SKU: BT.DHP-1216293-140
When you have been playing in a band for a long time, you will know that music belongs to the most beautiful moments in life, but also to the roughest times. Making music together can give you strength when things are difficult.To a Friend is a wonderfully comforting work for anyone going through a dark time. Jacob de Haan composed the work for his father in law, Gerard Bosch, a musician to the core. The piece received its first performance justweeks before his passing. On a sun-kissed evening, his friends, the musicians of his two music societies Oefening Baart Kunst (Practice Makes Perfect) Otterlo, and the Reünie Orkest Artillerie Trompetterkorps (Reunion BandArtillery Trumpet Corps) played the work for Gerard - an unknowing yet beautiful goodbye.Wanneer je al lang samen in een orkest speelt, weet je dat muziek hoort bij de mooiste momenten in het leven, maar ook bij de diepste dalen. Samen muziek maken kan je kracht geven wanneer je het moeilijk hebt. To a Friendis een prachtig troostrijk werk voor iedereen die donkere tijden meemaakt. Jacob de Haan componeerde het werk voor zijn schoonvader, Gerard Bosch, een muzikant in hart en nieren. Een paar weken voor diens overlijden was het klaarom te worden uitgevoerd. Op een zonovergoten avond speelden zijn vrienden, de muzikanten van zijn beide muziekverenigingen Oefening Baart Kunst Otterlo en het Reünie Orkest Artillerie Trompetterkorps het voor Gerard. Eenprachtig afscheid. Wer lange in einem Orchester gespielt hat, der weiß, dass Musik zu den schönsten Momenten im Leben gehört, aber auch zu den schwersten. Gemeinsames Musizieren kann einem in schwierigen Zeiten Kraft geben. To a Friend istein wunderbar tröstliches Werk für jeden, der eine schwere Zeit durchlebt. Jacob de Haan komponierte das Werk für seinen Schwiegervater Gerard Bosch, der Musiker durch und durch war. Das Stück wurde nur wenige Wochen vor seinemTod uraufgeführt. An einem sonnigen Abend spielten seine Freunde, die Musiker seiner beiden Musikvereine Oefening Baart Kunst (Übung macht den Meister“) Otterlo und das Reünie Orkest Artillerie Trompetterkorps (Reunion BandArtillerie Trompet Corps) , das Werk für Gerard. Ein unbewusster und zugleich schöner Abschied.Lorsqu’on joue dans un orchestre depuis longtemps, on sait que la musique fait partie des plus beaux moments de la vie, mais aussi d’instants très ardus. Jouer ensemble peut donner de la force lorsque les choses sont difficiles.To a Friend est une œuvre merveilleusement réconfortante pour toute personne confrontée une période sombre. Jacob de Haan a composé cette pièce pour son beau-père, Gerard Bosch, lui-même musicien passionné. Elle a étécréée quelques semaines avant son décès. Lors d’une fin de journée ensoleillée, ses amis, les musiciens de ses deux sociétés musicales (Oefening Baart Kunst Otterlo et le Reünie Orkest Artillerie Trompetterkorps ), ont interprétéla nouvelle composition pour Gerard. Ils l’ignoraient alors, mais ce petit concert constitua un adieu merveilleux.
SKU: BT.DHP-1216293-010
SKU: BT.DHP-1064123-140
9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
The Lion Sleeps Tonight was originally recorded in 1939 and was an instant hit in many countries. Since then, countless artists have recorded this well-known song. The Lion Sleeps Tonight was also used in the famous Disney movie The Lion King. Add a little Disney magic to any concert with this stirring arrangement. The Lion Sleeps Tonight werd in 1939 onder de titel Mbube (Afrikaans voor leeuw) opgenomen door de Zuid-Afrikaanse bedenker van de song, Solomon Linda, en zijn groep The Evening Birds. Het nummer werd een grote hit in Afrika.Een aangepaste versie werd ook een hit in Groot-Brittannië en de Verenigde Staten. Vele covers volgden en in de loop der tijd werd de aanstekelijke melodie wereldwijd bekend. The Lion Sleeps Tonight is onder andere gebruiktvoor de beroemde Disney-film The Lion King. Deze song met zijn bewogen geschiedenis inspireerde Frederik Kampstra tot het schrijven van dit levendige arrangement.The Lion Sleeps Tonight wurde erstmals 1939 unter dem Titel Mbube (afrikanisch für Löwe) vom südafrikanischen Komponisten Solomon Linda und dessen Band The Evening Birds aufgenommen. Von 1961 stammt die heute bekannte Version von George David Weiss, Luigi Creatore und Hugo Peretti, die schon von unzähligen großen Künstlern neu interpretiert wurde. The Lion Sleeps Tonight wurde sogar in den Soundtrack zum Disney-Zeichentrickfilm Der König der Löwen aufgenommen. Frederik Kampstras lebhafte Bearbeitung für Blasorchester sorgt für echtes Safari-Feeling!The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Le Lion est mort ce soir) est né de l’esprit du chanteur sud-africain Solomon Linda qui écrivit Mbube (lion, en zoulou), en 1939. Alors que la chanson est devenue un succès planétaire, son auteur est mort dans la misère ; d’autres ont touchés les dividendes de sa gloire. L’incroyable histoire de cette chanson la mélodie entraînante a motivé cet arrangement riche en couleurs, signé par Frederik Kampstra. The Lion Sleeps Tonight è opera del cantante sudafricano Solomon Linda, che scrisse Mbube (leone in lingua zulù) nel lontano 1939. Mentre la canzone ebbe un successo mondiale, il suo autore morì in miseria. L’incredibile storia di questa canzone dalla melodia accattivante ha ispirato Frederik Kampstra nello scrivere questo arrangiamento.
SKU: BT.DHP-1064123-010
9 x 12 in inches.
A band concert on a beautiful summer evening in the park is interrupted by a few raindrops, and there is crackling in the atmosphere. A violent storm with thunder and gusts of wind appears, but does not last long. Peace and sunshine return, but a few raindrops persist... and maybe the concert can resume? Listen for the raindrops in the bells, the crackling in the cymbal, and thunder in the timpani.
SKU: BT.DHP-0991724-010
Otto M. Schwarz composed Fire & Ice for a symphonic rock project commissioned by the national music schools of the Austrian cities of Imst and Pitztal. In these cities, winter tourism plays an important role in the economy with spectacular weekly displays by winter sportsmen and women. The performances of the freestyle acrobats take place in the evening and draw huge crowds. Using torches and other pyrotechnics, these acrobats entertain the audience by means of fire, lights, snow, ice and acrobatics. This piece makes a perfect opening or final work for any concert. It will especially be a favourite among younger audience members.De nachtvoorstellingen met vuur, licht, sneeuw, ijs en acrobatiek van de zogenaamde ‘freestyle-acrobaten’ zijn bijzonder geliefd in wintersportgebieden. Otto M. Schwarz gebruikte dit gegeven als thema in Fire & Ice, dat zeergeschikt is voor de opening of afsluiting van een concert. Dit muzikale spektakel zal beslist alom waardering oogsten.Die österreichische Region Imst und Pitztal wird vom Wintertourismus mit all den wöchentlichen Shows der Wintersportler beherrscht. Besonders die Nachtvorstellungen der Freestyle-Akrobaten erfreuen sich großer Beliebtheit. Mit Fackeln und Pyrotechnik verstehen sie, eine atemberaubende Show aus Feuer, Licht, Schnee, Eis und Akrobatik zu gestalten. In Fire & Ice setzte Otto M. Schwarz diese Elemente und Kontraste gekonnt in Musik um. Dieses wirkungsvolle Stück wird bei jedem Publikum gut ankommen.Les grandes stations de ski accueillent de nombreux touristes en hiver et des spectacles autour des sports d’hiver sont organisés très fréquemment. Les démonstrations nocturnes de ski acrobatique freestyle attirent toujours beaucoup de monde. Des skieurs réalisent des figures acrobatiques en utilisant différents moyens pyrotechniques, notamment des torches. Une discipline spectaculaire où se mêlent le feu, les lumières, la neige et la glace. Fire & Ice (“Le Feu et la Glaceâ€) est une pièce dynamique qui peut être interprétée en ouverture ou en clôture d’un concert et qui fera le bonheur du public.Le grandi stazioni sciistiche accolgono numerosi turisti e molti spettacoli sono organizzati per intrattenere gli amanti degli sport invernali. Le dimostrazioni di sci acrobatico freestyle attirano sempre molta gente. Sciatori realizzano figure acrobatiche utilizzando differenti mezzi pirotecnici come torce. Una disciplina spettacolare dove si mescolano fuoco, luci, neve e ghiaccio. Fire & Ice è un brano dinamico che può essere interpretato all’inizio o alla fine di un concerto.
SKU: BT.DHP-0991724-140
SKU: CL.012-3543-01
This medley of three traditional Christmas carols is based on the legend that at midnight the evening Jesus was born all the bells on earth started to sound of their own accord. Included are three bell carols, The Bells of Bethlehem, Carol of the Bells, and Ding Dong! Merrily On High. The bells and chime parts add unique authenticity to the musical concept and holiday spirit of the piece. Ring the Bells on Christmas Day will be a big hit on your holiday season performances!
About Heritage of the March
Full-sized concert band editions of the greatest marches of all time. Each has been faithfully re-scored to accommodate modern instrumentation and incorporate performance practices of classic march style
SKU: HL.48023805
UPC: 888680626457. 9.0x12.0x0.038 inches.
Written in 1873, Evening Song is one of the best-known choral works of Josef Rheinberger (1839-1901), German composer, organist and teacher. Displaying an exceptional lyric quality and utilizing a full range of dynamic contrast, Shelley Hanson's arrangement is specifically designed with flexible instrumentation to be performed in a variety of ways. This piece is equally effective whether performed by a traditional concert band or by a smaller chamber ensemble. Dur: 2:50.
Brilliant, clever and brimming with excitement, another ingenious Himes masterpiece! The objective of Thingamajig is to create a whimsical contraption of sound in the same spirit as the late Rube Goldberg, which appeared as cartoons in the New York Evening Mail. It uses melodic and rhythmic patterns - with help of conventional and unconventional percussion as well as verbal effects from the band members - to convey a unique attempt at inventiveness. The enthused percussion section will use instruments such as a metal pipe, kitchen pans and a bicycle horn.
About Standard of Excellence in Concert
The Standard of Excellence In Concert series presents exceptional arrangements, transcriptions, and original concert and festival pieces for beginning and intermediate band. Each selection is correlated to a specific page in the Standard of Excellence Band Method, reinforcing and expanding skills and concepts introduced in the method up to that point. Exciting parts with extensive cross-cueing are presented for every player. Accessible ranges, appropriate rhythmic challenges, and creative percussion section writing enhance the pedagogical value of the series.Sold individually, each In Concert selection includes a full Conductor Score and enough student parts for large symphonic bands. Each student part also includes correlated Warm-Up Studies. The Conductor Score comes complete with rehearsal suggestions, a composer biography, program notes, a rehearsal piano part, several ready-to-duplicate worksheets and a duplicable written quiz.
SKU: CL.026-4337-01
The elegant beauty of this David Shaffer ballad provides a nice change of pace for any occasion. This great Build-A-Band arrangement makes this composition playable by very small bands and it will sound great as long has you have the four parts covered. Optional percussion and keyboard parts can add to the overall effect.
About Build-A-Band Series
The Build-A-Band Series provides educational and enjoyable music for bands with incomplete or unbalanced instrumentation. Written using just four or five parts (plus percussion), these effective arrangements will work with any combination of brass, woodwind, string and percussion instruments as long as you distribute the parts so that each of the five parts is covered. All of the publications in the Build-A-Band Series have been arranged to be playable with any instrumentation as long as each part is used: 1st Part, 2nd Part, 3rd Part, 4th Part, and Bass Part. (Please note: In some of these arrangements the 4th Part, and the Bass Part are the same, making it possible to play those arrangements with only 4 parts.)
SKU: FJ.B1549S
This fun, western-inspired work utilizes two folk tunes to portray a raucous, spontaneous dance that might have taken place around an evening campfire. A smooth, peaceful introduction quickly gives way to a light dance tune. As the dance continues, the music becomes more complex and volatile before giving way to a forceful statement laced with chromaticism. Themes then combine in a final triumphant declaration and rip-roarin' celebration. Yeehaw!
About FJH Developing Band
Slightly more advanced than beginning band. Clarinet 1 begins to play over the break. Rhythms and ranges are expanded to accommodate the end of first-year as well as second-year instruction. Grade 1.5
SKU: BT.DHP-1063960-140
Norman Rockwell (1894-1978) is one of the most beloved American artists. Widley known for his cover illustrations of The Saturday Evening Post, he excelled at painting the lives of ordinary Americans with his warmth, detailedobservations, and sense of humor. Composer Hayato Hirose was inspired by three of Rockwell's major works and expressed his own impressions of them in this music. This heart-warming piece will add an embracing and touchingimpression to a concert, lifting the spirits of the audience.Voor zijn sfeervolle compositie Norman Rockwell Suite liet Hirose zich inspireren door drie werken van de Amerikaanse kunstschilder Norman Rockwell. Deze is bekend om zijn illustraties voor The Saturday Evening Post,waarin hij de levens van gewone Amerikanen weergaf met warmte, oog voor detail en humor.Zu seiner stimmungsvollen Komposition Norman Rockwell Suite lieÃ? sich Hirose von drei Bildern des amerikanischen Malers Rockwell von der Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts inspirieren. Norman Rockwell Suite est une suite colorée, inspirée des trois plus grandes ?uvres de lâ??illustrateur américain Norman Rockwell dont le nom est jamais identifié au Saturday Evening Post pour lequel il réalisa ses plus célèbres illustrations et couvertures.
SKU: BT.DHP-1063960-040
Norman Rockwell (1894-1978) is one of the most beloved American artists. Widley known for his cover illustrations of The Saturday Evening Post, he excelled at painting the lives of ordinary Americans with his warmth, detailedobservations, and sense of humor. Composer Hayato Hirose was inspired by three of Rockwell's major works and expressed his own impressions of them in this music. This heart-warming piece will add an embracing and touchingimpression to a concert, lifting the spirits of the audience.Voor zijn sfeervolle compositie Norman Rockwell Suite liet Hirose zich inspireren door drie werken van de Amerikaanse kunstschilder Norman Rockwell. Deze is bekend om zijn illustraties voor The Saturday Evening Post,waarin hij de levens van gewone Amerikanen weergaf met warmte, oog voor detail en humor.Zu seiner stimmungsvollen Komposition Norman Rockwell Suite ließ sich Hirose von drei Bildern des amerikanischen Malers Rockwell von der Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts inspirieren. Norman Rockwell Suite est une suite colorée, inspirée des trois plus grandes œuvres de l’illustrateur américain Norman Rockwell dont le nom est jamais identifié au Saturday Evening Post pour lequel il réalisa ses plus célèbres illustrations et couvertures.
SKU: HL.4006433
UPC: 888680989927. 9.0x12.0 inches.
A Little Stress Music was commissioned by the Lenzing Werkskapelle from Austria and comprises of four sections. “Rush Hour†depicts a Friday evening during which everyone wants to get home after work. Unfortunately, traffic jams and gridlock stand in the way! In “Promenade Waltz†you can picture an evening walk along the beautiful lakeside, then a glass of wine loosens you up leading to the third movement: “Romance,†which starts with a promising conversation... The funny finale “Monday Morning†brings you back to reality and the score provides the option of the band applauding itself for a job well done! A humorous and joyful new piece by Thomas Doss!
SKU: HL.4008682
UPC: 196288190257.
La Gioconda, with a libretto by Arrigo Boito, is the most successful theatrical work by Amilcare Ponchielli (1844-1886). In this work there are two dance pieces: the Furlana at the conclusion of the 1st act and the Danza delle ore in the 3rd act. The Dance of the Hours has a precise choreographic outline: it is a masked ball which includes the “hours†of dawn, day, evening and night successively, and ends with a wild finale of galop. The latter is a sort of fast polka, in binary rhythm and unbridled pace. A French variant of it is the can-can. The finale in galop time of the Dance of the Hours recalls certain playful dances by the composer Jacques Offenbach, such as the famous Can-can that concludes the overture of the operetta Orphée au enfers. Galop arranged by Franco Cesarini is perfect for an encore!
SKU: AP.BD9560
UPC: 029156167689. English.
Picture a lake before sunrise. With Dawn, the myriad varieties of life in and about the lake slowly awaken and, in the heat of the day, skip and skate across the water as if in a frantic ballet. Thus WATERDANCE begins and continues until it experiences Evening. Here is a beautifully crafted composition that brings us into the rhythms of life, the patterns of nature and an uplifting portrayal in sound. Stunning! (4:33).
UPC: 029156167733. English.
Picture a lake before sunrise. With Dawn, the myriad varieties of life in and about the lake slowly awaken and, in the heat of the day, skip and skate across the water as if in a frantic ballet. Thus Waterdance begins and continues until it experiences Evening. Here is a beautifully crafted composition that brings us into the rhythms of life, the patterns of nature and an uplifting portrayal in sound. Stunning! (4:33).
SKU: AP.41295
ISBN 9780739097380. UPC: 038081461885. English.
Over the course of ten years, legendary young-band composers John O'Reilly and Mark Williams composed and arranged over 100 creative works that correlate with specific pages in their highly successful band method, Accent on Achievement. Alfred Music is now proud to make these arrangements available in a book format that includes 22 full arrangements in each collection. The Classical Collection includes authentic, carefully arranged music of the master composers from the Renaissance through the Romantic Period. Titles: Elizabethan Dances * Mozart Serenade and Dance * St. Anthony Chorale * Best of Beethoven * Ave Verum Corpus * Saturday at the Symphony * and 16 others.
SKU: AP.41293
ISBN 9780739097366. UPC: 038081461861. English.
SKU: HL.4006434
UPC: 888680989934.
ISBN 9781491147672. UPC: 680160905171. 9 x 12 inches. Key: Eb major.
Branding Iron evokes the sights and sounds of the life of the iconic American cowboy. Audiences will find themselves rustling up cattle and will hear the hiss of the branding iron. Iconogrophy from thee great American West abounds in this fun programmatic work by James Meredith.Good music played well inspires the imagination . This rollicking grade 4 work is a joyous romp with cowboys on the range, roping and branding, and breaking the wild broncs . A slower middle section envisions the vast evening sky of the open prairie with twinkling stars, a harmonica by the flickering flame of a campfire, and even the presence of a rattlesnake nearby . It is definitely not a novelty piece but as always, educational and musically challenging .
SKU: AP.29691S
UPC: 038081320632. English. Traditional.
Characterized by a French dialect, the Cajun people have an equally distinct musical tradition. This lovely arrangement captures the spirit and enthusiasm of these proud people. Presented in two separate movements, the diversity of the Cajun music heritage is pronounced as your students play Tout Un Beau Soir En Me Promenant (On a Beautiful Evening While Out Walking) and Danse de Mardi Gras. (2:05).