdracht van het symfonisch blaasorkest Kiskunfélegyhaza uit Hongarije en opgedragen aan dirigent Ferenc Jankovski, burgemeester Jozsef Ficsor en Gabriella Kiss. De wereldpremière vond plaats op 31 maart2001 in Budapest (Hongarije) door het eerdergenoemde orkest onder leiding van de componist.Deze driedelige symfonie beschrijft de geschiedenis van Hongarije. De drie delen zijn ge nspireerd op historische sleutelfiguren, oorlogenen andere belangrijke gebeurtenissen in dit land. De symfonie werd geschreven ter gelegenheid van de millenniumviering van Hongarije in 2001.ATTILA, koning van de Hunnen, vaak ‘de gesel Gods’ genoemd, is de centrale figuurin het eerste deel, dat voornamelijk wordt gekenmerkt door angst, dreiging, agressie en wreedheid. Attila’s broer, Buda, heeft echter een hero scher thema, terwijl zijn geliefde vrouw, Rika, een lyrische melodie heeft. Het spannendeeinde van dit openingsdeel illustreert de gevreesde snelheid van Attila’s troepen: ze achtervolgden hun slachtoffers en vermoordden ze allemaal! Het tweede deel gaat over ARPAD, de stichter van de Hongaarse staat. Hetbegint met een sfeerpassage, die het beeld oproept van zijn grootmoeder, Emese, dromend over zijn bestemming. Een van Arpad’s tegenstanders, de Bulgaarse prins Zalan, werd verdreven na een gevecht. Hierna noemde Arpad het gebiedofficieel ‘Magyarorszag’.Het laatste deel is genoemd naar ISTVAN, de koning die het christendom in Hongarije introduceerde en die werd gekroond door paus Silvester II op 1 januari 1001. Een vrij plechtige start leidt tot nogeen martiale passage, die eindigt met een aantal luide slagen. Deze symboliseren het voorval waarbij het lichaam van de heiden Koppany in vier stukken werd gesneden, die naar de vier kastelen van het land werden gezonden als schrikwekkendDie Sinfonie in drei Sätzen ist eine musikalische Schilderung der Geschichte Ungarns. Alle drei Sätze haben bedeutende historische Persönlichkeiten und Schlüsselereignisse aus der Landesgeschichte - wie etwa Kriege - zum Inhalt. Das Werk wurde zuUngarns Tausendjahrfeier im Jahr 2001 geschrieben.Attila, König der Hunnen, oftmals auch die Geißel Gottes genannt, ist die zentrale Gestalt des ersten Satzes; in seiner musikalischen Beschreibung sind Aggressivität und Grausamkeit, die vonihm ausgehende Bedrohung und ihm entgegengebrachte Furcht spürbar. Daneben erscheinen das heroischer klingende Thema von Buda, Attilas Bruder, und das lyrische von Rika, seiner zärtlich geliebten Frau. Der aufpeitschende Schluss desSatzes ist Sinnbild für die gefürchtete Schnelligkeit von Attilas Truppen, mit der sie ihre Opfer eingeholt und ohne Ausnahme getötet haben.Im Mittelpunkt des zweiten Satzes steht Arpad, der eigentliche Begründer des ungarischen Staates. Eineatmosphärisch klingende Einleitung beschwört Emese, die Großmutter Arpads, herauf, die im Traum seine Bestimmung vorhergesehen hatte. Er schlug seinen Gegner, den Prinzen Zalan von Bulgarien, im Kampf in die Flucht und gab dem Land denNamen Magyarorszag.Das Finale ist nach Istvan benannt, dem König, der in Ungarn das Christentum einführte und am ersten Januar 1001 durch Papst Sylvester II. gekrönt wurde. Ein feierlicher Anfang leitet über in einen an Kriegsgetümmelerinnernden Abschnitt, der in lärmendem Getöse endet. Es steht für das Ende des Heiden Koppany, dessen Körper gevierteilt und als abschreckendes Beispiel an die vier Burgen des Landes gesandt wurde. Ein ruhiges, beinahe religiös wirkendesZwischenspiel mündet in die ungarische Nationalhymne. Dieser prachtvolle, mit grandioso überschriebene Schluss hat auch eine symbolische Bedeutung: Nach zehn Jahrhunderten hat Ungarn guten Grund, mit Stolz zurückzublicken und der Zukunft mitZuversicht und Optimismus entgegenzusehen.Die wunderbare Melodie der Nationalhymne erscheint in der Sinfonie auch vorher schon immer wieder, wird meist aber ganz oder teilweise überdeckt. Sie durchläuft das Werk wie ein roter Faden, der anfangs kaumwahrzunehmen ist und erst im Verlauf der Sinfonie immer deutlicher wird. Am Ende krönt sie das Werk in einer letzten prachtvollen Steigerung, in der das Orchester den majestätischen Klang einer Orgel annimmt.Sinfonia Hungarica est une œuvre de commande pour l’Orchestre d’Harmonie de Kiskunfelegyhaze en Hongrie. Elle est dédiée Ferenc Jankovski (Directeur de l’Orchestre d’Harmonie), Jozsef Ficsor (Maire de la ville de Kiskunfelegyhaze) et Gabriella Kiss.Cette symphonie en trois mouvements retrace l’histoire de la Hongrie. L’ensemble des trois mouvements s’inspire de la vie de personnages historiques clés, de guerres et d’autres événements de grande importance qui ont marqué l’histoire de ce pays. Sinfonia Hungarica célèbre le millénaire de la fondation de l’État hongrois (1001-2001). L’œuvre a été donnée en création mondiale, le 31 mars 2001 Budapest,par l’Orchestre d’Harmonie de Kiskunfelegyhaze placé sous la direction du compositeur.ATTILA, roi des Huns, surnommé “le Fléau de Dieuâ€, est le personnage central du premier mouvement où règne une atmosphère de peur, de menace, d’agression et de cruauté. Bléda, le frère d’Attila, est associé un thème aux accents plus héro ques, tandis que Kerka, l’épouse bien-aimée du roi des Huns, est représentée par une mélodie lyrique. La fin trépidante de ce mouvement d’ouverture illustre l’effroyable rapidité avec laquelle les troupes d’Attila poursuivaient et tuaient toutes leurs victimes.Le deuxième mouvement est centré sur ARPAD, le fondateur de l’État hongrois. Un passage limpide et aérien ouvre ce mouvement évoquant Émèse, la grand-mère d’Arpad, qui vit en rêve sa destinée future. Après avoir livré bataille contre l’un de ses opposants, le prince bulgare Zalan, et l’avoir chassé des terres magyares, Arpad donne officiellement au territoire le nom de Magyarorszag.Le troisième et dernier mouvement de la symphonie porte le nom de celui qui convertit le pays au christianisme : Étienne Ier (ISTVAN), sacré roi de Hongrie le 1er janvier 1001 par le Pape Sylvestre II. Les mesures d’ouverture, solennelles et majestueuses, mènent un passage dont l’atmosphère belliqueuse s’intensifie pour s’achever en de violents fracas symbolisant la mort Sinfonia Hungarica, commissionata dalla banda ungherese di Kiskunfelegyahaza, è dedicata al maestro Ferenc Jankovski, al sindaco della citt Jozsef Ficsor e a Gabriella Kiss. La prima mondiale, eseguita dalla banda Kiskunfelegyhaza si è tenutaa Budapest il 31 marzo 2001 sotto la direzione del compositore.Gli eventi salienti della storia dell’Ungheria, come le guerre ed altri avvenimenti importanti, sono tradotti in musica in questa sinfonia strutturata in tre movimenti. Sinfonia Hungaricavuole anche essere un omaggio allo stato ungherese che festeggia il suo millennio nel 2001.ATTILA, re degli Unni, spesso chiamato “il flagello di Dio“ è la figura centrale del primo movimento, caratterizzato dalla paura, dalla minaccia,dall’aggressione e dalla crudelt . Buda, fratello di Attila è associato ad un tema più eroico, mentre Rika, l’amata moglie, è rappresentata da una melodia lirica. L’eccitante finale di questo movimento di apertura illustra la tanto temuta velocit delle truppe di Attila che seminavano paura e morte.Il secondo movimento pone l’accento su ARPAD, il fondatore dello Stato ungherese. Inizia con un passaggio in stile atmosferico che evoca la nonna di Arpad, Emese che aveva sognato e predettoil futuro del nipote. Uno degli oppositori di Arpad, il principe bulgaro Zalan, fu cacciato dopo una battaglia. In seguito, Arpad chiamò ufficialmente il territorio “Magyarorszagâ€.Il movimento finale prende il nome da ISTVAN, il re che portòil cristianesimo in Ungheria e che fu incoronato da Papa Silvestro II il 1 gennaio, 1001. Un inizio solenne prelude ad un passaggio bellico accentuato da rumori imponenti; questo a simboleggiare l’atroce fine del pagano Koppany il cui corpo futagliato in quattro pezzi e inviato ai quattro castelli del paese come monito. Dopo un intermezzo quieto, quasi religioso, viene presentato l’Inno nazionale ungherese. In questo ampio e grandioso finale riecheggia l’orgoglio dell’Ungheria nelricordare il suo passato e la fiducia con la quale si proietta al futuro.Lo stupendo tema dell’Inno nazionale ungherese è proposto nell’arco dell’intera sinfonia. E’ però spesso parzialmente nascosto e usato come filo conduttore, appena riconoscibileall’inizio ma sempre più ovvio quando la sinfonia si avvicina al suo finale. A conclusione della sinfonia, il sublime inno conduce la banda in un’apoteosi finale, facendo apparire l’organico strumentale come un maestoso organo.
SKU: BT.DHP-1002207-010
Sinfonia Hungarica is a three-movement symphony that depicts the history of Hungary. All three movements were inspired by historical key figures, wars, and other important events from this country. This symphony is a celebration of Hungary’s millennium in 2001.ATTILA, King of the Huns, often named “The scourge of God,†is the central figure of the first movement, mainly characterized by fear, threat, aggression, and cruelty. Attila’s brother, Buda, however, has a more heroic theme, while his beloved wife, Rika, has a lyrical melody. The exciting ending of this opening movement illustrates the dreaded speed of Attila’s troops: they pursued their victims and killed them all!Dit stuk werd gecomponeerd in opdracht van het symfonisch blaasorkest Kiskunfélegyhaza uit Hongarije en opgedragen aan dirigent Ferenc Jankovski, burgemeester Jozsef Ficsor en Gabriella Kiss. De wereldpremière vond plaats op 31 maart2001 in Budapest (Hongarije) door het eerdergenoemde orkest onder leiding van de componist.Deze driedelige symfonie beschrijft de geschiedenis van Hongarije. De drie delen zijn ge nspireerd op historische sleutelfiguren, oorlogenen andere belangrijke gebeurtenissen in dit land. De symfonie werd geschreven ter gelegenheid van de millenniumviering van Hongarije in 2001.ATTILA, koning van de Hunnen, vaak ‘de gesel Gods’ genoemd, is de centrale figuurin het eerste deel, dat voornamelijk wordt gekenmerkt door angst, dreiging, agressie en wreedheid. Attila’s broer, Buda, heeft echter een hero scher thema, terwijl zijn geliefde vrouw, Rika, een lyrische melodie heeft. Het spannendeeinde van dit openingsdeel illustreert de gevreesde snelheid van Attila’s troepen: ze achtervolgden hun slachtoffers en vermoordden ze allemaal! Het tweede deel gaat over ARPAD, de stichter van de Hongaarse staat. Hetbegint met een sfeerpassage, die het beeld oproept van zijn grootmoeder, Emese, dromend over zijn bestemming. Een van Arpad’s tegenstanders, de Bulgaarse prins Zalan, werd verdreven na een gevecht. Hierna noemde Arpad het gebiedofficieel ‘Magyarorszag’.Het laatste deel is genoemd naar ISTVAN, de koning die het christendom in Hongarije introduceerde en die werd gekroond door paus Silvester II op 1 januari 1001. Een vrij plechtige start leidt tot nogeen martiale passage, die eindigt met een aantal luide slagen. Deze symboliseren het voorval waarbij het lichaam van de heiden Koppany in vier stukken werd gesneden, die naar de vier kastelen van het land werden gezonden als schrikwekkendDie Sinfonie in drei Sätzen ist eine musikalische Schilderung der Geschichte Ungarns. Alle drei Sätze haben bedeutende historische Persönlichkeiten und Schlüsselereignisse aus der Landesgeschichte - wie etwa Kriege - zum Inhalt. Das Werk wurde zuUngarns Tausendjahrfeier im Jahr 2001 geschrieben.Attila, König der Hunnen, oftmals auch die Geißel Gottes genannt, ist die zentrale Gestalt des ersten Satzes; in seiner musikalischen Beschreibung sind Aggressivität und Grausamkeit, die vonihm ausgehende Bedrohung und ihm entgegengebrachte Furcht spürbar. Daneben erscheinen das heroischer klingende Thema von Buda, Attilas Bruder, und das lyrische von Rika, seiner zärtlich geliebten Frau. Der aufpeitschende Schluss desSatzes ist Sinnbild für die gefürchtete Schnelligkeit von Attilas Truppen, mit der sie ihre Opfer eingeholt und ohne Ausnahme getötet haben.Im Mittelpunkt des zweiten Satzes steht Arpad, der eigentliche Begründer des ungarischen Staates. Eineatmosphärisch klingende Einleitung beschwört Emese, die Großmutter Arpads, herauf, die im Traum seine Bestimmung vorhergesehen hatte. Er schlug seinen Gegner, den Prinzen Zalan von Bulgarien, im Kampf in die Flucht und gab dem Land denNamen Magyarorszag.Das Finale ist nach Istvan benannt, dem König, der in Ungarn das Christentum einführte und am ersten Januar 1001 durch Papst Sylvester II. gekrönt wurde. Ein feierlicher Anfang leitet über in einen an Kriegsgetümmelerinnernden Abschnitt, der in lärmendem Getöse endet. Es steht für das Ende des Heiden Koppany, dessen Körper gevierteilt und als abschreckendes Beispiel an die vier Burgen des Landes gesandt wurde. Ein ruhiges, beinahe religiös wirkendesZwischenspiel mündet in die ungarische Nationalhymne. Dieser prachtvolle, mit grandioso überschriebene Schluss hat auch eine symbolische Bedeutung: Nach zehn Jahrhunderten hat Ungarn guten Grund, mit Stolz zurückzublicken und der Zukunft mitZuversicht und Optimismus entgegenzusehen.Die wunderbare Melodie der Nationalhymne erscheint in der Sinfonie auch vorher schon immer wieder, wird meist aber ganz oder teilweise überdeckt. Sie durchläuft das Werk wie ein roter Faden, der anfangs kaumwahrzunehmen ist und erst im Verlauf der Sinfonie immer deutlicher wird. Am Ende krönt sie das Werk in einer letzten prachtvollen Steigerung, in der das Orchester den majestätischen Klang einer Orgel annimmt.Sinfonia Hungarica, commissionata dalla banda ungherese di Kiskunfelegyahaza, è dedicata al maestro Ferenc Jankovski, al sindaco della citt Jozsef Ficsor e a Gabriella Kiss. La prima mondiale, eseguita dalla banda Kiskunfelegyhaza si è tenutaa Budapest il 31 marzo 2001 sotto la direzione del compositore.Gli eventi salienti della storia dell’Ungheria, come le guerre ed altri avvenimenti importanti, sono tradotti in musica in questa sinfonia strutturata in tre movimenti. Sinfonia Hungaricavuole anche essere un omaggio allo stato ungherese che festeggia il suo millennio nel 2001.ATTILA, re degli Unni, spesso chiamato “il flagello di Dio“ è la figura centrale del primo movimento, caratterizzato dalla paura, dalla minaccia,dall’aggressione e dalla crudelt . Buda, fratello di Attila è associato ad un tema più eroico, mentre Rika, l’amata moglie, è rappresentata da una melodia lirica. L’eccitante finale di questo movimento di apertura illustra la tanto temuta velocit delle truppe di Attila che seminavano paura e morte.Il secondo movimento pone l’accento su ARPAD, il fondatore dello Stato ungherese. Inizia con un passaggio in stile atmosferico che evoca la nonna di Arpad, Emese che aveva sognato e predettoil futuro del nipote. Uno degli oppositori di Arpad, il principe bulgaro Zalan, fu cacciato dopo una battaglia. In seguito, Arpad chiamò ufficialmente il territorio “Magyarorszagâ€.Il movimento finale prende il nome da ISTVAN, il re che portòil cristianesimo in Ungheria e che fu incoronato da Papa Silvestro II il 1 gennaio, 1001. Un inizio solenne prelude ad un passaggio bellico accentuato da rumori imponenti; questo a simboleggiare l’atroce fine del pagano Koppany il cui corpo futagliato in quattro pezzi e inviato ai quattro castelli del paese come monito. Dopo un intermezzo quieto, quasi religioso, viene presentato l’Inno nazionale ungherese. In questo ampio e grandioso finale riecheggia l’orgoglio dell’Ungheria nelricordare il suo passato e la fiducia con la quale si proietta al futuro.Lo stupendo tema dell’Inno nazionale ungherese è proposto nell’arco dell’intera sinfonia. E’ però spesso parzialmente nascosto e usato come filo conduttore, appena riconoscibileall’inizio ma sempre più ovvio quando la sinfonia si avvicina al suo finale. A conclusione della sinfonia, il sublime inno conduce la banda in un’apoteosi finale, facendo apparire l’organico strumentale come un maestoso organo.
SKU: CL.RWS-2019-00
Bryce Newton’s newest holiday work is the perfect choice to add interest and variety to your holiday program. Combining themes from Here We Come a-Caroling and Angels We Have Heard on High, this piece is carefully crafted in a fun salsa style that your musicians will love to play. Very accessible in limited rehearsal time, Christmas Salsa will bring wonderful energy and excitement to your holiday concert or assembly.
SKU: AP.38325S
UPC: 038081436463. English. Traditional English Carol.
Here We Come A-Wassailing in a medium Latin beat. This charming arrangement permits your percussion section to set the groove and is scored to be approachable after only a few months of instruction. What's not to like for your first holiday program?
SKU: CL.RWS-2019-01
SKU: CL.012-5028-00
Viva Noel is a medley of glorious holiday favorites in a fast/slow/fast form. Opening with a musical fanfare based on the French hymn He is Born the Holy Child the arrangement transitions quickly into a fanciful rendition of Deck the Halls. The following section opens with a beautiful brass choir adaptation of It Came Upon A Midnight Clear and develops into a lush, full band setting of this charming carol. The finale begins as a quick, light version of Here We Come a-Wassailing ending with a declarative brass fanfare with small bits of Bring a Torch, Jeannette Isabella and Angels We Have Hear on High. This high-energy holiday arrangement features all sections of the ensemble with exceptional emphasis on the percussion writing. Viva Noel! will be a solid opener or closer for any holiday concert!
SKU: CL.012-5028-01
SKU: CN.R10004
A slow introduction gives way to the chirpy theme which is developed, inverted, and accents displaced across the bar line to give a 3/2 feel against the written meter. Restlessness leads to a tranquillo presented by the flute and clarinet, weaving a flowing counterpoint around the melody until the original slow introduction returns. A triumphant recapitulation of the main theme brings this wonderful piece to an end.Originally composed for Brass Band in 1934 Comedy Overture is, despite its name, a serious piece of writing. The term Overture does not imply that there is anything else to follow; it is used in the 19th century sense of Concert Overture (like Mendelssohn's Fingal's Cave - in other words, a miniature Tone Poem). The 1930's was a period of Ireland's mature writing - yielding the Piano Concerto (1930), the Legend for piano and orchestra (1933), and the choral work These Things Shall Be (1936-1937). We are fortunate therefore to have both Comedy Overture and A Downland Suite (1932) written for band medium at this time. As with Maritime Overture (written in 1944 for military band) Ireland approaches his material symphonically. The opening three notes state immediately the two seminal intervals of a semitone and a third. These are brooding and dark in Bb minor. It is these intervals which make up much of the thematic content of Comedy, sometimes appearing in inverted form, and sometimes in major forms as well. The concept that some musical intervals are consonant , some dissonant, and some perfect is perhaps useful in understanding the nature of the tension and resolution of this work. The third is inherently unstable, and by bar 4, the interval is expanded to a fourth - with an ascending sem-quaver triplet - and then expanded to a fifth. The instability of the third pushes it towards a perfect resolution in the fourth or the fifth. The slow introduction is built entirely around these intervals in Bb minor and leads through an oboe cadenza, to an Allegro moderato brillante in Bb major. Once again, the semi-tone (inverted) and a third (major) comprise the main, chirpy, theme-inspired by a London bus-conductor's cry of Piccadilly. (Much of the material in Comedy was re-conceived by Ireland for orchestra and published two years later under the title A London Overture.) The expansion of the interval of a third through a fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh now takes place quickly before our very ears at the outset of this quicker section. Immediately the theme is developed, inverted, and accents displaced across the bar line to give a 3/2 feel against the written meter. But this restlessness leads to a tranquillo built around an arpeggio figure and presented by flute and clarinet. Ireland weaves his flowing counterpoint around this melody until the original slow introduction returns leading to a stretto effect as the rising bass motifs become more urgent, requesting a resolution of the tension of that original semitone and minor third. Yet resolution is withheld at this point as the music becomes almost becalmed in a further, unrelated tranquillo section marked pianissimo. It is almost as if another side of Ireland's nature is briefly allowed to shine through the stern counterpoint and disciplined structure. This leads to virtually a full recapitulation of the chirpy brilliante, with small additional touches of counterpoint, followed by the first tranquillo section-this time in the tonic of Bb major. But the instability of the third re-asserts itself, this time demanding a resolution. And a triumphant resolution it receives, for it finally becomes fully fledged and reiterates the octave in a closing vivace. The opening tension has at last resolved itself into the most perfect interval of all.
SKU: CL.RWS-2121-01
This festive holiday medley of traditional carols is arranged into 6/8 time throughout. Using holiday favorites such as In Dolce Jubilo, The Sussex Carol, I Saw Three Ships, Three Kings Of Orient, Still, Still, Still, Jesu Bambino, and Here We Come a-Wassailing, Gary Fagan gives us a wonderful musical addition to the holiday repertoire as well as a valuable teaching tool. The use of recognizable melodies engages prior knowledge to teach and reinforce the concept of compound meter. Highly recommended!
SKU: AP.98-RWS212100
SKU: PR.465000130
ISBN 9781598064070. UPC: 680160600144. 9x12 inches.
Following a celebrated series of wind ensemble tone poems about national parks in the American West, Dan Welcher’s Upriver celebrates the Lewis & Clark Expedition from the Missouri River to Oregon’s Columbia Gorge, following the Louisiana Purchase of 1803. Welcher’s imaginative textures and inventiveness are freshly modern, evoking our American heritage, including references to Shenandoah and other folk songs known to have been sung on the expedition. For advanced players. Duration: 14’.In 1803, President Thomas Jefferson sent Meriwether Lewis and William Clark’s Corps of Discovery to find a water route to the Pacific and explore the uncharted West. He believed woolly mammoths, erupting volcanoes, and mountains of pure salt awaited them. What they found was no less mind-boggling: some 300 species unknown to science, nearly 50 Indian tribes, and the Rockies.Ihave been a student of the Lewis and Clark expedition, which Thomas Jefferson called the “Voyage of Discovery,†for as long as I can remember. This astonishing journey, lasting more than two-and-a-half years, began and ended in St. Louis, Missouri — and took the travelers up more than a few rivers in their quest to find the Northwest Passage to the Pacific Ocean. In an age without speedy communication, this was akin to space travel out of radio range in our own time: no one knew if, indeed, the party had even survived the voyage for more than a year. Most of them were soldiers. A few were French-Canadian voyageurs — hired trappers and explorers, who were fluent in French (spoken extensively in the region, due to earlier explorers from France) and in some of the Indian languages they might encounter. One of the voyageurs, a man named Pierre Cruzatte, also happened to be a better-than-average fiddle player. In many respects, the travelers were completely on their own for supplies and survival, yet, incredibly, only one of them died during the voyage. Jefferson had outfitted them with food, weapons, medicine, and clothing — and along with other trinkets, a box of 200 jaw harps to be used in trading with the Indians. Their trip was long, perilous to the point of near catastrophe, and arduous. The dream of a Northwest Passage proved ephemeral, but the northwestern quarter of the continent had finally been explored, mapped, and described to an anxious world. When the party returned to St. Louis in 1806, and with the Louisiana Purchase now part of the United States, they were greeted as national heroes.Ihave written a sizeable number of works for wind ensemble that draw their inspiration from the monumental spaces found in the American West. Four of them (Arches, The Yellowstone Fires, Glacier, and Zion) take their names, and in large part their being, from actual national parks in Utah, Wyoming, and Montana. But Upriver, although it found its voice (and its finale) in the magnificent Columbia Gorge in Oregon, is about a much larger region. This piece, like its brother works about the national parks, doesn’t try to tell a story. Instead, it captures the flavor of a certain time, and of a grand adventure. Cast in one continuous movement and lasting close to fourteen minutes, the piece falls into several subsections, each with its own heading: The Dream (in which Jefferson’s vision of a vast expanse of western land is opened); The Promise, a chorale that re-appears several times in the course of the piece and represents the seriousness of the presidential mission; The River; The Voyageurs; The River II ; Death and Disappointment; Return to the Voyage; and The River III .The music includes several quoted melodies, one of which is familiar to everyone as the ultimate “river song,†and which becomes the through-stream of the work. All of the quoted tunes were either sung by the men on the voyage, or played by Cruzatte’s fiddle. From various journals and diaries, we know the men found enjoyment and solace in music, and almost every night encampment had at least a bit of music in it. In addition to Cruzatte, there were two other members of the party who played the fiddle, and others made do with singing, or playing upon sticks, bones, the ever-present jaw harps, and boat horns. From Lewis’ journals, I found all the tunes used in Upriver: Shenandoah (still popular after more than 200 years), V’la bon vent, Soldier’s Joy, Johnny Has Gone for a Soldier, Come Ye Sinners Poor and Needy (a hymn sung to the tune “Beech Springâ€) and Fisher’s Hornpipe. The work follows an emotional journey: not necessarily step-by-step with the Voyage of Discovery heroes, but a kind of grand arch. Beginning in the mists of history and myth, traversing peaks and valleys both real and emotional (and a solemn funeral scene), finding help from native people, and recalling their zeal upon finding the one great river that will, in fact, take them to the Pacific. When the men finally roar through the Columbia Gorge in their boats (a feat that even the Indians had not attempted), the magnificent river combines its theme with the chorale of Jefferson’s Promise. The Dream is fulfilled: not quite the one Jefferson had imagined (there is no navigable water passage from the Missouri to the Pacific), but the dream of a continental destiny.
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