SKU: BT.DHP-1084443-140
9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
Washed up on the Phaeacian shore after a shipwreck, Odysseus is introduced to King Alcinous. As he sits in the palace, he tells the Phaeacians of his wanderings since leaving Troy. Odysseus and his men fi rst landed on the island of the Cicones wherethey sacked the city of Ismarus. From there, great storms swept them to the land of the hospitable Lotus Eaters. Then they sailed to the land of the Cyclopes. Odysseus and twelve of his men entered the cave of Polyphemus. After the single-eyed giantmade handfuls of his men into meals, Odysseus fi nally defeated him. He got him drunk and once he had fallen asleep, he and his men stabbed a glowing spike into the Cyclop’s single eye, completely blinding him. They escaped by clinging to the belliesof some sheep. Once aboard, Odysseus taunted the Cyclop by revealing him his true identity. Enraged, Polyphemus hurled rocks at the ship, trying to sink it. After leaving the Cyclopes’ island, they arrived at the home of Aeolus, ruler of the winds.Aeolus off ered Odysseus a bag trapping all the strong winds within except one - the one which would take him straight back to Ithaca. As the ship came within sight of Ithaca, the crewmen, curious about the bag, decided to open it. The winds escapedand stirred up a storm. Odysseus and his crew came to the land of the cannibalistic Laestrygonians, who sank all but one of the ships. The survivors went next to Aeaea, the island of the witch-goddess Circe. Odysseus sent out a scouting party butCirce turned them into pigs. With the help of an antidote the god Hermes had given him, Odysseus managed to overpower the goddess and forced her to change his men back to human form. When it was time for Odysseus to leave, Circe told him to sail tothe realm of the dead to speak with the spirit of the seer Tiresias. One day’s sailing took them to the land of the Cimmerians. There, he performed sacrifi ces to attract the souls of the dead. Tiresias told him what would happen to him next. He thengot to talk with his mother, Anticleia, and met the spirits of Agamemnon, Achilles, Patroclus, Antilochus, Ajax and others. He then saw the souls of the damned Tityos, Tantalus, and Sisyphus. Odysseus soon found himself mobbed by souls. He becamefrightened, ran back to his ship, and sailed away. While back at Aeaea, Circe told him about the dangers he would have to face on his way back home. She advised him to avoid hearing the song of the Sirens; but if he really felt he had to hear, thenhe should be tied to the mast of the ship, which he did. Odysseus then successfully steered his crew past Charybdis (a violent whirlpool) and Scylla (a multiple-headed monster), but Scylla managed to devour six of his men. Finally, Odysseus and hissurviving crew approached the island where the Sun god kept sacred cattle. Odysseus wanted to sail past, but the crewmen persuaded him to let them rest there. Odysseus passed Circe’s counsel on to his men. Once he had fallen asleep, his men impiouslykilled and ate some of the cattle. When the Sun god found out, he asked Zeus to punish them. Shortly after they set sail from the island, Zeus destroyed the ship and all the men died except for Odysseus. After ten days, Odysseus was washed up on theisland of the nymph Calypso.Odysseus, die is aangespoeld op de kust van de Phaeaken, maakt kennis met koning Alcinoüs. In het paleis van de laatstgenoemde vertelt hij wat hij heeft meegemaakt sinds zijn vertrek uit Troje. Odysseus en zijn metgezellen legdeneerst aan op het eiland van de Ciconen, waar ze de stad Ismarus plunderden. Toen ze weer op zee waren, brak een storm los, die ze naar het land van de gastvrije Lotophagen bracht. Daarna zeilden ze naar het eiland van de Cyclopen.Odysseus en twaalf van zijn metgezellen kwamen terecht in de grot van Polyphemus. Deze verslond een aantal van hen, maar werd uiteindelijk door Odysseus verslagen: hij voerde de reus dronken, waarna die in slaap viel. Vervolgensstak hij een gloeiende paal in zijn ene oog om hem blind te maken. Odysseus en zijn mannen ontsnapten uit de grot door ieder onder de buik van een van Polyphemus’ schapen te gaan hangen. Eenmaal weer aan boord riep Odysseusuitdagend naar de cycloop en onthulde zijn naam. Woedend wierp Polyphemus rotsblokken in de richting van het schip in een poging het te laten zinken. Nadat ze het Cyclopeneiland hadden verlaten, arriveerden ze bij Aeolus, heerservan de winden. Aeolus gaf Odysseus een zak met daarin alle krachtige winden behalve één - die hem rechtstreeks terug naar zijn thuisbasis Ithaca zou voeren. Toen het schip Ithaca bijna had bereikt, besloten de metgezellen, die nieuwsgierigwaren naar de inhoud, de zak te openen. De winden ontsnapten en er ontstond een enorme storm. Odysseus en zijn bemanning kwamen terecht in het land van de kannibalistische Laestrygonen, die alle schepen lieten zinken, opéén na. De overlevenden vluchtten naar Aeaea, het eiland van de tovenares Circe, die de metgezellen van Odysseus in zwijnen veranderde. Met de hulp van een tegengif dat hij had gekregen van Hermes, lukte het Odysseus om Circe teNachdem er an die Küste der Phäaker gespült wurde, wird Odysseus dem König Akinoos vorgestellt. In dessen Palast erzählt er den Phäakern von den Fahrten nach seiner Abreise aus Troja. Odysseus und seine Männer landen zunächst auf denKikonen, einer Inselgruppe, wo sie die Stadt Ismaros einnehmen. Von dort aus treiben sie mächtige Stürme zum Land der gastfreundlichen Lotophagen (Lotos-Essern). Dann segeln sie zum Land der Kyklopen (Zyklopen). Odysseus und seine zwölf Mannenbetreten die Höhle von Poloyphem, dem Sohn Poseidons. Nachdem dieser einige der Männer verspeist hat, überwaÃ…Nltigt ihn Odysseus, indem er ihn betrunken macht und dann mit einem glühenden Spieß in dessen einziges Auge sticht und ihn somitblendet. Odysseus und die übrigen Männer fl iehen an den Bäuchen von Schafen hängend. Wieder an Bord, provoziert Odysseus den Zyklopen, indem er ihm seine wahre Identität verrät. Wütend bewirft Polyphem das Schiff mit Steinen undversucht, es zu versenken. Nachdem sie die Insel der Kyklopen verlassen haben, kommen Odysseus und seine Mannen ins Reich von Aiolos, dem Herr der Winde. Aiolos schenkt ihm einen Beutel, in dem alle Winde eingesperrt sind, außer dem, der ihn direktzurück nach Ithaka treiben soll. Als das Schiff in Sichtweite von Ithaka ist, öff nen die neugierigen Seemänner den Windsack. Die Winde entfl iehen und erzeugen einen Sturm. Odysseus und seine Mannschaft verschlägt es ins Land derkannibalischen Laistrygonen, die alle ihre Schiff e, bis auf eines, versenken. Die Ãœberlebenden reisen weiter nach Aiaia, der Insel der Zauberin Kirke. Odysseus sendet einen Spähtrupp aus, der von Kirke aber in Schweine verwandelt wird. Mit Hilfeeines Gegenmittels vom Götterboten Hermes kann Odysseus Kirke überwaÃ…Nltigen und er zwingt sie, seinen Gefährten wieder ihre menschliche Gestalt zurückzugeben. Als er wieder aufbrechen will, rät Kirke ihm, den Seher Teiresias in derUnterwelt aufzusuchen und zu befragen. Eine Tagesreise führt sie dann ins Land der Kimmerer, nahe dem Eingang des Hades. Dort bringt Odysseus Opfer, um die Seelen der Toten anzurufen. Teireisas sagt ihm sein Schicksal voraus. Dann darf Odysseusmit seiner Mutter Antikleia und den Seelen von Agamemnon, Achilles, Patroklos, Antilochus, Ajax und anderen Toten sprechen. Dann sieht er die Seelen der Verdammten Tityos, Tantalos und Sisyphos. Bald wird Odysseus selbst von den Seelen gequält, kehrtvoll Angst zu seinem Schiff zurück und segelt davon. In Aiaia hatte Kirke ihn vor den drohenden Gefahren der Heimreise gewarnt. Sie riet ihm, den Gesang der Sirenen zu vermeiden, wenn er aber unbedingt zuhören müsse, solle er sich an denMast seines Schiff es bindet lassen, was er dann auch tut. Dann führt Odysseus seine Mannschaft erfolgreich durch die Meerenge zwischen Skylla und Charybdis, wobei Skylla jedoch sechs seiner Männer verschlingt. Schließlich erreichen Odysseusund die überlebende Besatzung die Insel, auf der der Sonnengott Helios heiliges Vieh hält. Odysseus will weitersegeln, aber seine Mannschaft überredet ihn zu einer Rast. Odysseus erzählt ihnen von Kirkes Warnung, aber kaum, dass ereingeschlafen ist, töten die Männer in gotteslästerlicher Weise einige Rinder und verspeisen sie. Als Helios dies entdeckt, bittet er Zeus, sie zu bestrafen. Kurz nachdem sie die Segel für die Abreise von der Insel gesetzt haben, zerstört Zeusdas Schiff und alle außer Odysseus sterben. Nach zehn Tagen wird Odysseus an den Strand der Insel der Nymphe Kalypso angespült.Ulysse, épuisé par la terrible tempête qu’il a subie, échoue sur le rivage des Phéaciens. Reçu au palais du roi Alcinoos, Ulysse entreprend le récit des épreuves passées depuis son départ de Troie. Arrivés dans l’île des Cicones, Ulysse et ses compagnons mettent la cité d’Ismaros sac puis reprennent la mer. Les vents les emportent chez les Lotophages, un peuple paisible. Ulysse aborde au pays des Cyclopes. Il pénètre dans la caverne de Polyphème accompagné de douze hommes. Après avoir vu le Cyclope dévorer deux de ses compagnons chaque repas, Ulysse ruse pour lui échapper. Il l’enivre puis embrase un épieu taillé, qu’il plante dans l'œil unique du Cyclope endormi,l’aveuglant définitivement. Les survivants sortent ensuite cachés sous le ventre de ses brebis et regagnent leurs bateaux. Faisant preuve d’orgueil, Ulysse crie sa véritable identité au risque de faire sombrer son navire sous une pluie de rochers. Ulysse aborde l’île d’Eolie, au royaume du maître des vents. Eole offre Ulysse un vent favorable pour regagner Ithaque, et une outre renfermant tous les vents contraires. Hélas, la curiosité des marins d’Ulysse aura raison de cet heureux dénouement car, en ouvrant l’outre, les vents contraires s’échappent et déchaînent une nouvelle tempête. Après avoir dérivé plusieurs jours, ils parviennent chez les Lestrygons cannibales qui détruisent l’escadre. Les survivants reprennent la mer avec un unique navire et abordent dans l’île d’Aiaié, séjour de la magicienne Circé. Ulysse envoie des éclaireurs dans les terres. Imprudemment entrés dans la demeure de la magicienne, ils sont transformés en pourceaux. Seul Ulysse échappe au sortilège gr ce l’antidote que lui indique Hermès. Vaincue, Circé s’offre au héros et rend ses compagnons leur forme humaine. Avant de laisser partir Ulysse, Circé lui conseille d’aller au pays des morts consulter l’ombre du devin Tirésias. Après une journée de navigation, le bateau d’Ulysse atteint le pays des Cimmériens. Il s’acquitte des rites appropriés pour pouvoir s’entretenir avec l’ me.
SKU: BT.DHP-1084443-010
SKU: AP.50882
ISBN 9781470668433. UPC: 038081587301. English.
Pacific Crest, by Robert Sheldon, is an awe-inspiring work named for the ridge of mountains spanning the entire range from Canada to the Mexican border, with music depicting the peaks, panoramic views, and the joy of hiking this incredible trail. (5:05).
SKU: AP.50882S
ISBN 9781470668440. UPC: 038081587318. English.
SKU: BT.GOB-001204-140
9x12 inches. English.
The _x001F_first movements of Andrew Watkin’s A Sherwood Fantasy is presented in a stately 6/8 meter. The lovely melody of the second movement is sumptuously harmonised. The third movement of this very varied work is peppered with changing rhythms and modulations, which give the music a fresh and lively character. A hymn completes this beautiful musical creation. Deze fantasie steekt van wal met een statige maar zangerige opening in 6/8-maatsoort. Een dromerig middendeel met thema’s in verschillende groepen leidt ons naar een grandioze _x001F_finale. Dit werk is erg geschikt om uw orkest op een hoger niveau te tillen omdat verschillende belangrijke elementen aan bod komen: ritmiek, frasering, muzikaliteit en contrast. Der erste Satz von Andrew Watkins Blasorchesterfantasie präsentiert sich festlich im 6/8-Takt. Die gefällige Melodie des zweiten Satzes wird von generösen Harmonien unterstützt. Der dritte Satz dieses abwechslungsreichen Werkes besticht mit wechselnden Rhythmen und Modulationen, die der Musik einen frischen, spritzigen Charakter verleihen. Eine Hymne“ beendet dieses schöne musikalische Gesamtbild. Plusieurs caractéristiques musicales sont mises en exergue dans l’oeuvre A Sherwood Fantasy. La mesure 6/8, présente dès le début de la composition, donne un aspect festif ce premier mouvement. Une mélodie accueillante soutenue par une harmonisation ample qualifi_x001C_e idéalement le mouvement suivant. Des alternances rythmiques et des modulations amènent une transition intéressante et confèrent progressivement ce passage un caractère pétillant de fraîcheur. Un hymne généreux apporte une conclusion bienveillante cette fresque musicale.Un brano che evidenzia numerose caratteristiche musicali; il tempo in 6/8, presentato all’inizio della composizione, conferisce un aspetto festivo al primo movimento. Una melodia accogliente sostenuta da un’ampia armonizzazione caratterizza il movimento seguente. Un’alternanza di passaggi ritmici e di modulazioni accompagnano un’interessante transizione e con_x001D_fluiscono progressivamente in un passaggio dal carattere spumeggiante e fresco. Un generoso inno conclude questo riuscito a_x001B_ffresco musicale.
SKU: BT.GOB-001204-010
SKU: HL.44011138
UPC: 884088672638. 9.0x12.0x1.08 inches.
Elegy I 'Jealousy' werd genoemd naar het gelijknamige gedicht van John Donne. Jaloezie (Jealousy) roept een hele rij emoties op. Van teleurstelling, treurnis en verdriet tot boosheid en woede. Het gedicht Jealousy van Donneen ook het gelijknamige schilderij van Edvard Munch inspireerden Jacob de Haan om dit werk te componeren. En het is hem goed gelukt om alle emoties die bij jaloerse gevoelens horen muzikaal te verklanken! Een treffend concertwerkdat u niet mag missen...Elegy I 'Jealousy' wurde nach dem gleichnamigen Gedicht von John Donne benannt. Eifersucht (Jealousy) vermag eine ganze Reihe von Emotionen auszulosen - von Enttauschung, Trauer, Bedauern bis hin zu Arger und Wut. Von Donnes Gedicht und einem ebenfalls mit Eifersucht betitelten Gemalde von Edvard Munch inspiriert, ist es Jacob de Haan gelungen, all diese Gefühle in Musik umzusetzen. Ein bewegendes Konzertwerk, das Sie sich nicht entgehen lassen sollten.Elegy I: Jealousy (Elegie 1 : La Jalousie) a emprunte son nom au poeme eponyme de John Donne. La jalousie peut declencher de nombreuses emotions qui vont de la deception, de la peine et du regret a la colere ou a la folie. Toutes ces emotions ont trouve leur place dans cette composition, inspiree de trois formes d'art differentes : la poesie (Elegy I), la peinture (La Jalousie - Edvard Munch) ; la chanson (Je ne l'ose dire - Pierre Certon). La resonance affective et emotionnelle est forte. En un instant, l'auditeur est touche par ce qu'il entend.
SKU: CN.R10004
A slow introduction gives way to the chirpy theme which is developed, inverted, and accents displaced across the bar line to give a 3/2 feel against the written meter. Restlessness leads to a tranquillo presented by the flute and clarinet, weaving a flowing counterpoint around the melody until the original slow introduction returns. A triumphant recapitulation of the main theme brings this wonderful piece to an end.Originally composed for Brass Band in 1934 Comedy Overture is, despite its name, a serious piece of writing. The term Overture does not imply that there is anything else to follow; it is used in the 19th century sense of Concert Overture (like Mendelssohn's Fingal's Cave - in other words, a miniature Tone Poem). The 1930's was a period of Ireland's mature writing - yielding the Piano Concerto (1930), the Legend for piano and orchestra (1933), and the choral work These Things Shall Be (1936-1937). We are fortunate therefore to have both Comedy Overture and A Downland Suite (1932) written for band medium at this time. As with Maritime Overture (written in 1944 for military band) Ireland approaches his material symphonically. The opening three notes state immediately the two seminal intervals of a semitone and a third. These are brooding and dark in Bb minor. It is these intervals which make up much of the thematic content of Comedy, sometimes appearing in inverted form, and sometimes in major forms as well. The concept that some musical intervals are consonant , some dissonant, and some perfect is perhaps useful in understanding the nature of the tension and resolution of this work. The third is inherently unstable, and by bar 4, the interval is expanded to a fourth - with an ascending sem-quaver triplet - and then expanded to a fifth. The instability of the third pushes it towards a perfect resolution in the fourth or the fifth. The slow introduction is built entirely around these intervals in Bb minor and leads through an oboe cadenza, to an Allegro moderato brillante in Bb major. Once again, the semi-tone (inverted) and a third (major) comprise the main, chirpy, theme-inspired by a London bus-conductor's cry of Piccadilly. (Much of the material in Comedy was re-conceived by Ireland for orchestra and published two years later under the title A London Overture.) The expansion of the interval of a third through a fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh now takes place quickly before our very ears at the outset of this quicker section. Immediately the theme is developed, inverted, and accents displaced across the bar line to give a 3/2 feel against the written meter. But this restlessness leads to a tranquillo built around an arpeggio figure and presented by flute and clarinet. Ireland weaves his flowing counterpoint around this melody until the original slow introduction returns leading to a stretto effect as the rising bass motifs become more urgent, requesting a resolution of the tension of that original semitone and minor third. Yet resolution is withheld at this point as the music becomes almost becalmed in a further, unrelated tranquillo section marked pianissimo. It is almost as if another side of Ireland's nature is briefly allowed to shine through the stern counterpoint and disciplined structure. This leads to virtually a full recapitulation of the chirpy brilliante, with small additional touches of counterpoint, followed by the first tranquillo section-this time in the tonic of Bb major. But the instability of the third re-asserts itself, this time demanding a resolution. And a triumphant resolution it receives, for it finally becomes fully fledged and reiterates the octave in a closing vivace. The opening tension has at last resolved itself into the most perfect interval of all.
ISBN 9781491143544. UPC: 680160901043. Key: G minor.
Nordanvind is a tour de force symphonic rhapsody that is built on three Scandinavian folk songs. Composer Carl Strommen has composed these Viking-influenced melodies into a concert setting that brings out all of the history of the Scandinavian people. The piece is at times bold and aggressive, at other times beautiful. Carl employs all of the instrumental colors of the concert band to create a new work for more advanced ensembles.Modern Scandinavians are descendants of the Vikings, an adventuresome people who were known for their love of the sea, their naval prowess, and as fierce fighters . The Scandinavian Vikings were warriors from Denmark, Norway, and Sweden who traded, raided and settled in various parts of Europe, Russia, the North Atlantic islands, and the northeastern coast of North America .Starting around 1850, over one million Swedes left their homeland for the United States in search of religious freedom and open farm land . Augustana College was founded in 1860 by graduates of Swedish universities and is located on the Mississippi River in Rock Island, Illinois . Home of the “Vikings,†Augustana College is the oldest Swedish- American institution of higher learning in the United States . This powerful and lively piece takes inspiration from Swedish history and from Swedish folk songs and hymns .Havsdrake (Dragon of the Sea)The Nordanvind or “North Wind†blows a cold wind during a journey of a group of courageous Viking rowers . The “Dragon-ship†or long ships designed for raiding and war was a sophisticated, fast ship able to navigate in very shallow water . To musically portray these magnificent seafaring vessels, the director is encouraged to use an Ocean Drum (or a rain stick) during the introduction . Wind players may consider blowing air through their instruments to suggest the North wind . Adding men’s voices to accompany the haunting low brass and percussive “rower†sounds can be helpful in creating the dark and ominous portrayal of Viking adventurers .Slangpolska efter Byss - KalleIn Sweden, a “polska†is a partner dance where the dancers spin each other (släng in Swedish “to sling or tossâ€) . Slangpolska efter Byss - Kalle is attributed to Byss-Kalle, who was a notable Swedish folk musician, specifically a nyckelharpa player . Slangpolska efter Byss - Kalle is a traditional “polska†dance song most often played on the Nyckelharpa or keyed fiddle and is commonly heard in pubs and at festive events throughout Sweden . Approximately 10,000 nyckelharpa players live in Sweden today, and the Swedish and the American Nyckelharpa Associations are dedicated to this Swedish National instrument . The director is encouraged to share video and audio examples of the nyckelharpa playing the original Slangpolska efter Byss - Kalle .Tryggare Kan Ingen Vara (Children of the Heavenly Father)Tryggare Kan Ingen Vara Is a traditional Swedish melody, possibly of German roots, and was believed to be arranged as a hymn by the Swedish hymn writer, Karolina Wilhelmina Sandell-Berg (1832–1903) . As a daughter of a Swedish Lutheran minister, she began writing poems as a teenager and is said to have written over 1,700 different texts . There are two different accounts as to the inspiration for this hymn . The first story is that Lina (as she was called) wrote the hymn to honor her father and to say thank you to him for raising her and protecting her . A second belief is of her witnessing the tragic death of her father . She and her father were on a boat, when a wave threw her father overboard . It was said that the profound effect of watching her father drown is what caused Lina to write the text to this hymn . Although this is a treasured song to people of Swedish descent everywhere, it speaks to all people about a father tending and nourishing his children, and protecting them from evil .SPS71FThe Augustana College Concert BandFounded in 1874, the Augustana Band program is one of the oldest continuously active collegiate band programs in the country . The Concert Band is one of two bands on campus and was formed more than thirty years ago . The Concert Band attracts students of every skill level and from a wide variety of majors . Students in the ensemble play a large part in choosing their music for performance, which include works from the standard repertoire, orchestral transcriptions, and the latest compositions from leading composers .Rick Jaeschke began his musical career as a clarinet player in the 1st US Army Band . He received a Bachelor of Music degree from Susquehanna University, a Masters of Music from James Madison University, and a doctorate from Columbia University in New York . He was also fortunate to study conducting with Donald Hunsburger and with Frederick Fennell .Dr . Jaeschke taught band and choir at Great Mills High School in Southern Maryland, and for fifteen years, he was the district Music Supervisor in Armonk, New York, where he taught high school concert and jazz bands, beginning band, and music technology . During that time, the music program flourished, and the high school band consistently received Gold Medals in the New York State Festivals, as well as in national, and international festivals . As a clarinet and saxophone player, Dr . Jaeschke performed in the New York metropolitan area with the Rockland Symphony Orchestra, the Putnam Symphony Orchestra, Fine Arts Symphony Orchestra, and served as the concert master for the Hudson Valley Wind Symphony .For several years, Dr . Jaeschke served as the Fine Arts Coordinator for the District 204 schools in Naperville, IL, a district selected as One of the Best 100 Schools in America for Music . Currently, Dr . Jaeschke is an Associate Professor at Augustana College where he teaches music and music education courses, and directs the Concert Band . He has served on various educational boards, is a National edTPA scorer, and has presented at state, national and international music conferences . He lives with his family in Bettendorf Iowa, and enjoys any opportunity to explore the open water in his sea kayak .
SKU: BT.1143-04-010-MS
At the beginning of the 1980s Alison Moyet was discovered by Vince Clarke, who - in search of greater independence - had left the successful band Depeche Mode. The soulful singing style of Moyet and the electronic, innovative pop that Clarke made melded well together in the group Yazoo with hits such as Only You and Don’t Go. However, after a number of years Moyet went her own way and forged a solo career, during which she demonstrated a somewhat more traditional sound. She recorded several covers (such as The First Time I Ever Saw Your Face and That Ole Devil Called Love) but she also wrotefine songs herself, such as Love Resurrection and, of course, the expressive song AllCried Out. This arrangement by Peter Kleine Schaars does justice to the atmosphere of the original song. Die erfolgreiche Karriere von Alison Moyet begann zu Beginn der 80er-Jahre mit der englischen Popgruppe Yazoo. Nach ein paar Jahren ging die Sängerin mit der starken Soulstimme jedoch eigene Wege und arbeitete an einer Solo-Karriere. Sie nahm einige Cover-Versionen auf, schrieb aber auch selbst schöne Lieder, darunter Love Resurrection und natürlich das ausdrucksvolle, unvergessene All Cried Out. Diese Bearbeitung von Peter Kleine Schaars wird der Stimmung des Originals vollkommen gerecht.La chanteuse Alison Moyet est repérée au début des années 1980 par Vince Clarke, alors la recherche d’une plus grande indépendance : il a quitté son célèbre groupe Depeche Mode. La voix mélancolique d’Alison Moyet et la musique pop électronique innovante de Vince Clarke s’unissent au sein du groupe Yazoo dont des chansons comme Only You et Don’t Go rencontrent un vif succès. Quelques années après, Alison Moyet décide néanmoins de suivre son propre chemin et se lance dans une carrière solo au cours de laquelle elle développe un style plus conventionnel. Elle enregistre plusieurs reprises telles que The First Time I Ever Saw Your Face et That Ole Devil CalledLove, mais compose aussi de superbes titres tels que Love Resurrection et bien entendu All Cried Out, une chanson particulièrement expressive. L’arrangement de Peter Kleine Schaars reste très fidèle l’ambiance de la chanson d’origine.
SKU: BT.1143-04-140-MS
T the beginning of the 1980s Alison Moyet was discovered by Vince Clarke, who - in search of greater independence - had left the successful band Depeche Mode. The soulful singing style of Moyet and the electronic, innovative pop that Clarke made melded well together in the group Yazoo with hits such as Only You and Don’t Go. However, after a number of years Moyet went her own way and forged a solo career, during which she demonstrated a somewhat more traditional sound. She recorded several covers (such as The First Time I Ever Saw Your Face and That Ole Devil Called Love) but she also wrotefine songs herself, such as Love Resurrection and, of course, the expressive song AllCried Out. This arrangement by Peter Kleine Schaars does justice to the atmosphere of the original song. Die erfolgreiche Karriere von Alison Moyet begann zu Beginn der 80er-Jahre mit der englischen Popgruppe Yazoo. Nach ein paar Jahren ging die Sängerin mit der starken Soulstimme jedoch eigene Wege und arbeitete an einer Solo-Karriere. Sie nahm einige Cover-Versionen auf, schrieb aber auch selbst schöne Lieder, darunter Love Resurrection und natürlich das ausdrucksvolle, unvergessene All Cried Out. Diese Bearbeitung von Peter Kleine Schaars wird der Stimmung des Originals vollkommen gerecht.La chanteuse Alison Moyet est repérée au début des années 1980 par Vince Clarke, alors la recherche d’une plus grande indépendance : il a quitté son célèbre groupe Depeche Mode. La voix mélancolique d’Alison Moyet et la musique pop électronique innovante de Vince Clarke s’unissent au sein du groupe Yazoo dont des chansons comme Only You et Don’t Go rencontrent un vif succès. Quelques années après, Alison Moyet décide néanmoins de suivre son propre chemin et se lance dans une carrière solo au cours de laquelle elle développe un style plus conventionnel. Elle enregistre plusieurs reprises telles que The First Time I Ever Saw Your Face et That Ole Devil CalledLove, mais compose aussi de superbes titres tels que Love Resurrection et bien entendu All Cried Out, une chanson particulièrement expressive. L’arrangement de Peter Kleine Schaars reste très fidèle l’ambiance de la chanson d’origine.
SKU: AP.41912S
UPC: 038081482385. English.
Edifice was written to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the 6th grade school building in Troy, Ohio City Schools. The opening, majestic block chords recall the strength and endurance of the actual structure, while the faster and more tuneful main theme reflects the youthful energy and optimism of the school's many generations of students. (2:20) Edifice correlates to Book 1, Level 3 of Sound Innovations for Concert Band. This title is available in MakeMusic Cloud.
SKU: BT.DHP-1104942-010
9x12 inches.
Elegy I ‘Jealousy’ werd genoemd naar het gelijknamige gedicht van John Donne. Jaloezie (Jealousy) roept een hele rij emoties op. Van teleurstelling, treurnis en verdriet tot boosheid en woede. Het gedicht Jealousy van Donneen ook het gelijknamige schilderij van Edvard Munch inspireerden Jacob de Haan om dit werk te componeren. En het is hem goed gelukt om alle emoties die bij jaloerse gevoelens horen muzikaal te verklanken! Een treffend concertwerkdat u niet mag missen…Elegy I ‘Jealousy’ wurde nach dem gleichnamigen Gedicht von John Donne benannt. Eifersucht (Jealousy) vermag eine ganze Reihe von Emotionen auszulösen - von Enttäuschung, Trauer, Bedauern bis hin zu Ärger und Wut. Von Donnes Gedicht und einem ebenfalls mit Eifersucht betitelten Gemälde von Edvard Munch inspiriert, ist es Jacob de Haan gelungen, all diese Gefühle in Musik umzusetzen. Ein bewegendes Konzertwerk, das Sie sich nicht entgehen lassen sollten.Elegy I: Jealousy (Élégie 1 : La Jalousie) a emprunté son nom au poème éponyme de John Donne. La jalousie peut déclencher de nombreuses émotions qui vont de la déception, de la peine et du regret la colère ou la folie. Toutes ces émotions ont trouvé leur place dans cette composition, inspirée de trois formes d’art différentes : la poésie (Elegy I), la peinture (La Jalousie - Edvard Munch) ; la chanson (Je ne l’ose dire - Pierre Certon). La résonance affective et émotionnelle est forte. En un instant, l’auditeur est touché par ce qu'il entend.
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