SKU: BT.DHP-0930476-010
T-Square is a Japanese jazz fusion band that was formed in 1978. They became famous in the late 70s and early 80s, amongst other Japanese fusion bands. One of their most popular songs is Omens of Love. This beautiful Concert Band arrangement from Toshio Mashima is played all over the world. T-Square is een Japanse jazzfusionband die in 1978 werd opgericht. De groep werd eind jaren zeventig en begin jaren tachtig beroemd, evenals andere Japanse fusionbands. Een van de populairste songs van de band is Omens of Love. Dit geweldige arrangement van Toshio Mashima voor harmonieorkest wordt overal ter wereld gespeeld. T-Square ist eine japanische Fusion-Band, die 1978 gegründet wurde. Sie wurde zusammen mit anderen japanischen Fusion-Bands in den späten 1970er-Jahren und den frühen 1980er-Jahren berühmt. Omens of Love ist einer ihrer bekanntesten Songs. Dieses wunderbare Arrangement für Blasorchester von Toshio Mashima wird auf der ganzen Welt gespielt. T-Square est un groupe japonais de jazz fusion formé en 1978. Ils devinrent célèbres vers la fin des années 1970 et début 1980 avec d’autres groupes japonais de fusion. L’une de leurs chansons les plus populaires est Omens of Love. L’arrangement magnifique de Toshio Mashima pour orchestre d’harmonie est interprété dans le monde entier. I T-Square sono una band fusion giapponese formatasi nel 1978 e divenuta famosa in tutto il mondo nel giro di pochi anni. Omens of Love è uno dei loro brani più amati e l’arrangiamento di Toshio Mashima per concert band è ormai da considerarsi un best seller.
SKU: BT.DHP-0930476-140
SKU: HL.44002014
UPC: 073999109627. 6.75x10.5 inches.
T-Square is a Japanese jazz fusion band that was formed in 1978. They became famous in the late 70s and early 80s, amongst other Japanese fusion bands. One of their most popular songs is Omens of Love. This beautiful Concert Band arrangement from Toshio Mashima is played all over the world. T-Square is een Japanse jazzfusionband die in 1978 werd opgericht. De groep werd eind jaren zeventig en begin jaren tachtig beroemd, evenals andere Japanse fusionbands. Een van de populairste songs van de band is Omens of Love. Dit geweldige arrangement van Toshio Mashima voor harmonieorkest wordt overal ter wereld gespeeld. T-Square ist eine japanische Fusion-Band, die 1978 gegrundet wurde. Sie wurde zusammen mit anderen japanischen Fusion-Bands in den spaten 1970er-Jahren und den fruhen 1980er-Jahren beruhmt. Omens of Love ist einer ihrer bekanntesten Songs. Dieses wunderbare Arrangement fur Blasorchester von Toshio Mashima wird auf der ganzen Welt gespielt. T-Square est un groupe japonais de jazz fusion forme en 1978. Ils devinrent celebres vers la fin des annees 1970 et debut 1980 avec d'autres groupes japonais de fusion. L'une de leurs chansons les plus populaires est Omens of Love. L'arrangement magnifique de Toshio Mashima pour orchestre d'harmonie est interprete dans le monde entier. I T-Square sono una band fusion giapponese formatasi nel 1978 e divenuta famosa in tutto il mondo nel giro di pochi anni. Omens of Love e uno dei loro brani piu amati e l'arrangiamento di Toshio Mashima per concert band e ormai da considerarsi un best seller.
SKU: BT.DHP-1002212-140
Cole Porter was one of the great masters of Broadway musicals during the thirties, forties and fifties, with So in Love, from the musical Kiss Me Kate, being one of his best loved works. It has been recorded by many artists including Bing Crosby, Lulu, Shirley Bassey and Julie Andrews, however it is the Ella Fitzgerald version that is best known. This jazzy musical classic can now be enjoyed by your brass band with this excellent new arrangement.Cole Porter schrieb unvergessene, wundervolle Musicals und Lieder. Seine Musik wurde schon von vielen großen Künstlern interpretiert - von Jazzentertainern wie Ella Fitzgerald und Frank Sinatra über klassische Sängerinnen bis hin zu Popkünstlern wie U2 und Tom Waits. Mit Kazuhiro Moritas Bearbeitung des romantischen Songs So in Love aus dem Musical Kiss Me Kate können Sie sich nun in diese illustre Riege einreihen! L’auteur-compositeur américain Cole Porter (1891-1964) est initié au piano dès son plus jeune ge. Plus tard, il suit un cursus universitaire Yale puis Paris. Sa vie a suscité bien des commentaires. En 1918, il épouse Linda Lee Thomas. Le couple partage sa vie entre Paris, Venise, New York et Hollywood où Cole Porter se consacre la composition de musiques de films. Le mariage est heureux en dépit de l’homosexualité notoire de Cole Porter. En 1937, il est victime d’un grave accident qui le laisse handicapé vie. Cole Porter restera meurtri par cette expérience. Son épouse meurt en 1954. Quatre ans plus tard, il est amputé de la jambe droite. Son appétit de vivre et saflamme créatrice s’éteignent. Il meurt en 1964.Cole Porter a composé de superbes chansons et comédies musicales dont certaines sont encore très appréciées de nos jours. Il suffit d’évoquer I’ve Got You Under My Skin ou Every Time We Say Goodbye. Sa musique a été reprise par de nombreux artistes : des crooners et grandes vedettes du jazz telles que Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald et Oscar Peterson aux cantatrices Renée Fleming et Kiri Te Kanawa. Certains artistes pop, notamment U2 ou Tom Waits, ont également fait une incursion dans son riche répertoire.So in Love est une chanson romantique extraite de la comédie musicale Kiss Me Kate (1948).
SKU: BT.DHP-1002212-010
SKU: CL.012-4515-00
Canzoni d'Amore (Songs of Love) is a lyrical medley of three beautiful, classic Italian love songs. Featured songs include Serenata, Caro Mio Ben, and Torna A Surriento. Masterfully crafted to give interesting parts to all sections, Canzoni d'Amore will expose your students and your audiences to the best of treasured Italian melodies. A beautiful work for concert bands, providing opportunities for musical expression. Bellissimo!
SKU: CL.012-4515-75
SKU: CL.012-4515-01
SKU: BT.DHP-1155660-010
On July 23 2011, the news of the death of Amy Winehouse shocked the entire world. What could have been one of the most impressive careers in the history of pop and modern soul, was halted by a tragic event which no one will forget. The best way tohonour Amy Winehouse now is through her music. A Tribute to Amy Winehouse includes all of the songs which earned her cult status and made her unforgettable You Know Iâ??m No Good, Valerie, Love Is a Losing Game, Back to Black andRehab. Op 23 juli 2011 werd de wereld opgeschrikt door het nieuws over de dood van Amy Winehouse. Aan wat een van de meest indrukwekkende carrières in de geschiedenis van de pop en moderne soul had kunnen worden, kwam op tragische wijze een eind. De bestemanier om Amy Winehouse nu in ere te houden, is door middel van haar muziek. A Tribute to Amy Winehouse omvat alle songs waarmee ze haar cultstatus verwierf en waardoor ze onvergetelijk werd: You Know Iâ??m No Good, Valerie, Love Is a LosingGame, Back to Black en Rehab. Die Nachricht vom Tod Amy Winehouses am 23. Juli 2011 schockierte die ganze Welt. Was die beeindruckendste Karriere in der Geschichte der Pop- und modernen Soulmusik hätte werden können, wurde durch ein tragisches Ereignis beendet, das niemandvergessen wird. Man kann Amy Winehouse am besten mit ihrer Musik ehren. A Tribute to Amy Winehouse umfasst alle Songs, durch die sie Kultstatus erreicht hat und die sie unvergesslich machen You Know Iâ??m No Good, Valerie, Love Is a LosingGame, Back to Black und Rehab.La mort dâ??Amy Winehouse le 23 juillet 2011 choqua le monde entier. Sa carrière, interrompue par un évènement que personne nâ??oubliera, aurait pu être lâ??une des plus célèbres de lâ??histoire de la musique pop et du soul moderne. La meilleure façondâ??honorer Amy Winehouse aujourdâ??hui est travers sa musique. A Tribute to Amy Winehouse inclut toutes les chansons lâ??origine de la réputation culte de la chanteuse, et qui lâ??ont rendue inoubliable You Know Iâ??m No Good, Valerie, Love Isa Losing Game, Back to Black et Rehab.Il 23 luglio 2011 lâ??improvvisa scomparsa di Amy Winehouse sconvolse il mondo intero. La sua morte ha stroncato una delle più promettenti carriere della storia del modern soul. Solo attraverso la sua musica è possibile tenere viva la fiamma creativadella popstar britannica. Per questo è stato pensato A Tribute to Amy Winehouse è un medley che raccoglie le canzoni che ne hanno reso la breve quanto intensa carriera indimenticabile: You Know Iâ??m No Good, Valerie, Love Is aLosing Game, Back to Black and Rehab.
SKU: BT.DHP-0950625-015
9x12 inches.
The Lion King was a smash-hit box office success all over the world, and is still the highest grossing 2D animated film in the US. Can You Feel The Love Tonight, is a delightful concert band arrangement of the song from this Walt Disney classic, sung and composed by Elton John. A Disney favourite for young and old alike, your musicians will look forward to playing this piece both in rehearsal and in concert! The Lion King schreef zowel film-, musical- als popgeschiedenis. Op alle drie de gebieden droegen vooral de songs van Elton John bij aan het monumentale succes van deze Disneyproducties. Ron Sebregts is al jaren een ervaren arrangeurvan popmuziek voor orkest. Hij is het die deze authentieke bewerking schreef van de mooie balade Can You Feel the Love Tonight.Can You Feel the Love Tonight ist das mit einem Golden Globe für den besten Filmsong prämierte Lied aus der Filmmusik zu Walt Disneys König der Löwen>, die auch insgesamt einen Oscar erhielt. Zum weltweiten Erfolg des Soundtracks trugen vor allem Elton John und sein Texter Tim Rice bei, aus der Kooperation neben anderen Liedern auch diese gefühlvolle Liebesballade stammt. Can You Feel the Love Tonight, composition d’Elton John et Tim Rice, est probablement le thème le plus connu du dessin animé Le Roi Lion. Ron Sebregts a réalisé un magnifique arrangement de cet incontournable standard, pour le bonheur des grands et des petits. Une magnifique ballade pour orchestre d’harmonie. di Elton John e Tim Rice è senza dubbio la canzone più conosciuta del film e musical Il Re Leone. Ron Sebregts, apprezzato arrangiatore di titoli di musica pop, firma questo arrangiamento molto riuscito dell’indimenticabile canzone.
SKU: BT.DHP-0950625-215
The Lion King was a smash-hit box office success all over the world, and is still the highest grossing 2D animated film in the US. Can You Feel The Love Tonight, is a delightful concert band arrangement of the song from this Walt Disney classic, sung and composed by Elton John. A Disney favourite for young and old alike, your musicians will look forward to playing this piece both in rehearsal and in concert! The Lion King schreef zowel film-, musical- als popgeschiedenis. Op alle drie de gebieden droegen vooral de songs van Elton John bij aan het monumentale succes van deze Disneyproducties. Ron Sebregts is al jaren een ervaren arrangeurvan popmuziek voor orkest. Hij is het die deze authentieke bewerking schreef van de mooie balade Can You Feel the Love Tonight.Can You Feel the Love Tonight ist das mit einem Golden Globe für den besten Filmsong prämierte Lied aus der Filmmusik zu Walt Disneys König der Löwen>, die auch insgesamt einen Oscar erhielt. Zum weltweiten Erfolg des Soundtracks trugen vor allem Elton John und sein Texter Tim Rice bei, aus der Kooperation neben anderen Liedern auch diese gefühlvolle Liebesballade stammt. di Elton John e Tim Rice è senza dubbio la canzone più conosciuta del film e musical Il Re Leone. Ron Sebregts, apprezzato arrangiatore di titoli di musica pop, firma questo arrangiamento molto riuscito dell’indimenticabile canzone.
SKU: BT.1108-04-010-MS
The Beatles remain the biggest-selling British group of all time with their countless hits and timeless classics written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney. All You Need Is Love is one such song that recently made it into the top 40 pop songs of all time. In this arrangement Thijs Oud has utilised all the original Beatles elements whilst, at the end, integrating ‘snippets’ of many more of their hits. Perfect for all concert programmes this will also make an excellent finale to your events.Kein anderer Song beschreibt das Lebensgefühl der 60er Jahre und damit die Glanzzeit der Beatles besser als das unvergessene All You Need is Love, das auch den Titel zu Bernhard Kurz’ Musical über die Fab’ Four lieferte. Sowohl Musik als auch Botschaft des eingängigen Liedes haben an Popularität nichts verloren und werden Ihr Publikum im Arrangement von Don Campbell aufs Neue begeistern. All You Need Is Love passt in jedes unterhaltsame Konzertprogramm und eignet sich zum Beispiel auch ideal als Finale.Nombreux sont ceux qui considèrent les Beatles comme le meilleur groupe pop de tous les temps. Un grand nombre de leurs chansons sont devenues de grands succès et comptent parmi les chefs-d’œuvre de la musique pop. All You Need Is Love est un titre intemporel. Cet arrangement de Thijs Oud contient un finale remarquable dans lequel sont rassemblés plusieurs extraits de différents morceaux d’anthologie de ce groupe mythique. All You Need Is Love s’intègre merveille dans tous les programmes de concert et forme une excellente pièce de clôture.
SKU: CL.011-4884-00
Songs Of America contains arrangements of six patriotic classics, perfect for performances honoring veterans, Memorial Day, Independence Day, or any occasion requiring patriotic music. Included are America (My Country, ‘Tis Of Thee), America, The Beautiful, The Stars And Stripes Forever (trio), The Army Goes Rolling Along, Anchors Aweigh, and The Marines Hymn. Each arrangement includes an optional brief introduction, and may be used individually or collectively. Very straightforward in presentation, these easy-to-prepare patriotic songs will be perfect for many performance situations. Honor America by including these Songs Of America!.
About C.L. Barnhouse Command Series
The Barnhouse Command Series includes works at grade levels 2, 2.5, and 3. This series is designed for middle school and junior high school bands, as well as high school bands of smaller instrumentation or limited experience. Command Series publications have a slightly larger instrumentation than the Rising Band Series, and are typically of larger scope, duration, and musical content.
SKU: HL.870279
ISBN 9798350121889. UPC: 196288201021. 9.0x12.0x5.016 inches.
Value Pack includes one conductor's edition with full band recordings and the following student editions: 6 flute, 1 oboe, 1 bassoon, 6 clarinet, 1 bass clar., 4 alto sax, 1 tenor sax, 1 bari sax, 6 trumpet, 2 F horn, 2 trombone, 1 bari BC, a bari TC, 1 tuba, 2 perc, 1 keybd perc. There's no better way to motivate your band than with some popular Disney music! This new collection from Essential Elements works with all ensembles, regardless of what method you're using, and features great songs your band members are sure to know. The arrangements work for the whole ensemble to play together, but also as solo works for each instrumentalist! The songs are carefully correlated to correspond with instruction in the Essential Elements method books 1 and 2 so you'll know exactly when your group is ready to take on another song. A handy chart is provided in the table of contents so you can see the progress requirements. Songs include: Beauty and the Beast • Colors of the Wind • He's a Pirate • Let It Go • Remember Me (Ernesto de la Cruz) • Under the Sea • We Don't Talk About Bruno • We're All in This Together • and more! Each student book includes parts for the full band arrangement as well as separate pages for solo use.
SKU: CL.012-4705-00
Marking the centennial of World War I, also known as The Great War, this medley highlights seven songs popular during this era: It’s A Long Way To Tipperary, Good Morning, Mr. Zip-Zip-Zip, Roses Of Picardy, How Ya Gonna Keep ‘Em Down On The Farm? Keep The Home Fires Burning, Pack Up Your Troubles In Your Old Kit Bag, and Over There! Perfect for Veteran’s Day, Memorial Day, or any concert situation, and especially well-suited for adult community bands. First class!
SKU: CL.012-4705-01
SKU: CL.011-4884-01
SKU: CL.026-4908-00
Folk Songs From Somerset, the third movement from Ralph Vaughan Williams’ English Folk Song Suite is a classic march incorporating four traditional folk songs: Blow Away The Morning Dew, High Germany, The Tree So High and John Barley’s Corn. Using both 2/4 and 6/8 meters, Vaughan Williams has created a unique educational opportunity for ensembles to contrast duple and compound meter. Creatively adapted for the Build-A-Band series by master composer/arranger, Ed Huckeby, this masterful work is now available for ensembles with unusual or limited instrumentation. Your students and audiences will love this English band classic!
SKU: CL.026-4908-01
SKU: CL.LDP-7261-00
A wonderful tribute to American folksong featuring Nineteenth century farm songs, sweetheart songs and silly songs - all affectionately combined in a grand love letter to America! A great cross curricular opportunity, as well! Delightful!
SKU: CL.LDP-7261-01
A wonderful tribute to American folksong featuring Nineteenth century farm songs, sweetheart songs and silly songs—all affectionately combined in a grand love letter to America! A great cross curricular opportunity, as well! Delightful!
SKU: CL.LDP-7152-01
A suite of old French folksongs cleverly arranged for concert band. A wonderful combination of children’s games, love songs, troubadour’s tunes, court music and rollicking songs for the King’s Ryoal Hunt. A real masterwork! Movements: I. Le Furet II. The Laurel Grove III. King Dagobert.
SKU: CL.LDP-7152-00