SKU: BT.DHP-1094789-400
ISBN 9789043132503. 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
This exciting new book contains nine tanguitos (little tangos) and three milongas. Titles include: Tango Apasionado, Buenos Aires en la vida, Meditacion, Cafetin de Buenos Aires and many more. This book comes with a play-along CD containing complete performances and play-along tracks, all performed with a real South American feel. In Tango Time! zijn negen tanguitoâ??s (tangootjes) en drie milongaâ??s gebundeld. Ze zijn geschreven voor accordeonisten die al enkele jaren het instrument bespelen en de tango bevlogen willen uitvoeren. De wereldberoemde tangokomt van oorsprong uit Argentinië, hij verleidt je en neemt je mee naar het diepst van je ziel. Zijn sensualiteit zorgt voor eindeloos speelplezier - solistisch of samen met de begeleiding op de cd.Tango Time! zaubert südamerikanische Atmosphäre! In diesem Buch wurden neun Tanguitos (kleine Tangos) und drei Milongas (Vorgänger des Tangos) versammelt. Alle Stücke sind originale Kompositionen von Myriam Mees. Sie können solo oder zur Begleitung auf der CD gespielt werden. Auf der CD werden auÃ?erdem alle Stücke einmal als Beispiel für eigene Interpretationen vorgespielt. Câ??est en Argentine que naît le mondialement célèbre tango, une danse qui séduit et réussit pénétrer dans les profondeurs de lâ?? me. Sa sensualité épouse le parfum des danseurs tandis que lâ??éclat des grandes salles de bal cotoîe lâ??atmosphère des bas-fonds et des vieux cafés dâ??Argentine. Le tango est une danse universelle. Tango Time! rassemble onze tanguitos (petits tangos) et trois milongas sâ??adressant aux fl tistes bec ayant plusieurs années de pratique instrumentale et sachant interpréter le tango avec verve et inspiration. Sa sensualité garantit un plaisir de jeu infini, que ce soit en soliste ou avec lâ??accompagnement sur disque compact.Tango Time! incanta con la sua atmosfera sudamericana. Il libro propone nove â??tanguitosâ? (piccoli tanghiâ?) e tre â??milongosâ? (antecedente il tango). Si tratta di brani originali di Myriam Mees. Lâ??incisione sul CD incluso nella pubblicazione propone due versioni per ogni brano: una completa di solista, per dar modo di conoscere lo stile, e lâ??altra col solo accompagnamento per dar modo al musicista di interpretare la linea del solo.
SKU: BT.DOW-01509-400
9x12 inches.
1-4 Tielman Susato (c.1500-1561(4)): Mohrentanz5-8 from Witzwillian Virginal book: Alman9-12 from Witzwillian Virginal book: Corranto13-16 from Witzwillian Virginal book: Dance17-20 P. Attaignant (1494-1551(2)): Tourdion21-24 J. Paix (1556-1623): Ungarescha25-28 Traditional: Schiarazula.
SKU: BT.DHP-1001892-400
ISBN 9789043108188. 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
This exciting book contains a collection of pieces in various styles of popular music, including pop, reggae, blues, rock, RandB, rock and roll and ballad. They are easy to play and easy to listen to, and the accompanying CD enables you to feel you are playing with a real pop group. Mit zehn eigenständigen Kompositionen gelingt es Michiel Merkies, verschiedene Stile (Pop, Rock und Blues) â??rüberzubringenâ??. Auf der CD werden alle Nummern von einer fetzigen Live-Band begleitet. The Sound of Pop, Rock and Blues contiene 10 composizioni interpretate da un gruppo con solide basi. Se a questo si aggiunge che lâ??autore riesce a trasmettere in modo chiaro ed accessibile le techniche particolari di ognuno dei tre generi musicali trattati, si dispone di un metodo ideale per tutti gli amanti della musica pop desiderosi di migliorare il proprio suono. Anche i flautisti principianti si potranno così avvicinare a questi generi musicali.
SKU: M7.VHR-3617-55
ISBN 9783864340543. English.
When children start to learn an instrument, they already have a wealth of experience in the 'basics' of music. Not only have they learnt to tell the difference between various sounds and pitches but they have also heard all sorts of sounds from their environment and in most cases have a considerable repertoire of songs and verses as well. Through the development of motor skills and language acquisition, the foundations for their rhythmic development have already been laid. Along with covering specific skills in the instrument itself, broadening, deepening and structuring this 'primal' musical knowledge is one of the most important tasks of the first lessons the child has in the instrument. With its colourful selection of old and new songs and its clear structure making it easy for children to follow, 'Magic Tones' is designed to help children familiarise themselves with their instrument and learn about, understand and then put musical principles into practice. The CDs included provide additional material for this book. The audio CD contains the songs in a sung and instrumental version for the most part, with different ensembles and in a variety of styles. The children can listen to them but they can also sing, play, drum and dance to them or simply look at the particular pages in the book. The playalong CD contains a version without singing. The children can play along to the melody, however, which can be heard in the background for orientation purposes.
SKU: BT.DOW-01507-400
ISBN 9783905477832. 9x12 inches.
DOWANI 3 Tempi Play Along is een effectieve, praktische en systematische methode die het mogelijk maakt om te oefenen in drie verschillende tempi. Alle DOWANI-uitgaven bevatten een of meer cd’s met een complete ‘concertversie'evenals opnamen van de begeleiding in langzaam en medium tempo op piano of klavecimbel - waarbij ter oriëntatie het solo-instrument op de achtergrond te horen is - en een volledige begeleiding in origineel tempo. De live-opnamenzijn gemaakt met uitstekende muzikanten en orkesten. Elkvan deze uitgaven bevat de solopartij, een pianouittreksel en een cd.Meer informatie, voorbeelden van bladmuziek en luistervoorbeelden vindt u op
SKU: BT.DHP-0991396-400
ISBN 9789043103220. French.
Je Joue en Soliste ! est un cahier destiné aux jeunes débutants qui ont envie de prolonger le plaisir de jouer de la fl te bec au-del du cours de musique. Dans des styles très variés, les 15 morceaux proposés sont très plaisants et rivalisent dâ??intérêt. Una pubblicazione destinata ai flautisti principianti che vi permetter di suonare divertendovi, accompagnati dalle basi su CD. I due libri sono in ordine crescente di difficolt .
SKU: M7.VHR-3617-05
ISBN 9783864340536. English.
When children start to learn an instrument, they already have a wealth of experience in the 'basics' of music. Not only have they learnt to tell the difference between various sounds and pitches but they have also heard all sorts of sounds from their environment and in most cases have a considerable repertoire of songs and verses as well. Through the development of motor skills and language acquisition, the foundations for their rhythmic development have already been laid. Along with covering specific skills in the instrument itself, broadening, deepening and structuring this 'primal' musical knowledge is one of the most important tasks of the first lessons the child has in the instrument. With its colourful selection of old and new songs and its clear structure making it easy for children to follow, 'Magic Tones' is designed to help children familiarise themselves with their instrument and learn about, understand and then put musical principles into practice.
SKU: GI.G-J217
A revision of this beginning band series makes Jump Right In easier to use and more musical than ever before! Includes high-quality CDs of folk songs that: • Comprise many styles, tonalities, and meters • Span many cultures and many centuries • Are ideal for listening and playing along Features performances by some of the world’s greatest performers: • Artist faculty members from Eastman School of Music • Members of Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra • Rhythm and Brass Helps develop musicianship beyond instrumental classroom with: • Progress from sound to sight in logical, common sense sequence • Opportunities for improvisation from early stages of instruction • Tools to help students learn to read and write with better comprehension • Arrangements of familiar songs in each book Sequential and proven materials are: • Designed specifically to attend to individual differences • Based on current experimental and practical research • Based on the music learning theories of Edwin E. Gordon • Relevant to National Standards and include suggestions for measurement and evaluation Extensive Teacher’s Guide: • Contains lesson plans • Includes teaching procedures • May be used independently or in conjunction with Jump Right In: The Music Curriculum and Developing Musicianship through Improvisation.
SKU: GI.G-J149
SKU: BT.DHP-1043636-400
ISBN 9789043120883. Dutch.
Dit is een verzameling van bekende Nederlandstalige kinderliedjes, ze zijn eenvoudig om te spelen en er is een vrolijke begeleidings-cd bijgevoegd. Het eerste liedje is het gemakkelijkst en verderop in het boek worden de liedjes steedseen beetje moeilijker. De teksten staan in het boek, dus iedereen kan lekker meezingen.Inhoud:1.Hoedje van papier2.Zakdoekje leggen3.Boer, wat zeg je van mijn kippen4.â??k Zag twee beren5.Witte zwanen, zwarte zwanen6.Daar kwameen boer uit Zwitserland7.Advocaatje ging op reis8.Schipper, mag ik overvaren?9.â??k Heb de zon zien zakken10.De mosselman11.Wiegelied van Brahms12.Varen, varen over de baren13.In Holland staat een huis14.Roodborstje15.Daar was laatsteen meisje loos16.Wel Annemarieke, waar ga je naar toe?17.Toen onze mop een mopje was18.Twee violen en een bas19.Altijd is Kortjakje ziek20.Vader Jacob21.Papegaaitje, leef je nog?22.De zilvervloot23.De zevensprong24.Al die willente kaapâ??ren varen25.â??k Heb een tante in Marokko.
SKU: BT.DHP-0991398-400
ISBN 9789043103244. French.
Una pubblicazione destinata ai flautisti principianti che vi permetter di suonare divertendovi, accompagnati dalle basi su CD. I due libri sono in ordine crescente di difficolt .
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