SKU: BT.BMP8095417
A lot is known about the American composer Leroy Anderson. This son of Swedish immigrants played the piano, organ, accordion, trombone, tuba and double bass. He spoke several languages fluently and graduated from Harvard with first-class honours.While on military service, the army also commissioned him to write a manual on Icelandic grammar.He already started writing musical arrangements as a student, and from his 30th year arranged and composed for the Boston Pops Orchestra. Such melodiesas Serenata, The Typewriter, Sleigh Ride and Bugler�s Holiday made him world famous. His best-known work, Blue Tango, reached number one in the US charts in 1952, and it sold more than a million copies. In 1975, a year after hisdeath, he was given a star at the Walk of Fame in Hollywood.Most of his works last no longer than three minutes, about the maximum length of a single at that time. One work that lasts longer is his 1953 Piano Concerto in C for piano and orchestra.The first performance was in Chicago, conducted by the composer and with Eugene List at the piano. However, after three performances he was no longer happy with the work and withdrew it. He always intended to revise it, but never got round to it. Itwas only in 1989 that the Anderson family decided to republish the work.This three-part composition is on the one hand characterised by a careless elegance, but on the other one can hear the influence of Rachmaninoff, Copland, Gershwin, and evenBeethoven and Mozart, as well as the Viennese classics.Anderson used the sonata form for the first movement. It ends with a cadenza that carries us on into the second part (in e minor). The third part is a typically cheerful American folk dance in2/4 time, a so-called Hoe Down, with a lilting, lyrical passage as its middle section. At the end comes a solo passage followed by a rapid close.In this piano concerto, Anderson combines a rigidly classical form of composition with simple andappealing themes and elements from light music. So this work is a perfect synthesis of light music and what is called serious music, in the same way as Gershwin�s Rhapsody in Blue. A work that can be played equally well in a concerthall, at an open-air concert or even a pop concert.Over de Amerikaanse componist Leroy Anderson is veel bekend. Deze zoon van Zweedse immigranten speelde piano, orgel, accordeon, trombone, tuba en contrabas. Hij sprak vloeiend verschillende talen en studeerde met grote onderscheidingaf aan Harvard en schreef tijdens zijn legerdienst in opdracht van het leger een handboek grammatica Ijslands.Al in zijn studententijd begon hij met het maken van arrangementen, en vanaf zijn 30ste arrangeerde en componeerde hijvoor het Boston Pops Orchestra. Melodieën zoals Serenata, The Typewriter, Sleigh Ride en Bugler's Holiday maakte hem wereldberoemd. Zijn bekendste werk Blue Tango stond in 1952 op nummer één in de VS Charts, ener werden meer dan een miljoen exemplaren van verkocht. Een jaar na zijn dood in 1975 kreeg hij een ster op de Walk of Fame in Hollywood.Zijn meeste werken duren niet langer dan drie minuten, ongeveer de maximumduur van een singletoen. Een werk dat wel langer duurt, is het pianoconcerto in C voor piano en orkest uit 1953. Het werd in Chicago gecreëerd onder zijn leiding met Eugene List aan de piano. Na drie uitvoeringen echter, was hij niet meer tevredenover zijn werk en trok dit terug. Hij had zijn leven lang de intentie het te herwerken doch kwam er niet meer toe. Pas in 1989 besliste de Anderson Familie zijn pianoconcerto toch opnieuw uit te geven.Dit driedelige werk wordtenerzijds getypeerd door een zorgeloze elegantie, maar anderzijds zijn invloeden van Rachmaninoff, Copland, Gerschwin en zelfs Beethoven en Mozart alsook de Weense klassiekers te horen.Voor de eerste beweging, past Anderson de sonatevormtoe. Op het einde volgt een cadenza die ons in het tweede deel (in mi klein) voert. Het derde deel is een typische Amerikaanse, vrolijke volksdans in 2/4, een zogenaamde Hoe Down met als middengedeelte een zangerige, lyrischeÜber den amerikanischen Komponisten Leroy Anderson lässt sich vieles berichten: Der Sohn schwedischer Immigranten spielte Klavier, Orgel, Akkordeon, Posaune, Tuba und Kontrabass, sprach neun Sprachen fließend, absolvierte mit einemMagna-cum-laude-Abschluss die Harvard Universität und verfasste während seiner Militärzeit im Zweiten Weltkrieg für die amerikanische Armee eine Grammatik des Isländischen. Schon während seiner Studentenzeit begann er zu arrangieren, ab Mitte der30er Jahre des letzten Jahrhunderts arrangierte und komponierte er für das Boston Pops Orchestra. Aus seiner Feder stammen so bekannte Werke der leichten Muse wie Serenata, The Typewriter, Sleigh Ride oder Bugler�s Holiday. Sein wohlbekanntestes Stück, Blue Tango, wurde als erste Instrumentalkomposition über eine Million Mal verkauft und belegte im Jahr 1952 Platz 1 der US-Charts. Für seine Verdienste um die Schallplattenindustrie erhielt er ein Jahr nach seinem Tod einenStern auf dem Walk of Fame in Hollywood.Charakteristisch für seine Werke ist die Dauer: die meisten sind rund drei Minuten lang � mehr passte nicht auf den damals gebräuchlichen Tonträger, eine Singleschallplatte. Nur wenige seinerKompositionen sprengen diesen Zeitrahmen. Dazu gehört sein Konzert C-Dur für Klavier und Orchester. Er komponierte es 1953, die Uraufführung fand unter seiner Leitung und mit Eugene List am Klavier im selben Jahr in Chicago statt. Da Anderson mit demWerk aber nicht zufrieden war, zog er es im Sommer 1954, nach nur drei Aufführungen, wieder ein. Er hatte zeitlebens die Absicht, es zu überarbeiten, allein, es kam nicht mehr dazu. Erst 1989 entschied sich die Anderson-Familie dazu, dasKlavierkonzert wieder zu veröffentlichen.Das dreisätzige Werk zeigt die Unbeschwertheit und Eleganz, die Andersons sämtliche Kompositionen auszeichnen. Dennoch findet man darin auch Anklänge an Komponisten wie Rachmaninoff, Copland, Gershwin, undeben Beethoven und Mozart, sowie die Wiener Klassiker. Der erste Satz folgt der Sonatenhauptsatzform. An seinem Ende steht eine Klavierkadenz, die direkt in den langsamen zweiten Satz (in e-Moll) überleitet. Der dritte Satz schließlich ist einwaschechter Hoe Down, ein fröhlicher amerikanischer Volkstanz im 2/4-Takt, in dessen Zentrum aber eine lyrisch-gesangliche Passage steht. Eine weitere Solo-Kadenz führt das Werk in einen spritzigen Schlussabschnitt.In seinem Klavierkonzertvereinigt Anderson einen klassisch-traditionellen Form- und Kompositionsstil mit Elementen der Unterhaltungsmusik und eingängigen Melodien, die schon immer sein Markenzeichen waren. Daher bildet dieses Werk eine perfekte Synthese von ernster undleichter Musik. Es passt � wie beispielsweise auch George Gershwins Rhapsody in Blue � gleichermaßen in einen vornehmen Konzertsaal, wie auch zur zwanglos-lockeren Atmosphäre einer sommerlichen Open-Air-Veranstaltung oder einesPops-Konzertes.Nous savons beaucoup de choses sur le compositeur américain Leroy Anderson. Ce fils dimmigrants suédois jouait du piano, de lorgue, de laccordéon, du trombone, du tuba et de la contrebasse. Il parlait couramment plusieurs langues et était diplômé avec grande distinction de Harvard. Pendant son service militaire, il écrivit un manuel de grammaire islandaise commandé par larmée.Étudiant, il avait déj commencé faire des arrangements et dès l ge de 30 ans, il arrangeait et composait pour le Boston Pops Orchestra. Des mélodies telles que Serenata, The Typewriter, Sleigh Ride et Buglers Holiday lui valurent une renommée mondiale. Son uvre phare, Blue Tango, fut numéro un descharts américains en 1952 et se vendit plus dun million dexemplaires. Un an après sa mort en 1975, il eut droit son étoile sur le Walk of Fame Hollywood.La plupart de ses uvres nexcèdent pas trois minutes, soit peu près la durée maximale dun single lépoque. Son concerto en ut pour piano et orchestre de 1953 est quant lui plus long. Il fut créé Chicago sous sa direction avec Eugene List au piano. Après trois exécutions, Anderson nétait toutefois plus satisfait de son travail et le retira. Toute sa vie, il eut lintention de le remanier mais ne le fit pas. Ce nest quen 1989 que la famille Anderson décida de tout de m?me rééditer son concerto pour piano.Cette uvre en trois parties se caractérise par son élégance nonchalante mais aussi par linfluence de Rachmaninoff, Copland, Gershwin et m?me de Beethoven et Mozart, ainsi que des classiques viennois.Pour le premier mouvement, Anderson opte pour une sonate. la fin, une cadence nous conduit la deuxième partie (en mi mineur). La troisième partie est une danse populaire joyeuse et typiquement américaine en 2/4, une Hoe Down avec un passage lyrique et mélodieux en son milieu. la fin, un solo est suivi par une clôture rapide.Dans son concerto pour piano, Anderson unit une composition pure et classique des thèmes beaux et simples, sans oublier des éléments de la musique légère. Cette uvre.
SKU: BT.BMP8091417
SKU: BT.GOB-000756-140
‘Panem et Circenses’, Bread and Games were essential for keeping the citizens of ancient Rome in check. While the bread was meant for the poorest among the Romans, the Games were Popular Pastime Number One for everybody.There were different kinds of games, such as chariot races (especially popular with female spectators), or wild-beast fights, where lions, tigers, bulls or bears were set on one another or even on human beings. Most popular, however, were the Gladiator fights. In ‘Bread and Games’ William Vean depicts one of the many fights in the antique Colosseum. 1. Entrance of the Gladiators: By powerful bugle-calls the attention of the peoplewas asked for, after which the Gladiators entered the Arena at the sound of heroic marching-music.2.Swordfight: We can hear that the fights were not mere child’s play in this part.On the contrary, they were a matter of life and death and were fought accordingly.3.Mercy of the Emperor: Sometimes a wounded gladiator could be fortunate, depending on the mercy of the audience. Waving one’s handkerchief meant mercy, a turned-down thumb meant no pardon. The Emperor had the right to take the final decision, but he usually complied with the wish of the majority of the public. 4.Lap of Honour: Gladiators were mainly selected among slaves, convicted criminals, or prisoners of war. Consequently, winning was very important, as it would mean fame, honour and sometimes even wealth. A lap of honour, therefore, was the winner’s due reward. ‘Panem et Circenses’, brood en (circus)spelen, essentieel in het Romeinse leven om de burgers in het gareel te houden. Het brood was vooral voor de allerarmsten bedoeld, maar de spelen, dat was volksvermaak nummer één. Erwaren verschillende soorten spelen, de Strijdwagen racen, vooral in trek bij de vrouwen, de dierengevechten of jachtpartijen, waar leeuwen, tijgers, buffels of beren tegen elkaar of tegen mensen opgehitst werden. Maar favoriet warentoch wel de gevechten der Gladiatoren. William Vean beschrijft in ‘Bread and Games’ één van de vele gevechten in het aloude Colosseum. 1. Entrance of the Gladiators: Met krachtige (hoorn)signalen wordt de aandachtvan het volk gevraagd waarna de Gladiatoren op heldhaftige marsmuziek de Arena binnentreden. 2. Swordfight: Dat de gevechten geen kinderspel waren horen we in dit deel. Het gaat er hard aan toe, en de gevechten waren vaak op levenen dood. 3. Mercy of the Emperor: In enkele gevallen had een gewonde Gladiator geluk. Dit hing af van de stemming van het publiek. Wapperende zakdoeken betekende geluk, met de duim naar beneden wijzen betekende geen pardon.De Keizer had het laatste woord maar volgde meestal de stemming van het publiek. 4. Lap of Honour: Gladiatoren werden meestal uit slaven, veroordeelde misdadigers of krijgsgevangen geselecteerd. Winnen was daarom erg belangrijk.Dit betekende roem, eer en soms zelfs rijkdom. (vergelijkbaar met onze sporthelden) Een ereronde was dus wel op zijn plaats.
SKU: BT.GOB-000756-010
ISBN 9780825884870. UPC: 798408084875. 9 x 12 inches. Key: Bb major.
Based on our popular New Bennett Band Book series, we have compiled march-style warm-ups in a separate publication so they may be used by all bands wishing to learn from them. These innovative warm-ups and fundamental drills are the ultimate method of teaching and reinforcing the March style.How To Use the March Warm-upsPlaying in a march style can present difficulties for young students. The most prevalent problem is that students have a tendency to play every note too short. Conversely, accented notes are usually played incorrectly with too much tongue. Do marches contain short notes? Absolutely, but these shortest of notes should be reserved for notes that precede an accent or notes that are specifically marked with a staccato. Think of unmarked notes as being separated, but not short and certainly not clipped or stopped with the tongue. Accented notes should be played with more weight using air and more length, and not just a harder tongue. Accents are given to show emphasis to a note and should be thought of in this manner.The warm-up exercises provided in this collection should give you many opportunities to stress the above-mentioned comments on march performance style. The following gives an explanation on the purpose and use of each of these exercises.No. 1 – Basic Chords and ModulationsOne of the challenges of playing marches with young students is successfully performing the key change at the Trio. This exercise presents the three basic chords (tonic, subdominant and dominant) in each of the three keys in this collection of marches. You can also use this exercise to teach and reinforce the style of accented notes. You may want to have your band play major scales in succession by fourths to reinforce the concept of modulation to the subdominant that occurs at the Trio (i.e. the B≤-major scale, then the E≤-major scale, then the A≤-major scale). I might suggest getting the students to try continuing the pattern all the way around the circle of fourths.No. 2 – March Style in B≤ MajorThis exercise contains many opportunities to teach and reinforce the difference between staccato and accented notes. The melody voices move up and down the B≤-major scale, while other instruments play chords commonly found in the marches in this collection. These include diminished chords, secondary dominant chords (i.e. the V of the V) and other common chromatic chords that Fillmore often used.No. 3 – Cakewalk Rhythm in B≤ MajorThe simple syncopated rhythm in this exercise is common to many marches. This drill gives you the opportunity to teach/ reinforce the standard ar-ticulation and natural accent of this rhythmic pattern. Again, this exercise uses an ascending and descending major-scale pattern as the melodic basis, accompanied by chords commonly found in American- style marches.No. 4 – The March Scale in B≤ MajorI call this exercise “The March Scale,†because often in marches (and especially in these marches) the descending half-step is part of the melodic material. These chromatic figures give the melodies of many marches their charm and flow. Thus, I devised this exercise and others like it in E≤ major and A≤ major to familiarize students with these patterns. I would suggest playing the pattern in a variety of ways different from what is written. Here are some other possibilities:• Tongue one, slur three• Slur two, tongue two• Tongue two, slur two• Tongue one, slur two, tongue oneGradually increase the tempo to the march tempo and the articulation style will fall right into place.Another important consideration is the performance of the bass line and the bass-drum part. Too often, the bass drum and bass instruments play their parts with equal emphasis on both beats in the measure. This is incorrect, and frequently makes the marchNo. 5 – March Style in E≤ MajorThis is a similar to exercise No. 2, but with a different rhythmic pattern. Emphasize the difference between accented and unaccented notes. Also, play the exercise with line direction moving the musical line forward. Experiment and play the exercise with different dynamic choices and with hairpins up and down in different ways.No. 6 – More March Style in E≤ MajorExercise No. 6 comprises more rhythmic patterns and harmonic materials in E≤ major to teach and reinforce the march style. This exercise em-phasizes the sixteenth-note rhythm, as notated in the third measure of the exercise. Young stu- dents have a tendency to “crush†the sixteenths; consequently, they lack clarity. It would be a good idea to work this rhythmic figure on a scale pattern with all of the instruments in the band as an additional warm-up exercise.No. 7 – The March Scale in E≤ MajorSee the information for No. 4 and apply it to this exercise. Use all of the various articulations described above as well.No. 8 – March Style in A≤ MajorSee the information for No. 2 and apply it to this exercise.No. 9 – Cakewalk Rhythm in A≤ MajorSee the information for No. 3 and apply it to this exercise.No. 10 – The March Scale in A≤ MajorSee the information for No. 4 and apply it to this exercise.Other Ideas for March PerformanceA rehearsal practice that has worked very well for me is to start out by having the band play the march very slowly at about Œ = 60 in a chorale/legato style. The slow tempo is a fine opportunity to work on clarity of harmonic move- ment and to work on the balance and blend of the tutti band sound. This will pay great dividends toward improving the sound of your band. Gradually increase the tempo to the march tempo and the articulation style will fall right into place.Another important consideration is the performance of the bass line and the bass-drum part. Too often, the bass drum and bass instruments play their parts with equal emphasis on both beats in the measure. This is incorrect, and frequently makes the march.
SKU: BT.GOB-000754-010
In the tripartite 'Cowboy Suite' Alan Laken takes us to the Wild West, the domain of cowboys, indians, trappers and other fortune hunters. Around 1890 the west coast of America was reached, which in effect meant the end of the Wild West. Its stories, however, survived and have been a source of inspiration for many books, films, and, of course, music. Some characters, such as Jesse James, Billy the Kid, and Buffalo Bill are forever linked to these tales. In the 'Cowboy Suite' we first hear the 'Hoedown'. At the end of an exhausting workday the labourers used to lay down their tools, among others the 'hoes' and spontaneously began to play music on the instruments which they then possessed (guitars, fiddles, and banjos) and to dance. After being jolted on the 'Wagon Trail' we reach the third part, the 'Cowboy Roundup'. In this last part it becomes clear that as a cattle driver it is imperative to stay firmly seated in the saddle. As the cattle are rounded up, i.e. driven together, spectacular things happen. In de driedelige 'Cowboy Suite' neemt Alan Laken ons mee naar het 'Wilde Westen', het domein van cowboys, indianen, pelsjagers en andere gelukzoekers. Rond 1890, werd de westkust van Amerika bereikt, dit betekende het eindevan het Wilde Westen. Maar de verhalen bleven en waren een bron voor vele boeken, films en natuurlijk muziek. Enkele personages die onlosmakelijk verbonden zijn met deze verhalen zijn: Jesse James, Billy the Kid, en BuffaloBill. In de 'Cowboy Suite' horen we eerst de ‘Hoedown’. Aan het einde van een zware werkdag legden de landarbeiders hun werktuig, o.a. de 'Hoe' (schoffel) neer en begonnen met de dan beschikbare instrumenten (Gitaar, Fiddleen Banjo) spontaan te musiceren en te dansen. In de ‘Wagon Trial’ hobbelen we naar het derde deel, de ‘Cowboy Roundup’. Dat je als veedrijver goed in je zadel moet zitten blijkt wel in het laatste deel. Tijdens de 'Roundup'(het bijeendrijven van het vee) gaat het er spectaculair aan toe.
SKU: BT.GOB-000754-140
SKU: YM.GTW01101388
ISBN 9784636110005. 8.75 x 12 inches.
The ultimate full score medley of beautiful melodies from the Studio Ghibli film Princess Mononoke (1997, dir. Hayao Miyazaki), arranged for concert band in the series: New Sounds in Brass (NSB). Grade 3; Duration: approx.8'50; Composed by Joe Hisaishi; Arranged by Takashi Hoshide. Arranger Takashi Hoshide says, I have selected beautiful melodies from the soundtrack of 'Princess Mononoke' (1997, directed by Hayao Miyazaki) and arranged them into a medley. What can be said about these songs as a whole is that they combine a grand continental scale with the delicacy that reflects Japanese emotions. Since there are no upbeat songs in this selection, I had to work hard on the arrangement, but this allowed for creating contrasts and transitions between each scene in the performance. 'Ashitaka Sekki (English title: The Legend of Ashitaka)' - 'Sekki' means a story that is not recorded but passed down orally. In this anime, this can be considered a sub-main theme. The song starts with a feeling that the story is about to begin and, once the theme kicks in, aim for a grand performance to convey its scale. 'Encounter' - This is the music that plays during the scene where the protagonist Ashitaka meets San. Interestingly, the motif of the main theme 'Princess Mononoke' is used in this melody. Here, let's pursue the shifts in the timbre of individual phrases, creating a beautiful and aesthetic soundscape. 'Princess Mononoke' - This is the main title of the anime. The melody line is carried by horns and trumpets.
SKU: HL.4005893
UPC: 888680940911. 9.0x12.0x0.027 inches.
Here is an emotion-filled arrangement for young players based on the folk tune Down to the River to Pray, which is thought to have been composed by an African-American slave. There is an element of sadness in the music, but also a glimmer of hope as the slaves dream of freedom and being reunited with family and friends. Dur: 2:45.
SKU: HL.4005188
UPC: 888680698119. 9.0x12.0x0.027 inches.
Featuring the heartfelt melody of this traditional Irish folk song, Michael uses lush harmonies, varieties in texture, and carefully paced emotional peaks in this marvelous setting for young players. This version has been carefully adapted for flexible instrumentation.
SKU: AP.49164S
UPC: 038081563664. English. Poem by William Butler Yeats (1865-1939); Traditional Irish Folk Song.
This version of Down by the Salley Gardens arranged by Patrick Roszell is part of our Belwin FLEX offerings and is designed with maximum flexibility for use by any mix of instruments---wind, strings, and percussion, including like- or mixed-ensembles with as few as 4 players. The suggested instrumentation and a customizable Teacher Map will help you plan out how to best assign parts to suit your ensemble's needs. The 4-part instrumentation will support balanced instrumentation of the lower voices. It also comes with supplemental parts for maximum flexibility. With the purchase of this piece, permission is granted to photocopy the parts as needed for your ensemble. A percussion accompaniment track is also available as a free download. String parts have been carefully edited with extra fingerings and appropriate bowings to support students in mixed ensembles playing in less familiar keys. The union of this glorious traditional Irish folk song with William Butler Yeats' compelling poem results in an expressive choice, arranged by Patrick Roszell. Lyrical in nature, there are musical teaching opportunities for slurring, sustaining phrases, intonation, and dynamic shading. Stunning! (3:00)Percussion Accompaniment Track Downloads:with clickwithout click This title is available in MakeMusic Cloud.
SKU: AP.49164
UPC: 038081563657. English. Poem by William Butler Yeats (1865-1939); Traditional Irish Folk Song.
This version of Down by the Salley Gardens arranged by Patrick Roszell is part of our Belwin FLEX offerings and is designed with maximum flexibility for use by any mix of instruments---wind, strings, and percussion, including like- or mixed-ensembles with as few as 4 players. The suggested instrumentation and a customizable Teacher Map will help you plan out how to best assign parts to suit your ensemble's needs. The 4-part instrumentation will support balanced instrumentation of the lower voices. It also comes with supplemental parts for maximum flexibility. With the purchase of this piece, permission is granted to photocopy the parts as needed for your ensemble. A percussion accompaniment track is also available as a free download. String parts have been carefully edited with extra fingerings and appropriate bowings to support students in mixed ensembles playing in less familiar keys. The union of this glorious traditional Irish folk song with William Butler Yeats' compelling poem results in an expressive choice, arranged by Patrick Roszell. Lyrical in nature, there are musical teaching opportunities for slurring, sustaining phrases, intonation, and dynamic shading. Stunning! (3:00)Percussion Accompaniment Track Downloads: with click. without click.This title is available in MakeMusic Cloud.
SKU: BT.DHP-1043551-140
The Book of Urizen is Jacob de Haan his first Symphony for concert band, solo soprano, and a male narrator in which sound collages of expressions are used. The piece is inspired by the compelling visionary poem of the samename (which the poet illustrated himself) by the Englishman William Blake (1757-1827). The Vision, first movement and The Creation, second movement of The Book of Urizen are available by following editionnumber: DHP 1043551. The Web, the third movement of The Book of Urizen is available by the following edition number: DHP 1125252. Download the audio samples here: track 1, track 2, track 3In The Book of Urizen - Jacob de Haan zijn eerste symfonie voor harmonieorkest, zangstem (sopraan) en een mannelijke spreekstem - wordt gebruik gemaakt van geluidscollages. De compositie is ge nspireerd op het gelijknamigegedicht van William Blake (1757-1827). The Vision, het eerste deel en The Creation, het tweede deel van The Book of Urizen zijn beschikbaar via volgend editienummer: DHP 1043551. The Web, het derdedeel van The Book of Urizen is verkrijgbaar via editienummer: DHP 1125252. Download audiofragmenten hier: track 1, track 2, track 3The Book of Urizen ist Jacob de Haan seine erste Symphonie für Blasorchester, Gesang (Sopran) und (männliche) Sprechstimme, in welcher Botschaften durch Geräuschcollagen wiedergegeben werden. Als Inspirationsquelle dienteder gleichnamige Gedichtzyklus des großen englischen Dichters und Malers William Blake (1757-1827). The Vision, erster Satz und The Creation, zweiter Satz von The Book of Urizen sind unter der folgendenEditionsnummer erhältlich: DHP 1043551. The Web, der dritte Satz von The Book of Urizen , ist unter der folgenden Editionsnummer erhältlich: DHP 1125252. Laden Sie hier die Audiosamples herunter: track 1, track 2,track 3En 1794, l’écrivain, peintre, graveur, enlumineur, visionnaire et philosophe mystique anglais William Blake (1757-1827) dénonce dans The Book of Urizen (Le Livre d’Urizen), la loi de fer du monde moderne. Dans The Book ofUrizen - la première symphonie de Jacob de Haan pour Orchestre d’Harmonie, Soprano et un récitant - des collages sonores sont utilisés. The Vision, la première partie et The Creation, la deuxième partie de TheBook of Urizen sont disponibles sous le numéro d'éditionsuivant: DHP 1043551. The Web, la troisième partie de The Book of Urizen est disponible sous le numéro d'édition suivant: DHP 1125252. Télécharger lesextraits audio ici: track 1, track 2, track 3The Book of Urizen is a work for concert band, solo soprano, and a male narrator in which sound collages of religious expressions are used. The piece is inspired by the compelling visionary poem of the same name (which the poet illustratedhimself) by the Englishman William Blake (1757-1827), who occupies a unique position in western literature and the visual arts. He was not just a poet and a writer, but he was also a graphic artist, a painter, an illustrator, a spiritualist, areligious visionary, and a mystic philosopher. For the performance of this work, a professional sound system, including two microphones and a CD player, is needed. The three sound collages are three separate tracks on the enclosed CD and can beplayed easily at the right moment. The Book of Urizen bears resemblance to Genesis and Exodus, of which the contents form the basis of the Christian, Jewish, and Islamic faith. Blake adhered to the principle that all religions are in fact one,and that deities reside in human beings. In The Book of Urizen this is represented in “The Net of Religion,†which is spanned over the earth by Urizen. The sound collages, compiled by Jacob de Haan in the studio, find their origin inJerusalem, the Holy City, where the afore-mentioned faiths “come together.†In the first movement of this composition, The Vision, Urizen prepares his vision of the world, and he presents this to the “Eternals.†His vision is rejected,and Urizen locks himself up in his own abstract world. When he does emerge again, he is confronted with rage by the gathered Eternals. Urizen flees the wrath of the Eternals, “the flames of eternal fury,†and enwombs himself in his own world. Whenthe Eternals see Urizen in his “stony sleep,†they wonder if this is death. The blacksmith Los is torn by grief because of the isolation of Urizen. It brings him to rouse his fires, prepare his forge, and to give Urizen’s world concrete form. In thesecond movement, The Creation, Urizen’s world, but also man, woman, and child are created. Los is horrified with the appearance of Urizen’s body. He mourns and pities Urizen, and from his blood a female form comes into being, with thename Enitharmon. The Eternals, fearful of the female form, decide to erect a tent to obstruct their view to eternity. Enitharmon and Los beget a son, called Orc. Los baptizes him as a child of the “fallen world.†Orc is fed at Enitharmon’s breast,which makes a girdle of jealousy restrict Los’ chest. He takes the child to the top of the mountain and chains him down. The cries of Orc awaken Urizen, who explores his world creating instruments of scientific measurement to do so. Los encircles theface of Enitharmon from the sight of Urizen and Orc. She then populates the earth by giving birth to an enormous race.The Web, third movement of The Book of Urizen is now available: DHP 1125252.
SKU: AP.49161S
UPC: 038081563602. English.
This version of Great Beginnings by Michael Kamuf is part of our Belwin FLEX offerings and is designed with maximum flexibility for use by any mix of instruments---wind, strings, and percussion, including like- or mixed-ensembles with as few as 4 players. The suggested instrumentation and a customizable Teacher Map will help you plan out how to best assign parts to suit your ensemble's needs. The 4-part instrumentation will support balanced instrumentation of the lower voices. It also comes with supplemental parts for maximum flexibility. With the purchase of this piece, permission is granted to photocopy the parts as needed for your ensemble. A percussion accompaniment track is also available as a free download. String parts have been carefully edited with extra fingerings and appropriate bowings to support students in mixed ensembles playing in less familiar keys. This energetic composition is the perfect opener or closer employing soaring melodies, rich harmonies, and driving rhythms. All instruments get an opportunity to play melodic material, and this piece is a great vehicle to introduce slurs and accents to your beginners. (2:00) Percussion Accompaniment Track Downloads :with click without click.This title is available in MakeMusic Cloud.
SKU: AP.49161
UPC: 038081563596. English.
This version of Great Beginnings by Michael Kamuf is part of our Belwin FLEX offerings and is designed with maximum flexibility for use by any mix of instruments---wind, strings, and percussion, including like- or mixed-ensembles with as few as 4 players. The suggested instrumentation and a customizable Teacher Map will help you plan out how to best assign parts to suit your ensemble's needs. The 4-part instrumentation will support balanced instrumentation of the lower voices. It also comes with supplemental parts for maximum flexibility. With the purchase of this piece, permission is granted to photocopy the parts as needed for your ensemble. A percussion accompaniment track is also available as a free download. String parts have been carefully edited with extra fingerings and appropriate bowings to support students in mixed ensembles playing in less familiar keys. This energetic composition is the perfect opener or closer employing soaring melodies, rich harmonies, and driving rhythms. All instruments get an opportunity to play melodic material, and this piece is a great vehicle to introduce slurs and accents to your beginners. (2:00) Percussion Accompaniment Track Downloads: with click without click.This title is available in MakeMusic Cloud.
SKU: HL.4008992
UPC: 196288283867.
The work “Fragments” is an extremely powerful and energetic Concertino for trombone, full of different tonal colours and based on two motifs that are broken down into their fragments and processed further. The slightly playful main motif is presented by the soloist after an imposing introduction and gradually develops jazzy elements without abandoning the contemporary spirit. Throughout the work, the last three notes of the introductory motif are presented both as a short, shrill fragment and as a lyrical theme, which supports the constant alternation between leggero and marcato. An ostinato, which is carried through all registers, gives the work the necessary drift and serves as a common thread to connect the different parts. “Fragments” was commissioned by the Luxembourg Ministry of Culture in collaboration with the “De klenge Maarnicher Festival” and was a compulsory piece for the final round of the “1st Michel Becquet International Trombone Competition”.
SKU: HL.4008991
UPC: 196288283850.
SKU: CL.015-2774-00
This refreshing piece for your youngest players has a definite country flavor. Appealing melodies and easy syncopation figures make it a real crowd and kid pleaser! Includes an optional keyboard part which can be used as a rehearsal aid or as a performance enhancement when performing with very small groups. Great program number!
SKU: CL.015-2774-01
SKU: CL.024-4453-00
Who doesn’t remember the thrill of a sled ride on a snowy day down the longest and steepest hill? Time to get your warmest jacket on and tie your boots tight for a trip down Sleddin’ Hill! The perilous journey begins by leading us into a playful melody in the trumpets. As the sled picks up speed we add woodwinds and clever percussion sound effects. The ever-increasing tempo reflects the momentum of the sled culminating in an exhilarating finish when the sled finally comes to an abrupt stop. Everyone will enjoy this trip down Sleddin’ Hill..
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