SKU: M7.VHR-3617-55
ISBN 9783864340543. English.
When children start to learn an instrument, they already have a wealth of experience in the 'basics' of music. Not only have they learnt to tell the difference between various sounds and pitches but they have also heard all sorts of sounds from their environment and in most cases have a considerable repertoire of songs and verses as well. Through the development of motor skills and language acquisition, the foundations for their rhythmic development have already been laid. Along with covering specific skills in the instrument itself, broadening, deepening and structuring this 'primal' musical knowledge is one of the most important tasks of the first lessons the child has in the instrument. With its colourful selection of old and new songs and its clear structure making it easy for children to follow, 'Magic Tones' is designed to help children familiarise themselves with their instrument and learn about, understand and then put musical principles into practice. The CDs included provide additional material for this book. The audio CD contains the songs in a sung and instrumental version for the most part, with different ensembles and in a variety of styles. The children can listen to them but they can also sing, play, drum and dance to them or simply look at the particular pages in the book. The playalong CD contains a version without singing. The children can play along to the melody, however, which can be heard in the background for orientation purposes.
SKU: M7.VHR-3617-05
ISBN 9783864340536. English.
When children start to learn an instrument, they already have a wealth of experience in the 'basics' of music. Not only have they learnt to tell the difference between various sounds and pitches but they have also heard all sorts of sounds from their environment and in most cases have a considerable repertoire of songs and verses as well. Through the development of motor skills and language acquisition, the foundations for their rhythmic development have already been laid. Along with covering specific skills in the instrument itself, broadening, deepening and structuring this 'primal' musical knowledge is one of the most important tasks of the first lessons the child has in the instrument. With its colourful selection of old and new songs and its clear structure making it easy for children to follow, 'Magic Tones' is designed to help children familiarise themselves with their instrument and learn about, understand and then put musical principles into practice.
SKU: M7.VHR-3618-55
ISBN 9783864340734. English.
This second volume of the descant (soprano) recorder tutor 'Magic Tones' sees the range of notes extended up to g'', the first chromatic (altered) notes (f sharp, b flat and c sharp) introduced and a closer look taken at music theory. In addition to the range of notes being extended and fresh musical objectives presented, a large selection of traditional and new songs and pieces are provided so that the children can practise and repeat what they have learnt until they have mastered it. The CDs included provide additional material for this book. The audio CD contains the songs in a sung and instrumental version for the most part, with different ensembles and in a variety of styles. The children can listen to them but they can also sing, play, drum and dance to them or simply look at the particular pages in the book. The playalong CD contains a version without singing. The children can play along to the melody, however, which can be heard in the background for orientation purposes.
SKU: M7.VHR-3618-05
ISBN 9783864340727. English.
This second volume of the descant (soprano) recorder tutor 'Magic Tones' sees the range of notes extended up to g'', the first chromatic (altered) notes (f sharp, b flat and c sharp) introduced and a closer look taken at music theory. In addition to the range of notes being extended and fresh musical objectives presented, a large selection of traditional and new songs and pieces are provided so that the children can practise and repeat what they have learnt until they have mastered it.
SKU: BT.CMP-1065-05-400
ISBN 9789043124027. 9x12 inches. English.
Celtic Folk Songs for All Ages is a delightful collection of rich tunes and ballads specifically distinctive to the cultures of Scotland, Newfoundland, Ireland, and England. The accompaniment CD (included in the solo book) provides two tracks for each tune. The first track includes a sample performance of the solo with the accompaniment. The second track is just the accompaniment, allowing the soloist to play along. There is also a separate Piano accompaniment available.Een rijke verzameling van Keltische liederen en balladen uit Schotland, Newfoundland, Ierland en Engeland met kleurrijke begeleidingen. Op de bijgevoegde cd staan voorbeeld- en meespeeltracks. De pianobegeleiding is afzonderlijk verkrijgbaar.Inhoud: Aiken Drum • The Ash Grove • The Bluebells of Scotland • Loch Lomond • When Irish Eyes Are Smiling • Molly Malone • We'll Rant and We'll Roar e.a.Eine reichhaltige Sammlung von keltischen Liedern und Balladen aus Schottland, Neufundland, Irland und England. Die ursprünglich im Alltag gesungenen, eingängigen Lieder wurden mit klangfarbenreichen Begleitungen versehen. Auf der beiliegenden CD erklingen die Lieder einmal komplett mit Solo und Begleitung und einmal nur als Begleitversion zum Mitspielen. Die Klavierbegleitungen sind ebenfalls enthalten. Celtic Folksongs for All Ages rassemble des airs et des ballades aux riches tonalités des cultures écossaise, irlandaise, anglaise et terre-neuvienne. Sur le compact disc, vous trouverez une version intégrale de chaque oeuvre ainsi qu’une version où ne subsiste que l’accompagnement au piano. (Une version papier des accompagnements de piano est jointe au recueil) Affrontate un viaggio musicale attraverso la musica celtica. James Curnow e Timothy Campbell arrangiano ballate e melodie provenienti dalla Scozia, dall’Inghilterra e dall’Irlanda. Il CD incluso contiene l’accompagnamento al pianoforte come anche una versione demo eseguita da vari strumenti. Ascoltando le registrazioni complete vi farete un’idea di come meglio raggiungere la giusta interpretazione. Con Celtic Folksongs for All Ages allargherete sicuramente gli orizzonti musicali e culturali del vostro repertorio, e potrete stupire il pubblico con uno spumeggiante ed insolito bis. Le parti del pianoforte sono vendute separatamente.
SKU: HL.44007128
ISBN 9789043110051. UPC: 884088167950. International (more than one language).
This book contains easy arrangements of 16 popular Christmas carols for instrumentalits with play-along CD backing. Dit boek bevat 16 sfeervolle internationale kerstliederen. Sechzehn internationale Weihnachtslieder mit einer fantasievollen Begleitung auf CD. 16 melodies du temps de Noel et de l'Avent sont rassemblees dans ce recueil. Questa pubblicazione contiene arrangiamenti facilitati di 16 brani natalizi per flauto dolce con CD play-along.
SKU: BT.SY-2959
230 X 305 inches. German.
Flötenfuchs ist eine auf drei Bände angelegte Sopranblockflötenschule für Kinder ab vier Jahren. Sie bietet abwechslungsreiche Möglichkeiten, um auf die kindlichen Bedürfnisse eingehen zu können. In ansprechenden Texten und liebevoll gestalteten Illustrationen aus der Erlebniswelt der Kinder wird die Geschichte des Flötenfuchses erzählt, der die jungen Flötenschüler von den ersten Blasübungen an begleitet. Auf jeder Seite steht nur ein Lied, zusammen mit dazu passenden Übungen, die den Lernstoff festigen sollen. Kurze, auf das Wesentliche beschränkte Erklärungen, Akkordangaben zum Begleiten sowie Ideen für Bewegungs- und andere Spiele runden diese Schule ab.
Die Idee zum Flötenfuchs sowie die meisten Texte und Lieder gehen auf Richard Voss zurück, den Autor der seit Jahrzehnten beliebten und erfolgreichen RICORDI-Blockflötenschulen Meine lustige Blockflöte sowie Blockflötenfieber.
SKU: AP.20300US
ISBN 9783947998487. UPC: 038081558257. German.
It is not only the great success of Nathan Evans' re-release of The Wellerman on social media that is responsible for the great popularity of sea shanties and naval songs. Such songs create a unique mood, a touch of adventure and wanderlust for the big, wide world. Hardly anyone can elude it and with Vahid Matejko's Sea Shanty Play-Alongs there are now the most beautiful sea shanties and naval songs skillfully arranged as an instrumental play-along series for recorder, flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet (opt. baritone T.C.), trombone (opt. baritone B.C.), violin, and accordion (piano).The varied arrangements have a wide stylistic range and offer echoes from rock, Latin, funk, big band to orchestral and Caribbean influences. Thus, each song has its own musical and instrumental appeal, to which the parts and/or solos specially composed by arranger Vahid Matejko also contribute. The original polyphonic choral vocals are replaced by polyphonic instrumental backings.Each of the ten titles was recorded live by excellent professional musicians and is available in two different versions: — a demo-track which features a live soprano recorder performance by the German specialist for pop/rock/jazz recorder Tobias Reisige and— a minus-one mix for you to play-along.
Furulyázzunk együtt! [Let's Play the Recorder] is for both teachers and learners of the instrument, for young people who encounter the instrument during their advanced studies, as well as anyone interested in learning the recorder as an adult, or who wants to refresh their former skill on the instrument.The volume provides supplementary material for volumes I and II of János Béres's Recorder Method (Z. 5406, Z. 7062): it contains recordings of the thirty-seven exercises, folk songs, and performance pieces found in the Method. In addition there is the music of many other exercises, groups of folk songs, and pieces, with their recordings. All the material is accompanied by abrief description which gives useful tips on how to overcome technical and musical challenges. This volume does not contain the musical scores of the exercises, songs, and pieces in volumes I and II of the Recorder Method, so the benefits of Furulyázzunk együtt! can only be fully enjoyed in conjunction with the Recorder Method.This volume is distributed in both print and digital formats. The audio recordings can only be found in the digital edition, but the printed edition contains a unique code giving free access to the digital edition.
SKU: BT.1627-09-400-DHI
ISBN 9789043131513. 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
A collection of original Irish songs designed for violinists produced following years of research. Ideal for concert performances or for private study, the songs range from fast jigs to quiet ballads. With chord symbols to enable performance with guitar, a harmonica or a banjo.Deze geslaagde collectie van oude en nieuwe dansen geeft je de kans om mooie folkmuziek te spelen. De stukken in Irish Melodies variëren van snelle, meeslepende jigs tot rustige songs in balladstijl. Om uitvoeringen met anderenmogelijk te maken zijn akkoordsymbolen toegevoegd. De stukken kunnen bijvoorbeeld worden gespeeld in combinatie met instrumenten als gitaar, fluit of banjo - die bijzonder geschikt zijn voor de originele speelstijl. De live opgenomencd bevat voorbeeldversies en begeleidingen van alle melodieën uit het boek, erg handig om mee te studeren óf om mee op te treden.Diese Sammlung von original irischer Musik bietet etwas fortgeschritteneren Spielern einen Einblick in die Schönheit und den Reichtum von neuen und traditionellen Melodien. Die 17 Stücke variieren von schnellen Jigs bis zu ruhigen Balladen und können alleine oder bei Auftritten gespielt werden. Dank der notierten Akkordsymbole kann man sich stilecht von Gitarre, Akkordeon oder Banjo begleiten lassen. Die CD, die neben Demoversionen auch Begleitungen aller Stücke enthält, hilft beim Üben und Vorspielen.Ce recueil de musique irlandaise permet d'approfondir ses connaissances stylistiques travers des airs irlandais anciens et récents. Les piéces peuvent être interprétées en associant des instruments comme la guitare, l'accordéon ou le banjo (symboles d´accord notés sur les partitions). Sur le CD inclus, vous trouverez une version de démonstration de chaque piéce ainsi qu´une version play-along.Questa pubblicazione di musica irlandese permette ai musicisti con gi qualche anno di pratica strumentale di approfondire la conoscenza stilistica attraverso arie antiche e più recenti. I brani possono essere interpretati assieme a strumenti quali la chitarra, la fisarmonica o il banjo (simboli degli accordi segnati sulla partitura). Nel CD incluso troverete una registrazione integrale di tutti i brani e anche una versione play-along col solo accompagnamento.
SKU: BT.HU3542
ISBN 9789043146722. English.
SKU: HL.49002249
ISBN 9790220120077. UPC: 073999878264. 5.0x7.5x0.065 inches.
Soprano recorder.
SKU: M7.ART-42167
ISBN 9783866421677. German.
Diese Blockflötenschule richtet sich an Kinder ab 3 Jahren im Kindergarten- und Grundschulalter und ist sowohl für den Einzel- als auch für den Gruppenunterricht geeignet. In kleinen, behutsamen Schritten lernen die Kinder, begleitet von ihren Freunden Lotti and Ben, spielerisch die Blastechnik und die Grundlagen der Notenschrift kennen. Die Töne C' bis D'' werden nach und nach eingeführt und ab dem dritten gelernten Ton sind die Kinder bereits in der Lage 2-stimmig miteinander musizieren. Im Download-Bereich können die Einzelstimmen der Lieder sowie eine ansprechende Klavierbegleitung heruntergeladen werden. So können die Kinder klatschend, sprechend, singend oder mit Bewegung die Lieder mit allen Sinnen erfahren. Durch das Mitspielen zur Musik haben die kleinen Anfänger zudem die Möglichkeit sich als 'richtige' Musiker zu fühlen. Der Kreativität der Kinder und Lehrer sind also keine Grenzen gesetzt. Musik- und Malspiele lockern das Flötelernen ergänzend auf und runden das pädagogische Konzept von 'Blockflöte lernen mit Lotti and Ben!' perfekt ab.
SKU: HL.49002251
ISBN 9790220120305. UPC: 073999365146. 5.0x7.5x0.069 inches.
SKU: HL.49013949
ISBN 9790220120091. 7.5x5.0x0.078 inches.
Carmen (Bizet): * Prelude * Toreador's Song * March of the Boys * Don Jose's Canzonet * Intermezzo * Smuggler's March * Micaela's Aria * Carmen's Dance with Castagnets * . * Figaro (Mozart): * Figaro's Aria * Cherubino's Aria * Duet (Susanna-Count) * Figaro's Cavatina * Aria of The Countess * March * Susanna's Aria * Barbarina's Cavatina * From the Finale * . * Rigoletto (Verdi): * The Duke's Aria * Love Duet * Gilda's Aria * From The Quartet.
SKU: HL.14047761
ISBN 9788850708734. English.
Arranged and adapted by Andrea Cappellari. Include Backing Tracks CD.
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