SKU: AP.31707
UPC: 038081350929. English.
Avast me hardies! A high sea adventure is about to unfold. The ship rocks gently as its bell summons all to board. The pirate crew begins singing to pass time as it prepares the ship for a long voyage. What lies ahead? Are there ships with gold and treasure to be taken? Will there be hopes of riches to share and bury at a secret location? All are eagerly confident. All are members of the pirate brotherhood. All are united and led in their glorious pursuit by The Pirate King. Shiver me timbers, lads, a pirate's lot is never done. Do ye work or walk da plank. All for treasure and treasure for all! Arrrgh!
SKU: CL.012-4197-01
Written for an icon in the band world, Favor And Treasure honors Col. John Bourgeois, Director Emeritus of the United States Marine Band, past president of the American Bandmasters Association, president of the John Philip Sousa Foundation, American vice president of the International Military Music Society, mentor and friend. Favor And Treasure is based on John’s Theme, a bold, original theme conveying inspirational imagery of excellence, artistry and duty congruous with Col. Bourgeois’ distinguished career at the helm of the band to which President Thomas Jefferson gave the title The President’s Own. To honor Bourgeois’ affinity for Cajun folk music, the old Cajun waltz, J’ai Passe Devant Ta Porte is also used, most prominently in the quasi-zydeco section of the work. Musicians and audience members of all ages will be assuredly affected by the spirit and essence of this extraordinary composition.
SKU: CL.012-4197-75
Written for an icon in the band world, Favor And Treasure honors Col. John Bourgeois, Director Emeritus of the United States Marine Band, past president of the American Bandmasters Association, president of the John Philip Sousa Foundation, American vice president of the International Military Music Society, mentor and friend. Favor And Treasure is based on John's Theme, a bold, original theme conveying inspirational imagery of excellence, artistry and duty congruous with Col. Bourgeois' distinguished career at the helm of the band to which President Thomas Jefferson gave the title The President's Own. To honor Bourgeois' affinity for Cajun folk music, the old Cajun waltz, J'ai Passe Devant Ta Porte is also used, most prominently in the quasi-zydeco section of the work. Musicians and audience members of all ages will be assuredly affected by the spirit and essence of this extraordinary composition.
SKU: CL.024-3704-01
This exciting imaginative work by Rob Grice captures the thrill of the treasure hunt and the mystery of the seas. Beginning with a lyrical statement that captures the abandonment of the lost island, our hunt begins with driving rhythms and dynamic effects. Abandoned Treasure Hunt contains all of the musicality and excitement you have come to expect from Rob Grice. Fun and educational for all!
SKU: AP.45981S
UPC: 038081525679. English.
With the musical call of Land, ho! echoing across the band, the tale of pirates, buried treasure, and battle is underway! Written in rondo form, a strong, driving pirate theme serves as the main theme throughout the piece, and surrounds two contrasting sections. (1:50).
ISBN 9780825843617. UPC: 798408043612. 9 X 12 inches.
Commissioned by the South Carolina Chapter of Phi Beta Mu Band Fraternity in honor of Lorraine Paris, Band Director for 47 years at Newberry High School, Newberry, SC. Lorraine Paris is a native of Greenville, South Carolina, where she graduated from Parker High School. She received her B.S. in Music Education from Winthrop College and her M.A. from Furman University. She began her teaching career in 1948 in Newberry, South Carolina, where she taught for the next 47 years until her retirement in 1995. A member of numerous musical organizations, including Phi Beta Mu and the Theta chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa, she served as the first president of the South Carolina Band Directors Association and currently serves as their first Executive Secretary-Treasurer. She has been named Outstanding Bandmaster and Outstanding Contributor by the South Carolina Chapter of Phi Beta Mu, and was also named to that organization's Hall of Fame. Other honors include the South Carolina Career Service Award from ASBDA, the Silver Baton and Scroll of Excellence Awards from WBDNA, and the Band World Legion of Honor. In 1993, she was presented the Key to the City of Newberry, and at her retirement, was awarded the Order of the Palmetto from the State of South Carolina. It is to this legacy that the Phi Beta Mu fraternity commissions Prelude to an American Spiritual and it is Lorraine Paris' love of the hymn song that prompted this arrangement of My Lord, What a Momin'.Commissioned by the South Carolina Chapter of Phi Beta Mu Band Fraternity in honor of Lorraine Paris, Band Director for 47 years at Newberry High School, Newberry, SC.Lorraine Paris is a native of Greenville, South Carolina, where she graduated from Parker High School. She received her B.S. in Music Education from Winthrop College and her M.A. from Furman University. She began her teaching career in 1948 in Newberry, South Carolina, where she taught for the next 47 years until her retirement in 1995. A member of numerous musical organizations, including Phi Beta Mu and the Theta chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa, she served as the first president of the South Carolina Band Directors Association and currently serves as their first Executive Secretary-Treasurer.She has been named Outstanding Bandmaster and Outstanding Contributor by the South Carolina Chapter of Phi Beta Mu, and was also named to that organization’s Hall of Fame. Other honors include the South Carolina Career Service Award from ASBDA, the Silver Baton and Scroll of Excellence Awards from WBDNA, and the Band World Legion of Honor. In 1993, she was presented the Key to the City of Newberry, and at her retirement, was awarded the Order of the Palmetto from the State of South Carolina.It is to this legacy that the Phi Beta Mu fraternity commissions Prelude to an American Spiritual and it is Lorraine Paris’ love of the hymn song that prompted this arrangement of My Lord, What a Momin’.
SKU: AP.46637S
UPC: 038081533896. English. Various.
Three of Bruno Mars's biggest hits are combined in this catchy arrangement including the funky 24K Magic, the hip-hop style of That's What I Like, and the disco style Treasure. With these diverse styles, an opportunity for an introductory solo, and a varied representation of this charismatic mega-artist's work, it will certainly be a huge hit with your students and audience alike.
SKU: HL.44007211
UPC: 884088239756. 9x12 inches.
This piece is about a medieval legend, The Treasure of Zolverknapp, which is associated with the region around the village Zolver in Luxembourg. It tells the tale of hidden treasure, brave knights, fierce battles, silver and jewels and a devil's curse! All of these combine to make The Legend of Celobrium a legendary concert work. Duration: 12:50.
SKU: BT.AMP-202-010
9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
This piece is about a medieval legend, The Treasure of Zolverknapp, thatis associated with the region around the village Zolver in Luxembourg.It tells the tale of hidden treasure, brave knights, fierce battles, silverand jewels and a devil?s curse! All of these combine to make The Legendof Celobrium a legendary concert work. The Legend of Celobrium is geschreven in opdracht van de Harmonie de Soleuvre uit Luxemburg, ter gelegenheid van het honderdjarig bestaan in 2007. Celobrium was de Romeinse naam voor Soleuvre (Zolwer in het Luxemburgs, Zolverin het Duits). Het werk beschrijft een beroemde sage die al eeuwen bekend is in de regio. Een muzikaal verhaal boordevol avontuur!Dieses Stück handelt von einer mittelalterlichen Sage aus der Region um das Dorf Zolver (lateinisch Celobrium) in Luxemburg. Sie erzählt von einem Silberschatz in einer alten Burg. Raubritter, Krieg, Flucht, Silber und Juwelen, der Teufel und ein Fluch, der heute noch jene trifft, die versuchen, den Schatz zu heben, machen The Legend of Celobrium zu einem spannenden Konzertwerk. The Legend of Celobrium (“La légende de Celobriumâ€) est une œuvre de commande pour l’Orchestre d’Harmonie de Soleuvre au Luxembourg l’occasion de la célébration de son centenaire, en 2007.Celobrium est le nom donné par les Romains la ville de Soleuvre (Zolwer en luxembourgeois ou Zolver en allemand). La composition raconte une célèbre légende liée la région depuis des siècles : la légende du Trésor du Zolwerknapp.Le Zolwerknapp (signifiant littéralement « bouton de Soleuvre ») est un des points les plus élevés du Luxembourg. Jadis, il abritait le ch teau d’Alexandre, un noble chevalier descendant du prestigieux Ordre médiéval des Templiers, qui y vivaitavec sa famille et son armée. Non loin du Zolwerknapp, près de Belvaux, vivait au sommet d’une colline boisée, un puissant voleur du nom de Tara. Les deux hommes étaient constamment en conflit, chacun voulant régner sur les terres alentours. Tara finit par remporter le conflit et consentit une seule concession. Il autorisa l’épouse d’Alexandre quitter les lieux avec son ne et emporter avec elle tous les biens précieux que l’ ne pouvait porter. Il lui accorda le droit de s’installer en lieu s r aussi loin que l’ ne pouvait la mener. Magnanime, elle choisit d’emmener son mari avec elle, consciente que sa fuite serait ainsi ralentie. Avant de partir, elle jeta son or et ses précieux joyaux dans un puits profond du ch teau.Le voyage fut long et difficile. force de ténacité, ils réussirent se mettre en sécurité au sommet d’une colline avoisinante. Ils s’y installèrent et érigèrent un nouveau ch teau, le ch teau de Differdange.Les siècles passèrent et le ch teau du Zolwerknapp n’était plus qu’un amas de ruines. Jamais personne n’avait osé y chercher le trésor qui sommeillait dans les profondeurs du puits. Mais un jour, le prêtre local réussit persuader sept hommes braves de descendre au fond de l’obscur goulot pour récupérer l’or. Pour ce faire, il leur donna une corde et leur conseilla de garder le silence une fois le fond atteint. Les sept.
SKU: BT.AMP-202-140
SKU: BT.DHP-1053874-010
In this fascinating piece, composer Hayato Hirose creates a fantasy world of a pirate who dreams of sailing to a treasure island. The music follows four different scenes that are played without interruption: I. Introduction and Departure II. Banquet in the Foreign Land III. Longing in the Moonlight IV. Hurricane and Treasure Island This piece is full of drama and adventures and will bring joy and excitement to both performers and audience. In dit boeiende werk creëert de componist Hayato Hirose de fantasiewereld van een piraat die droomt van een zeiltocht naar een schateiland. De muziek is opgedeeld in vier verschillende scènes die zonder onderbrekingen worden gespeeld.Pirate’s Dream bevat drama en avontuur, zowel de muzikanten als de toehoorders zullen er veel plezier aan beleven.In diesem faszinierenden Werk kreiert der Komponist Hayato Hirose die Fantasiewelt eines Piraten, der davon träumt, zu einer Schatzinsel zu segeln. Die Musik folgt vier verschiedenen Szenen, die ohne Unterbrechung gespielt werden: 1. Einleitung und Abreise 2. Bankett im fernen Land 3. Sehnsucht im Mondenschein 4. Hurrikan und Schatzinsel Pirate’s Dream ist voll von Dramatik und Abenteuer und verspricht damit Spannung und Vergnügen für Musiker und Publikum. Dans cette oeuvre fascinante en quatre tableaux joués sans interruption, le compositeur japonais Hayato Hirose (1974) nous fait entrer dans le monde imaginaire d’un pirate qui rêve de partir pour l’Île au Trésor. Nous assistons aux préparatifs et au départ du voyage. Un festin en pays lointain nous fait go ter de nouvelles couleurs musicales. Après quelques instants mélancoliques au clair de lune, l’ouragan se déchaîne. L’Île au Trésor est enfin en vue ! Cette oeuvre pleine de suspense et d’aventure fera le bonheur des musiciens et des auditeurs.In questo brano affascinante, il compositore giapponese Hayato Hirose ci fa entrare nel mondo immaginario di un pirata che sogna di partire per l’Isola del Tesoro. Assistiamo ai preparativi e alla partenza. Una festa in un posto lontano ci fa gustare nuovi colori musicali. Dopo qualche instante malinconico al chiaro di luna, si scatena l’uragano. Finalmente, l’Isola del Tesoro è visibile dall’- imbarcazione! Questo brano avventuroso soddisfer musicisti e pubblico.
SKU: BT.DHP-1053874-040
SKU: BT.DHP-1053874-140
SKU: AP.45810
UPC: 038081524016. English.
From their album The Christmas Attic, this driving, energetic Trans-Siberian Orchestra holiday treasure will bring the house down. Including the optional electric violin, guitar, and bass parts will only enhance the authenticity of your performance. The repetitive driving rhythms set the foundation for an exciting opener or closer for your holiday concert. (4:00).
SKU: AP.45810S
UPC: 038081524023. English.
SKU: HL.44007393
UPC: 884088251611. 9x12 inches.
Intriguing modes, authentic rhythms and vivid orchestrational contrasts are hallmarks of James Curnow's masterfully-crafted Appalachian Dances. The enchanting authentic Appalachian fiddle melodies are a musical treasure well worth reviving and bringing to the concert band stage. Snap rhythms recall the early heritage of hill country music in the first movement, which is followed by a richly harmonized air. The piece concludes with a rollicking third movement. In addition to being a memorable addition to your concert program, Appalachian Dances is just plain FUN to play. American musical heritage on display!
SKU: BT.CMP-0910-05-010
A superb opportunity to explore the expressive side of your band! This rich and lovely arrangement by James Curnow has so much to offer. Building from a simple statement in the woodwinds to the full sonority of the concert band at its best, you will treasure this arrangement for years to come. Let the music flow freely as you develop your own sensitive interpretation of this endearing carol.Evocative! A Wexford Reverie vormt een uitgelezen mogelijkheid om de expressieve kant van uw orkest te ontwikkelen. Dit charmante arrangement van James Curnow heeft veel te bieden. Van een eenvoudig statement in het hout tot de vollewarmte van het complete harmonieorkest is dit een arrangement van grote waarde. Laat de muziek vrijelijk stromen en geef uw eigen interpretatie aan dit innemende kerstlied.Eine großartige Gelegenheit, die ausdrucksvolle Seite Ihres Blasorchesters auszuloten! Dieses klangvolle, liebliche Arrangement des traditionellen irischen Weihnachtsliedes Wexford Carol hat viel zu bieten. Von einer einfachen musikalischen Aussage in den Holzbläsern ausgehend baut sich das gesamte Blasorchester zu seiner gesamten Klangfülle auf. Ein Stück, das garantiert einen festen Platz in Ihrem Weihnachtsrepertoire bekommen wird. Dans un cadre expressif bien défini, dans une transparence sonore, tout est gr ce, poésie, naturel. A Wexford Reverie développe une cascade de couleurs sonores dans une atmosphère de calme et de sérénité induisant une douce rêverie.
SKU: BT.CMP-0910-05-140
A superb opportunity to explore the expressive side of your band! This rich and lovely arrangement by James Curnow has so much to offer. Building from a simple statement in the woodwinds to the full sonority of the concert band at its best, you will treasure this arrangement for years to come. Let the music flow freely as you develop your own sensitive interpretation of this endearing carol.Evocative! A Wexford Reverie vormt een uitgelezen mogelijkheid om de expressieve kant van uw orkest te ontwikkelen. Dit charmante arrangement van James Curnow heeft veel te bieden. Van een eenvoudig statement in het hout tot de vollewarmte van het complete harmonieorkest is dit een arrangement van grote waarde. Laat de muziek vrijelijk stromen en geef uw eigen interpretatie aan dit innemende kerstlied.Eine gro�artige Gelegenheit, die ausdrucksvolle Seite Ihres Blasorchesters auszuloten! Dieses klangvolle, liebliche Arrangement des traditionellen irischen Weihnachtsliedes Wexford Carol hat viel zu bieten. Von einer einfachen musikalischen Aussage in den Holzbläsern ausgehend baut sich das gesamte Blasorchester zu seiner gesamten Klangfülle auf. Ein Stück, das garantiert einen festen Platz in Ihrem Weihnachtsrepertoire bekommen wird. Dans un cadre expressif bien défini, dans une transparence sonore, tout est gr ce, poésie, naturel. A Wexford Reverie développe une cascade de couleurs sonores dans une atmosphère de calme et de sérénité induisant une douce rêverie.
ISBN 9780825840357. UPC: 798408040352.
The Carl Fischer heritage of publishing fine band music has been a fact of music publishing almost since the firm's founding in 1872. With a huge and expanding repertoire to draw on, it is a logical step for Fischer to issue a series of compact discs of band music for sale. With this release, the Carl Fischer Media Group begins what we intend to be the annual release of a recording devoted to classic band music. Bleecker Street Records is the name of the label developed for this purpose and A Perfect Union is our first commercial CD. It contains first-rate performances of classic original works for upper grade band such as Canzona by Peter Mennin, editions of celebrated transcriptions such as Procession of the Nobles in an edition by Van Ragsdale of the classic Eric Leidzen arrangement of Rimsky Korsakov's original and Robert Foster's edition of Henry Fillmore's celebrated transcription of Von Suppé's Light Cavalry Overture. Also included are terrific pieces by Daron Aric Hagen, Larry Clark, Quincy C. Hilliard and Elliot Del Borgo. The performances by the Washington and show the music and the players to best advantage. This will be a recording to own and treasure. Winds under the inspired direction of Edward Petersen, are invigorating.
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